HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-16, Page 11THURSDAY, OCTOBER IQ' 1947. DONNYJ .. Ql7 .'. and Mrs...Doug' Williams of ,ongon, and";Mrs: ;Jack Mein tosh and 'son Jinn of Toropto were recent week,:encl .guests at the `home of Mir, an LIVA"S. rStuartC Mr. andM S Stu. .. hamney .• were . Sririday • visitors • with her &paren:ts, Mr. and 1)tirs., . Wm. Web..;' ster , and attended . anniversary services, at St. Helens. • Miss 'Lucy Thompson •of ,Ayr. .spentA the holiday at her home. :Mr, aiid Mrs. I; C. Robinson • • and Mr. 'and Mrs, Cordon Naylor and ;chi�di,en spent the week -end with .and ' Mrs;Herb Dainty.,. at Camp Borden. Mr.Warren •Bamfordo `P res-. • ton'was honte..over-'th,e•week-end;, Mr,.. and Mrs. John, Freeman and :daughfei f Bi`antford visited •over the week -end . with her mother; Mrs. A. E.' Johnston. . Mr: and Mrs. J ,ohn Tiffin 'and Mr, and • Mrs, Ted Thompson. and TNS r rrnur..>„> .:=°__- aNTtIO NETGIW BOBS' • ASSISTANCE SAYED. BARN `FROM FLAMES' ACCIDENT SENT Mn r i l it.:...: �INGSBEIDGE FIND SON TO .HOSj''ITAi . 4 A highway crash, attended by Mr. Bruce Hansfo, rd—spent the rather `• serious ;eonsequie:nces o ;,. w€ek�end'•.with lois. 'family. c Mr , Pete • M erray of Detro carred at Walkerton, on Saturday 'visited 'her mother& ._1Virs. M. • evening last as a .result of which .;O'Connor. PAGE ELVEN T ASHFIELD Miss Catherine MacKenzie of Mr, Palmer Irwin `and Mr, a London was borne over the week - it Mrs. Wilson 'Irwin -!are deepiyeiid,� •. d J., gi'atefu1 to neighbors whose time- Ce- e-ently sa ;ett -1- 1 ' 1 r a s'barnrori"a destructlexl :hey a: 'fire, 'Cause of the outbreak'. .was at-: g tributed VO 'an. engine:. in •the Mc purnp•house . which. • ,adjoins the barn-. `The blaze : was discovered t• while Palmer and,his • mother -Were .d ing. the:evening. nu]lting and' was finally brought under d `cont o1:.with •the help.'4f those who', respori�ded to the. ` alarm:'. The barn .caught fire'more than 'once;; .hut. a handy.: trgt h .o f g. k `water ; •made it:possible' tib C�.t7• tinguish ' 'it- . e• Mr: -"dim Boer "is Borrie':a rood% and he .'four-year-old sbri . . r Wayne, are receiving treatment e afeer being ?n the1hospital for >a ca mt.nt week. ; at the Bruce Co inty Hospital,` the Mrs. •Jack former Navin four .c U 1Vtaliey� is stayzn g racked ,ribs with Nei' mdther Mrs: and other" br'ui'ses and the latter ' Wm, severe latera -tions and gashes`earthy ' for.., while, ozr • , Mr, and 'Mrs Gerry. Hill` spen the.'•head and face which required Thanksgiving_ twenty>si.c-st�i�tt,�le • � -� J ving,; h.�. hex parents, b iOc 1osC , ' The' accident occurred as Ber.ir... • lVMisses 1VMary Murphy, Rita and Eileen. Wallace,:1V,iary.'teresa an Northcott .of Niagara Falls Gime 'Veronica to a- S•tU • t , . .. n ca .Austin : al�, -of, Toront p o make {d ,left .tuin'to • were home' for the the .home of Mrs: Northcot,t's ;sis- 1.•o e , • _. -: ,:..�., � _,, .• - ;1�r= and Mrs. ' Ambrose ter, just sou of Walkerton -lie a F3art Mien z.'nan of "Kitchene,r spent th ' w the ' car:.,driven b:' Cla•r• '` , e ee Y, cote 1V,[r,u1-: end ,at .Clifton Austin's. 1� . ton , Miss: Hannah Hogan is en.�eyin two . weeks' »holida s..wi h•: -r - y t he: friends. , 1' Mr.:Jack McConville sof Toronto spent Sunday with Mr.• and ,Mr's., Clifton Austin. of Holya.00d-,•in4Whiscb were his wife' anti six child ren, crashed into his Machine from. the hear. In the impact Wayne Moult o n was'catapulted• into the * wind- sh• ield and received' great gashes children of -,Wingham were Sun- en his head .and 'face, while Mrs. • day' visitors with., Mr: and Mrs.