HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-16, Page 5THURSDAY,'OaTOBER 16, 1047
r. H. R. Kingston; Professor • .of Mathematics
Astroliom of ni ys ,ty oL—Weste
r o.Wil deliver an illustrated lecture on.
to � � ..
• r
• O
noes anspi�ces f they Lucknow , High., Schaoi.:-,
• e.
mission ---;25c';
ceeds lin aid of equi� �ment for: l the schoo
Pro . P ,.
Count y . number `980 They now
on Y
receive $30.00 a 'month, $22.50 -.of
:which conies from the',Donlinion
and,' $7,50 from the Provincial
vernments,' If • there is proof:
of need the, Province , will. allow
an: additional . amount up:• to , $10.,
Ex tend Cail . To `Huron Native
ship and . has "been serving `.in
WEDDIi\1O a' EX.L'.
At *ungannon Wednesday,
October 8th the Rev. S, . T, :Dunk
of DungainnonUnitedChurch
united in marriage Mary.. Kath-:
e • es... • Aug. er •o .' rs,, 'An-
derson and the late David Edwin,
Anderson and Jbhn• Wilbert Mac,-
Leod;. only son of Mrs: MacLeod
and the late John,. Durican,.Mac-
VfacLeod,Kincardine .The ceremony
was held 'at the .bride's home:
The attendants were her sister,
Miss 'Helen Anderson ,and; Mr.
Robert Stothers.
As we reported . ,in a recent
issue, ,When Rev. 'Hugh MacMil-
lan reaches the Orient, oneof his
first responsibilities' will be to
"supervise the distribution of Can-
di'a n Aid --o--( i -ine Supplies,
will act as a tecutive secretary of:
the Shanghai Committee.:
Included In Htigh's big' file. on
Canadian Aid to .China, will' be
. ,news_rtand.; editorial .clippings. from
The Sentinel;, '.showing .the.:re-
sponse to the. carnpaign- last Win-
ter by,:the folk 'of :this commun-
ity, ,
In acknowledging receipt'; of
:these ,.:. requested " clippings,, .Rev.
MacMillan said, • `4It is a good
thi,pg -for 'anyone. in such a .role
as• mine 'to be able to speak' With
authority and in terms of his; own
'con mi nity.It. is the kitid of'lang-
uage that has weight;' Thea Luck -
.now, story of i.nterest••in, •and ,aid
to'China, is quite a good: one .and
I'm. thankful• to have it"r
Written on . September :19th,
Rev MacMillan ...said they ex-
pected to be. off in few days.
The congregations . of.�Blytl and
uAuburn Presbyte ian •cl urciies in
Maitland Huron presbytery, have
extended a call. to the•..Rev; Ross N.
MacKay of Woodstock, B Mr:
MacKay is, a: son of Mr..' and Mrs.
Lachie MacKay .6f , Huron • town
Rev. Alex Nimrzo. officiated at
the ceremony which ' united, in,
marriage, .I{elent Elizabeth •. Torn,
linson,' only daughter ' of Mrs. Wm..
Brownie :and *the late .Wayne
Tomlinson' • to William • :Lorne
Gardiner', . eldest son: of Mr:. and
Mrs. Mark . Gardiner, all of Wing=
sham,. The. marriage Was perform-
' ed..at the. bride's home; under a
pink d .white . arch banked with'
Woodstock since his ordination. gladioli, , carnations and snap -
He visited here with his -.parentsdragons.
in June ,enroute to attend sessions Given in marriage by. her step-
of the' General Assembly .at 'Cal- 'father, Wm.. 'Brownhe,".tilt bride
Whatever the weather, . w.hatever your 'wor-
ries, you'll feel happier,' moresecure, if. you ..
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ings Bonds tucked away. If,•you need money
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Youi can buy. up to $1.,000. in. any;one name (but
to' more) in, he soarconvenient Ways - for 'cash .,
or on ;easytnstalments Take advantage ,of this, ,'
fine opportunity without; �
delay. IBuy Canada Sav-, ,
ings• Bonds today! , '
ON SALE OCTOBER 14th at banks and through
•' investment dealers, -or through your Company's,
Payroll Saving's •Plan.
,wore a satin trimmed grey jersey
dress. with; black -'accessories.' She.
,:carried :' a - •.' cascade banquet ' of
• white and red. laloll:
g .d .. .
` Miss: Margaret; :MacDonald, at-
en e° t e ctrl• e., `wearing a $1ow
Bred jersey dress with,: black ac-
cessories Her bouquet :was pink;
gladioli Rayrnorid 'Bell .was • best
than.; The wedding •march• was
played by : Yvonne SC ardu?er`;sis-
ter of the ,groom. At the reception_
the bride's mother, received the
g tar . y end f1owered en'.
sernnie :witn,corsage ,Of pink car-
nations. The; grooms mother .a"s
Ilisted in a black and white two-
piece dress -sand a corsage otear'=
nation. Later the couple, -left for
Toronto . and. ;otherr points; the
bride travelling ; .iii a black: suit,
blue , blouse'' and' black :accessories.
They .will reside in •Wingham.
