HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-11-06, Page 1� s $2,00 A Year -Ip Advance 50c Extra to YJ. S, A, 1 • SART ACC ON HALI.OWE'E. N The.•secondannuel•Hallowe'en party . held in the 'Arena on Fri- day ay might was a;,big .success, With. young andold enjoying ,the, • ening. There were score. updn,' .''score .of little and big folk in, oostunie,: and made, the task. of •the judges' far from enviable.,' 'They were Mrs;:J.'W.Joynt, Mrs. d Collyer and, . Mr. , Simo ...l'Wes. • 1e . • , :, • ..The. event opened" with' a col- -caul parade, to the Arena; head- ed by' the'eostiu ed High School . At the arena free popand ' Band,. " hot dogs were served the .child- ren; 'with an ice cream cone an added • treat by courtesy of Sil- verwood Dairies,, Lucknow. The party 'which was under- , Clansmen' ,direction was 'sponsor- ed by.:The Corporation.' of the Village .of • Lucknow; : Fire • ,Com= 'Pony, Leg'ion,.:Business Men's As= sociatiori and The Clansmen, with total .expenditures •. considerably exceeding $100,' Costume: Awards Pre=school' children = Linda .Crawford,. Jimmy.Brewer public • Billy Mather s, George Anderson; girls, Grace Huston, High •school,•`•boys,., Jack McKim; • Elmer: .• , McKenzie; • Gwen Stewart, $ h.j•r 1 e y Johnston • couples,: Mrs.. 0. McCharles ' fiver McCharles •s. Mr W.• :Smith A an M C arles; comic, girls, Ab Winnie Stewari, boys A rpt .uaiiei, George vv eu Lei ; .''nmol., .Edith , Marsl .a11, . :Betty. anirrial. - Johnston, representation; Nanc y H'ughie• MacMillan; Fancy; gent, . :cam MacDonald,• Mac' MacLenn an; ;lady; :Jean. Ann. Richards, Marlene .MacLennan;: Comic,.gentKent Hedley.,; Bobs Mowbray;..aady;:, Caroline. Gibson;" • Ruth Johnston; ; tricycle;, .Bruce•: Baker, Robert Treleav n: ., � .. _ ; -:. • _, a : bi�Ylcle Art Baker; Races` . P.re-school, • girls,Nanc 'Irwin . .�_Helen_„Reid; boYs,Pau...'.l TomCoi-:girls 6=7,,_E..,mkzerl i”n . _ Joyce Me, Nain,' 'Elizabeth Alin: ,•Webster;•• boys, 'Billy Fisher,.. Harold: •Far_• rish, Roy Ezrrberlin ''iris 8-9; Ros' elle' Howald,.,K'aren ` Y Reid; 'bo s.''. Reid; , ':Bob Mowbray, Kenneth : Hod kin.: son;.•girls,. 10-11; Caroline Gibson, Donnabelle,Irwin 'Glad,ys.Kilpat- rick; r.._ .p rick;, boys,. Billy Mathers; Roland • Jose'yn; girls, 12 and,•over, 1VIax- ine Irwin, Gladys Gibson; boys, Harold ` Howald, Don ' McNay; wheelbarrow, ,.Berkley . Blohnert 8i Elwood Irwin, Art Baker and Al• Irwin,• horseback . Elwood Irwin and Alvin Hodgins, Harold How old: and' Arthur Hawald; .3 -legged: race, boys, :Berkley 'Bohnert and.. •Ewood Irwin, George Anderson'. • and Billy '1,1a'thers; _• girls, , 1VI �•''= ' 'garet Chin and Wanda Scurrali, Gladys Chin and Caroline .Gibson. POSTMASTER , APPLICANTS TAKE: EXAMSTODAY 'Eight Y Ei ht g applications filed ': , pp• ations have logien, for'• the• position' of postmas- ter; in -.Lucknow,: 'to succeed 1VIr. H J. Lindsay. Candidates: will try : their. or al • and 'written examine- tions this' Thursday afternoon in:, the . TOW/1;1E111 Underwent Operation After a 'six 'weeks'' illness, Mrs. Ed Thorn•; was taken:.to Victoria Hospital, tendon'; • on Friday. niglit for .•-observation • and: on Monday `i7iornin - operation,g, underwent an . gall stones, with. Dr. Cr acfor e the ,surgeon. She .. is making quite, favorable progress.