HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-30, Page 5THURSDAY,* OCTOBER 30, U47, THE LUCE.NOW SENTI'NI L, LWCIi r4W, GNTAIiIO' Nk..\NkV`^.`4.«‘1kN‘"‘",.‘‘‘\NkkkwN.i\>.►11...._%tN,� 0 i i i r i s i r • • r s s O s .SEWING CENTRE 'HANOVE Offers . You ade-to Order Belts, Buckles, Buttons. Also GuaranteRepair ase. We have some smart Singer Models' available.- TIIE . SINGER SERVICE CAR WILL BE IN LUcKNOW EVERY • . THURSDAY. 'Phone . u.and ,have us ca at rite or� E •.. can .... your home i ,this co mmuni ty extend best °wish - 'es fora long 'and hapliY. Married WEDDING, BELLS• ., ;ADAMS --11N SIS quiet' weddingwas'.sooemn r '' S ]zed•on Saturday, October loth at MOFFAT- STEWART' the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos,. A. quiet. wedding was solemn- Inglis of ' West .Wawa}osh at 3.00 ized • at the manse,. Whitechurch, With Rev. G M. •Newton. of_ by . Rev. W.• S Su:t-ti therland on Sa ' 'St,' Helens officiating,•:whe�n their. urda t, • October ..18th, at . l l' youngest daughter,'Pauline Jean when Eileen Lauretta, younger became the bride of James :Robert daughter of Mr, and -Mrs: Robert. Adams; of .Whitechurch, • Son of Stewart ;of Kinloss, became the Mr Adams , of London and the bride. of,• Mr: Davids Irving' Mof- ' 'late Mrs.`Adams. Mrs.' Jack Flan- fat, ' son : of Mr,: and Mrs.'' Pete nigan, 'sister of, 'the .;bride, • and Moffat Of Kinloss: ,They were ac Donald Gillespie of •Holyrood; companied by 'Mrs; Lorne Mac-. were the attendants. The wed- Allister,.: sister -of the. bride, .and .ding dinner was served . to the 'Mr. '• Bill: Moffat,. brother of the immedi e to relatives of the bride groom. • The' Wedding dinner` 'Was , and groom,, •who. left afterwards served'.to 35 of.the. immediate ` on /heir honeymoon trip °by. mot- relatives •of' the families at the 617Tfiey.wi rest e ; tn; items o , e ' : `tne ,ris e s . parents.':A church, Their man. 'friends in:rece. tion was held for fie newt - y , p y E W• E .. Mrs. Watt, Who spent the past two weeks visiting friends, here, returned .to Hamilton. • • .Mrs. Bert Treleaven visited her sister Mrs. Jack Bradly, and Mrs. Eldon Bradley on' ne - Mrs. day: A number from here. attended 'the reception .for Mr. and Mrs. Bob,. Reid _At Lueknow on'. Wed.-. • nesday evening,; Most of the 'members .of Crewe W.M,S. attended the Thankoffer- ing • meeting 'of the Dungannon rskin e church when a ' ver • m= . Y teresting and enjoyable afternoon wase n pe t. Mr. .arid. 1l r' Ronald Treleaven spent Friday "with Pier • patents, Mr.: and :Mrs; . Harvey .Sillib ef. Cedar Valley. • '.. and n' . • I►�1 , a Mrs, Bertram •' Curran of .Dungannon were'guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Curran on Sunday 'evening: • . a Mr. and . Mrs:. Bert Treleaven., visited Mr: and .Mrs. Herb' Stoth- ers on Sunday. 'a • Anniversary services were, held in Crewe. church on Sunday:with a good . attendance. .Special m.,usic. Was' renderedby. the _Wes_ tfield quartette. II, • weds in.,Langside Hall,Friday ev ening I'he best wishes of their friends. tri .this.. communi � c ... pany them to their, new -home oil the' '.8th ; .of Kinloss. • PUBLISHED IN . THE PUBLIC :' INTEREST 'BY • uOHN ' LABATT: LIMITED' r� %rr r� r� ,' . !Hi i ,i -L. Nc.VEL. BUSINESS' 5 BIG , SUCCESS A ;recent 'feature -article •byT Godfrey Scott 'of ' the, Globe and. Mail, is of much local interest as it describes; a novel and growing -business,- which- isoperatedy . TraW-Kn g a Wx"3fiira� -TGar at. It is. a. ",Cut -Up Chicken" busi- ness 'serving a retail trade thru, two..stores in Toronto and a -cola,. cession at Simpson's, • Mr, Garfat is a district. Trina a1esnian and Mr. King is assist - ,ant 'ales manager of Purina Mills: if Canada, so: that • their : duties in connection with' their•' chicken farm: ani stores .aro of a super.* visoty .capacity. • Eivery enptoyee' on the ../arm, in the.;, ' processing !plants, and, stores As oil. a .prof it- sharing ° s.a l ar y arrangement vitich Frank.credits :as .contribut-, ing much :to what. 