HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-11-13, Page 4r; PAGE' FOUR;, .74.41 MW4E`II'! A ' UIMIMI ii '= 811' i' EN _ • • HE LUCKNO''R • SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO +r� o 1.L.AURIER HALL 11SQLD. BY " • AUCTION "..:. . insertion :cents._:a word,. substiequent ,�A�TT .ADRATES-=•1st. lose � cats, Replies. dare. insertions 1: cent a word. Minimum charge 25 , , P 'of The Sentinel '10 cents. extra. Legal , advertising 10; cents: . per count line . first insertion,5 cents' per line subsequent insertions.. bath PIGS FOR SALE -- 3 -piece 12. chunks HOUSE FOR. SAA � brick house,. 2 .apartment... and furnace in each .Apply Robt., Rae• Lucknow.. ' FOR SALE cor:bi tion break- fast reak- fast' uite•.buffet anchina ..cab•, ii`iet,; ::2 'four -bulb electrical :cell- ing fixtures;' • bathroom` .mirror with . plastic towel rack; copper boiler.. M .rs. Burton Roach, Luck- now. uck now. • around 75 lbs: Frank: *Own, R, 2, Holyroad , • F'OR SALE -.We still have a stock: p f > etCe posts for sale. The, Luck now' Sawicnill Co...FOR SAAL! Hand washer and wringer,. both' in good Shape. Ap- ply at The Sentinel Office: SPY APPLES, FOR :SALE—while they last, $1.00 .per bus. McGreg- or's Grocery,. Lucknow. WANTED. -- T h e: undersigned• wishes to buy a house `or. small farm place. Mrs- Ed Peltier', R. 1, Clifford,, Ontario. • • FOR SALE 2 two-piece snow. . suits, zipper. fronts, load' condi- • do Sizes 5-6. Mrs.G. Wagner,. Lucknow. I . SALE Good`; ,Cheer..circul- ator heater,' burns wood or • coal, •AUCTION., SALE' at Robert'Mc- Leans, Lot, 1a,' Con. 12, Kinloss ,Township on. Saturday, ' Novem- ber ,15th liobert,,MCLean, Prop.; McLean Y,pung, Auc. >a, -ir$O1"OVe nb .., 3th, rl g 2 DEP' Corpfi .broach LOST & FOUND DE.. _ durin Heade. Ri le , "Lib ' .. p y erals Donald B. Blue was re,eleeted : president of Huron and Ripley Liberal .Association at . a ineeting =Yt'eltt" :last -, week whlc�t=W; dressed by P S; . MacKenzje, Walkerton barrister. and press; dent. of .the -Bruce. Liberal As. A pair of rubber boots and a • military pin were addedg • the week to the varied collection Ir disuse for several ears, and ofound articles gat The in ed, safesrepairs, Latin er B Rfiec 1raSbeen d' os� of _ -uepat Sentinel ee -in Ashfield Twp oa a ed o : It went to Frank Hamilton ,toed into llilaxrvixz, Solomon's 'car auctioneers } Blue w .ld by someone" who apparently mist for $ 65, with Donald we>, " ing .the ,took the car for his gown, The • hall; which was opened. 1910, served the conlmu nity well for .many years ind was in fre- quent use. Inlater years !the erally.` used as meeting place, R ..$ Hetherington, K.C. schoolhouse became more gen- ,;a ,: - and• with: the school; now closed Barriste1, :Etc, ' � ham and' Lttel�ow' has 'completel`y taken : they place Wittig of the: ageing hall,: 'Arriong. those who contributed to the establishing of the hall and its upkeep' ,for some years were Harry MacKenzie, Dunc MacLen- nan, Jim; Bradley;' Wm. Kempton, Tom: Kempton, . Hec MacLean, Charles Boyd, Kenneth. .MacKen zie, Jack Jamieson, Dan'. MacLean :and .Many others; • The structure was erected, by a Captain Stewart who sailed the Great Lakes' at the.turn of .the ,� century: On the' occasion'7of h• -- being in the area,he ,met and later. .married. Duncan MaC'tenzie's'sis, ter ' and .erected a home forher on 'David Johnston's farm," As ttie family passed on tlie° .building was .purchased,by. the . Laurier group and ,.turned_ into a;, •cor*-, munity hall. AUCTIQN SALE• of., livestock iinplem nts' at Lot . 