•. .Anoi;l�rc. St Helens • district, xecently � undergo• an resident to Operation 'was IViargairet,, Miller dayughter Of Mr. and , Mille r w Mrs, liJldon , . o .;had her appendix ° removed. in •Winghani.. Held S The uccessful Bazaar the. Women s Association ;',of United Church held' a very' successful bazaar �.. , . _ r. last ��aturday>.' almost et' proceeds alio ing•' to $20o. LUCKNO W, ONTARIO,; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 ... • EIGHT 'PAQts. MODERATOR AT WEST 'OAST OVER THE WEEK -g.&15. • , Rt. Rev. Chas. H. MacDonatd, Moderator • of the Presbyterian Church, ..'in, : Canada,the spent -' w .eele .end ,at the West -Coast.. OnM :Sunday ' morning ,he ,.conducted_ services in, Cifilliw;ack.: That• e'v� ening he 'preachedi•in. Vancouver. 1Iiunday was spent in Victoria and. cn;Tuesday he was back• in. Van-' couver attending Presbytery. ^ :• Rev-M;acD'onald will now conn= mnce ei' , ,his 'eastbourcl .. ;tri �t at will' bring hirn to' his horrie he :•e in December; WARDEN'S BANQUET AT NOVENtB'ER .SESSION ;The November session of Bruce •County .,Council is now in pro= gress at. Walkerton,- with: Warden. 'J, W. 'Joynt of, i., ucknow.''presid- ing. A :feature of_ this' session is the wa,,rrden''stbanquet ;which' will beheld this. he t s evening (Thursday). • with Mr, •Joynt as' host' to over 'one hundred ,persons, including' members of : county.' 'council county offici its ••:and guests. LEGION FUNERAL FOR- • 'TUESDAY TO BE CIVIC.•_HOLIDAYY Remembrance Day To •Be• Obser- :ved• As ,Holiday —Legion Plains 4.4k4-brance Day"terviiee- To Hold Annual .Dance And Draw' That• Night. With z the. proyal' of the exe- :cutive of:•they Business •1ylen's As- sociation, s-sociation, and. the 'locals branch of the Cainad.ian•Legion,'Reeve .J, W Joynt. Pias roclained: Reme'rri lbrance Day, Tuesday, November l lth, a , civic holiday, and calls on all ' citizens to observe •it=:is such. • and' commended. to attend the ,service: df con-rmeration that morning. • Service At Anglican Church • The Lucknow B' arich ' of the • I11 for. several weeks iii Wing= • ,harm Hospital the' death ocurred there on Monday .of Alfred James.: Tubb, He was. in :his 52nd, year a.nd':'for. ` several years made his •home in :Lucknow 'with. his i;sister ,. Mrs. No:rman'. Stewart and Mr. Ste—v art: •' • Fredas .. w a Veter an �o •WtSritl f the 1 egign hadacharge of .the funeral service on We:dnes, day, held'- at.,-Johnston:e'•s •FunX gi:ail. Home 'arid •cortd•ucted.A•y' Rev. W. S ..:Sutherland'' oC '„V4xhi'tc.chur.cl>, padre of, the local branch: linter.-!:. anent w•as.,in•,,Winghani'Ceri etery. SHOWER .MONDAY FOR., 'BRIDE. /Miss Celia Wilson; °only'•daugh tear- of Mrs,' J;`. J. ' Vuilson of; town , was guest of hono.i -at a rriisccii- aneo:us shower..,. at.the 'home of: Mrs.: Sarni McQurilin On •Monday night.:. F-i•ierids • and. neighbors. were present for a "very.pleasart social ': evening; dining . which Celia was made ,•the• recipient .of many lovely' gifts. Hei . marriage will take :place` On Saturday. E D:. DISCUSS N E O E `• T ..E :iP�. N FIR E U M a At the .November meeting of.. the. Lucknow : Fire Cornpany, the' need for • some new 'and :more Mode. quipment for fire fight- i With ' lie dei Was iscus e d wth t w� s vision; reached to- inform th ill age`Council of`the esiien;tial needs which •could' be su pplied 'without a major 'outla'y•. Some new,`hose isp.needed; and.,.: r itis proposed : -to, purchase:.11(2 -in hose, ' rather than the 21/2=int` size now' in use. 