HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-08-14, Page 4I) It .;4,0•E FOUR 4 o' 1� r'IM's ra r 'THE 1+ t,TGTOiN S�NThNEE; LUCKNOW, ,:CoN'TARYO AUCTION SALE Of ;modems "r sidence in the Town .of Goderich;n on Anglesea Stijeet. Formerly the hone' of 'the late G •e o r g e Gordon M cHardy. , a Southern American gentleman 1 .. rich °and built Minimum AD",RATES--lst ;insertion 2.is use w cents word, subsequent thhohich is now insertionsfor sale;; °1' cent"a word, Minimucharge 25 cents. Replies 'care for his'own use'and comfort; and. extra, Legal, •advertis'10.•. cents .,as he and his wife are"'both dead of The. -Sentinel 10 cents ex -ing_ -� cbupt line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions the propertvhas got "td be 'sold purpose of winding up his es ate. It consists ofp a modern brick residence containing hour..•_ bed. rooms,' two living rooms, dining. room, kitchen; : ° bathroom with 'built-in tub on ground- floor, two- piece bathroom upstairs, iatindr.y ;tubs andi.toilet in basement, or}' part of Lot 7.16 • in ''the Town of. Gode?ich, This` h'orne • was recently built to pre-war standards. and is fin- ished ; with oak floors and trim' downtsairs: • hot waxer heating, ,. copper piping and oil bunter... ,. AUCTION SA; af� farm, farm The sale 'will take :place at the UC• LE stock 'and .implements at Lot 88,, house• on ,Saturday, the 30th day Come 4,• . Huron ".Township, Tues- .' of August; ' at. -2.00 p:m , and August '19th at . 2 'o'clock. '. subject ' to a, reserved, bid,. • clay; g ... Tei ins 'cash, See. ,bilis. Ernest 'Ed-. ''Dated August •11 1941, wards, Prop.; Donald'; B; Blue, For .further information apply., Auc'. to: Loftus E Dancey, K 'C., Ven:. ;dor's solicitors' FOR SALE 4. pedestal fan;. 20' in., $70:00, air - FOR SA E-4piece parlor. suite, Apply ',at$entinei Office.. ' 'FOR SALE --9 young pigs. W.•O. • Hunter, R. 3, Luckhow. FOR SALE -.thresher drive 'belt, 130 ft.,, 7 in. 4:ply, Apply .at Sen . tine°1 Of f ice..; ' NOTICE—Dan Graham is local representative, for Ronald's mon- uments of Listowel. FOR.'.SALE Collie pups,. from ••, good . cattle -dogs, 'Jarrles Culbert, Lucknow. -t= AUCTION SALE. of farm, farm stock, implements and grain on "field,. 'at Lot .32,•; titin, . 3,. intoss, on. Thursday,. August..1,4t,.' at one o'clock. Alex Cameron, Pr0134. Matt Gaynor, Auc. CLEARING. AUCTION SALE. of farm stock;• implements & house.•' hold effects at Lot 19 Con: • 13, West , Wawanosh • on Thursday; August • 21st at, 1.00 o'clock. See bills, •Terms Cash. • McKenzie Webb, Prop.; Donald B. 'Blue, Auc. WANTED room and' board s. it :able for lady school teacher.'Ap- plir. Box 35, Lucknow 'Sentinel:, • • FOR 'SALE' ,—•Barred Rock put.; lets; •ready to lay. Torrance And eraon, R, 1 Lucknow. TRACTORFOR ,S LE Fordson APPLIC TIONS W ANTED. tractor on rubbei condition goodA•PPLICA.TIONS for the position Towns o f THURSDAY; AUGUST 14th,, 1941 unknow DistNct--E$-0R Inc., FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--, 100 acres, Lot 22, 'Cion:.4, Kinloss, good buildings, 20 acres 'bush. Ap- '1 Rani aesaruc now: FOR SALE -child's' steel; crib: aid lady's ' tweed suit,: like- new,' size i.6..: Apply at G. Wagner's, Luck-: Klinidss at•"a'salary r be received . by the' undersigned, up to . two • o'clock': on the 25th daay of ' August,1947. Work of assess- py Henry ,R, 5L k Ing to be completed by September 30th; 1947. .J: R Lane,, Clerk I(inloss. Twp, Holyrood.• • SUMMER, COTTAGE FOR RENT ---at Point Clarke.. Apply to Mrs: .A:P:'•;Stewart Phone. 