HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-09, Page 4TA9E FOUR • PROgirITRN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL: T.+U,C, KN';fJ'W, ONTARIO U • 1 •• ti,„., i•0 NOTICE+' 'All fuel cost's. -will, be higher, � thy:. year. , flet. us "Fleece Line `�.,,,, Your Horne 1' .with blown ' Rock- woo/. Insulation. Saves fuel withOlir— more year 'round comfort : and. adde • fire pro ec. ion. •• For free estimate phone .35' Lucknow or write Rowland C. Day,. 5 Tlorn- ton Ave., London, .Pneumatic'Jn-' sulating Co. Ltd. • "WANT AD" RATES—lst insei.tion 2 cents, ..a word, subsequent' insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25, cents, Replies care. of .The Sentinel 10 ;cents extra. Legal advertising' 10 cents per countline first insertion, 5 cents. per line; subsequent. insertions. FOR SALE—oil burner heater. Fred Steward, Lucknow.. FOE.:S'ALE—man's overcoat'size 42, blue,.'Apply Sentinel Office. FOR: 'SALE -a Gii: burning range. ' Apply Russ Mutton, Lueknow: ..,.COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE -good cattle dogs. Apply Herbie.Wilk- ins, Phone 76=15 Dungannon. 'DODGE FOR SALE-1932Dodge ; sedan; 4 new tires. Apply N. W. Winterstein, Lucknow. DURANT FOR SALE= -1932 Dur- ant coach, ,new tires. • A.ppiy. N, : W. W.interstein; :,Lucknow. , FOR SALE '— Beatty r_ electric 'washer. 'Apply ,Mrs.' ,Gordon• Tay- lor,. Phone 49-w, Lucknow.,• APPLES FOR. SALE --Northern' Spies. ' Apply. to •'Irvine Henry, Phone 84-r-1 Dungannon. LE—Bo. 's 3- piece winter • FOR. SA .,. y •outfit, size '4-5:,years:' Mrs.. James PAISLEY APPLE . BUTTE. R. • Mill will run from Monday to Friday, starting September `'15th.. GUNS' FOR SALE—Two :22 Hor_. r.et' '.rifles, . one , with" teIese9pe sights, good condition,. reasonable; Re d;:Lucknowr_ • CAR FOR SALE 1938 De uxe Ford,, coupe, good tires, Al con'- dition. Apply to L. 'C Thompson, uckno .. , FOR R S AIs •-=1931 Pontiac c oach good' Condit on 4 new tires. Mur- ray Hardy,. R. 3 Goderich, mile . "'north ; of : Kmtail• FOR SALE•—Quebec, cook .stove with :. oil burner installed, used .only ' four.- months... Apply. to. Jos. Whitby, Lucknow. FOR .SALE—Gilson gasoline pow- ered washing machine,,, :battery radio, gas iron, gas lamp.: Apply Harvey Brooks, R..; .:3 . Lucknow, Phone ii'..i Ripley, FOR SALE—We4 have. a' stock of good fence posts for safe; also` hydro Or telephone ,poles. Prices reasonable. The Luckriow. Saw, - 4 Mill Co: FOR SALE -4 well bred, Durham cows, 3 to 7 'years,, with calves -at foot, may' be bought without calf; also. dark' red .bull calf, 15 mos. James Forster; U 1 Luck flow. . 1'ORSALE' Gil l's, ,winter coat, size. `14, good as' new;' also' 2 geese ',•• and gander Apply at' Sentinel Of- ficeti; . . .. iLL OR CRUSHED `'GRAVEL for sale. About 500 yards: ava 'able wittiin '' :a week. Apply. to Joseph' Agnew clerk of the vill- age of; LUCknow.' Yet IF P: r". S 1 A fj G di 6` t r CORDWOOD FORS .ALE ---'. We •have. good .' dry 'Mixed •:cordwood fol'. sale. Price ;;Reasonable. De- livered; ,The . Lucknow 'Sawmill Co: • WANTED --6 leg drop leaf, table,, 'carrier . cupboard, .small` .or 'mea him :size :;chest of • drawers, cherry or walnut sideboard; 'odd chairs,' sofa; writing desk' with book case above, china .and. old glass. 