HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-08-28, Page 7AftSPAY; A UST 28th, 1947 THE.. L'UCKNOW SENTINEL, IXCKNOWt9QNTAB,IO. U N G�_` 0 N EARLY.'SO'WNN ATS --and Mrs,„ Mrs.. Ge ox -- �A'. Faker TURNOUT WELL visited Mr, and Mrs ' • • of Florida • .Durnin Phillips; t rned• Hurongr iep wretu+) ]Iles ,,.Alvin Octo_ • (By Leroy G. Brown, er Sh f rri>tlrotlx xr ix i;�t�j�rtal one:, last week. •Her infant son is 7•ematni.ng .longer. 'for care. anti` is ,repoiaed to be making a •-sma ). steady 'gain,•. TT 1V1iss Beta Drennan o1; Stratford visited,lier'grandparents, Mr. and Abner Morris on Monday, Miss Lillian Popp .has been vis- . xting her grandmother, Mrs. -,R. A. McKenzie, at Wingliaim • miss Betty' Rutledge visited last• geek. v'itii her grandparents, . Mx and Mi :; Itubt;: Rutiedgg.. • ' Mr's` Loo a Cousins and little • daughters • of Detroit have ••been visitors •' with • their aunt,. 1Vfts. 1•` Lorne. Iversi .Mr, .Elmer.' Shaclpleton :;and son Carl of Uetreit are enjoying hol- • ...)days :with the former's mother : a .Y , • Mrs.. Ellen Shackleton, : ••'Mr. ,Br tide Sh'ackleto%.• and wife, of Beela Coola, 400. miles 'north • Of Vancouver, 13,C,; are'.: visiting his • parents,1. Mr., and •Mrs? Mat- thew Shackletonof the village.: Mr. Win: A, Culbert is retie v- ing many calls for baling'• straw, Which : it appears Will -help out in feed 'shortage this •whiter: Ilog ��''T - as. 3 e � s,_ it __ .tom 5s�aa1�, e __:� it •of ,n .7411, triti -v ..- •e Liar the farm stock: Before the'.: next .Issue of .this; ti -".paper is-iw eceived, , 'school' will be - re -opened On, (Tuesday morning the; roads will', be ' dotted with ehildren trudging : off 'to , cum-' :Mende . their studies; again..:and n _ ;Thr*Int f ..s;1? r snag own -grainis is -- r ° Trou•g autl the; • County,; -.and=yiolds--pf- °orad-fietels of ••'early: sown oats .have ',ranged - .between :60 and 70 bushels . per acre, The sample of barley, how- ever, is not•.very•. satisfaetory. this year with'. the exception• of the new .:variety, •M,on,tea1m,:-which- ,. seems to •have stood thc='wet• cort- ditions during the late Suring and. summer" much .better than : ?to.. .standard varieties,. OAC.2.1, .GaL. ore: aund L•Barbtiff. ;•e'1'he; coil t.inued, waren .'weather is 'favorable, to thr•eshiiig , oper atii nns : cx•cept :.file, x .,Certain •-areas where 'heavy rain fall •lias oecurred, Continued warm, liurriid w.ea- ether is the time to watch' for'in- ('estation of aphids in °turnip. 'pat- cher: Already seVera1 outbreaks Iiave been reported, These aphids,. �ornmoi� y caIled turnip' lice, mut= tiply"' very -rapidly when the wea- ther is hot dndhumid, and the infestation 'in. a field 'of turnips `will•:spread very, rapid•1y, If+ the: infestation is :noticed in an early, 'stage,. .the, recommend d.• proced • are is•to' remove :a11 Tants fested and destroy them: If,: how-. ever, •'.the 'infestation ..is general erg _ the: . a:r r'a..�, .. _ K.�� • .,�+�•cr5 c �e��.:.x txn.e.nt, rip ay `cls-rtrxrrrrps- with thep•solution made up of one pound .of Linseed oil ,soap ao •ten gallons .of ' • water. 'This mixture °hould . be ;applied with a :pres- sure pres-sure Sprayer to .en'sur e: thorough coverage. op ''the' foliage..and.thus reach, these 'aphids' . n'•the urider- 13ORN,-.-In :Winghan ' Hospital: on August 25th to Mr; 'and Mrs. James Wilson, 4 -daughter, '• Mrs. Dave McDonald of •Tees - q. w,ater.„.and.':...anti Mrs • Tom Mc-.- Dsrr -ld t'`Gu+e%1i -vth ite-d° ,o ,rr day .with 'the latter, .coj.sin;•--Mrs .,. Mac Ross and Mr. 'Reiss ai41 Mr, and Mrs.