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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-30, Page 4
I 0 1F;' 4:11 IN 'I 1 op . 4 h ;.r •� i.ohiov. "WANTinsertion'2; cents; a word, subsequent Air RATES --1st of The Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legal .. advertising : Replies -'care 10 cents, peninsertions 1 cent a word,•'Minnnum charge 25. cents- ' count line first insertion, 5 cert per line subsequent insertions. THE L•UCKNOW SENTINEL, I,.UCKNOW, OliTARx01 ° AN OPPORTUNITY Established' rural- Watkins dis- trict. available. If you are aggres- sive, and between the ages of 25 and 55, have::or can secure travel Outfit, •this is your oppor un :to get esstablisheddinm•a pro, table• business of your • o.w' • For full particulars write today .to The J 11,' Watkins, . Company, Dept. O -L-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. . ; SEWING ' MACHINES 'repaired .Expert• factory methods, all... .p. makes .electric or treadle, 23. years' • experience:. ;New machine results guaranteed.. regardless. of age or Make. • Satisfactory. work this vicinity.' 'for last .15: years, Government licensed., Write 0; W Graig, Y General, ,Delivery, Luck-• now, '' or phone. ;35 and •leave narnes: ,woop FOR SA1.E--25cords elm -14" long; ,Apply, Elder •M•iller:'. 1, Lucknow, • FORS LE -•-10 `choice ,young pigs -;rd t wcath,.• .started, sto eats . ea ' I erb. Ensign; 'Rhone 62=12.. Dun-; R a sovr,' ei • hiuf, about 3 Lucknow. ,ASTRA annonr.,...Rt� �° • .,50 ,,, w3 Lbs strayed fr m the" Prem'; FOR . SALE -frame 'building, size ises of the undersi ned on Friday, • ' 2''x30'x54', partially' .burnt •good October 424th, A .gone . knowing Iuinber..for cottages,; hen -houses, of ' her whereabouts please•• notify etc; Apply W., S; Reid, Lucknow. Shirt Bowers;. l7 -r-26 Ripley: FOR $ALE' , —Norg e Hy. Temp oil .sRace .beater, , never. used„. ' with erre' 45-ga1. oil drum;• one 3-burn- erdo1emaA gasoline:. stove: with' oven. ; Apply 'W S: ,Reid, 'Luck '+fir now; MacKenzie Beads Liberal P. $. MacKenz1e,• Walkerton barrister, was re-elected, presiT. dent of the Bruce County Liberal Association at the re -organization° g -held ±n the • • HHOUSF,, •. FOR • RENT, on Con,' 4 • Kinloss, half mile from highway. Will rent .furnished: if desired. Apply at. Sentinel Office.. 'LAST=at the Arena `on Monday, October '20th, e black army jack- et. Finder ,please leave 'same:. at Sentinel Office. © WANTED HrniddYe aged `le. y wanted for winter months ,for light` Household duties irl ,;ent'nel Of - • • FOR • SAL'E °privately • :owned Nash sedan, heater; . seat . covers, 3 • new tires. Original paint, ' ex- cellent ,condition, 'reasonably. • 11 w..Goderic prcied ;Phone 92, h, . is„a„�ruri- .. :ni, , . • .from Monday to'. ; Friday,. 'closing on Nover.ber 13th:: Apple 'butter $2.00 per gal.; sweet cider 30c. NOTICE Bobbie • Reid' wishes to notify his 'customers he is unable, to de- liver' any Christmas .cards this season,. as all samples and orders were destroyed' by .dire. • CORDWOOD. FOR_SALE We. • have . good dry mixed cordwood for •.sale Price. Reasonable. De-. livered. The Lucknow �,Sawm'll TNU'SDAya OCTOBER 30, 1947 tario Liberal Leader,, Farquhar }liver; ' :1V.i,L;A. for.... South. Grey, Dissolved Partnership 'Gordon . Mc.Kee a n d *."Sky, Towxr.Hall at Baker; who .have ,beenoperating Nearlyall 300 , froth parts of the nty, were' in •th halal for purpose of reorganizing, cou the a ry ---Gigs, . . have dissolved 'partnersh-ip: Mr I. = ,McKee sold his interest` to. a. Lon- don . m'aio, ., the- Association and to_ •hear On NOTICE • RE LOGS . Owing to the fact that we have nowF."filled all, ,sur orders far., beech lumber and the . demand has fallen- off to , a great extent we would ask that before cutting; any beech logs you kindly see: %us first and we 'will then: advise if: we can handle any.: We are 'prepared to buy'• all other• kinds of logs:. , will''Still e: r. good' demandas.ever. grade bogs' - are notin: such. - mand ,ass ormer y: .