HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-16, Page 8•
til ";i111►'1o!
d '
t x9�
• The Huron.. County Federation.
of Agriculture scholarship,. which
` aw;m'd.�.ed:.earh /e ,.to a student
from Huron :County, :entering the
Ontario Agricultural• College, his
been awarded. this year to.'Iearge
-Underwood, only ,sori ,of Mr. and
• Mrs: G. N': 'Underwood, of R. '1,
Ge rge. " attended' SS. No. ;5,
_Turnberr 'Township, and grad-
uated from Wingham .Collegiate
• last June.:Ie played on the bask-
etball - team ,r at Collegiate,' and
participated iiia.' rugby and', soft-
ball as. well. . •
For the -past four years George
has taken ;farm 'leave ".so as• to
assist. his father in the 'operation
of his, 300 -acre farm, and so goes
►to college , with .:the practical
• knowledge sof farming; having'
. lived and worked upot his:`fath-'
errs .faun : while growing up.
Lefere.nce woks
v ore` an , d -• „i r rariansrmem=:41,-- s • io, ,praise,
bers.:of .library, boards, members 'the Association.• in -his is address he•
of - Coun Council, representa-: said that • 50 percent .of the people
fives of munici al' boards , and of the province still had no lib -
Chief Inspector of Public Librar-y rary service .,and 90 percent of•
ies for 'the Province of .Ontario,' that number live in rural . areas
•Angus Mowat met •at .the Port and villages, This deplorable state
l gii Public Library on We nes- of . affairs, he maintained, was 'all
Elgin d
day,; 'October• 8th to attend the.�.the. snore'regrettable because the
annual meeting and banquet of soundest thinking is done in rural
.Count Library .As- areas where Stability, logic, char-
the .Bruce . Y
sociation. n• • �, atter and integrity are:the
Reeve .W' R :' Tomlinson of Port ground `for i houglit,
October 7th, 1947.''
A .. regular ' meeting • of West
• g
'Wawanosh Twp: School. . Board
was held in Township •Ha11,; four'
members present, Lorne Durnin: were Warden 'Joynt, •. Miss Louise
being -absent. Trele n, • local librarian and -
T, , ._� �V _ o_nston, secretary of.
the "Board.:.
and., adopted on anotion
of Miller. Library
and Finnigan
Mr. Mowat who 'is' the most
Bills to the •amount°. of :$131.85
Poppy • Pdster 'Contest
n ,their
ed fro
So that the .ory. of C:an-
ada's fallen •h may . be for,
ever fresh in minds 'of the
growing' .genes: the Canad-
iar Legion, B. has' announ-
tsqla poppy,etition
;m h •s::students.,. Q -:.
among g ,
-fering -substantialcash prizes for
• thest entries each province,
the :Legion • is hopeful . that the
competition. will ' encourage
art: students i work; In-
formation aboutis competition
can' be obtain n1 any. Legion
E. - ' •' extended official greetings In his ' annual report to the,
lgi ,:. ,
' : of the ,official
alit •: and gathering, Hugh W. McDiarroid of
•on. b�half .p ... y. . g
paid tribute to the. Association' for Port Elgin, president of the Asso
the splendid work . it had 'done in dation, stated that : > n the past.
the Jour, yearsof its' history. He four years, the number. of librar-
was `followed by Warden Wesley ies enjoying the services' of the
Joynt of Lucknow who said. that. organization, had increased from
one - Of the most effective ways of, 11 tb 20 There, are -now . nearly
combatting, the increasing. spread. ,2,100 books in circulation and
of crime throughout the nation: •'that each library ' for the annual
was by developing .the reading fee of $25 receives nearly. $1,000
habit. .He pointed out that•aPte worth of -books annually..He said
•Association •-was increasing that that nearly every library had•re-
•opportunity,for all the citizens of. 'ported• increasing reader. interest
Bruce County;.
In attendance from ` ugknow
: were presented.andordered paid.
''on motion ' of . Forster. and Finni-
gan. Motion carried. ,
Moved • by Miller and Forster
that secretary procure fromk Rae
'an•'ot tau,'rfs�•ferrar--'•,cogs--=••c-
for S.S.No: 4. Motion carried `
Moved ;bye Fzririi an. ;and Fors ern,
that—•• -the -secretary- try tot ge=t•a
supply teacher *for S.S. No: •'3 for
:Thursday and 'Friday,/ October, 9;
and 10, Motion :carried,
Mr. Kinkead arrivedrather late
havi g een at a meeting' in Ash=
Secretary reported'. that Mr.
Baxter, music .supervisor ,.•foci the
Area, proposed • having pupils.
oiweyed' one afternoon a month
'' to Parish.. Hall ..for ,: instructiohs
After the . •subject.:had been"'dis
'cussed,'Mr. Kinkead ..taking part;
z• was 'decided that • the. School
�xt _ 1< ..
Board couldn'.t take.. a:'chance on
playing, : for transporting:, pupils
unless the :cars,, carrying . pupils'
had .people insurance.
