HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-11-13, Page 5''T�iir tsday; November ,3: h, JI • yceum Theatre. Two Shows Each Night at 1.30 and 9;30 p.m. ThWr. sday J'riday, Saturday ER 1 141 O'VE.MB :5 JANE FRAZEE;• . MARSHALL 11 "CALENDAR :. GIRL' • Matinee Saturday at1200 p.m Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday. r �T. 1 Novenae.18..: .. ,9 • BUMPHREY, BOCiiART,. . LIZiBETH SCOTT in Adult Entertainment tainm ent .:BENTLE' Private' or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping .Services (Weeklyor.' Monthly) Typing—(Private,or Commercial Work): e !N ME T s' '' 36 R gent St., GODERICH Box 58 rhone.231-,,T `HE 'f CKN OW=-SNTfISTEL,..'Lt1C,(KNoVitr:aC I Z'AR1 --.� .... WAWANOS'H. SCHOOL AREA MINU"TES" 'November 4th, 1947. A regular meeting, of the 'West Wawanosh Twp." School •Board .in To,..,411,� berspresent, also Mr. J. H. Kin. - tread: Minutes '.of last meeting read and ,.adopted, ;on motion of Finnigan: and Forster. ' Correspondence froz» Clansmen. Club, Lucknowi. read, Moved by. Forster 'and -Finnigan -that Eldon Miller be out.. representative and moved by . Miller and Durnin' that Forster be our representative. .he'ch T . airman having casting vote declared "Bldon Miller elected.e, ."Bills to the arnount of $43;00 were. presented -and ordered paid• on motion of Durnin and "Finn - gan, Motion carried. Moved by hiller and Forster that ".secretary. . get in -touch with Mr. Blackstone and try and ar- range to 'have pianos of the .area tuned. Motion :carried,' . Moved. by Miller and Finnigan that We•deduct any time 'that;; teachers pare absent that does not comply .wi 7 school:law. Motion carried. Moved by .Finnigan ,;and ,Dur; nin that we adjourn. until the lst Tues. in December at 8 o'clock. Motion carried.' W A: Stewart,, Sec SIXTH .8z , SEVENTH l3ruce Co: Au�'.yr. �n {a+t.,. 4.R.hn+.+r-'ixnM.r-RiY.r.•n1}1a-. price to $2,50 are the. Port `Elgin. Times and the Mildmay Gazette, • tMutual, • • _. w.... ilk Insurance Offers More Auto Insurance, at IWER COST for Service and Satisfaction See Lucknow, . Ontario -. Also' ... Hpspitalization and Sick • and Accident' Insurance -Representative) lllutual Life . of Canada Mr. MacDo: ld : • '.c: home Monday at raoon:,with a bad cold. and `wasn't ` able "to` return:'.. to• school until' Wednesday. ° • The. two inspectors arrived. on. -Tuesday • and remained: for ; the day, •:inspecting the • school- and giving;helpftil.•suggestions to .the, teachers. *'*.' -Because'-of-the-teachers! •^ con- verition on Friday the High School was dismissed for'the day. *: *.*. Practise- for -the commencement is "still progressing., ; The Glee Club too is learning •its choruses. • ,t is expected •that'there will be• extra- studies ' started. oon.. These .might,', include music ap- •preciation,4drafting, art,work in; clay,, photography, dramatics and rifle practice:.. "` . •Teacher''A fool' can ask More questions: than •:a wise' man can answer 'Student: No wonder I. flunked the test!. . Prof: Young :man; are, you the teacher of this• class? Student:To, sir. .Prof; ..Then .;don't talk., like an. idiot. *.. • 0`h for.,the -•days, when a .wolf had four' legs, • a. line. was a'pencil mrk, a pick-up was a truck • 1 Are Yow IntereSted (o -Ops ` Within the next four we Bks a canvass will be conducted 'among the farmers of this' district and residents of Luck glow for membership and membership loan, units . en ,be-. half of the: Lucknow District Co. -Operative lncgrporated. If the canvasser does not call upon• you Within this ,per- •.rod pleaa'e contact Mr..,John 'Jamieson, .Managed .Robert. Eoaic, Sec:, or Mr. Geo. A. Richardson, Who , is in charge Of • this eampaign. At the Lueknow District Co -Operative Yncorpoi ated, or any of the Directory .' A Sound Investment •Iri Your -Own Business • By:investing •your money with Co -Op., you are not being asked to invest capital'in a new 'or untried venture, On , the contrary,. the