'The hose is. much' easier,. handled.., at a'ladder' fire, and can Abe handled on .a • I START INSTALLING u NEW LIGHTING SYSTEM Material' and fixtures have ;ar. rived fon; the installation of 'a, new lighting system .on ° Main: Street, and work will get underway:, this 'week. 'A new reflector type, globe -will suspendedfrom extension• arms .and the bulbiistrength.:step 'ped up from 200,10' 500 watis. ..HAD LEG ' AMPUTATED• q Mr, and Mrs . J. IVI, Greer ha received word that Calvin Bog'u • was recently involved, in a stre car accident in Detroit`, • when was ' "run over, . suffering injuri that• necessitated the. amputat' .of a' leg, s e s• n Canadian. Legion is planning for W', I, DISTRICT RALLY. AILD I•IERE. FRIDAY the,: Eer ierribrance ..Day service that morning..: Members of the Legion, the Ladies Auxiliary,: the Girl *Guides and Boy Scouts' will parade . to the Cenotaph; for the 'placing of wreaths and' the. .ob-. serv,ance of the .pause of remem- bran,ce., at 11 'o'clock.'• From,''ther�e the parade .will.' move: on to the Anglican Church 'for a Remem. t'he• Ministerial Association... • Dance And Draw At Night. That'':evenin'' in' the -T g •; own Hall, The Legion olds its'anniial ;dance • and '.. ri dra ' p �e w .Music .will be provided :by •. 'airier'•s .Orchestra. There .will,. be_• door.. prize and a lucky' dant' rize.. e.P•. At. i .ni A and the n ght . grew will be i G[ e '•Ir :ace la .� 1C dot, c 1�5.�,..•i ��i� znnei:,; et . tril:i ht.toilet. set*,,and pyrex •set. Prizes i e ._ tins Ta a Ritchie's `Barber. Shop. arid tick-: ets -are .available fit a11: Merz_, bci s chic dance . on Tuesday. Y ni: ht tt itildraw"time. COMING` EVENTS L DANCE. AT .LANGSYDE • The '.K -C Country; Club will sponsor a. dance •in Langside For ester's 'Hall, Friday, November. 7ti ::_ 'i'iffa�i's. .if cl estra I unnch.. counter iii•1iall. Ad'iriission. 40c DANCE AT ' VHITECHURCH A dance will be held- in White=. church; Community 1-lall on Fri .dauv, November•: 8'th•with Farriers orchestra: Lunchcounter. Admis sion:.Genu, 50c; ladies:25c• • • 'HOCKEY MEETING FRIDAY A:.hockey meeting will be held • in ' the Town .Hall; Lucknow; on Friday, ' November "7.th ; at': 8.00 o'clock. A good .turnout of hockey' .p:layers"`and..fans is requested., • ,. :BAZAAR & TEA The : Ladies', Aid will hold a bazaar and afternoon • tea in- the: 'Coinrnunity. er orial '. Ia11,' at, Whiteciurch`•on •Friday, Novem ber . 7th. DANCE' IAT 'LUCKNO-W : • In Lucknow Town;Hall,<:Friday, .November 14th, under W. I au$ ices . in `'and •.of the Community Recreational Centre.""poor; prize and prize " for "Institute member coming the longest distance, • ✓The •2'!i -in; hose..wo'uld'still:,`6e used. It' would: be laid' from the hydrant,; •and a 'Siamese coupling .attached from. ,which two lines:,of 11/2 -in. those., Could., be run., r .ith valve • attachirieiits: ,So•,• that one' line' could 'be.;operat'ed •independ- ent. of, the:other; without laving • to shut ai'f at :the hydrant: ;.A.notlici• prime ncecl is• a fog nozzle which is ,very -effective in blanketing' a blaze with a mini- murn •of;,iwater• damage. The fol: lowing clay respescntativ,es of a fire equipment f;li'rn were in town. With a demorist.ration .fire'' truck, and 'gave an exhibition'at the use of 'a fog noizle. -The, truck, the same as 'that recently bought by .the Village of "Ripley,, is worth. $7,600, :$25 For . Hallowe'en The Company voted $25,00 to help defray the expenses rof' the Hallowe'en 'party held •in , Ithe' Arena •,on' Friday night. ° W BAZAAR &.: AFTERNOON 4TEA The' Ladies of Zion• ; United Church will�' hold a bazaar, bak- ing sale 'and:afternoon tea in' the Auxiliary Rooms iii, ,the Legion, Hall, Lucknow, • on Saturday, November. 