Moved. by - ' 1! innigan and For-,
ster: that we ' 'adjourn. :to . meet
ag ain : on• first. :Tuesday's of Nov-.
ember, at ' 8 p.m,. : in, ' Township •
W. :A; Stew , Y•
prominent person in library work
in the: Association books;, there
is : an.. upswing ..of circulation• fig-
ures* throughout the County. He
outlined the plans for a reference
division' :which will be in • opera-
BY A 'VOTE 'of '144 to 107 Chats-
-nista' favored the'. retaining', of
. the "womezl•'s beverage '.:room : iri•I
that village:
readers of Bruce County ;for the•
first time with special sections on
health,. agr
arts, etc.
LUCKNOW 1-11G. :
The theme for the Assembly,.
October 10th, was "Let; its come
be -for
giv'ing'-an - as -•taken fconr-ths--
second' verse of the 95th; "Psalm;.
After Mgaret on
the • themear,a thanksgiving lryread-'11-
was 'sung, Betty Marshall 'read
the scripture which was s 'taken
from Deuteronomy. The students
repeated the Lord's prayer ' and .
a poem .by Eileen Purvis follow.
ed; Announcements and the .sing
ins of the, nat.ional Anthem e
• ed' • the' Assembly.
Trigonometry. 'i"s. 'when .,a lady
marries three men at ..the sa°me
ultfure, religion, fine I Teacher Give the :passive of
"John shot my dog".'
The execu ive was reelected to: ` Brilliant Student: 'My dog shot
complete the term of office until John". •� * � ...
November at'. which- time, in . ac-
cordance witha new government •' The opposite_ of evergreen; s
statute, the organization will have nevergreen,
; coiripletely, new set of officers
appointed by' County Council, as
:will be, known in future as t'
Bruce County . Library Co -Open
splendid banquet. was ser -
v •
ed :by. the Port Elgin Women's
ion wit in six mon: ti_.n .: •T•
• :. s' a on all 'El• in :raoved the
books'y of . a11 •kinds.. and � g,
subjects will be made available to to , the .Institute.
On SundA _, September. my,
family , with with the :exception' of ;one soar -in-law, Mr;, .Harry , Campbell
and eleven randchil-
of? Toronto, g
• ren • -�ather. ed• at the home .of
•.d g
William` Cong m,:'Lot'•1, Conces-
sign ,7, :Kinloss, to:•,celebrate the
' t•da h
'bit" h •
''s 89thY
" a to >,
dinner. table .was centred' with' a
. beautiful cake elaborately de:cor-
ated' by 89 candles and 'made b
his daughter,' Mrs. Harry' Camp
1aell, Armow•.. • '
'After' dinner a • toast was ,pro-
pdsed .
dsed byhis. oldest: grandson, ,Ev-
erett Lane,; . wishing 'his grand-
father...matny more years of health.
Congrazn rn"ade:, . a , suitable:
reply and.- expressed y. his many
thanks: . ..'
1V Ir: ' Congram was born. , near,
`Toronto in 1858 and • carne /with
hi; parents, tichaird and Ann
Phillips 'Congram, • to Ki! Loss,
con,cessibri 8, in .1860, where -he
' has continued to . live to the •pies-
ant time "
'In „spite of his'•rriany years he.
is` . still active and able 'to take
a 'keen interest in 'his Mine and
cdmmunity. lie still enjoys read-
• ing his newspaper. without the.
'Aid of glasses.
Iaintains EmpIoym
peps, Pay Envelops;
Teacher: If Shakespeare • were
alive today would he • st II be re-
garded as''• a remark ble man''
Jimmy I'd think so, He'd be
376 years old.
bad'. a letter- #corn. a. man telling
'me. he'd shoot me . if •I 'didn't keep
away' from itis daughter.
Joe: Well all, You haus : to do
stay ,fawa:y 'from' his 'daughter.
vote. •of than ks
Electricpower wer is' vital': to: Industry, and Ontario is
ex riencm o an era of.high production, unpa> al for reference
P� g'
its history. Contraryto expecitations, the
lased. in Y f
not dropsharply l• Here' ars a few ways yaw.a1
demand fore electric ;Pow'd,, P y y
gip.out and r•faln
followin • the war. "More electric power is actually,
being: used today for .production of peacetime:
goods than was weapons req mp d .At Fly ,time to forge
for `Victoly his 'demand is constantly.
' and'ditrin the next six'months, gydro.
increasing ., � .. g -
trained to.' the utmost:
facilities ,will "be s
New. .Hy
develo m'ents,
:to keep:
h •Ontario:�s:, growth, .•were nal g
pace;' with ..„
' a • The have`' since -been; hampered.
the : :War years.„They '� :.
materials ':and. •�e equipment.
. aorta es of ;nen, ,, q �.
Wever r
talions • :to deliver • electric
• 'e are.
om letion.• Som
• had' to c
o�v'er''are..'hein' . sus p .
• g .
. o'-�eration. But the need...'for Savin
alreadp� in p , .
,e the Fall.
electric power,:iln, jour own' home,. during �.
•rent 'if the ''needs of .
and 'Winter. --months; is(urgent � e full . .
y, . 'served'
Iihdus°tr •and A ricizIture e. are to hb
and em lo. ment at peak'lev;els
• P ymaintained':�.