Co-Olrerativc-hararrived at' the posi- t on osi-tion where :it is wellestabbshed: This. Campaign"'Is In Your Interests Lets • : � ,s Make It A Success . . See Thi Space Next Week; For "Our Progress LUCk�W: District C OBITUARY 1VIRS. ROBERT KEITH Mrs. Robert Keith, well known resident of Teeswater• for many wyra passed-away=>very su ly at her home on Thursday, (Yet- •ober 30th, as the result of a heart seizure, -- aq8 a ?'AGB FIVIi which he had ministered faith- • fully and wisely so many. years that the remainswere bbrne -'Margaret Gollan w,as born -on. the '2nd 'Concession of .Kinloss. ToWnship on Mardi: 24th; 1882, a daughter of Thomas Golilari and Katharine , MacLeod,. In 1909 she. was married to Angus Bruce MacLeod, who tailored; in Luck - Wednesday afternoon • to their final resting place in. Ripley cem- ,etery. The churoh was thronged tiFt o irritarbee— -his-par= ishioners.'and others -from_ the..dis- trict whohad ' valued hint, as friend :an counsellor. � ..-The service was • in �eharge' ofr the chairman .of Bruce presby- tery, Rev. J. C. 'utton' of Pine River, who was assisted by the minister of . St. Andrew's church, the 'Rev:: Stanley .Gibson. The fun- eral .oration was delivered . by his friend .and fellw oker. f an REX THEAIItE .LFIGCNOW owrom now; for",many years -and passed years:: the RPV. John C:''Nicholson away_ in 1912: In. June _ of. 1916 of ' Glenallan. ' Interment . was Cern,, etery, the remains:. being' .borne to, the last resting • place by Wal- 'ter. Walden;.' W. T. Roulston, Mal coin': .MacDonald, Rosg H.-Martyn of Ripley, Grant MacLennan of Kincardine .and W. E. Lawrence of Vapeouver,.:• ' Born .at Presque Isle; • Grey county on January. 2, 1871, son of Scottish forebearers, the late Mr. she ••was married to Robert : Keith who • predeceased 'her„• km April 29th, 1927.. •Survivingare two: children:. Kenneth t. MacLeod of ;the Nia garaoPeninsula, .and. Isabel• (Mrs, Chas. Good), Teeswater: There' are also . !three, sisters and one brother Mrs.. George McIver. of Ebor; °Man'; Mrs. George. Fraser, Reston, :Man.; Mrs. Mary ,Mac- I and Mrs: Donald -MacKenzie, -Nor - Dougall, .Butler; Man:,: and John man, MacKenzie received his, ed Gollan :of Kinloss: Three -broth- ucatiori in Wiarton . and Owen ers• predeceased her, Torn,•'K'en= •neth and Alex Gollan. ` The .funeral 'was • held at . the late ,residence„ • Teeswater, , on Monday,.. November -4th wrthtl-ins. • terment . in South ,Kinloss` Cem- 'thee time' mo,�ff ch.r a 'th union. in X .925. Cliff, Port Arthur and • Belmare,, before he came to Ripley.. On his retirement in ,1941' he :still co'n- t awed to 'supply' during the sur'- meb monthsat Toberniory, Coe ,Hill, Lion's' Head. and Glenallan, He spent his winters iii.Florida L • to conserve , his health.' .. Sound, As• a. young man he felt ;a call 'to the Christian ministry and he::. took . up his theological studies and was graduated.from Knox .College,,• Toronto. He serf ved the Presbyterian Church .till ficiated Pallbear • er :.; 'were: wee Messrs Ern- est: Chaffe, ° Harley. Colvin, Dan O'Mara,: Wm. ;Thornton, Albert Stu, tt of Teeswater,: and:Dan• T. MacKinnon of, Kinloss :..Flower„ bearers` 'Messrs. can Keith, , William Keith, Mac : Even so' there was- a ,tr i S a n. on Keith••of Tecesvv'atar' and•Alex. Mc- his Il sl ue and he entered- L'eod of .Kinloss ri. p y q cz hos pita? . in June and again• in Aug” Deceased was a devout': Presby ust. Though not unexpected , his. terian. -`'.Until.=-.overtaken -ill death. came as; a blow to. his by � many: health:. she was:. an, active 'workerfriend, s ,:•,• in . the various women'. • He •is survived by is' widow, s•organiza-? t•i n in o s both' ,•church and coin munmty; g • . MISS •JANET -A.. LITTLE Her. '' .tnan ' friends in the St: Y Helens,. community will' greatly regret to learn of- the.... death of, 1Viss Janet •A:' ;.Little which oc- c urged ttRockwood :. an: • Wmdnes- day,. October' 2"2nd. She had: been mil -for six inonths. Miss Little' resided at Rock. wood for the .past 29 years, hav the former:. Anna • Lawrence, of Creemore, a ..son, Allan, doctor of osteopathy;Kitchener; ';two. brothers,and six sisters:`, MRS LOUIS=GRANT •: 'pre death .Occurred in .Clinton on Sunday,' • October 26th of Mrs. Louas Grant; .