HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-11-06, Page 6PAGE SIX •
Offers. You
—'-`�-'i1�t��e;t'� i�°�dei�-�B►elt� . �u
• Also Guaranteed ;Repair 'Service.. .„
W- e ~ om smart'•Sin er ,Models available,
e have so.. _e _ _ g •
rite or P'
hone us`:and• have us, call at your. home.
. �
Fav.\%\\\\•••.• \\NA\•\N'••••••••••••'‘••• NN'\s' \
Mr:,. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson
• ..and; 'Mrs. • Claude Dore spent. a.
couple 'of • days i Toronto last
week; : i
,Threshing is almost completed
no awaiting -a
em to pre;
owing: The
eather was
`Mr.,-& Mrs.
e arrival, of
and•'farmers are
good• rain to enable
ceed with the fall.
ae'r last month • of fine
ideal Mr harvesting''
• Congratulations to
Burton, Collins 'o, t
`a. baby -girl, , .
Misses . Let and- Ada -Gawley
visited at' ' Mr.' Victor Gawley s
on ;Sunday.` •
a ound the. Grav
A London -Free Press •feature
entitled "Your Teacher", con-•
tained• a picture and ' sketch of
Miss. Audrey. MacMurchy in 1VIon-
aylsmed _,..s _-ac uchy
ta ,
years and - in .September com
menced , her new duties oat S S.
No, 14, . London Township, Miss
MacMui chy. was educated at -nip,'
ley Continuation School and gra-
duated. from London, Normal. in
'' .The sketch read in -'part; "Her
ability, as a, pianist, and .the fact
that. she, can, teach. music to the
cosmopolitan • uieihbers; of her
school hasn appealed to the musi-
cal sentiments, of her. German,
•Hun ari:an' , and : Relish charges,
and they willingly, struggle tiro
arithmetic andspelling for. are-
rie Colwell, .visited' : at Mr. Don
;McCosh's • on Sunday.
• Mrs. Will Walsh;, 'Mrs. Victor,>.
•Gawley and Mrs. George • Emer
son, Jr., spent a day, in. • Kincar-
On Saturday of last :week Mr.:
and Mrs, George; •Ei Terson 'Sr. ob-
served. their 55th wedding . anni-
versary. • We join with their, many
friends in extending our : most
hearty congratulations, I' •
Mr. and" 'Mrs. ,"'Jack Emerson
visited.- with Mr.. Dan' Gillies of
• Messrs. Mack and Kenneth 'Mc-
Donald .are ,visiting•, :their aunt,
Mrs:., Elbert Bushell;. "• •
•i; •
Miss Shirley` Colwell' visited'
relatives. • • Lieutenant pHow did' you' :hap
,yes the week- - rid.;" , pen to oversleep this:- morning9
— _ aril fatriily; MY:; --and Mrs Toren" nus .in :the .barracka-a-iiif the alarm
Walsh. and .family, • also Mr.' Cur- clock was -set for six.
Rev. . 'T. .Dunk, pastor of Dun
gannon United Church,' who came
from •Sygnet, Ohio. °in .July •to
take. over ' thepastoral duties ~ .of •.
Rev. W: J: Rogers who moved to
Blyth, has' tendered phis resigns-
tion due to poor health. -Dungan-
non, Port Albert and .Crewe .Uri=
ited 'churches were his pastoral;
•char'ges. • . • k.1
Mr: And Mrs. Dunk will move
latter' part•'of •this month to
igan ;w' ere mem • ers,,oz Ineir
family reside,
K I NIL O 1 H RIED •25 ' TEARS.._:_•.
On Thursday evening the home
of • Mr. and Mrs. James Hodge
was' the scene" of a., happy' gath
ering when neighbors and friends.
met to honor ' and shower with
.-gifts- ..andMrs. Chas. Hodge.
-rorn Pg=a . -
snake their home here. Mrs, Mil -
•.ton Walsh was chairlady for- .a
short • program which consisted
• of Community- : singingt- --guitar
numbers by Mrs:J. Hodge, read -
fags by Mrs. James. Hodgins, Mrs.
W, J. McLean and Mrs.. Perry
•Hodgins. Mrs...,Charlie Hodgins &
Miss May Boyle sang a duet..Mrs,
Wesley Thompson„then then read an
address to the newcomersextend,
• ing• a welcome , and wishing them
the best of everything in their
new home 'here: Mrs. Jas. 'Boyle
and Miss May'Boyle assisted` with
the gifts' and ;Mrs.. Charlie Hod-.