34; Luck- .nova • FOR ' SALE . P ,n `CERTIFIED � • Raspber ry Write box 754,' Campbellford:;• Ont. for illustrated. folder and growing: . "kriow how" 1'' • • .NOTICE Beauty- Parlor :.Closing, Stewart's Beauty Salon will be closed from, Thursday, August'21 until after Labor Day..'. WANTED -PTO :,RENT -25 : to :50' acre .'farm with . house and small. barn suitable for chicken raising. Give complete details in first let- ter addressed, :Box A, Lucknow .Sentinel.:-' NOTICE Having taken.`.over the G C' Treleaven „Insurance `'Agency of • Dungannon,. I am now licensed r 'Phone 111, Lucknow 'EE -Free: .elivery Service 1.6 sce.Grower Pent`} og Pi Starter Sow. Ration •Hog:. Minerals Hog' worm -x.14 .... r-•' Calf Meal Bone Meal • Salt ChickStarter a Grow Mash Lay Mash`. Chick Grit Poultry Worm -x - pet Dairy Ration :Cod `Liver Oil. Tonics John .:Jamieson : Manager. • to understand that was,' Andrew's condition is considerably .:improv- edt:of late. Misses Lois and Beryl Freeman who have spent the past ten days with their Zion .c.ousins,, returned home ,Wednesday. ' Mr Cecil Gardner'. is ..engaged n . combining wheat for the h um ofthe thresher is a'lst) treat in.'our midst. Mr and Mrs Wm:',, Fisher of L• •ckriow were''visitors' with .Mr, and Mrs. Henry Gardner on'. Sun- day 'evening, IVIr. and Mrs. Sidney Gardner es, $5., box ideal for :chop 'boxes;. 40 gal. ' Phopute fire: ;extinguish- ers. Link' trainer: desks,' ideal :for light_''assembly. benches' for,home workshop benches .complete. .with 2 drawers with.locks,. $10:00 Hy c uric cylinders, various sizes & eapaCities, ideal for.. tuck rates, ,and' farrirly spent Fx icaay with. Mr.. hoists, : ar • our pre es, a ., to. $10,00 each:: Hydraulic - h;and. pumps .with reservoirs $15.00 'Hy clraulicpumps, argine `• driv er to sell • aufomobile, fire and ofher type; whilethe , ast• $15:00." Five. •.. ester al- insuratike and' sh , "11.: en -'stage Spencer• Turbines 'ideal for, g, in e ui deavour .to' look after the best. building '. furnace cleaning q p. ii ' ` : of resent olicy. h'oI''ment or central'.vaeuum� yste n-s�;•' interests ,.p p Vi 3 ,25 60 `Po r. H.. ers, .' .'. complete with,/4 . R. T. Kilpatrick, ' ' cycle, . motors •$75,00,.a fraction `of' R.:. R. 7 'Liicknow,.' Ont the Original .cost.. Two Link train, STRAYED—a• bright ,roan steer;, 'about ,700 pounds, between Aug-' ust ' 3rd and August 6th:: Anyone ' knowing: of its. whereabouts, erizie R se no ;; ' 5 Lucknow, • 'Phone Dungannon'; 77x2. • 'ers, "Service Type ' E, complete Notk :To •C editors IN° T>*HE 'ESTATE of .Lester Bark= ley 1YiacLeoi4 'with, desk, and recorder: $150.00 each These..traineirsT.are at ,Pres- 1 ent listed at . $400.00. Battery4. chargers, 12 : battery :capacity, A 1.1 -, ' persons :;having having claims while.:they last $25:.09. Hundreds ...,, � against the estate. pf Lesterl :Bark: ley: MacLeod,: Iate 'of ,.the Town- ` .'of feet, of -1% 'and .21/2" fire hose, write for prices New respirators, ideal for industrial ° plants, $2:00 Huron ..Engineering. '& :Research Co.. :Ltd., Box -309, 'Phone 51, God-, aitc117. Ontario.. " Z lb: 1VIr 'arid `Mrs. ;•Angus. MacAulej and son John of Toronto are spen- ding their, holidays at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Frank Ritchie Mr. and Mrs: Earl..Plowtr[an of Portt-Credit visited friends in: thit district= last, week, Mr, and Mrs Jack . Gardner. Spent Sunday' with Mr; and Mrs.' W., R. " Panter ..of Toronto.. :Miss Clara Nixon and • Peter Mac-: :Carol Gardner, who spent,a week ,ship `:of..;Kinloss in the :County; of •Bruce , -Far-mei, ' deceased, .who died. on Bruce,. about the 17th' day of June,. 