HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-24, Page 5R,51 ', • JT;JLV 24th, 1.947" Theatre wINGHAM.. °1.i e -$ho s E N1ght :: at 740 and 0.30p.m,. rhursdaY► ' F r.1.day, Saturday. /UV( 24i'251)6. Z6. "• RNWAYNE,' GAIL • RUSSELL, - Anel ° And The Angel a� The Badm 0 oeday,' Tuesday, Wednesday. JULY it 29 30`-. GRID BERGIVIAN, . ROBERT MONTGOMERY;. tai In .Heaven•. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT' THE LUC KNQW SENT 'EL, LCTCKNow, • ONTARIO othrtkr-come Okr zi Mrs. A. Cu � Messrs; • ' -Culbert. •and .children .o septi .• of Windsor are visiting with her eently ,i°4 a horse -as a :result Mrs. Arthur Whithai and chip of being struck by lightning~ Mrs, Sarah • Helm is spending the summer months with. Mr. and Yt , and. Lorne. Wall • -----• mother, Mrs•, Mcquillin, • Mr. and Mrs, Peter McKinnOn and •Miss Helen Maelntyre of Tlirit Miclt., .were here. to attend, Mrs, jack Gardner,: the unera ,. o rs. Dan• _.. acIn- visited with friends in Goderich . Mr:. and Mrs. Bert Rain of Lon- don are•spending a few daysr.with relatives'. op the. Sixth. Mrs: S, Smith and' daughter of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. Smith's brother, 'Mr, J. A, , Mac.• i3anaId.. . Miss' Anna graham' is on a trip: to 'the' Canadian West .Which . will t••.era tVictoria, B.C.. t,'• • dren of Galt and Mr. 'and Mrs Wilson. Woods ' an children, of Guelph are visitors with Mrs. R. J, Woods: on Sunday. . . Q.. Mr, and '.Mrs.: Will ,Ritchie, Mr,. 'and Mrs, Robt.:Irvin of Dungan- non were Sunday guests of Ivy. and Mrs, • Jas. Smith of ' Listowel. `Miss' Clara' Hesp of Dupdas vis» ited at the home of Mr. • and Jacob' Hunter recently: • Cangratulations'• to Mr: & Mrs, Milvert Reid on • the 'birht' 'of 'a ' son. i'. Mts.` D ' Mael niign and: Mrs;° .Miss Audrey. Ross of Loclaalskt ]E!. MacKinnon spent Sunday in n'ho spent the 'past two weeks London, with Mr; :and Mrs.:Frank Mr, and 1Vfrs. Horace Middleton.and' other friends here -returned ,Shirley of Tti.ronto; : Miss Han! Y}ome .on Saturday last; Wali Mac enald and.Mary: Anna iv r. and • Mre.. Jas. Bunter vis- 1Vlaclntyre visited. with friends on. ited Sunday.with Mr, and Mrs: the Fourth, D. N•ieholson,. Boundary West. The July meeting' of .the Zion Mr.. Rennie Graham returned W 1VI,S. was he1'd. at the home .of to Toronto after .spending tiis va-. Mrs•.Jack Gardner. Mrs. E Gard- cation ;at his home.. • n er led in prayer. An Instrmen- mpietess' Training iss :Norma Burt has complet- her training at Grace Hospital, ronto, and; ' is -enjoying .: a hall y att e Ijome 'of her parents,' . 'and tMrs. Chat les Burt, Kiri= ghi; u Messrs. . Elwood and ;' Arnold tal solo was • given by Miss Aud. rey` Ross Of .Lochalsh. Mrs. Frank,. Ritchie gave a reading. Mr's. An derson . gave 'a paper 'on: temper- ante. 'Miss Jean •Bittchie :gave.".a reading Miss Carol Carer a solo, and \rsra k wDona gave an , rnstrurxiental; . Mrs. Hunter gays apaper en Christian stewardship.: Mrs. Gordon Ritchie -closed, *letrmeeting,.-with prayer: Sunday, July 20th,' the W.1VLS. had charge of ::the service ,in the. absence of the .pastor Miss. Lkan Woods of St Helens spent Sun'= day with. Mr: and Mrs. R. G; Mar-. tip The' friends and relatives of the ";E-xlt•axr ti wary, , of a'`lerge ircle . of:friends in their bereavement.. - • • .Buys . Holyrood . .Farra , Mr: Ernie A-Ckert,fas.put clhas ed the .50 acre' .farm list` north of H,olyrood store, from` Mr. George Percy, . ‘%o!!!!!!!!!!!eN.♦ Mrs.' j.-' Gardner -sang; a -solo, arid` :the ..Sunday. `School ,choir sang.' a choru . • WANTED:'°A .number, of -•progressive farmers' in Western dist i ret s would' like ' to set out a commercial °block of Red Raspberries,. either for your local trade of for shipping:. to recommended city .