HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-08-14, Page 3•
URSOAY, AUGUST 14th, 1947
Local -an General
IT, and Mrs.- Mae': Graham are
[brig with her Parents, Mr. and
s, Well. Heii;derson; :. .
lir, r d . Mr's. Dr, Graham and
lda en tford .are holi-
✓ing at4int Cak
;atharine • Jojinsten of Toronto
:holidaying_with her parents,
, and .1Virs. ' W. • V.. Johnston,
VIr and Mrs; , Arthur Haldenby
d"Shirley. bf Toronto,.are
at:,Mrs... Margaret D.. udley's.
Mrs.. R.
rford of .Ot,-
wd called on Miss Marion Mau, -
last,,, week.
EN'S & BOYS' work' shirts and.
tithing,' T :MARKET ; STORE
ie store' with .the stock.
Mr, .and: Mrs. Allan Durnin,
leri, Mary and Charles of Owen
)und spent' the wee1..-.end' here
Mrs, Iiat'ry Gannett ' and' .Fin
y of Toronto visited recently
ith friends here:
Mrs. J. A. Thompson
Jimmy ;at er..a,aolydayiilg at
NO Beach:
Mrs, 'Margaret Tirnei^ .6f ' Toi.
nto. •is ,holidaying at RestA-
lhile, Bruee Beach,.:
,Miss Christina • Carrick is, 'in
Ewen Sound ..where .she :plans to
er home f dr some. time.
Miss Katherine; .ly i -da ,on
[into; • Manitoba,:'.' is. visiting . her
ant, Miss 'Hanna MacDonald,, '.
I E.ET •. that feel ' like•'wings
f 'song, use Lloyd's'. Corn• Salve.
fight along'.', :'54c •at'. D'own's Drug.
tore. ' •
Miss Adda • Treleaven of Tor.
onto ---pis- visiting friends here:
1r. TOli MaeRae recently ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Fenety of Toronto on 'ai>tietor trip
tv- Tew- >;lt Gi-ty' b
way • l -Montreal,
Mrs, S. J: Kilpatrick is under
the doctor'`s care -arid 'Will be con,
fined' to bed for ,about a. Month
at the home of Miss ,Hazel Web-
ster'; Lucknow.
1. , •
Miss Flora Webster. of Kitch-
ener and Mr. and Mrs, . Tracy'
Webster . of •Waterloo. spent the
week=end with Mr. and, Mra.
Richard Webster`
Rev. G. A,,Barnard •of Tuna. Sta-
tion renewed old . acquaintances
here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs
W, -Rice,
Mrs. Jas. 'Gaunt and Mr, John:
Aitchison: were week -.end visitors,
with friends at Bronte. Before her''
return, :' i s - i
few 'days With her daughter, Mrs,
Ward. Shiel .luxia._and_Mr, _Shirk=
Juno at Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wilson .and
Jimmy sof Whitechurch and Mrs,.
Al Fairbrother, - ,Marilyn .a n d
Frances of Brorite were recent
visitors with Mrs,. T. F. Wilson,
and 1Vir.. and :Nirsi W. A. Miller
•':Mr;. G. S. McIntyfe who. , has,
;Gornp•Ieted. • a : summer • course•at
Mr and 1VIrs; Steele :Ma lien ';Toronto. was a visitor. with. Mrs.
die, and;<family:.axe` spen.dingtfacr.r• McIntyre •and Mr, and.Mrs. W, .x,
vacation with the form:er's moth-. Miller for few days,
er.; Mrs:,.' R. V. MacKenzie, Have`-
Mr:s,: Elwood Barbour; was hos-
tess. for. the: A,ugust meeting, of
the 'Wghien's- Institute when
Rev. and Nits; -W. A; Henderson 'there were l3 ladies present. Mrs.