'Write Box G, Lucknow Sentinel SEWING MACHINES repaired. •Expert factory et Qds, : a 11 , ' ' 2 • ' makes, . •electric or • ' freadie3. years' experience. ;New machine` results guaranteed regardless of, age or. make. Satisfactory: work this . vicinity " for ``1''st 15 years. iGovernment:licensed. Write C. W., 'Craig; General, Delivery, • Luek- now; or ' phone '35 and 'leave . names „VCS.11.be here in few •days, FOR SALE Cook 'stove 'with waterfront, used 2,. years; Quebec .heater, mediumsize, used 2 win ters; dining 'room' .extension 'table, 4; boards;.Mrs. Burt Roach, Luck - WANTED—flocksto. supply us with.. hatching eggs: for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks. culled & bloodtesterl free..:Guaranteed pre-- mium plus hatchability premium paid.- For full 'details , Write Tweddle Chick ' Hatcheries Lim-. iced, Fergus, Ontario. THURSDAY., .00TOBER.: J, .1947 Re S.1.etheri'ngton.,"K C, Barrister, Etc.. Wingham' and Luckriow. L Each Monday & Wednesday Located on the "ground ;loon im the front of John Kilpatrick's Building - 'Pone Wingham. Office Residence 91: WINTER EMVMPLOYMENT FOR FARMERS ,=" We'. have, openings , for men and boys during the. win- ter ' rngnths. • Good pay, five-day week, experience,not . necessary. Apply to, •Mr. Walter Zohnston.11at Kitchener Plant, opposite C.N.R. Station, and to ..Mr. Clayton, J. Reitzel at Waterloo. Plant, 50 Al- len St. West. CANADA , CABIN- ETS: & FURNITURE .LIMITED: tDREW Barrister' and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in • the :Joynt Block Telephone • Office .'135 Residence '31-J I AUCTION SALE of f arm : stock, implements grain, .etc. at Lot 7, % — Con. 7,' Ashfield on Friday; Oct- ober 17th 'at one . o'clock.,See;bills, • NOTICE • TO ;CREDITORS terms cash. Bert: Treleaven, Prop, In' the matter. .of the Estate of Mati .Gaynor, Auc. • • ' Finlay D. MacLennan, deceased:. ..NOTICE is hereby given that allp ersons. having ,claims against the estate of. the late'. Finlay 11 Who .. died at the Vill- CLEARANCE of '8, only beautiful chesterfields' at drastic reductions to make, room ;for 20, recondition- ed pianos that we :will have on display early in' October. J. F. Schuett & Sons,, _Mildmay: FART -'t ':FO :' S ALE acr s rick solace,'•goou'tbclIrea�,id,v,ra� supply, 21/2 miles north of Luck. now, . •1/ .. mike east of highway. Baigai? •O_r quick, sale.:.APply-f-t-o 1\4i s S:.Jones at M•rs': 5-er aid's; AUCTION SALE. • of .'farm, farm stock, "implements; etc:, ' at the arin_aa e- .te`.Roderick"•Ross, INSURANCES FIRE; CASUALTY . and 'FML To Protect Your Jack Insure'"With Jack Today J : A...McDONAGH R.R. 3 'Lucknow, Ont. 1, Phone 61-5. Dungannon . Insure,:.In . .Sure insurance . { 'Confederation :Life WIND, CAR; RE -?referred Rates - for . ' :preferred risks. ACCIDENT • & SICKNESS E•onsult ' ..: JOHN FARRISH' Phone 82-13' Dungannon , ACCOUNTANCY. Service for p.the Small „Mer.. chant, Professional . Man and the Farmer. . In Lucknow Tues., Thurs. and Friday. 