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Avail A Ghaidbeil - Air A Mhu�ach
(The Breefidif Pince of the Gael—it. the Swnmitt)
• (BY him Galg Bhealatdh}.
casion 'for' all three in the lives
of the Gaels.
It isiii, regard to science, ph io-
sephy and art that Gaelic has its
short -comings and where it is
likely to die out of usage, At .one
Wile' philosophy was translated
into Gaelic and understood by 'the.
Leo le but `at the. present ' the
P p
terms • used in.*, the ` • old treatises'
' Wa ld • have no -meaning. The
THE -17:00
No'language,.t b better fitted for
the com iiunication of . 'religious:
knowledge as the Gaelic nor more
suited to express . with precision
and effect ' the statements.'of
scripture. ;One of the ;dukes, , of
Argyle, :is: credited • •with saying
P. he °f. .Were' addressing his
sovereign rhe '' would use .Eng ish,
were ,speaking, . e . lad: •Be. tons; 'were,. famous ,,for their.
he•• to th , Y C a .
"again the proper,
een 'oc
TwO Iderly.'Ladies In
Nineties Enjoy Birth 7 addressed
THURSD�l.Y, •J'i lX 24i h, 1947
tered the London Conference -He Sentinel Welcomed In Scotland
was welcomed, by the congrega-
Miss 'Isabel •Mac ntosh, of H'atn•
tion and neighboring. • ministers. ilton, says,, in .renewing the Sen.: . .
Rev. M•. G. Newton of St Helens tiniel to Mrs, J t nd acP helthou h
on bas- ,r Kingussie,. Sco i 8
She, is 89..,years old. and hasn't
been in Lucknow- since 1924; she .
.w ironries-`rhe Seniinel as --though
it were a former -Canadian friend
da s y l the, congregation
Miss Mary Hall, spending the ing has: remarks from Eph• 4:1-16'
summer at,the home of •Mrs. . ands Peter 5;14. Some advisable
1L. Andrews; 'Dungannon; -•on . on,
day,., observed her 91st birthday
in company with,her brother, M.
Godfrey Hall who is 4n his 90th
,year . and lives here ,permanently;
Both rather frail in appearance,
have a .surprising amount of
d are ' careful 'and
• much consideration o • a
angs'' were-J`Be , a, brick , or
there' is much building to be, done
and reconstruction in the church-
es today. In . referring ' to. ' the
church members as' bricks, he exp
gained only one side, is showing
and ' it must be in . place. Rev. H•
vitality an , „ Hewitt of Auburn addressed the
tad of
zriethodical' in their
of his `affection he would use medicine but ag
wrench but if he were addressing terms are lacking or . our under
. the subject. When we
.his God he would use ' , Gaelic, standing ofb ' t • the ordinary
• 0
custom`s;; with :mititster, Rev. Dunk and t .
f 11 others and' all. that a minister is a man
ass "Ball, who.r.spends her', win :. of God.and. should .have a Christ-:
'ter with her • nephew, Ernest lik • life. With he church mem
•� • helping
.and' amil .' tn: Brantford, ar. a .following him and' l? g'
Hall f Y bets
rived hese on the' 24th of May ,' him to do `:so After the service,
after hearing of. her brother's ill -la social time a was• enjoye'41' the
mess with flu,,. Precarious Meas., basement. ,when: all' received, a
t: „didn t ion to Rev. Dunk
•ures were 'taken .the. sba., formal introduce
True it is; that few preachers have try to talk .: a ou .
r oda articles fmodern lav contract the flu and her pt•esence and Mrs. Duni. The'
he pastoral dut
been: more eloquent .than those of eye y y
find it necessary to use ' lent much' to cheer her brother,°! les are of the United churches
Scotland --and„ of Wales in their ing we f n
' 'terms; s eh as telephone,' while recovering. Being blind for of D � Albert and
.urigannon on: native :tongue. English to .
: • `automobile,'etc., and. the•
pas eleven years;. her. pleas-
erful ; radio, .train, 1? Crewe
Poets, too, have a wond
• • ' i ,. is here that 'attempts .to . re uses .have .been narrowed; butceptiont was
the' a ression•.of: their t . A lovely dance're
vehicle for xp in a evening .at 'the
vnre Gaelic ,ale doomed to fail- having: been, brought up ,held "on ..Monday thoughts.: One would search far
ure AS. the language of religion Christian home, she was prepay- `Dungannon Parish . Hall in; honor.
for' finer descriptive power andu e uialled but to accept her th d Bt
be found, in: the. o"r poetry it is n q ed and S• beauty than. is tothe fnarket ce and reviews the pasta ( Miss Helen
• la ' ua a of
patience oetr, especially that in th g P
Ossanc poetry, P Y
rd to 'Cuchullirep horses .and
regard ,
` iot The: '.love . 'songs and boat
da are unequalled in.