'and family of Hillsdale •and Mrs. G. McPherson ;pres.ided• and. the
J;. W: Henderson, Mrs.. Morgan roll call was well responded' to
Henderson:and Elizabeth'atehdl.•,. by' naming a household time •sav
er. Plans; ,were made 'for an entry,
in•the disblay',for omen's .Or
i'dayin.g at Bruce Beach;
Wilfred Black and Jiin Barger
are 'employed foto ;the balance.. of ganziatio,ns at`•the L" cknow Fall.
the holidays at ,the ' basket frac- I,k�an : A•n interesting and inform-
tory'• at 'Grimsby. 'They, started' atrve paper. gn,.Home Economics
'their duties' on Wednas'day Of :last I was read by the convener, Mrs
•week . ' • ,I Harold 'Gau'nt: Mrs Will' Ruther-'
o:b Thornpson.'•of Elmira and'1'and, •Mrs. W. A. Miller, read' a
• • ford favoredwith a. piano solo
,Wirra•rd sof town. are on a motor
trip •to North Bay, via M`anitculin.
Island.. They •pliu to, return by
f t a
.w -ay' o Oaw
, Mr. 'and ,Mrs. Cai:ici gc ultap•man
and daughter' Joycc. cif Oalt~ Park;
Ill.; visited Tr-iet.:ds :here last \'•eek.
.poem ' . ew.n on : t+1i a.rm .. Fr
•llurnin Phillips, who •is • leaving.
shat tl;y :for • their' ;new hone in
Dungannon, . was :Made the ;re-;
cipient off .a gift in appreciation
of her .'intere'st..and help .:in.•the
institute throughout the' years of,
her residence. here At:. the. con -
el LIS incin
onCrusicin. lunch. was --served. by' ...the --D nald McCos-h,:l:ast. week,:
1VI:'r. • Will Camp • e visi. e •.,'wi
Mr: Donald • Rob:ertsoi i` .recently.
Mi :::anti; Mrs: ,Isaac '•Nixon Ono.
rS1 ' tr,lin e: aan .c� :• r
Miss Beverley Ga'irnt was avis- , farniiy..'of • -Belfast .spent . Su.nday
with i .' John` .Emerson
r.'"'an•d ` Mrs; ,:Elbert Bushell
and family', visited With, Mr, Rex.
Stuart'on :Sunday:.
lc•a.vin r•'i'o•r•Toronto. in .1.904.an
rest.: Waw'anosh=• O.' spending
aw weeks at, the `home of'Bert
'•incept' at `Belgrave
Fred Crum :of: Win h m
Mrs:F p g
nd her sister,'•Mrs: • Lill'ian.Howe
f Toronto, culled on friends .here-
1st'week '
Mr. nand Nii s C -W Treleaven
f.Toronto'paid ..a' brief visit late-•
y with the `Treleaven and Bower
elatiues in:.town.'•
;Lawrence. • Bower :.of Kirkland
Jake is '.s:pending his.:, holidays
vith his grandparents,. 1VIr. and
vhs. 'Geo, E,. Bower.
• Mrs. Kr esinc, • of Toronto
;pending the.. summer ';With • •1Vir.,
find Mrs.:: Roy Culbert, Havelock
St, :Ltcknow,
Mr and Mrs...W. J: McCullough
of Toronto ,were. guests of -Mr,
and Mrs E.• y Baker the fast
week. t '
Mrs.; Jack McClart'y has, return=
ed to Londn:n-after---spendi-ng-two
weeks Ikith•' her sister, 'Mrs.,
Henderson: : . •
Mr and.Mrs. 'P 'Smith-• arid, Mr..
aiid' Mrs. Leslie Chaplin' and. two
children of ,Toronto were ' recent
visitors with Mrs. Sadie' Jones,
atthe ;farm • in .Kinloss:
their parents near Toronto.
Dick Bishop.; of.Toronto return-.
ed .to . his home . after spending a
few 'holidays' with his aunt'' and.
uncle,; Mr.•-& ',Mrs: Walter James:
'Mrs. Gibson and two children
Of 'Cayuga are visiting -with, her
parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. J.'' F. Mc-
Mrs: Henderson .who . has been
staying with her aunt, Miss' Tena
Laidlaw, is spending a few weeks
• at her 'home,' in PoWassOrif '
•' Rev. Graydon `Cox conducted
the service' in ,the United' church
On Sunday.'�< '
' Rev.. Mr. .Pollock will :•conduct
the.oiservic.e,. in the, Presbyterian
church on .•Sunday. next.
