HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-17, Page 8E 1G ' •• '�Id'UR5DAY, JULY' 1.71;; 1947 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK . OW •ON'I'ARUQ .PK+r.J4P;:.�,,nraa.aes.m.=«..da+rFl...Fi:a... .-.: .,4 ..:: ._. ..,.._ ,. c ..... .. ... • CONSTABLE •RESIGN ..,,, • Julyis . ••VA(ATION T • This. Is. The Merchandise. You Wi11`1Be Asking For • MEN'S :SPORT. SHIRTS—Twill feather. spuns . Mexican de- . signs, S. M. & L. •• SUSPEN'TA RS -The free swing back. Can't slip off your. shoulders, .yields with every body" mo$ion. ,No • skid 1% No strain, No -pull., PARIS GARTERS & ARM BANDS—Paris heather belts„ buy • the best. • , . CHILDREN'S OVERALLS—'Fancystripe twill ;(by Haugh). These overalls 'are well tailored, wear guaranteed,. Cf ILD1 EN•'S SILK " PAN, TEES—peach :color, size yrs, DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN "Sheet; dotted Swiss to :in.akg TTE into• "charming' blouses; cudren's; dresses or, aprons. . 42 inches wide.• pleton INDUCTION FRIDAY The induction. of Rev: S. T. Dunk of Sygnet3 Mich., as pastor at Dungannon,. Crewe and Port •; Albert has been set for Friday evening,' July 18th at 8,15 in Dun- :gannon United' Church. The in- duction . will be in charge of Rev. M G. Newton of St 'Helens,.. as ummeres uggestions FRIDAY-. STORM .BROVGH' ' ROTH . HAIL, . AND RAIN • (Cantnued from' page 1) ment, and .was . extensively ques- tioned ,on whether it was .a shot Or a backfire; "I put it down 'for a •shot at 'the time anyway", he said, "We .don't want to surmise things, we must get at the root of •it",..interjected Reeve 'Joynt, axrd- Mr. Henderson replied' that on his oath "in- his. 'judgment it was a shot". IBruce McLennan was called as a witness for 1'4r. Gibson, but was not ;present, and IV Ir; Don- nelly pointed out as it was only an investigation there was rfo. Way , of compelling witnesses; to attend.. Th,e proper.,•procedure, he contended, . would be. to- l%aye', the hearing 'before'. the • County. uestioned Testimony ty this". point Ivan Henderson` was, called•as'• a witness, for Mr: Gibson, , but Whose evidence Mr. Donnelly explained had to 'do' with an.. incidnt, same: months ago . when Constable Whitby was claimed to have. pulled a gun on. lienderson and alleged, to have said, while standing within a few feet of •hinny,""I'll pump you full of . lead if • you move". : ' Reeve 'Joynt . questioned the ad- mission of. such evidence` as ,hav— ing no..` bearing •on the charge against. 'Constable Whitby. Mr.. . 'Joyrit;said he was very much prised to :have this raked up four or five months after it was claxn.- ed to have happened. Why the name of common sense. didn't 'A severe Storm swept sections of this district in., mid-afternoon rical storm and torrential rain; some sections to the 'east -of, the village report hail in' various de- grees of intensity.. At one ,point .-fy-the fall -was so Mality...tlxat traces of the hail which•piled were 'still to, be seen Saturday tionTtlidn't 'even get. the rain. At Amberley there yvisn't enough ."to ,wet your shirt" ShoWers have been ,,.general, 'however, ,and h the moisture *as .need - operations' and cauSed sonie' crop spoilage.,. In Certain sections MEN's & BOYS' 'Work. Clothing, Ipants,. Overalls,: Shirts, .Sox,, etd. The Store with, the Stock. THE' MARKET STORE. , Post's; coin Toisties 2 packages 19c With free Comic Cutotits. Easy no pasting._ 64 • BOrden's Instant Coffee Iced or hot, you'll enjoy- 1 Dare's Superbiliscuits jam filled. Package „ - 14c. Londonderry Ice 'Cream Mix - Box 15c Serve ice° cream Made at' -home, smooth and delicious; in /our favorite flavor: 'a,•:cooli refreshing, bev- erage