- Toin Moore Mrs. :Jean Kernahar of Van - ._ visiting with her sister,; Mrs. R. Tiffin and her bratheo, Mr. J. B. Morrison and other rel- atives, • Bey..., Mr'. ,•and• Mrs. Scobie : of VUil�ota Gi•ove are Spending a few days with 'Mrs: A: Fox. Mr: and Mrs. B:i11 Winds45r`anc` son .of `Detrditspending a• f'6.days. With her father, Mr.° R. Carrick, Y • Miss. Marie Sparling 'Of Wing ham is visiting : with her grand - :Parents, Mr. & Mrs, Torre Moore. Move To Town Mr„ and M•rs, Sam ',]Morrison,: Boundary . East, moved to tow •. last.; week. 'to' reside, . 'having • re- cently., e cently., bought'the, Fred Emberl'in property, • formerly th e Lees home.. 'The Morrison farm has been taken over by Mr. and. Mrs, •Melvin• Morrison" PAGE SEVEN • • .No business ,afford to :l'aco 's1�s� Taw] efi should' ba-. •co . " Irt°xasur :• .-once Let. us. analyse. your_ needs,. FxPildn. bots inniraneetime protect your 'business. from loss in many ways -and arrange.plan:" tied Pilot policies to cover all .eventualities. We write •Pilot Insurance . to cover sel• ected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal op rty..Flo iter, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva,. -tor, Teams, Plate -Glass, ,General and Pub- lie. Liability, Fidelity and Surety. ponds. .-: ST OUR.'BUSINESA • • 'Phoine 8 Representing PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY idence just • north: of the Village, .FALL :FAIR DATES. form.erl the'Robt. McNall ]erne.. M. ,and• Mrs. Swan have been Chesley: employed` for some time at the Durham w Y , Lucknow. •Industries plant.' ` ' Milverton :.. , .•+ Blyth.• .. • Hanover` • Building Construction :Speeded Mount Forest Sept.' 5 ;S, • Sept; 4, 5 ...,, Sept. 2'2 3 •' Sept: 10, 11 Sept. 10,.11 .Sept. 8,•9, ,,.., Sept. 12, 13 Sept: 11, 12•• Sept. 11; 12 Sept,. 18,•17 ,•Se t. 18 : 19 ;S'tept. Construction of 'the Elliott. seed=Tew Hamburg of the site.: of the. former. Stewart ; Rip.ely. • •cleaning plant,• at a point West Port :El rn.., Leaving -For Port Hope ' planing mill, is going: on . apace, Clifford +..,. :, Mr„'and Mrs: `Harry Swan who The ' framework construction is .• : T ' 'are leavinshbrthy for. PortHxpe completedand this' week„the hip •Kincardin e _ _ ._,t '.. ...—. _ -. . - .. . � r -,: �.- may.� .. ,W't3r1�u tr d. c.iea�rtrr , auc ton .�” o z x .ein metal sue -et- . , . ,�'` g � s e s aped r o s p g f1 on • sat urday evening. at their •res., ' ed, • • ..• Parsley • 'Sept. 75, ry. • ize'summer .is•';waning and. there:, The:.gbed reserve of moisture :is a hint of autumn in the air.°'Mr,, in 'the soil has given an excellent Alex. Smith rthe principal, has' -:re . '.growth., on second.. cutting a if rlfa: , • turned -home. after '• taking, a' sum- •in most fields,,•ana the.::weath r mer course at Toronto and••Mrs+ is such :that :many:farmers have •Marvin Duxnin of Crewe will teach llin the •Junior ;room:' ROBT. ;'V1Y.l. ARMSTRONG, loberr William Armstrong died, at•,his 'home :at rioon Wednesday, August 20th, in•h•is•• 89th year, 'He. had been rn 'failing health 'for • some time. -4after an: active life :of sel vice :-in the "community: ' The last.,surviving member of the faMiily.• of the, late Robert r Arn1_ ',strong••and Mary Reed Armstrong he was .born at Crewe on a farm. flow. owned _ by . W. A. 'Culbert. and : which• has-been en , reforested+ H,e ,was ; well known throughout • the district as a very faithful•'mail. carrier 'between Dungannon ::a n d. 'Goderich, • µ servingfor -oven . _25 w:::year's and • retiring from the ser -w vice about 10• years 'agowhen the - : present m�rlriaany” F nk Glenn, took' over: the route.. 