': P•U.RPLE.GR 0_'�::
• Mr, James 'Pollock, and. •M' s s
Mr. and' Mrs.',Ben Elliott and':
Mr and Mrs John Elliott visited
'with- Mr. George Emerson, Sr.,
PJIr, and.: Mi: Happy Day and
June `f Tor onto `:visited at; •.Mr
4 a.
' 011.: nd:.it• was' liis fiat 'hostesses . Mrs.` Chester. Taylor,"
tnaty.i.n l,l t�.
visit hack' hu' .since to n.. •- Mie..,D: Martin; Mi:s, I' orman•�Mc-
It�f To onto
,.Specializes In
u.l: Course
Dinner 12.00 to 1.30.
Su .per ; 5.00 to '7.30
Light Lunches . Ice. cream
Soft "Drinks Tobaccos
,you .are ' welcpitne at.' the
_.ivYYtgs. �afre
and :,redecorated. .
4.1M...•.' L]Ellld, p .
visit . to• Ch.annenville;
cls B te' has
visited .•wit11,: the 'Misses NleCJu•att; .,.•
r "fin . !.•, . for, •i.toi laat..VNe.c,.k with. her aunt,. Mrs:,
n SU 1Zl 1 Mi•5 McB' � •
• 0 3 a
;r ... < , Jack ,Scott : at London:
r •I a brei, and resided �me.tl� Maty I �
` Mis. John; :McBatn of Toronto
ean-i ..a xi ' wiii? l:iet
here c'. many .. and Mr:' arid Mrs: 'Donald MoBairi'.
a s. j..45114.4_:H-a.
a�ntl Md Jackie of �'Krr'ki`and 'Lake
Mr: and 'Mr -S-. 'Dnzilrl ;IcC�sh-
and' .• family. visiteda at Wroxeter'
on: Sunday, - . .
:Mr, 'Russel Stanley'has•leftyfor.
Mr: .:Aia gas. Perskati ;of Detroit John' M:cfauillin ' ® .
and 1Vfr'.: and Mrs; Joh.M� allo.Y•of
Reykjavik,' Iceland, are visitors
h� veek rit}i =M s .3nsep-h
;Cameron 'and Mis.: Grace .Snider.
;who: is returning. to: Detroit. after,
three :weeks' vacation: " l
Mr.. and :M•i s John T:. Taylorchildren, Eleanor;' ack; Bert •and
Carolyn of Galt spent •;the • week=
:end• :with .relatives here and: on.
Concession'. 10, Kinloss, :. before
continuing` to' Sa:uble; Beach for. a.
holiday ,
Mir. Wrri., Boden Ritchie' and his
two sons,..William of West Palm.
-each-, -F o-riday af,a. -ytl ttP;,• of
Walkervi1Ie l' visited 'last., week
Last WednesdaY ' ' nigg ht's train
was 'sort of a teacher's special, .as;;
several teachers : returned to this
community U p'o;n' completing-
summer coupes in. Toronto: �.„
Mr.' and. Mrs. W. A.' Treleaven
and darighters'.Lynne and Shirley
Anne of• Agincourt spent a' Short
time. ;here• recently. calling ,on, ren.
atives' In .the Village, ,
Mr., and airs, ••Norinan Wilson
and .lVlarioh • of 'Hai -ninon - have
been on' a two -weeks' vacation, a
Week of Which' is' being spent: at
Point Clark. •
BARN— To Mr. and •Mr`s. Rus --2
us -
sC1• Ross, a;,d.aughter, in Wulghamj
i ioc,pital • on 'August ' 7th
Mi s; Fairl i other• •of Toront:o:.s
visiting at . the hoine Of her; ,bro-
ther,,' Mr, •and•Mrs. James Wilson,
'a '1.4o • 1V1rs..'1 r, Scott,':1Vliss Bari ah
Wilson of Bay City, Mich ; visited'
at: •the-. seine • 'h9m.e•;