15th. .Doors opera at 2:30', o'clock. • :a •. •BAKYN.f�'r� S,ALC & � 11SAr2R _ .AA . The ;''Hackett's Woni.en's. 'Mist ioriiii y Society .will hold their 1,Fizarir .:arid 'home-made* baking. 5alc*.;;,illy Luckno~ on Saturday, Nov Ufl:ier 8th at 2.30; in the 'for- mer Luring Barber Shop, ,ad- joining .NfcKay`s Shoe R'epaii. • 11 S. COM FIENCE:YIENT Thurso, Nov: 20' & Sat. Nov. 22' Program 'consists of one -act play °My T Lord in Livery" anct the awarding of” athletic trophies, scholastic .shields :and scholar- ships; • P -T numbers and.:•achoaI choruses. Watch for further de- tails, district rally outh Br ce JV` men's:. Institutes was.' hel d in. the Town Hall on ;Friday. p- wards of ,sixty, '.ladiesatten ed, representing Most of the, thir een branches in• the district; Mrs.. Philip,, Stewart, ,. di•'trict president:, presided'. The .ties CANVAS TO -START FOR NEW 4•CENTRE ; At ,a 'Meting on. Monday even- ing, ' plans . were made . for. con-` _, ducting a Oquse-to-house canvas 'in. Luckno ,.i in support ..of ths. ComMuni.ty p Recreational Centre.' .Canvasse 1sal � ' were' assigned their •a `d~ �ss, l start their rounds, at once in ' o' der t•si complete the job . as speedily• as P ossibl e.. .:.Those,,ub :'hve,.a1xealready ' don. ated will' e l no be called on.. =Twelve in members 'of ,The Clans linen Club'' ave 'been a ointed •.' pp to Make...the canvas and will ;be Iassisted,' by ,'twelve citizens, other than; ' Club• members ' who' have, yolunteered. their'services{fob this tas . • • • Clansmen 'representatives `will be Dr. 'W.:- V. :Johnston, Porteous, L. C.: Thompson, Ca MacDonald, H'ug'h Cuming,,P. Hoag Harvey Treleaven;, Harold •Allin, J. A. " Thompson, Crawford, Ted Brewer "and'Har-�'.'.' vey• Wester. The :complete: list—of • partners who. will pair off with the above.: i not:..yet available.. • • • • :the Department of •Agiic ture. WILL LAUNCH CHR STMAS She'•spoke on, program pia' fling,. SEAL.. DRIVE."TH][S• MONTH Sessions .were held mornin_ anad:'. The :Christma s Seal firianee:,the war agai;ns =tfund:' to culosis, ' `will be launched locally on November 24th, the date•that corresponds' with. the .start of; the' .Campaign. acrosstle"Driniri.on ' ` ::'; 'AP was done blast year,'• seals afternoon, with lunch', served in 'the; Legion. Hall at noon hour by. n ernbe s_ of .the :local' branch.: Comrnixnity. singing Was. enjoy- ed,:';as':was; a 'solo; by Mrs. Fairish Moffat of Larigside,'. a'ccompa'nied by ars.'' t?iTm. ' Scott,- 11ADE P$ ESEIVTATI01! . •'At: a. xneetin :of .: the Sunday ehool executive.• of .the United. Church 'held last ..week : at home of • /Miss Margaret : Rae, a wall mirror.: was'., presented '' .to Miss Celia. .Wilson;! bride .tobe, and a valt,,.,1 rpernber of the Stir- ( • vrrll be: rnailed to . box holders in town and coui'itry with.. donations' • being:,.irece-ived at -the --Bank of IV[ontreal. The -seas 'cainp.aign ISagain be ing •directed' b a'`committee :fro Craftsmen .;Club, and a .:dem tailed reportof the past; year's; program ' appears in -this issue, arid we•su est that you .peruse 4-"• `day:Schoolteaching 'staff. • t,. .Mrs. W. G. -•Andrew, made the r • ,presentation after Mr W;'L:•Mac .Kenzie'• `ttl `ex.t • ded kid •. �n •best' `wishes Ito` Miss:Wilson.