-dealers: 'Recent : Ontario-Queb :c;.` pro - ,duction figures, prices, at; 40•certs'per:quart.: and dealer re • - ports would indicate'Short' supplies, everywhere:`• .' 7o encourage a rxi . ,g liite.cl plan'.trrig -o�i• n:ew hg�ki y,elding- patches, a. well • known .nursery is sending a .special .1 epresen- tative of '.many years:experience: in 'commercial `produG•tion to; personally interview' and.; educate interested. Jarmers,','iri raspberry °culture. • This should result in -higher unit •.xields, longer. o ger. patch life; less.- hand ; lobarand When translated iri;to dollars at normal: prices. a relatively, high ratio Of' profit' is. •assured. Because• of the limited.supply of"' ood planting material bookings carr only, be Made . for ALL PL . F ANTING• 1947, • limited to:'one acre If tgenuinel y farming, �'. interested in berry 'growing as a; sideline .to arming write':Box457,:Cam bellford,, .:Iiu1Y 29th, iv p , . Ontario, on or before'.' call gi ing location Of your farm -Our specialist will later and completely analyze' the ,business ' soil• require Anents and=-pr--eparatio up=ta=-ciat ril-tural- fast sekotne markets and., surplus ', shipping,. cost of planting, • estirnated yields: and p'rofits.. per' acre.:' Late replies cannot be covered.. !!‘,0014,\\NN%N,"t\\1040,\1.t%\%!1E00%,\ a‘♦ S'l1FIELp j id Sask., accompanied by Mrs;. Mac Donald visited relatives and re- newed old . acquaihtances..here, It isaround forty years'since Mr. McDonald who taught 'in. the St. Helens school . and • also in. S,S. No. 'I.4, went to the: west and this has been his first visit back. • Rey. and Mrs. G. G. • Howse and son .Bert of Gorrie were., re- cent guests. of Mr..' and. Mrs;• An- drew* Gaunt. • IRAGE "xm:,>s.iaenr. Uml REX 1.HEATRE LUCIWOW Mrs. Gordon Was -hostess for the meeting of the W.M.S.. and of. the W.A. on Wednesday. Mrs. W. I: Miller, the president, w'as in . the chair for the meeting of. the W.M.S.,• the theme 'of'. which was "The World Council :of Churches": , The , report of . the treasurer •-:�showed that $57.00, which is. over half" the allocation,,. had been forwarded to the ' Pres- i' by terial treasurer for • the ,1 half year It was••agreed• to invite Mrs, Newton to. be • the speaker ;at the social, meeting to: he held in Aug- ust: Mrs.: W. T: Miller was ape pointed , to• attend die W.M.S. held at .Alma College; St nomas in' August.,: The topic,, "On Great Church" a gave a: brief sketch . of 'the '''history . of the.' Ecumenicals .Movennent, . explaining its nature and objectand; was taken'by •Mrs.; W I. .Miller," Mrs: Lorne. Woods and Mrs. W. A.:Miller. Reports"of:• • FR1, SATs' ONLY cot • show' Positively the we've, i#1. ni nY a moon. JOAN ;UV'S "7"S _e.11�r..at: e The Boo She 'wrote the .year's. blushing beslt ser .:thein .had 'to live'. it: Page. by. burning page:' In- cid'entally the book's • title .in this comedy is "Always.Lulu", true confessions of an • adven- turess. We urge yon.to see this show, It's a scream- • NEXT SHOW ' Friday and SatuIrday James Stewart,, Marlene • Dietrich • ia, "DESTRY .RIDES AGAIN" • Yf 4 SIRVICE • .. :.waw N �,,aueu {u;�. Vii: A. Meeting, °theme, � Cameron •ori "P,ulpvvaod .•from Missionary' Angle",and by, Mrs: Thom on "News from •• Korea", Mrs A .Gauhrpresided•• Tor the • ' A Meeting, the: thence• of ;w:hich: was, -"Deborah -Prophetess: • Miss .Ethel .MacKenzie of :.Tor- awell . as. le .. '. S sada~ Miss W. onto is. holidaying at.K ntail. ti R therf ord`r e `Little Miss° Loraine ,Hamilton son and Mrs: 'Alec Purves 'the home after spending 4 weeks lesson, thou• s. ght Mrs. G. Stuart in'the Children's Hos •ital in 'Lon . A . read a:: noem What Christ .Said". :don . where -'she had • been taking It was decided to. hold a bazaar' •treatirent. °' .the August `meeting. • and `Mrs Willard and Miss a aret of ,Exeter 'were recent ue:` g is , of 'Mr. Wm, and Miss Beat- rico- :1YMcQuillin `Mr' end Mrs. Ed Pickwoad and little son ,Robert of New York were:visitors oven the,' week' -end with Mr=. and Mrs John Cameron:. Mr and Mrs: Robert c uillin 1VIacL• ennan.