• FOR .SALE-IVIcClary: cook stove .equipped.„ with "waterfront, & res- 2 es- 11 b in erv�oir%.3 Blue• Flame oil', burners,, First class?logs t but lower 2 -Quebec heaters, ,small and med as' de iurp, Good. Cheer wood • heater, 3g �m . . Sean formerly.: Priced for quick sale, hot. water •- nes• • F' • heating'has been installed. BERT SEWING MACHINE SERVICE • G,AMMIE,.. Phone • 70 J Lucknow. Repairs .'.to 'all makes work CLEARING „AUCTION °SALE of guaranteed — free estimates temente etc. at. Fisher- machines electrified sheep, imp , Needles. and Belts. ,man'sd Cove, East ,End, of South _ e • nts. Age Line, intoes Twp:, •'on Fr7day, I' y VVxri'. Murdie� .& Son's Hardware,• t!titvrr2i v1�Sv - Paav�,�„�v�;,+1 ri -:-.--7 - --- Breckl Pro Wes 'Able �Art eS, ; P•� ;RD: OF THANKS AUCTION SALE • of farm stock `. Mr, ,and Mrs James Irwin and at.S:H. `Lot_ 3, Con:';13 Ashfield °'family,wish to acknowledge -with, T`ownsh'ip`• on 'Tuesday, Novennber sincere thanks' the many kind` acts. ' atk .. b for list. ssotis of "s rn Y Y 4th at 1 0 clock � See � Mils I and expre Y ..p ., Terms cash: Ed Gilmore, Prop,;: friends and neighbors at the•"time' Donald ;B' •Bkue,, Auc• ,of their recent great •• bereave '' FOR. SALE We have a stock of I AUCTION. :SALE of livestock :sale ' also implements . at Lot 21, +Con: , 6, -good 'fence, ::posts ,,dor • . � Kinloss 'Township on. Thursd5y, hydro. or telephone,, poles.•Prices K o 1 (}0 o'clock, : "Lucknow aw-. 17 emb r seasonable 'The' S 13th at Mill •Co. • ;hent.' • • We wishto ektend:our heart- felt thanks ` and' • ap•,iireciation to cv . Rev Stewart, for his :services and See bills for list 'Dan T,• McKin- words 'of' comfor. t, ' to the •soloists, non,.; Prop:;. Donald .B. Blue, 'Aiuc. Mrs .Joynt and Miss Rae for their \ service and; kindness and •Mr: , R. T 'ON SALE' of stock, imple Johnstone ,the uzridertaker, : for his AUC ,� _ . ,,. > m ents . etc., , at farm of ::George . acts of ' kindness • as they • never Elliott; Highway 86, half.mile 'east ';Will be foggotten, also= those. `who we em= sent: flors, and • lent: their cars end: to all our friends' and vela=. tives, for their little 'deeds ' of .kindnesses, 'which made; .our.' sad= ness. easier to bear. We thank you all .M • -rs Mary J. McNall and family d Mr.and' Mrs. Robert. McNall M .CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 'VOTERS' •LIST `: R. S. Hleltherington, K.C. Barrister Etc.... Wingham siiid .Ludkaow . N. LIJCKNOW Eac1l' • Monday: & Wednesda3 Located' on the,' ground floor 'in the .front ..of John 'Kilpatrick's Buildisig • .'Phone, Wingham • Office 48, Residence: '87 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and, Solicitor • LI)CKNOW, ONTARIO Office ut the Joint • Block INSURANCE ,- FIRt,..cAsuALTy .and • ,.� AUTOMOBII, E. ,. . To ' Protect' 'Tour Jack • Insure' ;lith aack °Today. .