treat.. for all the family • GRAPE RICKEY. Freeze Undiluted grape juke, in the ice,cube •tray of your. -reftigerator.H-For• • an -added' surprise drop a maraschino, Cherry into each grape juice: cube. before freezing: • Serve. two; or -three 'cubei in a tall glass of. ginger 'aie,‘:or cambine the grape juice, cubes and ginger. ale in a. punch boWl. MiiSQN S The. Store of Friendly' Service 'PHONE 82 "NE DELIVER • lc, Wile - it that timer'., . Mr: Donnelly.main- appreCiate his rights as a Mf. Donnelly. was insistent. On I hearing the-. witness, .`conlending that it was evidence of a,similar act and tendered it . to show' whether this- 'man would or- • li WORK . ..that fit work'For the Summer, good- fitting* shoes. are ,.an asset. We carry the best makes B : WILLIAMS, SISMAN, VALENTINE, with Good `ear `Welts In Arc•h Shoes Y , arid Nailed Soles. .0 ltathwell cs Son 'Long .Peak. Tan .Sun' Caps Tench Coati.ii Windbreakers Shorts and TOps the HenderSoh incident , Was an. unwarranted.and Uncalled for act .Which the Cguncil had a right to, know ,about and. enquire into, 'or be derelict in their duty- ° To Reeve Joynt's reply that the COUlicir should have 'the right tp de,cide •privately whether or not they. Would accept this evidence Mr.' Donnelly replied, "You are. perfectly ,right". The office -was. Councillor 'Healey asked Mr. LADIES? & MEN • Made. before Mr. ,Joynt .receiVed 'ink'. was. at an erid, the dornyilaint, and •in lace FriendS of ..Mr. Gibsan later iod; the death' of 'Mt. J. A. Rob:- joyn't' if they could nbt have got ottlf.in.slieit' ea•:heehaerogtiel,d,tdhoerbeutw.laast'Inneo4-. ertson-Occurretha ____ount Forest together--inthe-firs• -place-and -a-IA ---myestigation - the- Reeve. cleared. it up; rather. than' Make Teplied. :.. . '' 0 ,Wni. Keinpton and Marshall Gib.. . took up. a .collection,to defray ;Mr; 'dibson'S 'eXpensas: The hat was... held "on Saturday. Mrs. Robert, an issueof it. The issue had .been . Lttcknow, has 'the sympathy .of Many 'friends herd, 'in her. be - The • July 'Meeting' of the ICairr• shea. WornerVs..Instittite Vitas; held oPened hy the singing :of the 'In- stitute Ode • afrid, repeating Of 'the range.ments were, made for the annual pienic to ;be held at Poplar...1 by .Ma'c 1VIaCbcinaldi reading by Mrs, L.. C..IVICIver; piano instru-' mentals by Betty and:Joan Ham - Mon • • and 'several community a report on the :District Annual. RepOrts On' • the., Golden Jubilee marks were. made by .Mrs. MacKinnon, -aike. National An-, them was •Sung and State.. Farm . Mutual littOMObjle. More Auto Inimrante at LOWER COST ervice and Satisfaction . • (a nieron Luckneyv, Ontario • Hospitaliza,tion and Sick and Accident' Insuranee 'Representative MUTUAL LIFE OF'CANADA Matter; Constable Whitby, ten - resign the:office of Constable 'of the Village of Luclinew, te which '10 have been., appeinted." 'Before - Made it .CIear that .116;had known for some time :that there • Wai. a frioVe toT,"get him" among Some, with Whom encountered troiibie in: the. Perforniance of ;his. dtitie wag .ac- cepted by the Board, and7yvaS not acCepted as an. admission Of the- char0e, but beCatise of the fact Stable Whitby's effeetivenegs had been at least teinporarily affeet: open again-, '', 'an increased crawd. of ',spectators sWarmed intO ,the • Municipal Office,, when '.Reeve I Donnelly:,-ppinted out :that Mi. Gibs:on had:other witnesses to call, •but aS Mr. Whitby had resigned, and his, resignatien had . been -accepted, there was no need to. tall .othdrs, and that the hear.... p0.0.41 -s FRES/j. FISH' moult:JAN- s BUTCHER SHOP. be4:.000rilvs;...Plastio 0,1ns e.:,'Store:Nith 6.0014,. •