21, Con.; 6,. Kinloss Township on. Thursday, November 13th at L00 &clock. See bills for list. Dan T. McKin- •=noh, P op.; .Donald B. Blue;°Auc. • +CLEARING ;AUCTION' SALE of good, as new: Apply Mrs James '35 Durham: cattle (cows - 8z young 41j2 , mil south of ,Crewe, Friday;' FOR � SALE - 44,40• ,slide action.: , ' , 'T:.H:: None er 21st' at.;,2 oclock. Colt rifle in'good condition, 44.40. Culbert;, Prop.; .Well; .fieriderson, 'Winchester' -carbine rifle, lever' Auc: C, ,in good condition ° (with Shells). Stuart Taylor, Nile, R: 6, Goderich ' • The pin ;.is ,:an Army, Service 'aaleiation• IN LUCKIOW gac Monday * 'Wednesday Located on the , ground floor 1 in the front- of John 'Kilpatrick's Building': 'Phone Wingha>st - Office 48 Residence 97 Tit ►,.p C ' e,s GASOLINE vyash- ' ers, immediate Oelivery, • :fronr '•$139.50. • "Transportation•' prepaid, budget terms. Special discount to dealers.: Christian'$, Electric and Hardware; :Oshawa, 'Ontario.. :WOOD FOR; SALE--12-inch body, hardwood; 8 ' cord .\load, .440.00; limb ;woad,: 8 . cord load;. $35,00; •• •' Leave • orders with ;Ronald' For- ' aster, :Lucknow or : phone John' Falconer—Phone 384=J W1ngham. :FOR' SALE Kitchens range, Prin.=: at "coal and . :wood- with water reservnir;in .'good -shape: This ' Stove, was nbt in the fire. ' "Apply W S. Reid, Box166 , $Lu ck- nowe ` SE .MACHINE ' :SERV, ICE` Repairs to . all makes »--, work,; guaranteed-: free estimates Machines, electrified: Fs Mrs. ' d Belts. ' �.: A. W °'Hamilton wishes to Needles-anheartily.thank all those who •r`e .'Ageiats— membered: her.with cards, flow-' Wm, Murdie & ,Son's Hardware, ers, fruit,» etc.: and: with other acts ofkindness during herillness. , John ,Hodgkinson .:wishes :' to thank all those•'who::helped him, in any -way fo116wing 'the • fire. a .: 'few; weeks ago. ,He wishes to especially thank :two • village SSEWING .NfACHINES. - repairedl Expert' factory methods; • a l 1 Makes, electric or tr•eadle,;` .23t, years' ' expe_r•,erce. New machine results guaranteed regardiess or age or mike; 'Satisfactory work this . vicinity,for ' last 15 years: .. Government -licensed `Write C W The provinc"al .police are .an Craig, ,General • Delivery,L, uck• a now, Phone ;115-w . vestigating' wanton damage': done by a gang of youthf it :pranksters,: Ty t'said .to` be :from Goderich,.:.who f, AN OPPORTUNI I n- llal rural Watkins dis v�isifed' the ;rural• distri�ct.o Established eral Y. e e and broke: into sev 'liable.''If: ou are .aggres- low n tract avay schoolhouse's; chiefly in Ashfield, i. sive; and between the .ages, of 25 township:: .: and 55, ,have or can secure travel ' .Among the ,schools' visited were outfit, • this is your'''opportunity 'thoe a� Leeburn, ,Sheppardton,; to ; get established in a .profitable . '.Ki tail; . Dun 'an 'on, ° No. A Ash- -busines -o your.,o p:: _.c r' l re:ld"arrd G ley:• Wiiido . particulars .: write' today to`: The and .desks were. broken. and 1. R Watkins Company;; QDept, books thrown ground.. In' one 124,-2, 2177. Masson -St., ' Montreal, ' school varnish was poured on the keys of a piano and on the tea- Q ie ` ';cher's desk. gluten Banquet ;Nutt : Week'` • Mr. Brown Smyth, reeve' of West' . Wawanosh Townsl}ip, and Warden .'of Huron ` County,,: will.. be host, at the. warden's .banquet to be held in they B.ritish Ex- change `Hotel, tGoderich, on Wed-: n'esday of ;next; week POLICE' IN