• Both had 'been M Q . and George are • returning .residents of Ashfietdatd.to•their to ':relatives_ we 'extend Sincere Hami1 on 'this•.week after a 'three' e , syrn- in-1Vovember and :;to withdraw :The MaryHardy • Mission. Band meets on F d ft thet' home of Mrs.: David. :MacKenzie. The P es b b i r star .an W M:S� meets 'on. Wednesday at the horns: , of Mrs Fred,: MacGregor 'Quite' ' a n.umberfrom . here were in Lucknow on Thursday, of last Week, attending-, the . funeral of Mrs.'R'obert; Hamilton *and Mr ay after a' y;. .weeks' • holiday;,with her parents, BORN In.••Kincardine Hospital ,on. July ..13 to Mr.: and. Mrs. •Mer- -- -A Pert', a. son: If ; SKEi.. TC)N ,P 'PHONE: Lucknow :I0 Goderi_c�h, MINUTES COUNCIL MIN S . WEST WAWANOSH 'TWP. The West Wawa osh Council held 'the' regular meeting -on July. 8.th•• with all the P • members:: res- ' 1 ent The minutes of:, last meeting: were read and `accepted . `oh' mo tion° of Councillors: 'Miller . and McPherson. -A letter\ from -Mir: R W And- rew, secretary of the '-Lucknow •branch of the Canadian Legion,', In de— fraying the cost of inscription ,on the' War •memorial .was read.. On Motion of CouicXllors 'Finnigan; • and. 1Vlillera grant of $25:00 was. ordered paid.• Mr. andts McKenzie`d with req :Mr: •WM. and, Miss Beatrice Mcg: Quillin. ' Mrs,LJohn M,i1Mer: of Luek low, Mrs. John Sparkes ••and Ivadell' of London Were: ' recent visitors With Mr. and; lVfrs. Fred McQui1- SPECI !riday,':Saturda: duly ' 24, 2 * AND IN PERSON ON THE STAGE ELLIAT FORBES FgAntigss • HvGlose COMMENTATOR •, Kiticari • Mr and ,Mrs.- Jack Scottnd 1azriily 'of Loddon were. weekend Visitors. with'retatives here, They were ` accompanied by .Mrs. Joe Gaunt whp has spent..the. past threeweeks in London, 'Mr. and Mrs Irvin McCabeand sons of• Windsor were week -end. Visitors! 'at the home of kr: John McQuillin. '•Mrs. 1VicCabe• and boys &are reniatnirtg` •for • a longer visit. Mi and Mrs. Frank Sherwood, of Port Credit' visited this .`week With r, & Mrs; 'Andrew. Gaunt. Child Killed. At BeaCh Conclusion ` of. a: ;holiday' at Poplar .$each, south ' of. Kitieai -:' din'tt ended tragic ally otx .Satur- day;, when four-year-old :David Vanrott.' of Oshawa, was killed when struck ' by a car driven by' Mrs. 'hazel' Thistlewaite of .Tor onto, The lad ran Froin a roads side grove of •trees.�o inquest I,. to be held, and no ares wi11 be laid, investigating. officals state:. :Qn motion of "Councillors: Fin- Wigan and McPherson it was de-� cided''t6 have the names 'oft. the members of 'the arrned "forces hd had. made the. suprein .sacrifice in the second world war inscrib-' ed o the." »,• war inetnorial � at :St,, HeIris, It ` .was moved •. by; Councillor • McPherson Arid ' . seConclgd by,,.,. Councillor McAllister that • the rate for general' municipal pur- poses for .1947 be 'set at,foux mills less the Provincial. government. subsidy' of .one 'mill The motion •carried. . petition signed by Mr. Jack . Chisholm ' . and the Reeve ' for •a • municipal drain at.ldt S'i Eliz .113;" Cori. 5, • was • accepted` and the clerk was ordered to instruct. the engineer • to: make a survey and' submit . .a report..This was done. on 1Xiotton of Coupcillors McPher- son and Miller. On miotion -of Councillors f+in-Y Wigan and McPhersons grant to bungannon `Fair 8f $35 and Luck- now Fair of $25 were -ordered paid, I buriiin Phillips, 'clerk. 4,4 • • • _t.