HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-09, Page 1• 1' ry • •$2,0O7A Year --:-In Advance; 50c Extra'to U S: A ^ LUCKNOW ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1947 Overcome Of Burning I�ragge� Bu�ldrr Dr. C. ,C°. Evely •is in. Wingham Hospitalwith burns, and Mr, and Mrs.. W. S. Reid and children are omeless as a•.'result of a fire ' h that •gµtted.o e of �+ ucknow's old- :est n. uiidiiigs 'on Sur day°'evening. b :. Dr. 'Evely was `.overcome fby . smoke while 14 114 to eget ort ,of the building •and was dragged to :safety ; in the nick • o, f time by j. L; McMillan and Wellington • McCoy. Meantime George Hassal had groped his way through' to Mr, Evely's favorite' front room, settee, • but it was 'empty.' The • smoke .drove George out. It was • at the' -'back of the building that Mr. Evely was found, He had: escaped to a rear •shed out of the iinmediq'te path •of'the flames, but had collapsed in. the smoke, within • anarm's length of safety. Burns to his 'hands and forehead were only superficial.. The' alarm was sounded' shortly • after' eight o'clock . by George liassal after Bob . and Karen Reid SCARLET FEVER CLINIC FOR. ASHFIELD •TOWNSHIP' A clinic :for" the inocuration with scarlet, ,fever : toxoid, Will : be held at: $,S: No, 9 Ashfield (W. Andrew's) .• on Tuesday; 0 tober- •14th,: and each • succeeding' Tues_• day' for a total of five, inocula tions • The Clinic is for: pupils�,attend= ing,Ashfield schools and children of ,,pre-school age„as young as :one. year, 'Phis i to protect' ;them against scarlet fever.' Clinics' are held. 'from 9` to '41 a•m. DR W. V. JOHNSTON, 1V1,0`:H 'LAUNCH' LOCAL APPEAL FOR RED'' SHIELD. FUND Plans; w.e•e made :here on 'Mon-• day night tor.' holding; of the :ani nual: Red • Shield ••'Appeal• cam- paign. The work of the •Salvation• Army , ;is well known in . •this community and the R Shield. n a v>ays we 1Viason's Garage with `word.''that• the building was on:;fire, .and Dr:' ,� • Efely;'was in the building., • and Mrs: Reid, who. dive Mr:i, an ., • •; in • thief upstairs, apartment .had gone gone ::for . a short ' walk after. the children were ° ready, to' retire: It 8„ -year-old ; Karen . who° din- was . 0,]Y d�.� Mg -4n, . - •.:.. :{r V'V a,,>r l•.'14. -the .mike ;see”, the'•kitchen• andon informing her 12 -Year-old brother,, the two of • them made . a:- hurried exit. Bob to the -rear -tit- . 'buildiri --th�- supported.. :Canvassers have "been " appoint- ed for, the Village and will•:short-' ly start' their calls: There, will be no rural canvas but' country,. folk are requested to leave, their: donations at McKim,'s ' • Drug. Store .Jr.+the Quality Shop ... YOUNG SISTER ARRIVES • TODAY FROM ENGLAND" Marjorie Brownsword, 10 -year= old sister of Mrs. Jaynes Burns, Jr,, of Lucknow, is...expected to arrive today (Thursday) .at Lai' Guardia Airport •at New York City. Srie is'"being' niet by 'Jimmy and will ac8ornpany"him. 'to Luck- now. where ' sh'c, • .lans to' make her home with ,thein . Fie` 'whose ` :home was 1c .h .Nas at Stoke=on-Tren wi11; be• eleven. in December, ' . n• `alder: sister ac companied her to Heathrow Air- port''ot :London,. from where. the' ,youngster boas ded 'her plane for New York. Underwent Operation Lloyd.,Hall 'underwent an' em- ergency appendectomy in Wing- harp :'Hospital. on'Saturday; • ASHFIELD'S TAX':. BILL' ITEMIZED. Ashfield' .Township's 1947 bill totals ';$56,916;26 on'• an ass-. essment of $2,773,025... This• is 'an. increase' of about $0,000 over 'tax:• CONDEMN' N U:MBE:R' CAL:,..NVELLS ,�' Dr WM.-Fowler,. head • of the :Bruce: County Health Unit, 'ad dressed. the•' Village Council,: on Ttiesday' night, ::with .respect'', to the condition of .:a 'number'' . of 'illa..e'. ll ^ 91.' : ... 'Village' s While the;:domes'tie water :sys- -tem has pretty .nuch .Water the old.househ'old 'pump,. there ate still 'some forty. of theni. in. -th e villa • Water, samplesw'recentl drawn. from • these ,wells by Sanitary Inspector Creba MacSween of the Health Unit, show . thirty four• wells: as definitely, contaminated:, Dr.'Fowlerts-report. Showed owed:.the followtrig tests: Grade A. 5: ' Grlde B ...... 