ESTIGATING:; HALLOWE'EN DESTRUCTION' '. ANDREW;: Barrister and Solicitor Lii.CKNOW, ONTARIO Office in the •Joynt: Block ' 1 • INSURANCE: FIR.E1, CASUALTY and'' AUTOMOBILE To'' Protect Your Jack Insure With Jack Today, J : A. ,McDQNAGH R:R. 3 ,Lucknow, • .Ont. Phone 61-5 'Dungannon Insure,. In Sure 'In•surance" -Confederation Life V�INp,• CAR, FIREPreferred Rates for, • preferred risks. ,' ACCIDENT & SICKNESS". . Co oratrs °Phone 82-13 Dungannon' Telephone Office 135 "'Residence 214 CARD OF: THANKS' ':'Phone, 10,. Luckpno y. •NOTICE ' RE LOGS ' As we. have -now .filled all bear` orders» for 'beech, lumber ..we: are. • therefore not in a positibn to .take any more beech Togsuntil fur-im steels .and ' ladies 'lames -who' gave h parcels then -notice. Mr, Well.; Henderson for his kind We. are prepared to buy' hard cess.: maple=,-- basswood, oft `Maple and. , . ('7' all other, logs except ;elm• and do • Mr.. and'; Mrs.. Nbrinan Stewart ' and • farimily wish to':acknowledge not :want.any elm before spring. thanks .the • many. We will pay. as 'good prices as with • sincere•. kind acts and 'expressions of sym- ever. for `first `class logs'. but are, • • • pathy • .shown ', by, friends. 'and not in the, market ` for,: any rough neighbours and especially the Jogs .of any kid: Call at our .of- Lucknow Branch 'of 'the Canadian fice • for full particulars. Legion, No '309; B.E.S.L. at - the The Lucknow' Sawmill Co:'. • ' time, of their.; bereavement.• raven when you us'e LIFETERIA LAYING MASH From • -► A.WFORD '► Feed Store Order, N. L. Hog Grover for Free Delivery, Highest Profit See our Jamesway • Poultry: Equipment. Tonics and Conditioners' 'PHS\E 11.. .1,tJCKNOIV,• ONTARIO �t���ke �'n: •c . i NN .. _� ri cKenZie iJARRISTER : & SOLICITOR _Walkerton; Ontario. N' LU,10,10W Eaeh :Wednesday `OFFICE IN • HENDERSON: SLOE$_.____ I INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE, FIRE' anif GENERAL '.INSURANCE ' . Be 'Sure .Tomorrow,' Insure. Today. T ' . KILPATRICK R. R 7, Lucknow Savings '. Bond Salesman 'Phone 77-r-2 Dungannon 1;OTICE ri..' •Unit of The Weft Wavtia osh. the Federation of Agriculture: Will. • hold, their annual' '. meeting,. on Thursday, November ,29th' at 8:00 'o'clock p.m. in the( Township Hall "':A11 members please; take notice. ' W. A. Stewart, Sec'y.. .• NOT.ICE COU•RT OF REVISION • A::Court ,o.( Revision on the 1948` assessment' cif West 'Wawa noshj�ownship: will, be :held' at the Township , Hall, on,_ Saturday, November .15th, 1947 at 10 a rn. • Durum Phillips, Clerk.' MAPLELEAS HOG GRO' Cwf: 53.25 R(E 1$ Per Cent ' Cwt. YMAS H $3.85. We have Poultry, • Hog and hairy ,CONCENTRA'T.ES • • ..:In,Stock NnNayso Bros., 91.-w, Lucknowi; , CCOUNTANCY°- Service for the Small Mer chant'Profess Tonal '1VIan and v the Farmer. In.Lucknow Tues., Thurs. and Friday. Office in Kilpatrick Bleck: S. J. P Y M Ni" F.O..Box' 74, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 23 ARMSTRONG •---OPTOME TRIS,T CKNOW. FIRST WEDNESDAY Or E.PI' C:H MONipo . from,: .10 a4n. • to` VM:,•SCHMID'S STORE If1 • ALL INSURANCE POLICIES ,LOOK MUCH ALIKE At •n time' • of 'loss: its service' a d. satisfaction. that..counts. ; . GIVE IT. WEA Ask Our Policyholders INSURAN( Established' 37 'Years; f Lucknow - Ontario For All Your Needs FIRE, CASUALTY, .SPECIAL RATES. FOR FARMERS' Ct1RS • lai;rns Q�uc`ICIy aitch Efficiently Adigged orf✓ Licensed Adjustor. Lining In the District. CA tewart.lnswrance AgenCY • • PHONE 8; 'LVCKNOW '