'Office• in `Kilpatrick. Block.. Lochalsh, Tuesday, o o . ,ergs ; . age' of Lucknow nn e ` i een at `'12.30: ,See ,fills for list ,andday of July, . A.D. 1947; are net - terms: Mrs::Roderick 'Rossi':Prop ified to • send their. claims, duly. Donald 'B: Blue, Auc verified to the, undersigned f fore 'the Seventh. day of Novem CLEARING : AUCTION.'SALE o berg 1947. After the said date the faun . stock,'"'implements , and '35 1 be :distributed anion st, Chev. • deluxe sedan : at . the ' .farr�c estate will g Loui Kraemer ..Lot' 32 Con..12, the' parties entitled thereto .ha - TO. 14th .at 1 30'' p.m; `Terms = -6 mos. i 30th' Dated t.'• Walkerton . tdZ s credit on •bankable joint' notes, 3' . a ' ercent off for cash.: No 'reserve. day 'of September, A.D. 1947 p - Donald Alexander•: MacLennan, Louis •Kraemer;: Px�o Nfatt Gay R+ -R, j, -L know, Ontario, `Executor: Lnow ck r P.O. r Box 74,.Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 23 i u . ---r-- • NE SERVICE CARD: OF . TANKS SEWING MACHINE I' r i :t � all Makes work ' Mrs. Elizabeth Jewitt :wishes' to• Repairs o . e , ratefull acknowledge the' many guar.'a`nteed `�-= tfree estimates gratefully • machines electrified,. kind• and,: thoughtful acts'' by •. Ne ales and - Belts. friends ;` and' neighbors who .re 'A' cots- : membered her while' in 'the . hos- g in. Murdie •& ...Son's Hardware, ..pital, ;'i�ho .ne �i0.,h.n.ckiia�r r.--and-Mrs., W. S. Reidm,wish . � . _ . T NICER SEALED TENDERS marked ten- der' • will be. '4,received,' by `` ,the undersigned up . `to. Wednesday, October' 22nd, 0 1947,, for 80 acres of '. bush' on :the property owned by George Jardine, 100 rods south of: Point: Clarke Lighthouse, Hur- on Township, Bruce County. The highest' or any tender not nec- essarily accepted: , 'George Jardine; Luckriow,Ont. TENDER'S ,, TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS• Tenders -will beexeceived by the undersigned up\ to Monday, Oct- 20th, at ords • 2, p�:m :for 6 c 2 . ober 0 of dr:' hardwood 16 in. long' or.. y. 'the'same quantity of dry" elm the. same length - and. .1 cord of good cedar for'kindling' to be delivered at the ,Towriship Hall;' Holy. rood, . as':soon, asPdssible, and :riot 'later' than',1e 1st of 'December 1947:. J. R. ,LANE, :Cterk; R. 2, Holyrood. Arriving Soon JAMESWAY POULTRY ,SUPPLIES Feeders; Waterers with .plain and heated'. bases; steel - nests; . automatic ' time, clocks, Etc • • WE -GUARANTEE Double your money ':when you use LIFETFRIA LAYING :MASH• HAVE YOU . TEED. . • NEW 1:.FE HOG GROWER' IF IITOT : WHY NOT? . L'L'CrawI0rd'$ 'PDOHALF.•TON' OR TOMS DE ', Lfy LIICKNOW, ONTARIO ERED FREE. Support The Community. Recreational Centre Xpress -their free--tfelt- to all those Who in :Many ways have been. so' kind, . considerate. and helpful during land since the fire. 'Words.. fail . to express' their gratitude'. but all these kindnesses will'. long. be` cherished. 'Mr.: Elmer B, Alt• on and- family wish. to express . their grateful, 'and heartfelt' thanks' and: appreci- atios for the very,' many- expres- siong and. tokens of , loving sym- pathy and helpfulness, including thefloral contributions and' ser vices at the time of their: recent bereavemerst.in he'lossof.a'.de.a.r., loving wife. and 'mother.. • • .' ` 'NOTICE•. TO . ! 