1 Grade 'C • none ` Grade .'D' .; 34 There ' is only, one testlower than.. ".D" Dr. `.'Fowler �replied; when asked by .the• Board,. and stressed that: the • condition; was serious enough to -;be brought to. the Council's; attention. Officials. df the .Health Unit • .: • Oddly enough while the .flames plan. •.a '. personal call°. at' homes burned. around;.' under., and ..over.- where the well Waier••is:.contain. ' top •of the Reid ,apartment, some• Mated, explaining how'. it may be (Continued on -�e 8 purified, and will label the pump, Par � . ,.•; • warning. that the water can :only be, ' safely : used when :boiled .•, or.. chtprinated.' e D' applications' filed for • ' domestic' water. • service, the 'installationMat- erial., of which is 'being ,delayed by mat- erial. , shortages.• However the System has .enough copper piping' Y� to •'install services : for 25 of the 35 households that • have con. demaed (wells. ' '' • Council :declined the written request of J. Jradyki' of: Toronto tb rent the Town' Hall for 'a pie- ture show. Defer Dec 'on .on..'Building:, ,On Friday; 'October 17 a clinic' ' The tender fvan•Louion was. will be held in the Town .Hall' the only one received for the pur Lucknow. from • 9.30 y to 11.30 a.m. chase Of the tovn�owned "Gedy flavor 'the.'.inoculation.':of children •des Block"'. • Council reserved diphtheria toxoid •a n'd their decision in the matter. 'until. Thursday night. , Council will open a gravel pit .in_.• the... m'uh cipal . dump where _ a MODERATOR RETURNIN i. FROM EAST THIS WEEK , • Rt. •Rev..Oharies H. IVfacDonalct, nioderator of the General Assem- bly ••of the Presbyterian•-Chureh •in ;Canada,. concludes his tour of'the Maritimes this week, • • He '' is scheduled to return'..�to Ontario this week`and wilrpreach rI New: Liskeard •on Sunclayrprior. to commencing his trip westward._ It will be the Christmas season, before :•he.;returns' to his • home here - t }. -'rhe , Saint 'John. .: Telegraph Journal' carried a. lengthy.report of Rev.. MacDonald's visit to that city. From there, he went to= Pictou, N.' S:, 'arid .then'' on to CharlottetownW. for: • the meetings; of the Maritime Synod county:`—rate,. ; the; 'new levy for the'i'' . i" ho area, ode ch High. c e G S of a r g ,. and a slight debenture increase to wipe put ,indebtedness created b ,the.' ill-fated. West Shore Rail .way. rpo . . tax paid to the Township b u ..I. d treasury throughthe assessor ran 641 with-S4g.out:: anding-,.'', ig es : in • ivadual taxp.,. yer: the. .Township is • Norman O'Con- nor''.whose',hold'•ings 'are .taxed g .n77,&..89--A.xr:atlle.• 'paysw'': • •: arid' could 'sect • r.' Eder' :.:: A y beating • at the flames. He called to him to come out.''and then, ran .to. raise an' alarm. Mr:.:and Mrs: .Reid had been "gone less than ten • inutes m. and there had``: been no• sign of a n outbreak; the cause of'' which ,is ncehtain. a ;• Two lines of' hose, ' and ''later, a •:.third line were laid,' ; .but `.the m.u.itQ wasn't�imm - i ed ate] ':�.turrre_d. on until i t was :determined if Mr. 'Evely had been , rescued. Water i' ould 'haves blacked out "the building . and •• increased: the suf f'cating effects of .the smoke. The Main fire was in the'west wall of the 'building Which 'was inaccessible because of the Legion `Building,., which • is so Close that, the eaves: overlap. The' , flames roared up the..partition • into the attic and' burned the ..entire' roof ,off the buildin : • g. It was not- until. . the ••roof. •'.burned through that 'some of. the tremendous- volume of..w.ater. that was poured on the :-buildin:g, -.got',at the heart, of the ) laze. 60 . YEARS AN. . EXHIBITOR Mr. James a• longtime esident of West Wawanosh and a `veteran, breeder of 'good. horses;' . was :again • in the show.° ring at the Lucknow' Fall Pair w` • . fine to � �;, . }xh • a am of wagon horses. Marked the 60th eonseeutive" year that Mr. Forster, has : exhibit horses ° in'' th! Lucknow show (ring. • 11110 UL' C� ATl<ON CLIIITIC STA,T HERE NEXT WEE)![ ti. Some with Grad. wells have whooping cough vaccine, This . is for chiildren froni 'pre-school :age to to ten yeas...old a h nd• .is for crusher will set up e ild totren of rnding district, :'•Lucknow .and sur-[ within a few days, A quantity cif •' This is .the first • of three in. fill and :gravel will be available' oeulations,. The. secondto individuals. c • . and third . r ]tures will.: be held on .ave Monday, October 27th was Set. bex'14th m and December 12th. " • At the ' November 14th clinic vaccinationnine ith ... :�v smallpox vac- - will be done on any child ' whose parents desire . it.