.gins read the attached. verses. Mr.
and Mrs. Midge then• thanked
everyone' for • all their ' kindness
td them and, all sang For they
are: jolly good', f elloWs, M. and
Mrs. Hodge,received many lovely
and ° useful ' gifts for their new
home as well as jars •of fruit, and
pickles, •' and packages of •,liege
tables also. Mr. Hodge is : employ-
ed 'with••Mr. Ernest' Ackert, at
Holyrood arid;on Tuesday .he and
Mrs. Hodge look up. residence in
the apartment over. t'he. 'Institute
Hall at ' Holyrood .
'Following is. the °address:
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamil
of • Paramount had. their 25th; '
wedding; anniversary fittingly
observed , at, .a surprise party at
the .home 'of Mr; and Mrs, John
ou: neig •ors, and rela-
tives were present to honor ',Mr,
and Mrs.: Hamition who were pre_ 4..
seated with a purseof money,." and
nun roux 1ovelg gifts -
The folloii ring verse accompan,
ied "Aunt Maggie!s'IL expression of
best wishes.'•
. i.
I was a guest • on your wedding
night; (t..
•IIVh'en, a� host friends 'gathered
to start you off: right. • . • •
Now. as you mark this ,specta:t
cecasion, . •
Twe n't -fve years h: to et er
g, with,
out separation, ••
:1 extend my best wishes to, honor
' the, 'day, n
With the hope for` smooth sailing
the.rest'of the. way. • .
Mr, John Mowbray • Spent a'
week .visiting with his,sister, Mrs,, :•
Bannerman of Teesv. ater and 'also •
his:.daughter; , Mrs.. Wesley •Legg,.
gat of -Winghain,. • • .
A. Hallowe'en •social was .held
last Tuesday •. night in the `Pies-
byterian•• church. .Some :.were in'_
costume, games were 'played,•ands, •
lunch served and a good time ez
to 'y.q y •
Mr. Walter James,had::the tele-.
phone installed last week, 402=r=4
Mr and : Mrs 'J'ohn °Hayes ••of:
Detroit visited last week with
iVir., and; Mrs.. Victor 'Emerson :and
other relatives: •
Mr. ai Mrs. Albert :.Co
.and family . spent, '.Sunday
Mr. • and. Mrs. lsiornrian Goultes
near - -
- Mrsi'• Nettie Kernohan who has
been. Visiting here for tie sum=
/tier with 'Nix...and. riFrs:' , 'icto•r
Emerson.'and..•other'.relatives• left
'Tuesday '_of this 'Week • '.for • her '
none in Vancouver; " B.C.
o' •
'1VIr; • and Mrs. V. Emerson spent
Sunday- with hei sister, Mrs: xuil-
sell 'Ritchie and Mr Ritc'rne 'of
• .477 Hailow•e'e r aot.�ial
Saturday afternoon:"in the United
"You bet it does, son. You'll soon*,
rasing down the old college gridiron.
"Will'I• reall. go to college, badly?'?
'You certainly will . I'm making
sure of that, now.•Muinmy and I've. got-, •
a Savings ,Account', at' the Bank' of. .
• Montreal that.'s growing just like•you.'
Many Canadian fathers—• rhether
they had: the chance to :go to ;college
is themselves:or not—are now 'saving at '.
'1 , the B of M ..,..making sure their sons
will: have' •that. opportunity. They've
• li
AN K, ;O
Lucknow. Branch;
lea ed•` front experience how; helpfuh
sound education is' to real success ' in
life ' . and they know that a Savings
Account at the 13 of M•is:a sound'wa
to provide for it
Your son's • Col-
lege 'education. is too.
important to' .leave
till tomorrow. Why
not start. • a Savings
Account at: the Bj of
M 'today and ,make
'it grow with' him.
ON1 R1,AIL___.
A. THOMPSON, Manager
¶.r:t.rrr r1tb,C*.sd,taN
.r:.ry. walk .f`ftl
.'. *
wiii hT'' who
braid ybait *Din
16l tsw.n» sah beinhlrs• .
*et til B •f NL Yer uia i.
NMI ammo
si'��• 1$17
dl -• 1
It its with a greatdeal•of,.pleas-
ure`that we ;have °'athered .here,
this evening to have a social time
in your hOnoty and to .welcome
y.ou to : our community.: W e• real-
ize it. has taken ,.considerable
courage to leave the land- of your,
birth and to comes into our fair
Canada td take up residen'ce and
make your ,new . home You..will
make.- new friends here. and we
hoje 'many •:lasting ,friendships.