• songs: ` of to y
• tki ar.l for their force • and lifer
arriving there
AVERY --at Kincardine Hospital'
on July 13th, :1947 to Mr. and
r'.K Kintail, ve
Mrs,.Mervyn. A y, ,
son. ,
affliction• wit
as e.� .
cherishes :.memories, of : bygone
place. it ,is usele. ch s e
maybe that, it
'. is ' just as `days.` Her cheerful Manner. and.
, has 'no :place in consideration of;, friends makes a
well that.Gaelic ,
e because ,its contribii . great impression .on all. She' does
. - .:: �.� n , l -fait-cl ail an o
_... .: ole v � _ ,► L
ate a - .. _. _._� •�
...aid sorrow .,nna n • .; must:have -�ex'.erieneed they arvey
. a :much- -iers . rnu-s•t :hav -experienced, . luricli Wtzme by Mr ..
.. level...and: has • dori, ..
the subjects. for :which. . Gaelic higher ev stable sox' she. knit' during; er on 'and Miss Helen Anderson
st'' suited and to `ennoble' the people who have cornfot Ash -
$ • and Niro.:
poetry, .seems• ,.be ii
, .,:. . , . . x r.' She . is,,a 'native- of As ss. Mr.
• His language has: carried the vti. a • • ., reading the addre
L. , used it.. g
_:..- - township :,wild has `many
- -- - to soaring Meld .Baxter are:: popular :throughout
axier• be�rig • :time Sproul
the `'district; �Mr: B I '"
' ,Mr. and " .Mrs Gordon Bowers
of •Mr. . and Mrs. .Shel on Baxter,
Goderich nee . i
•Dun annon•), who, were
��of, g, .
married the latter part • of June..
' Ta lor's ' :orchestra ` supplied the
and 'a -Substantial :purse of
music an
DpT�T,a; _ _ented totheml at
CARPEN`ETQ--In Sarnia `Hospi
1 on -Tuesday, . July 15th, 1947,•
and "Mrs, 1) '`1) Carpeneto
oDr, �
of Sarnia, a son, James Joseph.
REID-In Winghat General Hos
•Saturday;:Jtily :19th,• 1947.. •
petal „on
to. Mr. , and ' Mrs. M.ilvert Reid,
R. 3 Lucknow; a son
'TAYLO1L�in Winnipeg on Wed- •
nesday, ,July 16th, . 1947; to 1VIr,
and,Mr's.'J. A. Taylor` (nee Arlene.;
.Jewitt) a son, John, Charles.
TToronto were' Suiday' ••visitors.
with MT. and Mrs,' John McWhin-
arid `Mr. and'Mrs.:Matthew
Shackleton 4,:
Vel. ma itx i r..•1i .'
onto' and `Mrs,,Lily Tloffman •`
Toronto .
of ..St.
Thomas were recent
torn •with Misses Nettie and. Re -
,t ie HigULdUder _tint°
I heights and it may
be 'true that friends `around the settlement .of a
Blokes,, 9th Cori_ of, that township., music' supervisor. in the • schools
'' as he forgets' his language 'e chool• . •. er her
loses birthright that nobility where she taught Sunday S andhis wife ,a teach g
'1VIr. anc"1:;, � Mrs: Geo
Su Y
0 an Y. ears at.the church• and Mr:. and Mrs. :Rob Reid and
1 form Y Y
0 1
. of spirit and elevation
f .soul
ta. elle la- ed the' organ..'W.e w for. uar.ey Reid 'wife and
ed .him �•P y
'Year Searth. Perh'a s when this highly, esteemed`'') ti
,Fee• f theP
sYoun el' 11 O
and little son of ''Goderich visited'_
ear son Port --42.1.
•i �„ . , y i o �•Miss ry ' :�o�n stieni •, lase •.•
week -with•relatives • at„ Gode, ich,.
Don'tatwaYabismeezhaustai.woeworn-out, bad ends' e ear th ,and more .happy 1 �' • �. and. Mrs: Will Larkin' of
at ed heal,and Mr.
little DeDD uv with Ostre,t-w11. do Contains L
he plemen a of ord ivac . t its own for birthdays to • follow She received
� osP u seg �BesWts ;were Get • the expression �
writesr. I Look it mx •
► ostreu ronin Tx too wast, for future for which birthday remembrances a n tl
only new
oxten.need stter4n' - w n Gaelic. with come into •
�ea,L40 lackln6: iron also euDDlemenlb of i,aicium. + .. •
•h h run vitamin si • A -middle-aged. doctor ...e'ssion of ' 'the 'deepest•, many cai-�ds of 'congratulation
n°e ze. filings in man's u ure.