- IVIcDONAGI-h R.R. 3 . Lucknow, Ont.' Phone 61-9 ' Dungannon Insure, . In ,Sure' Insurance Conf edeation. Life WIND,' LAR, FIRE—Preferred . Rates tar preferred risks.. ; ACCIDENT & SICKNESS ..Consult .:.. .'JOHN' . FARRI H Office 135, Residence • SPY . APP.i;ES. FOR SALE=Come .and pick your' •own. at '$'100�per bus. or we ° have a' quantity. al- ready. picked at $1.25 per bus. in' your containers, ..Morrisons �' Bros.,• R. 1; Lucknow: • of Amberley. on Friday, Nov ber 7th. Farm offered subject to reserve ; bid.'" See 'bills.:. George 10 PIANOS refinished, 'recondi= 'Elliott, Prop., Well Henderson, tioned at the Mildmay .:Furniture Auc Store. Also.' ;18 Chesterfields•. (new); 8 bedroom suites, 50 new. radios, lamps and washers: (60-. cycle): J. F. ;SCHUETT•& SONS, 4V1ildniay.. WANTED= -Flocks ' to supply us with hatching • eggs for the 1948 hatching • season:. Flocks .the & .bloodtested free: Guaranteed pre- mium plus hatchability',premiuni •: paid :Also wanted ' to purchase cockerels.. suitable fora breeding: For full .details write Twedd e Chick , .Hatcheries Lirnited, Fe= gus, Ontario • AUCTION .SALE` of livestock at the,., Stockyards,: Ripley, : Thurs.-- day; November 6th at.1 o'clock: 5':'choice cows'. in calf, springing; 10 ' choice . heifers in calf, spring- ing; 20 two-year-old steers 'and heifers; 60 choice., yearling 'steers. and heifers; 15 ,spring calves; 2 sows in :pig; `3. two-year-old colts bunch of •breeding ewes.• for sale or on shares.. An: choice stock raised .in surrounding district. Six months' credit at 5 percent. 'Thos, ]'-Harris;.. Prop.; Donald, B. Blue, Auc. 4 roveft EgF Receipts -double* your' Feed Cost, when you 'use tLIFETERIA LAYING :MASH From ' RAW FO RD'S ; Feed Store Order N. L. Hog Grower f or Free Delivery, .1 Highest Profit: Sed. our Jamesway Poultry Equitiment; .. Tonics and:.. Conditioners 'PHONE 77-w • LiT'TGR:NOW, ,'ONTARY(l r Voters' List, 1947, Municipality of • the. Village of Lucknow in the county of Bruce. Notice is`: hereby given that I have :cob ;plied'• With Section. 0' of. the Voters' List Act end...1 have posted up at,my Office .in the. said 'Village ri the• 20th' day of October,; A.D.:1947, the list .of all persons 'entitled to vote • in ° the said Village ht Municipal Elec- tions ..and that such listrrernaint. there for inspection, And C1 hereby call' upon: " all ' Voter`s • to take itintediate pro ceedings to have • any ` errors :or omissions corrected' according to law, the last, day. for appear be ting . the .10th day of November, A,D. 1947..: Dated. at Lucknow; Ontario, this 20th day of October, .A.D.„ 1947.. J , OSEPH AGNEW, Clerk of'the Village'. of Lucknow. �! art MacKenzie Stun. . r icy E Jts2�.a��ta7iLav .w ,Walkerton, Ontario. o . • . LU CK N •Each, Wednesday. 'OFFICE' IN • HENDERSON BLOC1i 1 • ACCOUNTANCY Service for the Small ',Mer- chant, . Professional • Man ; and the Farmer. ' ' In :Lucknow' Tues., Tkurs and Friday: ; : Office hi' . Kilpatrick Block S.._ J.':11,Y1M P.O. Box 74,'Lucknow, .Ont: ¢ . "Phone '23• 'AINspRANG AUTOmOBILE FIRE and n 1F I - NSf7R„A-N-QF - - ;Y -Be'Sure•Tomorrow,• • Insure:: Today.' TRI.�,K... R.I . � KILPA . Cti . 7, Lucknow i s Bond ,Salesman Sav ttg al :... 'Photie �T7 r 2 Dungannon ARMS' ROpl OPTOMETRIST; I..UCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY .OF EACH MONTH from 0 a.m. to 6 p.m., AT WM. 'SCHMID'S :STORE HOCKEt' PLANS in •Goderich' this winter include at 'interxne 1, ia.te "Bi' .O H A. team' sponsored' `hy the kinisMerf,' viitit 4Wal' West' brook as playing; coach. ALL INSURANCE`: POLICIES LOOK MUCH ALIKE At time ° of. loss it • setiice and 'satisfaction that. counts. WEo GIVE,° IT: sk Our : Po.licy.Iiolde.rs • . For. All 'Your .Needs CASU'ALL'Y,' LIFE, FIRE, SPECIAL ` RATES FOR FARMERS' CARS' Claims Quickly ickly and Efficiently Adjustd By Licensed Adjustor Living In: th3 District. tewa�rt Insurance AgenY ' ' ' PHONE 8, 1VC PW