•Moulton sustaine d four cracked ribs .and was otherwise ,bruised. and shaken up: In' the. crash' the P rear of the. Northcott- :car wasdamsg ed to .. the extend'.of. .over two hundred dollars and the front of the Moul- ton machine'iwas badly wrecked.. REVD REED Chief • of ._Police, Don Gilchrist Ire auiet ceremon solemn- a n d •Provincial. -O f f ' ized' by Rev. ,1;. A. $'mit at Sout x.. • Norman. Thompson. • •.,Miss• Jean Webster of . Clinton spent Thanksgiving :day ,with . her sister, Mrs. Stuart Chamney. WEDDING :BELLS g Industrial Building,, •.. Considera. ble activity:in indus- trial :building has-hbeen'' going' on locally, n:r. cent •rhonths.. The•Con-` sumers Co-operativemixing plant is now. a • showy building , with at 'color- scheme»; Of red and . white' The . Henlderson' Planing Mill, :has erected a metal covered luriiber raneeinvestigated the: crash, p ,plaiting mill -•;and »»the E1 Kinloss � Manse on Saturday, Oct- .. iio�°t `see ober 11th Anse or i ,' cleaning'plant is 'completed where Marjory gunice, youlig Theyre Newsy Toa the Stewart: Planin ` '“Mill _..g .. iormer- est datigiktef of mr, and lVlrs«�WThere's., plent :ofii�tere '. . ,] • st Reed• Luc n �' �. in�the 3' . oo�d:�-his- pla�rit h -as -art-al�um� , k ow, becarrm : .. � , ant'' 'ad' ' columri;• Read these inure roof.•and' asphalt red :brie •: bride of Robert Kenneth,Dun • k y . g. �ews little .,•. ,y 1 t ci items regularly, they .siding.; A barn dance• was‘: held est Son of Mrs, John ' Reid and wilt. rove . „ 1? ' , profitable :tis° wel'1:' as • the?�e...i�ecent�l . to 'isiark ..t . Corn.- the- ' late. Reid, Dungannon, �' ,,. •, he.-. interesting; pletion ..of the :construction ;-r . rz�id-v sere-- ki lr �.. work: ess- l st- it:e-�v nt lti hat to •match with : black accessories and corsage of roses. The' bride's attendant was,Mrs. Jirr :'Reid 'wh •' wore gi�.een.:crepe•with black' ac- cessories and. corsage cif rest The best .rnian was .Mr,• Jirti :Reid,• brother::'.of- the -groom. `.:After a wedding: preception : at. the bride's 'hoine' for .imrriediate 'relatives• Mr. and., Mrs,' Reid left on a rnotoi trip to L.'ondon, son `and; other points'. They .will reside At Lucknow: United Church W. M. S. The afternoon: auxiliary of the :W,M.S, met at: ` The, parsonage with. Mrs. R. Robertson presiding. for :the.devotional• .exercises, Mrs, »McKim and •Mrs. J. A. Thompson had charge. of the prti ram; con- ducted by :Mrs: 1VIcKin-i .. Vari •Various Members . 'took ' part in the: "D.o, 'You Kndw?” questionnaire. Ate the',close of the. meeting .a:social, half' :hour was ��erijoyed, -Miss Gretta Canpbell of Luck- nUw was guest Q Mrs R s over Sunday, • ". • .M „ Mr. 'Charles Stewart 'has - re- turned e turned from ;his' Western trip Which took •him ,as far as Vane CoUVer. • Misses Anna arid. Lottie . Mac- Kenzie .ef Toronto spent the hon.. -day will their another, M. M. -a. 1V.[ eKi n o . anct Mrs. Johne. S.pillsburg and•their sons" Ji1T1 and» Jack and • G d • ., Miss ' Isabe1ler. Hamilton, all of •London:. •.e er Mr:- guests: . -of lVtr: arid; Mrs, ' Frank Hamilton: . . Miss'Mariorr MacKenzie of Tory ' _onto whafspenf-the,-hol-ida -,at'he �P' r panj ... Norrie •here was accoin anted . by ` her friend,... � �- h Miss Mae •MacKen- drick.. Mrs. Lurribers, 1V,irs. Hatherston, Mrs.. Drinkwater` and Joan of Tor- onto visited . with • Mr. and • Mrs. D: Murchie dyer; the week -end. Now that the flax. harvest . is taken care 'of, pressing straW-and. silo' Milling' is :the order ' of. the daSt. The -weather has been ideal, • • c, _. 