'In :those years of'service, Mr • :Armstrong. ' ' and his horse could always -bre re- lied on ,:to get 1 through With , the mail, ',no matter how • impossible tile road conditions, seemed. He, was married about • 15' years . ago to: Elixabet}a •1VIdIntyre', of '(Col, ' ° bornetownship,. who :survives. The funeral service. was held at .:,his 'hoine ,, Friday •' afternoon in charge :•,of Rev: S. T. Dunk: of the • .bungannon . United church, of. •whieli Mr. Armstrong •'was a member for more ,than 50r••years.. Burial Was in . Dungannon' Cern- +etery the pallbearers being ard 1VIcIntyre; ,.Jaynes McIntyre, Frank Jones, Jack Ryan, -Thomas • Diekson and..David Errington., -- been able • to;. '1larvest this valu' abler crop • •Second cutting alfalfa is'''. 'one of ;our .' 'most 'valuable oui cos of protein -grown• cin,. the •. average' "farm,. and • can be : used 4S':a- source,,o'f protein: in -.feeding livestock and` poultry Much interest has been created ..'BORN • ;CARRU'HERS Mr: .and: Mrs. John Carrutlters,,`.Londor;, :wish to' announce the arrival at 'Vic_. ton is Hospital on Tuesday', 'Aug us' 226th, of "a: sister.'for., Gayle• KINLOS'S KAIRSHEA WOMEN'S . INSTITUTE: The.: ladies of, lC'inloss''..Ka'irshea W; I:m met at the. hoe of Mrs: •Walter;; MacKenzie for their 'Aug= 'meetf g;' Th 're w s~Wa largei attendance of 'members and visi-' tors, ' aThe presidnt was in the tclinu and Mrs ---)on •Me -Iver• -•-.- pre sided at the piano:, • After the opening exercises;' Mrs: Fraser MacKinnonread the'. minutes The' `.`name of , a noted Canadian"' .was . the •`;response to. the • roll': call An instrumental :trio by The °McT avish 'sisters was enjoyed! , Mrs+ .'Dan: ,1VIacKinnon, read. a 'splendid.. paper pn . L•ord'' A:lexander: '. and Lady Margaret;' prepared by ,the; Citizensh4.p .con vener, Mrs. Houston. ' Mrs . Gil- christ conducted:: a contest.' Mrs. •James, McTavish favored • with Vocal . solos..; Mrs. • Ira Dickie' had the motto, •"Don't:travel this year" in- last year's ' ruts,"' Mrs. Archie Maclrityre gave an account:, of her trip''to. Western Canada At they;• close of the •j meeting Miss' Grace, MacKinnon' conduct ed. , a• • geography. 'match 'after which, ,a number' of 'ladies wino: took 'advantage of the 'sewing course in 'July displayed their .dresses. ' . Mrs. Gilchrist thanked•, • Mrs, MacItenzie and all when. took .part in the program .for ,the' afternoon. After : God Save the .King lunch ' ' was served and a social hour en - by the tnoving of a~ building from the Port • Albert "airport; .to :the Dungannon 'agricultural grounds, which is now in progtress. Se:t7eral interested :citizens are wishing to be 'present when the ,building ar-' • rives at the- Nine Mile -River bridge, a mile west of the village,. to watch the: performance as it eom'es over and up the steep hill. The 'Agricultural, :Society is plan- • ling .to have . it' for us$, on the grounds for. the fall fair on' Sop". ,tember� 26th. :... 0 That w it nn this municipality we have for long been • free of • traffic ;fatalities, seems more by good fortune • any other. reason. • TRAFFIC, most noticeably tavily. loaded trucks,' '"roves along out streets:; at 'speeds: not in the .interests of Public ,safety. PARENTSparticularlyare deeply concernedatall times- for the welfare of;`their children, 'for in ''spite of warn- ings�, little tots will stray. 'MR. MOTORIST accept' your >► esponsibilit-drive thoughtfully, drivecarefully in congested areas or where • children are at ;;play: 4 ;jtyed. JOIN .THE CAMPAIGN FOR; SAFE �i. DRIVING .ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE .AND'REMEMBER ' Labor. : Day ' :weekend demands extra care and caution . . last • year in Ontario there Was, • a;,highway'death every five hours •during 'the summer's last three-day week -end. holiday. Published in the Public Interest by John. Labatt Limited moor ,• .w • •