1947, are hereby ; not- �rfied to 'seed: ii . to the undersign- ed executors on orr 3'Otii day of August, .1947; . full .particulars' -of 'their. claims. .' .:I n�ziediate-ly--often e-• 0th --•day.• ,Pleatify Wm MacK • .FOR PRIVATE .SALE — Moffat: •4 -plate .electric stove with oven; }f eintirnan. piano;, good . condition,'' excellent, tone, chairs,' tables; bed- room furniture,i: etc: Call at plate F D.:MacLen.nan residence, Luck- now or "'phone: D. A. MacLennan, • 62-r2- Dungannon oi; 12-r=20: Rip ley; . befo e the of August; 1941, 'the 'assets of..the estate will be-distr-ibtited-arn'ongst the parties • entitled , thereto, ' hav- regard only to -•claims of which •the 'Executors shall then. have, notice. , Dated at'.Lucknow; this lith day of August; '1947. $tiott:MatKenti.,. SOLICITOR:. • `BARRISTER . & ' W"alkerton, 'Ontario. �� KNO W .. LU C IN • Each' Wednesday' OFI ICE IN • HENDERSON BLOCK and Mrs. ' •Frank - 'Johnston' of Holyrood,' Master `Carman John- ston returned home with' thorn', after assisting. Sid for a few day.: l INSURANCE FIRE CASUALTY p1Zy'i=TliO:B•. To Protect Your Jack Insure With Jack Today J. 'A• McDONAGH •; LR;' 3: , ucknow; Phone. 61-5 Dungannon Leod Executors. vacation : in 'Toronto,:' returned • By R.. W. Andrew, Solicitor,: home' with ahem": Lucknow, Ontario;: Mr and• Mrs. 'Nelson. Webster Visit • '� ' Crawfor Where .Your :Patronage Is ' Appreciated Dealer In, , . ` NEW LIFE ' and LIFETERIA PIG STARTER . FATTENING MASH HOG GROWER:. GROWING MASH HOG FINISHER . ^ LAYING MASH CALF • MEAL, ' DAIRY RATION, ' STEER FATTENER • TONICS ° and • CONDITIONERS r.. Hess, • R. A. Finn; , H,awards FOR FREE. DELIVERY . 'HONE 7�rw.' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. and Ross of Windsor visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gardner on' Wednesday rast. Mr -and Mrs. Ralph' Nixon are visitors at the present time With Mr;and . Mrs. Jas. McKay of Port' Elgin. , , Mr.. and Mrs. Will Ritchie, Har- vey. and Eldon ' .and Miss Ruth Raynard visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Root. Irvin of Dungannon 'on. (Sunday. 1 Mrs, Tiros. Quigley ,of Hemlock City was the gue t: of Mrs. Robt. Andrew over the week -end. Mr, lrl4ward 'Reed, . Mrs. Will Reed, Miss' Eunice Reed visited 'Zion friends on Sunday. • :; •.. . Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob Bunter, John and Freda spent. Sunday. with. Brussels' friends. 'Miss, Mat'garet Clifton Of Luck- now. visited with Mrs. Susan An. drew on Sunday. We are' pleased 'y :ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN• LUCKNOW FIRST' ,WEDNESDAY OF EACH 11MIONTH, from ,.. 18.-2.m. to ,6 p.m WM. SCHMID'S' STORE- . , .. Insure, In ,Sure Insurance: •'-�onfederation 'Life C , WIND, CAR, FIRE P :i ret Rates for preferred` risks: ;' ACOIDENT ,& SICKNESS' • Consult , JOHN: FARRISH "Phone 82-13. Dungannon; , • • • • • • NCY'. ACCC)UNTA , ; .., Service for the ' Small , Mer- chant, • Professional; Man and. the' Farmer In, Lucknow Tues., Thurs. and. -Friday.Office in 'Kilpatrick Block. � , .J. P Y lVi lhi 'P.O.-Box '74,tuck-nowt, Ont. 'Phone 23 ' . . :1 R W:. ANDREW. Barrister: and Solicitor, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, • a Office in the Joynt Block ''• Telephone Office 135 ' Residence 31-1 • R.'S::Hetherington,. K(• Barrister, Etc.' • Winghem and Lucknow IN:.LUCKNO. Each : , Monday & W ednesday Located on. the aground floor ' in the front of John ; Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Winghatn Office 48; ' Residence 91 : Agecyn:newsA INSURANCE Lucknow, Ontario. r ,e v Casualt1i, Automobile 8