7'KEDITOR;S ,' �AN AND , OTHERS In the estate.of JohnW oal,R..T HI ei1947 Henderson :Deceased. Clerk of 'West •W'wSa os h Twp ,eyDU�Ih:PILyIP, ,t . All persons having ' any claims against the 'estate, of the said,John Wolsley '''Henderson 'who died 'on' Or. about •the Twenty-eigiithl day of•• July,'A.D;, .19'47, are required nzie :.StuartP: lVlacKe• z , • W'alkerton,.Orltario, Solicitor for thea said. Executor. • NOTICE '• CLERK'S :;NOTICE 'OF FIRST .POSTING OF 'VOTER' -;LIST'; vote '- .Lints; ; 1947 Municipality. o ' he :Township of :` Wawanosh,' County of Huron~. .: Notice;. is hereby',given that.I have ':complied with Section 8 •of: The. Voters'. List Act - and . That' I, have. posted .up'..at' my office at Dungat►noni on;,,,,the : 30th• day of' Septeriber,' 1947, thea list. Of' ill persops entitled ' to :yote,- in the, said ., Municipality • 'at. Municipal Elections and that "Such,.. list re- mains there for insepctron And., I herieby Call _ up .tri all t r' to .. take immediat • ro. woes pro.' ceedings to 'have any ;. errors or ,omissions --corrected _according ...tri• law, the,•last day for appeal .being the • 21st day .of:October, 1947, ' Dated this 30th day of SepFterrim= i DIt .. FOWLER: TO SPEAK AT •.. KAIRSHEA ,IN:STITL'T: Dr; : WM. Fowler, .head of. the :Bruce, County • Health .TJnit,.'will art '• or before' .the Tenth ;.day of. address the.,,next. meeting of the October,'` 19,47,, :to send their Kairshea'•histitute l:o'be held .at. .claims, d .il' roved to the:-urr-'--tt eyhvme.-`of MutFred Gilchrist dersigned Executors bf'the estate. on Thursday, October 16th. • And 'further, take notice that It will •ba an evening', meeting after'such last mentioned date the. to ''cornmence at :8 =o'clock and In said.. Executors:' will.. proceed, to , stitiute members, are requested •to ne i..: . te ,the Change of .liner. , . O deceased, having; regard only to the claim's of which. they shall •, then have notice, aid' that- the said ,executors will not be pliable .. . . for .'the said assets• or. any ' part: thereof to. any person .or •pesons of whose claims. notice shall not have . been '• receivedby them at the time of Such distribution. • Dated the: Fourth day of Seri- tember, ;1947. • ' �' ' William. A. Henderson, Hillsdale; le: Ontario, and 5onald.T. Henderson, ' . • _ Lucknow,' Ontario, , Executors of the said Estate by their . Solicitor', P. Stuart' ..Macy: Kenzie, 'Walkerton, Ontario. • Stuart Kezn'ek'. • r Marc BARRISTER& SOLICITOR Walkerton' .Ontario: • Each Wednesday ; OFFICE. IN •HENDERSON BLOCK;_. F T. ARMSTRONG. TOMEST LU. IN. CKNOW •. FIRST .WEDNESDAY' OF EACH MONTH from' 16: n.m.. to 6 p.m.. , AT,; .. W1WL:.SCHMID'S STORE`' ; • 'INSURANCE .:.; AUTOMOBILE, FIRg. and . L., INSL'RAS C.E "GENERA Be Sure Tomorrpi%,,' Ins : e Today. X19 . R :� KILPATitI.CK. L'ucknO' P'` hone .. annon 77:-r .2 Dung5 • • 'Move, To London '• M :. . Mr. and IVI•rs:.Allan .Dtar:tin children,. ManyHelen & Charles have moved from. Owen Sound to . London, where they have par. chased 'a lunch, room business. ALL INSURANCE ' POLICIES L MUCH ALIKE At time of loss ' its, serince aid ,satisfaction that counts. WE GIVE.' IT. Ask.:•Our. Policyholders. gnews' INSURANCE A • :Esiablialhed 31 Yealrs .., Y ulcknow` : _ Ontario 4 .1