'he-. says is "the modest . progress we have made". Frank : and Mi's. King ,(formerly. Rachel. MacDonald.) and' son Billy are • well' known here , and fre- quent ' visitors with her..,mother, Mrs., .James .;MacDonald. The.. Toronto story is ash• fol lows ; Chicken dinners on Thanksgiv ling'. day, or• any other day 'for that. matter, no longer needabe a head ache for theh o s i rie • h u eve fe. Who' tries s • to -please everyone in° the family.. m�ent • s about . who••,gets a leg or: the white :ineat. Today, the housewife can: buy cut-up chicken to „please all comers. ' Out=up 'chicken irs rapidly gain- ing favor.. If Dad. and Mom and. John and. Jill .all want legs, they `canh be bought -to demand 1 PAGE YIN: • ..,h DELCO-HEAT Fre.--Yourself front boaldmg "fires, . shave:ling coal, lading ashen and ,ocher'irstresai- in troubles. . t� icc Heat Qi1 will, heat your home•-rwitbout a s ntlon. twillprorildC ,, even room warmih—regulsteci &dtometicaily by Delco -Hest 'thermostatic' controls. Stop in and find out how .Delco—Hest Oil Butner can be iastslted eMity and . f upped sirety in your present boiler or &Niece. oe' .:rt . �o ecu .�. s LIT7OW • • 41.1 (41 tf can wipe'out, a complete flock' o; 24 hours; if, extreme •caution: ia- :not: taken. Mortality, rate on the 1C -q- farni :between 7 and '8 percept, ,taut.. qri �?'t.G"`_Ml"RAi.�]1f1��„4 7v ode t Wti •., l�To sul•, pply-`i'iie he .a'�y. • ;bid faz :t chicken;, cuts,.: many .poultry "rais- ers".. are specializing in 'broilers, vyithout: bothering about egg pro. duction: One of the largest farms In. Canada in....this business .is the'. K -G • Poultry. •.,'Plant:. at :.Holland Landing. Approximately 72;000 Chickens a year ire raised at the plant: b' y mass °production methods: Owned and:. 'operated by Fr',ank King, of Torohto, and' William Garfat;'; of: Aurora; :the' plant :has grown;:;in three. years :into a $50,000..mvest-• !merit, with an annual turnover. of .a• quarter of •a'million dollafrs.'' .Specializing only in broilers, weighing, three ,to; ' four, pounds. each, the poultry farm does not produce ...a 'single egg: , Chickens are sent •.to•'market when they are about • 13 weeks old - Mr • Kirig .calls his set up a f ac tory, With feed and ene-day old chicks =going in one end. and 'fat-• tened broilers 'coming out the. other rrorn,. the' day •;the; chicks arrive until :the. leave; : they ares never outside;' the building.:' ;One foot of floor -space. •is provided for each bird. `,'heir • only , food • is • a fatteni'rg mash and water. A ,,cross—:bred.. chick has been, found•.by'the King-Garfat firm to• •protiide the''best••rnarketing .bird: The Wew • Hampshire, female . and the Barred Rock maleare cgrisid. Bred the best combination. In chi tiring ••• the ' male and female y progeny are _similar, .A' . remorse cross, Barred . Bock -female and New Harhpsliire • 'male, does not r give the sarrne unifojtrnity.. ' • two • of • the. , longest poultry buildings ' in:. ,the'. Dominion, 'one 580 •' feet • and the other 600, 'are used, :.housing 12;000 chickens at a time, *with three crops` a yar. By , .staggering the. '—flocks;, /the .plant provides''a continuous' sup- ply • of ;broilers , throughout the year.. , Two attendants,.. each caring.for :12,000..ehickens�t' a xtime,''1i.!ve on the. farm,' in apartments construe - ted On. top .of the buildings- hofs ing .his -Rock: -r .... ._. = Only b'ugbealru raising chick- ells a, on this Planr according to Mr. King, it, the ger,present threat Of disease; known as, ,"coccidiosis", This disease strikes. the' 'chickens rin their fourth or fifth -week and down. to the .5 percent . e .: all broiler' men Last •week,. the • farm had a .record of not Iosn a,Single 'chick.• •••• Prime • requisite in disease con, trol, aid Nh:;`Garfat, is.' to keeps ;• the litter dry :•:The. long low .build- ings are'.carefrilly.lcept atan'eve. temperature of 68 degrees to keep down the . moisture and .' fme blow -sand is used•'as 'flooring :and cleaned - out after each flock : zsrt taken to, market. .T • The uina,rarfat coni;: -. has its own .processing;..plant; ,in_ which .an average of 1,200 chick ns are ,Made ready, in one day,„ : three ,times: a week, ,for :tale in their two ,Stores and a large, de-: • partmental store:. -Each bird dei feathered and, cleaned -by 'an us-:' .sembly' line ' two men; and three girls ' C�. i • NE WORD. IS. GETTING AROUND NONE MORE` BEAUTIFUL"`,. 100 YEARS~. 1847 ROGERS BRCOS.31' emembrance The MOM Patters A thrilling n w pottorw; , • • piquant fn ill bs uty dirignid to . booboo Oa • . •trodifiawily .fexntwa of NO • ,pridac err ..:''i ntim•: • brans" Ii tin 52 = PIECE 1 SERVICE fro EIGHT. ti $62.75 • - l