'Receives New Ford . • - Attended ' .:v.S. Convention Gerald Rathwell 'received ved de--..�.' Six''members of the Presbyter- livery. of a Ford' coach :oneMond Lian_O ld::att dqp,�:14th an- aY d, nu --al- nvention --of the ,Presby- terian Young People's Society 'of ' Hydro » •Installed On Second'. South Kinions: VV::::, AL -S.: The,Oetober , meeting of South Kinloss:; W.M.S was 'held .•'at • the : home of Mrs;. Lawrence McLeod, Mrs D. L.McKinnon - presiding. The scripture •reading Was: ;read' by Mrs, Carter :and. the ' .Bible . . .. Sfidy • on'•'the above passage taken by' Mrs, :Fraser .McKinnon. The. -.roll ca',1 was; answered: Witha: verse containing "Thanksgiving";• 'w Readings ,ere:given by: Mrs: T;;' Collyer, 1VMi s;. D Maelntyre and Mrs ' ,W:` Hodgkinson: The topic from .the study,' book' • was taken by Mrs. Harry.. Lavis:.it was . de- cided ;to ; shave the • Thanksgiving combined . with our'. 'November , reguja ineetint, if a; speaker was available it that time, `Mrs,. Dotig las » Graliiarn and Miss, A. MacKay: took . part in,. the .,prayer circle: Miss A. MacKay thanked the hos- .tens. for the .use of her home :and those -taking part, in the program,• ' Mrs A. Maclntyre closed ':the meeting , with prayer A social half hour was spent, at 'the close of•.the'ineeting ,by, the committee in e. of the' g -rrieeting; Mrs. charrs, 1 iLawrence ' MacLeod and Mrs. Huntley„ t a:w$on. . • .Suffered Stroke j iltMrs, ,Stanley Mallough of Haim- , formerly Flizabetli° Lyons, suffered a stroke recently.atid has ' since been confined , to bed under the•` care of,.a'ntirse, ,. irt �� krcl g n Dungannon.,>'`. r and Mrs: John Fai<t'zsll ave taken up, temporary.` resit ence at 'Dungannon, and will ate'' move to their home • here. • Mr; Pari•ish's farm in Ashfield rY has been i.,taken over by his grandson, Jack' I+ arrish. - 'Ontario at. St.; Andrew's Pres`'. byterian hunch :Kit' •-,,: G._._.:._.�;� chener,•�oVer •the week -.end They were Miss Marion :MacDonald, Gwen. Stew - 'art, »\:Ray Stanley,. Harvey Ross,. Jack Stewart and George, Farrish' • • • ' Hydro power has been' made Iva -liable -On t'he _Sec=bnd--Qonces- 'sion, , East,:, to• 'Messrs. Graham,_ . Alex • MacLeod Harry Lads. • a • hl, • • A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 'POWER, STAN/Ate and P RFOR14MCE 7 - ' SAFETY... COMFORT ... CONVEN iENCE ti�� STYLING � . . There's brand new styling, com(ort safety and stamina. in, these•• .._ new light and medium duty.GMCs. They're newly and. sleekly streamlined They ,have cabs with new 3 -point, Mountings .to absorb road shocks. Cabs are$3,4 inches longer and 95/8 inches wider , . ,•new atibular frame, adjustable seats with nearly, double' the number of seat springs, :all individually wrapped for greater • comfort.:. new windshields' that are 5,1/x niches wider ,and:, ' 2 inches higher They •have new • ventilation with provision. • for fresh air heating ; new insulation; sound-pr4ofng•.,and. weather sealing: And'they have many improved engine and, chassis advancements, that make' them the strongest, sturdiest*. GMCs of',their kind ever .:huilt.:They are offered ,in a. wide• variety of: body and chassis types all designed .:tc,:do'`a better hauling .job: +GMC•.t4y�; THE TRUCK of VALUE •; • • GASOLItvi :s • ISI+ESEL • p.1'.' ti,iC"�''Ydt'lir^i+r=1� �iitw rlt,.a Leo 9. •:.9 •I , r ,,