- •SECOND EYE: OFERA.TION' • • Mr. and M rs .Orley' .' ,•Coo • er _ Y . .p Have been n Toronto where.. Cooper�.'has '.•undergone.. :an• eye ptiatiorir in the Toronto `General .Hospital•; for=.cataract. Mi^: Cooper, who 'underwent ,a' smila opera - .r, tion on his other'_ eye:•last. ;April ril p. is, making' 'a . favorable•rccovery. BIG INTEREST NTTEREST • IN -'uM PUMPKIN' FACES •: - Interest in -the.. second annual pumpkin ,face • contest, conducted by Thompson's Grocery, , reached. a riew.peak`.tlhis year with. thirty- two pumpkin" faces:.entered: They were, of many ;and varied: designs, that created •a great deal of public 'interest; and gave the : judges. an exceedingly' difficult task .in de- ciding the winners. a The judges were Wm: 'McEwan of Walter Wbods Company, Ham- •ilton .arid H.:' Kastner' of Christie Brown Co.T Toronto, who; made. -thein decisi8fis' as follows.::firs.t, Douglas Schmid, $1.50; .2rid, Pat- ricia Joselyn '$l.00; third,1Mar- •lene . MacLennan, 75c; fourth Donald Thorripson, 50c; fifth, Wilda Reid, •25c. Sixth: to fifteenth•,: one ticket to tile.: Rex Th.eatYe—George Ander= son,. Donald McNay,, Grace , Hus- tong Jimthy .'Thompson ;Dale Boh-; nett; ' I3i'11y -Fisher, - Freda, ,Jean Hackett, Teddy Collyer,; Dick Murdie, Bob Mowbray.,: • Consolation awards -boys, glass alleys; 'girls; chocolate bar—Ron- ald Fei"•gusort, '' I orne..Hamilton, Donny, Reid, .• J:im:my Johnston, Bobbie Johnstone, Dennis Ember lin, Jean Stanley, /lobby Irwin, 'Lois Hackett, George. Webster; Nancy Irwin,- Clayton Hodgins;' I;tojand Joselyri, Joe Howald, Marilyn Kilpatrick, Gladys KI- patricit,, Tommy ''Collyer.. • S1101'17E4, AT ' OI, H YR00,D FOA, ::(OVERSEAS .::COUPLE ::. IVI1 and •Mrs.. Charles:'Hodge of Holyro,od ;tver,,e honored : at:' a shower " held at. bio lyroo. East week.• Newcom•ers to the tom= munity they' are residing.: at 'Hol �Y rood where': Mr. : Hodge is employ ea' by. Mr. Ernie Ackert: Mr:;' and .'Mrs. • Hodge came out. from*. England a few weeks ,ago.. • They, spent a . short .tim& i.n,�.Wes tern .;Canada ; and `then came. East;. to''°visitd'i4with his brother, :James, at: Kinlou h ' g ,:and ; have .decided to -make their home here. Mrs.: Hodge has a brother, Sgt, . Maj'or'Husher of London who. has visited in .Lucknow. on' cadet ir., .spection' work., He recently .,,re_:. tired from army. service. ' •• BIG STOCK TRAIN `a An �unusually. big stock ` train pulled out ''of the C.N.R. depot here early last 5atirr day evening In all there were : some' 20., cars . •. do this stock special: Femur : car- !loads s w ei shipped Wereppecl from: here, with the F,, other sixteen being made up at''Kincardine and: Rip-{ ley. An end .to 'the packing house strike' no doubt was a factor in .•, the heavy shipment. • • Commencement. Two Nights ,. •The Lucknow High School. nomiencenent exercises to lie i.. ;held later this month will 'lie .presented for two nights, +tojac comodate ,,the usual ; overflow crowd, for a:.'one - night • show, `Availability of 'the hall, has, re-., Stilted in. -the dates having been: set for Thursday,' November 20th and Saturday, November 22nd: Another inovation' will be; a re- served 'seat section, each ..night., • It is plannedto set :aside. two hundred seats' for • prior reser nation, .. and. ticke`t's for this sec- tion for either might, will'go on '. Sale next week, •_limookSrairio' CYC' 'dmot .•_Vi'yYr•