We want` yon. both to'; take • an
• active part in all "worthwhile en-
deavours'.in this 'community and
we trust you; will •, truly say" 'It
is the best 'place yet".•
• Friendship' is a lovely thing :• ':.
And at a tine' like . this
— Affords 'an ,..opportunity we
really ,couldn't ;miss;
To. shower you ?with little gifts
That : Will. hello : set up:. your
hon .
To show you .neighborly :kind-
nese ;
Which from everyone has come
gifts'and '• be _one. of., us, 1 y lady, G1daStapleton, Gaulle gent,
` a:.,,, � ,• . t Jack,' Cd:ultes' �cou ' le ; Mi. a d
Holyrood Friends • Mrs Groskor.th. Judges woi e 1Vlrs.
W. R Farrier, and Mrs.' Fo
Church.. Miss Marjorie Co_ultes re
ceived. a • prize • for fancy Iady;
• Anct we ask you to accept 'these 1 Roy, . James. for fang` boy; carate
—Your New : i(inlough .�a nit p -
• Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Wray Pinriell of Toronto on the
:'arrival of,' a .baby. ,girl,a ,little
sister ' for Tanis. . .
Miss Veronica Murray, student
'nurse at f.St. 'Joseph's Hospital;
London, spent the :week -end at
her home';•here:
\: • Mrs, 'Cliff Corig'ram;, Dale •and,
Brian moved to Tara this'week.
where they will reside. Mr. Con
gram' has' been there for some
time engaged: inc .the ,barbering.
Mrs. E. •Jaines 'spent a•''day, in
London: during the past week visa'
iting fri'eiids.
•Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinnell and
Mildred and thelr. uncle Mr. T.
Bradley, ; moved• 'to '' 'their now
horrie north of itincardine:
MTs. 'James Hodgins,' Mrs. Tom
Hodgins, Miss • Edna Boyle,. -Mrs.•
Perry Hodgins,Mrs., ,Ed James.
and Miss May Boyle Attended the
Warren's Institute: convention on
program' planning. at Carnegie
Hall, Lucknow . on • Friday last..
Mrs.: Duke from`, the Deparim.ent.
was the' guest speaker.
Members of ' the Percy 'i farnily
attended the golden wedding 'eel:.
••ebration of their aunt :and. uncle,
Mr. and . Mrs. Neil" MacKay at
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ,Halclenby
and family 'spent , Sundays'. with
Mr. and Mrs.. Howard McGuire,
Olivet.. '
Mr. and Mrs: John Me 'ayden
and, Ronnie of Tivertoil'visited oft'
Sunday evening •with Mr.' and
Mrs. Milton. Walsh.
Mr. , of
and Mrs, E.of
ear Tiverton moved to .f he vill*'
this ` week.
• • Fox.
Gaines :were ;enjoyed, lunch ser-
ved and a social, time .spent by
We . were shocked to hear. of .;
the death 'sof. MrFred •Clubb in;•:..
Wing1 am ,Hospital on. Monday 'of:',;
this ,' week, He• -had . been in thea.
hosptal w.for • some .time but .his
'death was unexpectedi • •His 'par-
ents were 'highly esteemed,. rest=•
dents of the, village for •a slumber
of years.
Mrs, Jack Jackson,. r'tturne:d •
home .from Loddon' hospital:.'We•'
hope for steady improvement:
A quiet wedding was solemn-
ized at- Ale United Church Par-
sonage, • Holmesvil e,• by • ftov, C.
Tavener..at .1.00'. .m.,' Satur'lay,' ..
October '.25th, " when Shirley
Frances, youngest •.d•aughler .of
Mr. and Mrs. James E: Culbert
became the bride'•of :Mr. Gordon
' , • : gest' .son
Barlcwell ,Brooks youii
of Mrs, .George :Brooks and ..the
The ;bride wore a, street lengt
dress of rose : wool jersey with
black—accessories.: •Hor.'corsage
was Joanna Hill roses: '
Mrs. Roy Teeft, Dunnville, silt'
ter of ,the bride, as matron of;
honor,,,- Chose a ` turquoise, wool
jersey dress • with' black acces- •
sories. Her. corsage .was Talisman
roses. The groom was _:attended
by Mr. Roy Teeft.
Followitig the ceremony a vied
,,. the
nner . was :served . at
Park. Housed Goderich. Later Mt.
.and Mrs, Brooks• left on a hone.
Own, ;;Detroit, .Niagara Falls -
and other .points, : •: •