- - • for the' Court of 'Appeal . on ..the Asesssment Roll. • •Council:voted $25 to"the Clans meals' • Hallowe'en party for • the Children. . DEER BOUNDS INTO CAR• AND IS • KILLED • • 'While returning from Hanover on. on': Sunday. evening 'Wm..'Schmid' liad'his car considerably damaged When, .about 'a, mile' north `of, Holyrood; ..a big doe ,bounded out of'the darkness into "the path of the•car. The deer struck.the.fTont. u • •8•P GES Public Meeti�n�. Here "Nexfi iNeek • A'' public meeting to discuss the advisibility , of forming a Comi, munity, , Centre 'organization has• • been : called': for next . Wednesday night,' October. 15th • at: 8 pan .in. the , Town'. Hall. Speaker's will includ'e Mr,. T A. ,Leishman of the. Adult Education-•. Board, a representative of` : the . Provincial Department, of Plan. ing. and Development accompaii- ied�`by 'Mr, John••Hanna, .M.P.P. for: HuronaBruce, and •Mr: Sam Burton; recreational 'director of • the Wingham. Centre, . At this meeting it' is hoped' to receive fan expression of public opinion on • the formation tti .. such'.. an organization : serving the•edu-' cational, cultural 'and recreation • al needs of the entire .community, The Clansmen'have: furnished a buld'ing> :adaptable to :. the. quirem•ents ''of ':('such a,. program, and if' citizens generally. see value :an these:': proposed projects . the building•• will. ; be' made' available. .for such,. activities was thrown against ' the right of the . car front .door The animal died. almost instant- ly. Bill ,was driving .at 'a coin- paratively slow: speed and man= aged to keep the ;car on.'the road *So heavy :was the the doe that': he couldn't move it from, the road-: s eff -ancl"-half to coine into -town - to get.help:, The: game - wardens 'was notified! over-�-Returne From 'Wes' ,Frank Graham' returned recent ly from a'six'weeks' trip 'through Western Canada to '` Vancouver. `Ola: the trip •"he 'visited with, •his two brothers, : Wilfred. of Van couver and: Earl. of . Edmonton,. and with his sister, 'Mrs ' S. W. Lord' ;of • the; . Edm'ontan ;distract. From this "crossroads, Of the world"' Frank had: a comparative. 1•:' shotL motor__._.tri • ': over the southerly' :end of 'thy Alaska :Highway..': S500,.:one .Over $4,0 . and two.: in the' "over : $300 ' class., There. are who pay' $200 or more.... The : r akdo' n)1:4. the'' -.total' b e , rS� . , . . taX'' '.bill. is ' as: follows • Count.. lev •,''$21;907.12. y y Tow n sh•i • lev • 11,092:10' l? . 3' Debenture": levy 5, 779.18 General`: school 'le•v 8 6;7.0..85 Y :. Public:sch;ool trustees 6, 7'5.90 �� 1 ': .-.. `887:10. Separate _choo o eric i ' rea . , : Electric lights, Dungannon 85.35 Ditch 98.92,' Dogs not paid 48.00• $56,9'16.2e ..•1!' -:M Y,�i• d :to.',o. erate" the. building. for such p .g. activities that a would h be • re' enu v, e. !Dearing,.• •r It .behooves' every.one in: the community who. is interested, in the. .welfare • and' progress' of the; community ': to . attend'. this' meet- ing Special ih.vitations •are being s in -to-the -head's••'if` va " ganizations,: requesting: that they arid 'members: of their .organiza- tion be in attendance:. '11'lieartl e:•pea- sibilities ".9f,. such. a set up;.,wall hear , of the.provincial assistance 'in. maintenance, and thirdly. *ill , rear of, the "pi actical: reitits be ing: , obtained sin.a • neighborin g. town. The• : ur' oses for - which` a p •p, :re- creational. -centre :could be 'used •in':the interest of everyone from my tots to oldsters will :not °: be reit rated_. here :_but ;t e a .eal is made . for all civic' minded• folk to turn otic next• .Wednesday ::' •1' ; • I, • ti,. C•OMING EVENT GUIDE. COOKIE ' DAY' SATU RDAY,• :OCTOBER :' 1.8th AT..WHITECHU CH , ., DANCER 'Under. .W, I. ` auts '`ices in' the „p Community, M e;m.or,i a 1 ' .Hall,' Whitechtirch, 'on Friday, October '10th. 