HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-11-13, Page 2.'"i�"ticr'■,:"'"• °i''!R#:tlrIT eMI Lir 1-1 *:
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week -end at er ome .ere.
Miss Edith Stanley and :her bro
ther Lawrence ,Qf London spent
the week -end with . her father,
. Milton -Stant `; r Wilson
>, d •Mrs: Madforcl BufterF,Aitch'ison•m-to- Miss •-Celia
Mr. and rs, Schmid and fan- ,
l bda L 'with:' :the tat-
tnr',. , „rotlaer, Mrs. J. Collins, Mr.
ing >,.• Clarke Needham whoa ;is
Mr. ,and Mrs.hDon McCos and
`family' visited: at the home of Mr.
'Tom Walsh, Kincardine, on Sun.
• Miss; Doreen Collins spent . the
MARRIED At. the Manse,
Whitechurch, by the Rev, W, S.
Sutker amid,-T-overicrher th. Jam
and family. 'visi'e ; ,.
Emerson's recently, happy years'.
•The W. A. of Chalmers church
Mss, Sara Keyser of London is held"a very successful bazaar, on
visiting at the • home of Mr. and 1 Friday of last week,
Mrs. J. H. Hall; Mr, and Mrs. Clarke and' his
sister from Niagara are spending
a: few days with Mr, and" 'Mrs.,
Lorne Johnston- and on Monday.
` .they°• motored ',to London and
spent the day there..
Mrs:, Clarence,.' Irwin spent: a
day ' w�,rith,Mrs. 'Victor Emerson
. last week;
•'. ;Mrs.% • W:• R. "arrier•'. visited , a
1. couple of days .with 'her': sister,
Mrs.' Sam: Reid, in Lucknow,
Miss 'Olive Terriff is .nursing.
Mrs. G•ilbert,:Beecr'cs"ft: for, Vie -past
week. . a
• Mr.. Ryan has the mill closed
for a few.•days• and isrepairing it;
Mrs. ' T. Lamb ..and daughter
Leon, alse Mrs. H. Tichborne 'Of
•, Goderich .called on...Mrs. :Kennedy
I,onFriday. .
. Mr,and Mrs.'E. ,Moore' of Tor
Ionto .spent the week-en'?I with
Mr. and Mrs.: T. . H.: Moore.
A modified form of power
Toning is • ern _ • p ' efieet
by:—The—H dro°— Elects e_F.9wer
tario. The rev.
Illations, whichareesigri"
Curtail . certain uses of electricity
went into effect on. Monday and.
will apply throughout ,Ontario:
wherever power is . supplied •by
hydro. This has become necessary
in order to help provide sufficient
electricity".for .full production `of.
industry and. agriculture;'
maintain employment.; :•
The use of electricity for signs;
show windows, , and ornamental
lighting for 'decorative. or .,'advar
•tising •purposes' is prof ibited. The
operaton of . air heaters, electric
grates, pi' electric boilers, used for
heating stores or 'offices' is pro-
hibited; .as is naso the lighting
of 'interiors of business .premises
after business hours, unless work
is being: done.. An exception will
be made for bank 'and 'other 'busi
nein 'places requiring light
'Protection. . '
The use ofelectricity for flood-
lighting of..parking lots, used car
lots, service stations,' 'out, door in-
dustrial 'premises. • and the ; light
ing' : of :marquees, entrances and
exits is. restricted to the', mini
}TI LTRS.y..110Y'EMl+► i►7thi ' iT if -
mum arnount' deemed necessary
irt; the 'interests .of public. safety:
The indoor softball semi-finals
t Thursday flight ' The use of electricity for in
-with the.'Monar& s'.an.' "fop=-"
meeting-in—their•-first- of ` three_
encounters. The monarchs ::took .a.
one, game advantage by ending
up on'top of •an 1.1-3. ;count.'In the•
nightcap the .Radars nosed ,out
Hacketts :by 9-8 in a closely con- and lighting -.for•: direction signs
tested ,battle to 'he last out Thus .and' signs' designating the 'office
"'• lifie� • to. `rripet� Dian_ of a medical :-actitioner, : .
gannon in'a` two out of three
Semi-final., seriesi
On Monday night the Clippers•
pulled up on eve : footing with:
the Monarchs bytaking,.their sec-
ond .game .,by. a: score of 8=6. Dun-
gannon: went one •up, oil .the,
'Radars by . a seventh: inning' rally
that wound; the :game, up .8 'to 7.
•' Due to other activities 'on' Tues
`day night the .:games: scheduled
for that night:' Were carried. over
to •,Wednesday night when •;Mon-'
arcus and Clippers met.in their.