Why feel old? rryOsttes to tee). Mier, • , ,
m and feel years gounger: this yeti day.
feeling on your' age. Thousands 81°"'� onio this era of materia passes tlnu
no time.
{{get. new 4i
• 1Jt'or sate at�„ •
stall •yeryvrnere, he
to ca11Spending file day��
ld f ends
No Strings. Attached In Our '+Policies..
ux' Needs
Claims, Quickly and .Efficiently Adjusted
ary Licensed Adjustor'Living ;In A,the District.
.with her were' two o ri .
;.Mrs. JanSanieS Stenehotlse aril Mrs:
Thos. Wiggin& of. ,Dungan` ion. .' I
Mrs Jessie Gray celebra
•ted her
99th :birthday' .ori Tuesday, July l' :
22nd; She has'. been 'spending the I";
• Oast six weeks°with her daughter., I,
• Mrs."iVlatihew ; Shackleton, Duz�
Excess Profits Tax Act
Standard, Profits Claims
Recent amendments' td the above . Act provide. that all
`standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart.
anent of National "Revenue before 1st ' ,September, 1947.'
All applications . are : required . to be in such ' form, and
contain • such information as mai be prescribed by the
Minister arlrid, the Minister may. ,•reject an application
that is not made in such . f orm; or that doesnot contain'
such information, •••
The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Dis•
trict,Incotne Tax offices of the Dominion Gover i1nent.
All pertinent information required on .the form must_:
beincluded'or.attached thereto in schedule form. Ten-
or • incomplete ' forms or those filed after • 31st
August, 1947r.wi4 not be accepted.
Department of National Revenue
• Ottawa: • '
James J. McCann, !v1,D.,
Minister of National Revenuo.
1 gannon. and ; had. at, her little
birthday:. tea .that: evening Miss
Mary Hall .Who was 91 on'Mon-
:day Longevity' is not unusual in
her•: family as she has an elder
sister, : Mrs. 'Richard • Westbrook
Of. Kokoma Who •
• `observed •
95th birthday 'on March 17th, Mrs.
Gray ..is' enjoying fairly good
health. and has pieced a .double
wedding :ring quilt and has .start-
' ed another since coming here
She •was married 68 years . ago tot
the late, ._Jesse Crray of- • • .
County, Who •passed away four
years ago at Goderich, which in
'later years was "their home, The
f tinily, consists, of three daughters
and three. sots, Lawrence, Belle-
ville; , Willard,' San. ,Franeiscio,
'Cal and- Asher `of`' Western Can
ada; Mrs. Clifford Webb, ' Goder
ich Mrs. Matthew : •Shacklleton,
Dungannon ' and Mrs. Howard.
Durninr.•.Vancouver. We wish her
many happy, returns of the. day:
Viistors with' .Mrs. ' Sarah "r
rington on Monday were Mr. and
Mrs: James Bell -and family of
Brat}tford • They•• also' called ' on
Mr. and. Mrs. _ Jack • Errington and
Many! of the little 'girls in this:
district are enjoying this' week at
the United Church •camp, Goder'
ch. Miss Gwendolyn .Finnigan is
a camp leader, giving instruction.
in •Bible study and art. Monday's
weather was a little dreary, but
at 3 p.m: when: the camp, official-''
ly opened, fairer Weather • seemed
sight and hopes :were ' that
sortiegood.Juldy `camping weather
.would follow.
Rev. S. T. Dunk Inducted
An impressive service was .held
Friday• evening at the .• ] uxigan-
non united Church viten
T, Dunk; B.A., was inducted as
minister, of the Church. Rev.'Duunk
s. came from Syghet, Ohio and. en-
• Insect -ridden cattle can't do their best
, g
for you. So take the easy, safe, sure way. to.
keep them •free of insect .pests! Morning
and.night at milking tiine, clear the
•.air of flies in an instant with Shell
• Livestock Spray•
..' '
A,.,i'for'gest re§u1ts; spray it directly
on' the cattle too, before putting tkem.out'
• to pasture and again before bedding.
• down. Repels insects 'round the clock
before they 'bite. Yet Shell Livestock
Spray is absolutely'harrhless to man •.
and beast! Get a can from your.
dealer: $1.60 an Imperial, gallon:
T BARN' SPRAY at the height of .
, And use
the,6y season for along -lasting. 'film '01 d,caairsb'.
"Dries hard, stays put,•won't blow away: Sp
on inside surfaces, manure piles -- ki 1K brigs
where they breed! $2.25• an Imperial gallon.