'Farrier's . ,orchestra, lunch ,counter. Genfs 50c, •• ladies 25e. FIELD : DAY .FRIDAY , .` 1:::& ki:uw High., School •annual'. Fi• 1d' Day -will ;be .Yield} this Fri- '1,... ri- `1^ afternoon, October."10th, in. the Caledonian Park at •1;30. o'clock. Silver c611ection. THANKSGIVING 'DANCE '. T With proceeds. in aid of the Community 'Recreational Centre, The Clansmen"will, hold a dance in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Thanksgiving • Night,.,, Monday, October :'13th. - Special prize 'for' oldest couple.' Farrier's orchestra. Admission. 50c.,. NCE ' FRIDAY PLAY AND DA • In the 'Town. Hall, .Lucknow, on. Friday, • October 10th, Ripley Jain- iior •Farmers will, present the 3 - act farce, "The Mummy and' the•. Mumps". Play Oat 8,30 sharp. Ad- misions 50c and 25c, Dance 'after to music by :Bayfield Valley Five. Admission 50c. UXILIARY ' CARD • PARTIES A The .,Ladies Auxiliary to, the. Legiorn••have • cancelled the .bridge and euchre marathon that, was to have taken place, this week'..In- stead ' the':Auxiliary plan a •series of Mixed ' card. parties in, their rooms. The first of these 25c hose. `cess .card" parties takes place on Thursday, October 23rd, when 15 members of ' the, Auxiliary will. be responsible for a, table. of cards. ° • :ars 's ermine The ; contract for ' hill cutting, •a°nd road'' widening for a ; distance. of six. miles east of :Amberley' on Highway; 86, has'` been, awarded i.bY ; the .Ontario; • :Department of Highways, to th , firm.:of Peacock and McQuigge Already they .hav:e' „some , i,equipment ' on : the': ground' •ready to start. work ' prepa ratory to hard :'surfacing, -which will ;'not. commence however until ' next year; Whether or not this fall's: work wall,be' confined ;to six miles will no.' doubt':depend :on weather con- ditions -and the :'progress Peacock and McQuigge make. ' The 'contract calls for widening thelroad• to 100 feetfrom fence to fence. The present., width• is. 66 feet, meaning .that fences :will be moved back -'17 `feet on each'si°de. Negotiations:: have ' been under-. -Way with.. a view to moving .the `Bradley eliopping mil' at . Am- berley, but there is nothing def •inite• on this. The .Lochalsh; stores which front the present fence Zine Will.. remain as they' are.„' Mr. R. A. Grant of .Asifield has the contract .;for removal' of present •fences and, erection of the new 'ones, and already'. has' the . work. "underway.. The road widening I program also requires the:telephonelines, . moving of ' which task has also been com- menced, " • • •• • • Minister In This Area Last •--week . the Hon. G oi'ge 'Doucet, Minister, • of Highways and district road officials visited ''Walkerton• and Goderich confer- ing with county, highways cam- missioni3. He was accompanied among : to hers, by John :W, Hanna, 1WI.P.P.' for Huron -Bruce. • -IN TRAIN'WRECK. IN STATE OF;OREGON' W.hile'enroute from' -Vancouver `• to , Los' .Angeles,' Mrs;:• WmCalifornia,�' . MacKenzie was in a txaiu wreck, but 'escaped with Tittle more than' a . shaking .up. The'ac- cident occurred about «a mile' from Salem, Oregon, when • thee•• fast • train.,struck. an open' switch,: 'believed by ' officials to • have been 'purposely opened. 'The- train had .'made a atop at• Salem, and: had not attained its full speed upon .. hitting'; the switch,..oi the .casualt . list would y. have been high: As it was five ears. were derailed: ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, W., G. Reed, Luck - now; wish to announce .,the en= • • gagement of their , younger dart l ghter,-• Marjory, Eunice to 'Robert Kenneth Reid, younger'.son ' of .• Mrs. Sohn Reid,; and -the late Mr: Reid, Dungannon. The marriage to :take placethe middle .oLOct- ober: FIFTY-THREE . YEARS IN HARDWARE BUSINESS, It was fifty-three years 'ago Pon. Monday, October 6th, 'that Mr. •Murdie started -in• the hard- ware business-Tn. the "employ of Johnston. Bros, of Seaforth. • , Less . than 'two' years later he ' .' zind . George Sills opened the 4th hardware store. in,. Seafor. th and', •iri 1905 Mr. •Mui!die bought out Mr. D. C. Taylor'' of Lucknow. Next month he will be in busi- ff nest,: here 'for forty-three years. • ,,