-•-deciding--eneou_rrter—and- and:''buuiness• nen dome --r par
Radars :and Dungannon in : their: by . savnige eetricnJ-- 'w
yhere' er
EISEGv "y Li tra0 .
erior: • omes ie' purp• es""
<hpsptaTs i snot-,.: rohibited under
the Regulations, nor is• ai
lighting •of airports,,, lighting for,
police and fire services .and .'pro
tectiorl, •lightihig required by'law •
Agagewswanangssmumi Radars qa2 , 1
watching the, men at work on ;his new barn,
Jim thinks of thefriendly talk he had with
his bank manager. "I've got good land and
can,work it. With°agli°ttle extra stoney I can
really make a dream come true..
So' jm got kis, bank loan. Soon, there'll be
new ffrm equipment ....improved livestock
• , a well filled granary... More work for the
community, More farm' products, more .food
for .home and export.:
Helpingpebple in all walks of life, to profit
from their' `own enterprise and industry is
of Canadian banks.
one of the chY�ef�f actions
1. Provision} is made whereby the
Commission may • grant exemp-
tions, under the Regulations. It is
contemplated ' that such , exenip
tions will' be -granted. only, where
public healthb and safety are, en-
dangered. ;
The Regulations .. Will' provide •
oily a part yof :the' savings • nec-
essary.: to . maintain' full eMploy-:
anent: it is,.therefore; vital„ that
a 11 consumers, homemakers,
workers, farmers, storekeepers;
On a set of. the new Firestone;
�"'�""fie Luxe Charnpi ns and get
en'.ore miles :for your. tire"•,.',
dollar'' than .before. Why, not
• drop : in arid te • us to-doy?
second game, 'which will :page the possible.
way :for the :finals to* get under=
way next week in .a:' best of three
• I;
At a '',second .hockey meeting
held on Frid y: evenng,.,the exe-
cutive Was preVaiied upon °to re-
consider its, previous resignation
an'd: remain in office: A ;Motion,: •
carried at. the. previous meeting,
requiring' $200 :to be left in the
• .Club account at' the' end .of the
season,' was, 'thrown .out" so that
no string% will beattached. to the
operating of • n Aritermediate
team • this. , win'ter. Plans Were
Made to canvas' for funds: to buy
new tiiniforms. •
The annual meeting "of the Wes:-,
tern Ontario, Athletic. Association,:'
Was held' ,in : Wingham last Wed-
nesday ' night, .when Tory Gregg
was •re; elected• president •for: his
fourth .term. •
Since its foundation in Dec'em-`
ber,..1944, the: W.O.A.A. has• grown
steadily;, and . statistics : showed
that ,•69 hockey . teams operated
last season, ' with 137 , ball teams;
composed 'Of '3,000 players oper-
ating this past "summer; Finan
clotty,' "the organization ' showed
receipts' to date at• $1,705.16, with
a balance of $1,410,5$ on hand,
included • in this were bonds in-
vested at'$1;0o0
During the course of the .meet'-
ing, plans were made' to operate
the following series . for: this .:sea-
son:' Intermediate hockey, .A & B
series, A: for towns and villages •
over 1,060 population, ',the latter
• for paces of 'less. than. 1,000 pop-
ulatidri,• Juvenile .and,°midget, A
and B series, bantam and. pee.
wee;' Junior groupings may'.a1so
be . in the offing Should' enough
entries warrant such. Girls hoc
ley is to be set aside ,.his/season,
Miss `,Grace Mason, Goderich
nurse; • was seriously: injured on
Tuesday; :when.- a car ,driven. by
Miss: Alina Solomon of •Lucknowl
skidded.. 'on .wet .. pavement and',
:crashed --into 'a::,brdge: The car,
'owned, by Lakeside Motors, was
•demolished Miss Solomon, escap=
d-:seriotis injuries grid as taken
•herLboar ding. hose ln; boder
` dies•
I4 -free S'ice
T n E o ft x of ,burying :telephone ' w;fires or placing them
in yr overhead'cable continues year after year. Tod}, over
iur total, are.n•
° 4 million miles of telephone wires, 95% of
safer from• storms. Service interruptions :caused, by
weather: •are fewer, and stili our constant. aim. is^rte .l;r0vide
even better service.. "
Not only is our service . becoming more ile►Tnciable•,
but itis growing, too. Te are filling orders for 'telephones
just as' fast as new equipment ' is available. Mare tele honeB
plus 'more dependable service and always at the lowest
possible cost—mean telephone value forever,'