Infant •Underwent. Oneiation
Little $ryan ' Coulter, infant
son of Mr. and 'Mrs, •Chester Coul-
:ter, .underwent an appendix op- '
eration in Calgary more than
two weeks 'ago.. Mr, and Mrs..
Coulter and her'parents, Mr. and
Mrs. ..McKenzie .Webb were visit•.
ing n , a gory, wh e enroute• .to.
Vancouver., Wher• the lad was
stricken. He is not yet a year '
old, but came through the oper-
ation well and they 'have since
been able: to: continue to the: coast"
Back First Time In 40 Years
• Messrs. Kenneth •and James -
MacInnies of Duluth . and Mr.
John MacDonald of Detroit visit
ed with Mr, and Mrs. Grant Mac-
Diarmid' for :a few days last week.
The '•MacInnies brothers were
former , residents of , Paramount,
and: , this, was the :first tune
401years that James had "returned,
to the place of his birth, Both are
accomplished 'musicians and as: ,.
young men . played ' at many a.
dance .'in • this community, : .
At. the lovely farm home of Mr.
and Mrs_ Thomas :Webster; the"
marriageof _ +heir : elder :-daix iter,
Mt.� y
Fr ` d Finla of St; Thomas
visited. with friends • here. • -
Mrs. Marie Granat • of Hamilton
spentlast' week=end withr her
brother 'Orville Durniiz. '
Mr. - and Mrs, Bert Treleaven.
attended the :silver wedding; an-
niversary, of Mr; .and Mrs, • Ewart: •
Taylorat the home ,of their dau-
' Betty; Mr.:. and Mrs. Jack•
Ackert : on Saturday when a. e.
.1rightfi even.zng•:.was: spent. .. _ • . •
Mr. and Mrs.. Allan Corbett and `
family. spent Sunday at ,•Grand
Mist Birdie Whitley spent- the''
week -end; at ',her: home ..near Tay-
lois; Corners,
r. and 'Mrs. Jim• :Flesson •of •
Sti tisit Mr :`iii Mrs •
SarreKflpa i` k tial w7�ia' ay*
With combines,Fr e
.610 n g'"`rxj
ma hires :and silo :fillerkl the fall.
`wox is getting .finished • in this
'o�om :unity; but-makes-•farm4abor .,
Gee - of ';Blyth, and Rhea Durnixt
',of Goderich, with the bride cut,
ting the four -tier wedding; cake; :.
The couple; left: later. on a' honey-
moon trip, ..the bride wearing a
,navy. gabardine 'suit:with' match
Mg., accessories. • Upon their re-.
turn ` they will occupy • their new: ' •
home :oii�War�en St , Goderich, .
Margaret Ettabelle, • to Mr. Wm, 1 ., I •.
Bradley, son o0 ; Mr and Mrs: T:
H.: Bradley; ': Goderich,` _ was • 'sol
emnized on Friday, Septernber 1,9
by • . Rev: W. J. Rogers . of Blyth, •
formerminister.. of Dungannon
United::,. Church: The livingroom, '
decorated W th gladioli' of;pastel.
shades, and.ferns, :made a pretty
setting . for the ceremony; „the -
"the •bride,' given. in marriage 'by her.
lather; entered the .livingrobm to;'•
=the strains of the . bridal chorus
from Loheng'r.in 'played; ley Mrs.;
W.:.J.:. Rogers. The bride' Wore a
floor :length: gown' of White satin
with bouffant skirt, fitted bodice,
sweetheart neckline, and fingertip
sleeve's,: a• • long ',embroidered net•
veil arid ': Juliet cap• headdress:
She carried a large :bouquet of;
'American Beauty loses fcin.,'.and:'
gypsophilia,, and wore'. a strand.'
of pearls, the- gift of. the bride-
groan': . Miss Jean Errington; :
cousin ;of.the bride, as bridesmaid,
woe a floor length' gown of yel
°: low' 'taffeta' with flared skirt,
Sweetheart. neckline and. short
sleeves, arid, long.matching;:,veil..
and, mittens, She carried a bou
quet;; of -gladioli and:' chrysanthe-,'
mums. Miss:,Lois •Webster, ..sister.
of the bride, •as'junior bridesmaid,
wore a floor length gown of Pink
crepe . with matching.' veil :and
fibwe ` and feather headdress and
carried gladioli and chrysanthe
mums with fern. Mr, ;Lloyd Brad-
ley, brother of the' bridegroom,
was ;groomsman. Rev.' •S.. -T. Dunk,
;pastor • ' of Dungannon • Unitect
church sang `‘Because". '': ' h .e
guests were received - by the
bride's mother in a 'black., crepe
dress with' fishtailback and
Wearing a corsage 'of Mauve and.
White. ehrysanthemunis. • At r,s.:
Bradley assisted in recelVitig :the.
guests wearing a black crepq dress
an a corsage of mauve & White
phrysanthemulris, A buffet; lunch
was - served to fifty. • guests ' by
1Viisses Isabelle, Errington of Dun-
ganrion, Helen and Dorothy Mc-
Vr'" sTRANYER a:
F I ora ' Sales and Service
Thon, 40, ' .;uc
ow .