-.an -els-teemed_ res -i dent of. the St, Helens' eommun- itya=for over a ;quarter . a cen- Mrs: Grant, who was 84 years ing gone' there from St. Helens. of age, 'was formerly Margaret '• . native : ofa. Scotlan d and—with her parents; Rev .and Mrs,•IShanda deceased her; _John Lttle, who have both 'pre- she and hr• husbnd, who, pe- . (,deceasedher •in1939, • were Like .her parentsMiss Little I mighty••.proud of their Scottish' hada great.'capacity; for •hospital ancestry. ity .and 'making friends and was patticularly# .interested. in .the work of the,, church,. affiliated °or- garnzations and in: the'W:.C.T.U.. .She graduated front° the .Dea•. cones§ , `raining School. cif, the' Presbyterian. Church in,,1916':and fora numnber of 'years conttintied inn ..this .work: at •Montreal,';and .7at the Indian School at -Billie,' Man., ! •retti ping ; to .Rockwood to `take care of the'hoine when: her moth er'.became 'too gill to .carry, on. She leaves to mourn ;her loss one 'btather, John A. Little, Met - Chant in Rockwood' and'two sis- ters,,,Mrs. J., D. Bell (Mary). 'of Rockwood' and Mrs. IL H. Rob - insoii , .(Myi`tle) of '. Toronto. The funeral :service was, con- ductedt ' in Rockwood 'United i hi n:Th•' by Rev. (VII:. • Ward. Miss Dorothy .Si nrnons• Of, Acton sang "Sunrise „Tomorrow". + The Wo-! men's Mission4ry Soaiety acted, as a guard of hcinor at the church•. and ...graveside; ; with :.members • of the group acting as ' flower. bear- ci' , • For ;sonhe time: Miss Little `had been` honorary :president of. tltc`Society . interment was in . the 'fatnily plot 'in Rockwoxl.'cernetery REV. C. N..4IacKENZIE The Rei C, Norman MacKen iii;, who guided' St'. `Andre'w's Un tted Church, Ripley. and` Olivet church !through the 'years ; which folli�wed church union until' ill health' forced his retirement from 'these'charges .died" Monday Nov- onr'bez 3rd in Creemore; where ho has resided the past fel' .years:• -TThoug! he ,served in many, charges, Ripley:vas. home to hurt. and it was frbin 'the church In • Friday, Sat:,, P onda� CHESTER MORRIS VICTOR y NLcI.AGLEN ..,ROUGH,. TOUGH Atli) Y N READY With Jean Rogers, Veda Borg, Robert illiam�s NEXLWED The. screen's sere 'hit. It ran. 60 wee way. ONLY ball laugh on . Broad 3 15 A .FA •_ "LY : _. Wath MARJORIE ' EYNOLDS CHARLIE Ry GGLES The housing sho �age: and .a bonus from the; tork, makes for fun to keep y• iii stitches :from • stork to fh, • Two films. will the " Rex Theatre "The Wedding :of cess •.Elizabeth a Mountbatten."" shown at SOON: :R.H.. Prin- L. Philli. t. p • Canada'some thirt years' ago 1 and. settled'''at St. , He1 ns, where he .was employed by t e late Thomas Todd. In dater - errs he worked. • for ; `other .farmer in the com munty, • ' Mi s'.'•Gparlt was, laid to rest:Y,: Greenhill -Cemete --on ` October 29th, the furiera service • being conducted by Re, G. M Newton: of St. Helens: llbearers were Colin' 1VlcDonal• ,, Donald Mc,Don� ald, Frardk .To • d -.Wm: Ruther- ford, ;;Will Mc. rostie.:•and.• Brown. ;Harper. Only survf . ing relative irk: Canada is 'a 'niece, Jane Robert. son of FOrestburg, : Alber.ta. • i • n;:'r: i•'• • aa. • Ai• Ir. . omeit0Ver:4�1. F • eel WeakiWorn Old . Want•Normal<.Pep, Vim, "Vitality :? Does'. weak, rundown, :exhausted condition mak..- •you feel fagged •'out :old? Try. OstreX..Contains • general. tonics, at niuiants, offs needed'after 30 of • 40. Su plies. irba calelum, •gyp osphorus, vitamin • B,. H s• you et wham! pep vim vitality. GeV•..' ePp 8 Ostrex. Tonic Tablets. Two a nominal sized.. Foy•, sale at all,; ood drugstoresev rvwher- • • .• Mr.; -and Mrs: Grant : Carrie to ,• • 4