-'Wont t you please Play your •part:. Retnemb, r --
even.. bit o electricity,' conserved by'
ell f. Y
even. a little 1'e ...
dreds of thousands,, helps • lot. rt's'yonr,Hydro.
;i • 'Wisely so that Ily' ro: facilities can more:
it ,wisely y•
adequately' meet . the dermands of all consumers,
1 Turn ; off. all • unnecessary • lights. .
j ' Don't :forget• forget -about burning lights'
1 to .empt'y rooms; 'balls, basement,
attk, pored and garage,; Ehanipatc,
1 .alt`cotored bulbs.
1 Keep lamps,•. reflector's 'and sba�les
' clean .Dusty fixtures waste ae•
. much as 25%, of yen'. light:
When kettle sings,' turn off switch.
Stored heat will bring it to .a"full
hod.•Keepkettle free from lime.
When' 'cooking, •' :use, ' IIigh" . heat •
for as little time as possible.
turn•to."Low".anis use stored heat.
'Use oven' for , Complete'
nmeals, 'rather. than. the conking
surface. Only' one clement is
regiircil' for iheovch,'process' while
three or four':elementa are' needed.
for•thc cooking surface.;
Use. ' the correct size of • cooking
utensil on the .proper .size. element.
When , cooking ' vegetables, • use a
minimum . antoont of water..,
Defrost refri ge ra tor, re go I a rl y, when ' r
inch . of frost has accumulated
on the evaporator. • • • :
I Where: water is elketrically'heated,
1 please use it sparingly.' A drop a
second from a' lcalsin hot water
„ tap can waste as mu as. 175 gal -
1' Ions a month. •
. 1 'Fill washing machi water line
I' only and 'keep lid • on tub . when
1 washing. Do not overload. a
Wherever pogs�ble; use the wringer
11 •'at game time •as clothes are being
( washed -in the tub. .
1' Please do not .use portable electric
1 ' heaters. as they�r place a 'heavy
, ' strain oil your; Bodin Syetem,I.
I ' Your toaster, vacuum eieat►er, alae
the iron or otter electrical ,appliances
shduld not be used any longer, than
Eddy. '.Yes,: -but • he ' didn't sign
his name.
" .Council' met '.on September 22, '.
,1947; as .per :adlou:rnrrlent:. "•Ala :
members present.
The, rriitnutes of the previous
-meeting of August 25th were ap=
t. ..' .
proved and; signed on: motion of ,
'Tiffin and 'Carruthers
The claim of•Nathaniel Thome .11
son :for injury while working on . .,
1 Township,,: Roads was- refer ed toa„•,.. ,.
the Anglo -Scottish 'Ins..Co,. ` {
• onion of; Colwell and. Tif
fin We '.go on. record as opposed
s en..'.oftener •
.;to aria open debt saso.
than .once in:, five years, and .the
reeve to notify the' enquirer.
The Clerk ;was' asked;•to notify
',the.::Drury. Construction Co: re
garding the -Tile Branch On the' •
„brain'.:and :also to call for
' tenders ;for wood .at the Haid
A donation of. $2$,00 was given
to the Lucknow.. Agriculture`Soc..
B.y .. N
-law o..7, . 2947- was: prey w-•,
pared . and, fin
ally passed riaking
•prbvrsion borrowing &on,the
Bank of4. 1Vlontreal,'.Luckn)w,
• .cessar•: o.none to carry _ cin, till.
ine Y Y
the• taxes.are'..collected,
• :CouncilrioW adjournNl.to ineet
: tar; 2(lti1: day
again .ort" �Morrday
of `'October,. 1.947 O
L• it"ckno,w Sen:,..,
Cheques rssu�e:d, ..,
$:l 3''
Itinel,• pretc.inting, ; 12. ,
Lane 'p ensign .2 50; iV3is• ` J.al
itig, ;
-Agr. Society,,. 25:00:
Highway ,cheques; pot y,16J 1• No,
g ' .r i Co '
9,.$217:55; Sandy Constructiii ,;
677,60;• Earl McLaren, 2g;10,; Har.
' old Bann .rman,:' on' ,:8 c.,. gr av1 =
contract;'. 584;10; Lawrence 1VIc-�:
Leod� gravel, 4'9.50;,''lialUld }lar;- •. •'
merman, atn n, on': ac.: gravel cuntract,
696.20; W,; E. Hendei$Orl; gravel,
59.00.;i'arold' Banncrrri n, .cr; ac.
gravel.` contract,.'. 88215; ,,Wesle7,
Guest, • gravel,, 74.75; Cur'rie .Col,
.well, welding, '1.50; 'Currie Col, -
well, towing 'grader 2.50; Br's' ' I
tish Am. •Oil, , :29.45; lar itish Am,
oil, • 32.45: . Cle'rk;
., J..H. l.�arie,
LATEST WEEKLIES to up tacit^'
subscription rate are The CheAdy
Enterprise and the Paisley
Vocate. They nkow. get .$2.50,11.1
..;11121101111mOmmlogrunrogroulaRimovi Canada.. and $1.00 to the