HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-11-27, Page 5• a .• 1 NOV411 27th 1941\N • • • H ' WCI N0111' 'SENTINEL, l:tlOT NOW, ONTARIO . 1UPPLEMBI I.. jvczoTE HISBILLIO ��`R • H•O is k STORY -,•, _... ,,e-.c•�.. �...,....+N.±cr....,+f .....r. .. �.x:3.•a,;..r•e-.x.•:.•ir-vo ... .c :.-�+-.Y•-^;.. _.. to Everywhere in Canada ; in villages, towns,";metro. politan centres you tan . find them. They are: the : eo ae 1,5oo OQb. s .rot .�'— .Y p p � t. :� in; r,•. . � . . every -walk of life who are building their 'futures `and doing their day -to day iiinancing..by saving or borrowing at the Bank of Montreal. Every member of this B of .M family has a hand in building the resources of the Bank, whip he builds his own future. These resources, which amount to nearly two billion dollars, exist ` almost entirely because of.. the balances these,p pl arslow..yountllc'i.. M, _uY a uapn ent an paY Is':men, : 7 'T�. Here are the dollars, that enable ;the B of M passbooks., This money does not., stand. idle for the building of, the nation, . Here,°is the moneythat i'na •es' the .-.. k the,. of commerce turn' . 'that helps the farpier .garner,his crops . that helps the lun bemoan .. it works constantly Bank to make more than 500 personal ' loans every business day of the • year to' men and women'who need;inoney to meet emergencies. and take advantageofopportunities. .•. • Here is the, credit that provides, thousands of business enter- prises .-- .f ron the. largest company to." the smallest one man show -; - with • the ready' money they need to buy . raw materials' for manufacture, to pay wages while awaiting returns from the sale of finishedgoods, and to carry out plans for expansion. To citizens, on salaries . to farmers with seasonal incomes • • to merchants, manufacturers, and businessmen -in.:even worthwhile line. of . endeavour . to muni- 'cipalities school boards and governments to:. churches; . hoS itals- and: -a11 -=types °-of public–institutions hundreds of millions of dollars are 'being lent by B of`M•: crlanagers. at more' than 500 ,branches'.from the Atlanticto the Pacific _ These mullions of ,transactions add `up to a 'billion -dollar`' • L .. . story that makes interesting reading.{,- not so much on account of the fi . ures involved; . but because of • the ; human 'stories' behind them., op, Ill I ■AA ggA For 130 years Canadians have put their trust in the B of M: Never in that time has the Bank• failed to .repay a :dollarleft in its care . never has it failed to open for /% business on a single banking day. • o". • • • M' '7WH14THE 9 of M HAS TO MEET ITS: OBIJOATIONS (91STI: The B,of M bas cash in its vaults and money' • oil deposit with the Bank. of • Canada amounting td . MONEY in the form of notes of, cheques on, ''a deposits 'with other: banks. 4:. INVESTMENTS: The B of M.: hasclose to one billion dollars :invested in. high-grade government . bonds ., and other public: securities,: which have a ready mar ,. k'et Listedotrthie Bankes books.ata figure rot gr""eater'; than their market value,: they amount to• ; ... TheB•of M haS Other bonds, debentures and 'stocks; representing to some 'extent the; extension ofr r; .credit.to•indi/strial enterprises for reconverSion:;and 1•Pir4)1 • •uo8 caitisauut F 'p sgni, ac{ &tuo fl M .aou „ ° 1stss8 apes;no SttV ' jpanut uoo .fir ''seotga' st Oojoept... ;tiasa:zd ' at,l;'. • • •d3iu>es o3 trxn3oa aana 0; .atcitssod: -Ant aq TIT* 3t a iatt ti 'uotteutui 1i61,1 Is;ej 0111 2uttioeoacdde ..;sej eatOtt; pue 'Ut ;tag . leoID ut asaot>t, pti8 asxotn, 1404 titM suotl. `45*Qa a"tnu tit 3tt saa''ItM put 'r3snWcz.::'�ap f3�e ' tte tions jaduto5 b; s1dU.1011 ;re.pue buy "tut ut%l; Ingstr►iM dtto sr 'poi uotutuon att; ..to; ' i ttl M dir.x union : jjt & uaw • 3Bq;: ptte 4gst jas Ajlua. oqur sr aim -3su ttau lit leg;' �r Num, �tto)aax .01 1TB saIdtotit.rd 9,tlsrtoioos asatt pa se goon • ase ; ';o 'tib ;ui•Tt)t1. • 203,696,837.69 136,768,245.65 057,8.88,826,81 WIIAT. THE71 of M, AWES .TO OTHERS:•: DEPOSITS; While many.business firms, manufacturers' merchants, farmers and people in, everytype: of ,•»„ness..•have large deposits with the B thebulk of the moneyon deposit with„the Bank is the savings of Imre than a million prorate citizens: The total. of all deposits is ... . , i. BANK NOTES:B of IM bills in''c'irculation, . which' ares • payable on presentation, amount to; OTHER' LIABIt.ITIES 1ldliscellaneous 'items, 'represent- ing -Mainly* commitments'Aundertaken bythe-Bank on, behalf of customers in their foreign and domestic trade' transactions. 3. . w $1,783,441,64741'• 4783,548.00 • t. 29,100,538.78 • GRplitin MIAMI NI/Of . esottm:, ..year 01.4 scle Wad .01 dri-AnorrO; Jesoyo e. tie eq molls sotii• , ptu TUR u urn 4.11e_ TeetS Was . that years later ariother, party nude. a death -bed eonfeSsion to • ucknow