HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-17, Page 7111,ASDAY,: JULY 17th, 1947.
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Community Fr
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The Formosans don't- wear hats Come down .from long ago.
Ito .church .so we don't either for
it makes: us. different. T inight,
I went over to worship and the
teachers called' on me to pray.
It was the first time since I•carne SOFTBALI, RAINED OUT
bhck, Afterwards they wanted a' �—�---
' �' msu• Formosa, China., and more it will be necessary for;
_ May: 11th, 1947, the girls to do this Now we are
ds' loping' for suitable teachei.�s-15t t
will be. here on
Friday stand. Tiverton
r and Kincardine'
next Tuesday. . a
story :.as usual so I .told. about!
so t7uc ch°i`tdren nn British Guiana:
ear i. , .
s ` . Much Interest .some we'will, -have to: do_. our, ,It is od:'practise for me but le
.'iowne was o t seives, E ur ment too' is a arob- ,is difficult to -make a ..stor�. in-
• Formosa. •before, I left � p „, . l n y l
known in • I thought you might fern and some repairs will. have to resting in another language. I,
'.anada, that ,- something "of• the to be made. :but all the .essentials .Anyone who reads this would• like
ke t0 know so g
here You have no, are here if they can be made to : help 'with,. , the work in For -
ns, _
ondt to a. reading about us. in ready for use. Of eourse, it will • mosa,, please ^pat the amouht to
•oubt, been g ►
•wspape is and of that •I. can -mean starting in a small way but my .account. in the bank and let
file ri• eI always believe in starting Y an . me know, X.. will 'see' that it ,is
good • pux'pose
lily :say that the half has not aY
what the way air what is• e.d needis used to a
een .told One wonders.that =usual . rov'ided, • We, won't be Sin,cer ely it'Doroth [
•,.. e , y Douglas,
uture will b but we know t a Y
1 ' hope frlr F r osa at starting the commer oral •course,
h nY
o;m ... a
• ' opportunity' for: present-. woi�.. .. c y . L�>roknow.r,eottres made the 'trip
find, the oppo Y
;ver was., 1uu, we, need spe lize 1 teacher,s`'to: R.i ,le .: on Mrontda • "`evenini
• it.r.s greater ..than mt�.e.. � . S , r ��: Y• ,� : � • -p y �' • g
e arrived in Formosa On the 4th and more missionaries: 'for a 'scheduled W O A.A. softba'11:
mf April and; certainly we receiy-
gid a great welcome, 'The. expres-
On certainly' most often .heard
wa§ 'Thank :God, we have lived
�. see each. . .other 'again". I•.
th ught 'people would be glad to
°ri. r.• • :.• ,_..
ar`. b eau e 't ew to s
is , e e s yp
Y ame
f our
s aY se ,
Abe rie e s O
his time is the, Christian gospel t Washed Out
see us but''I didn't expect to see
the 'joy : that -has. been . •shown
everywhere. Miss Taylor and LI..
have moved . to . Tamsui :for that
is .where: the .schools . are . and I”
have started to teach.' Our house
is note ready for. us but we.are
living in the upstairs of 'one of
the buildings Of the • school: com-•
pound. It: does very.' well: •for a
temporary abiding place and we
1 su' ervrse the 'repairs : on'. the
't��xase wie won i oe a :,�
everything at'once ' . t' gradually
-it will ;get finished. In.' the' mean-
time; we hope there won't be a.
"' don this.summer:
T h e • economic' .situa ion:•i s
chaotic to say the least. ;but. even
so it .may' be better here -: than
China. The:: ` official rate. of - ex
We are still under military rule
but. when that- is.lifted, there is
an unlimited'.opportunity for do
ing ;evangelistic work .every-
where, ..There is al protect,in
•Taihoku that I long. help ith
'and•if I get a car I,; wi11 -be able
to do soqm��ething. A 'committee of
Christians has. taken .over a' set
tiement work .that was •begun .by
a. Japanese who, had to. leave the
island. The buildings are there
and unlimited possibilities, also '
sone of the 'committee members
are'•frienda of rnine,
The other day we had tea'..with:.
a, headhunter and: a pastor from
the East Coast. ,who has 3,000, peo
= rtill"
churchonly lioi twu" -hundred'
so,he; has to have a: series of ser=
vices .On Sunday. Most 'of the 3000.
are :aborigines: who walk.:long,
disstanees f -.the_ jny_of Sunda
fellowship. rI'he: key people make'
notes: of the sermon and go :back
to "tell •.those who ,can't, .alk .so.
far o•i:.who .can't •understa�nd the
language. , The ,.orfe who. •visite, us.
comes from a village where •-, all
the•:people• ale° Christian':and they'..
have built ,their' own church.
There :are 8,000' people now who
have. 'come• into, the church' fr of i.
'that,. 'tribe.; • Thee• : pastor is, very
keen and has,; • decided ''toy spend,
the. rest of .his, • life in ',the.. .work
'irn:.that part. o:f'-thej.islad:, Th'e
is,- -need . for -pastors to war k a
mpng •these aborigines arid.: 1earn•:
thein' language" so• that It ,can be
reduced to wri:ti. ' e-Ja anew
x.-ii4„iii is •ekce:aixrgiy •d'i fit and'.
1 1
game,. but were unable to play
the- fi*ture.' due . to the', condition
of the diamond,
, *
• On ,successive days, last week•.
softball = games- scheduiled-:for-"l?
Caledonian . Park were rained .out,
The ' girls :were about to: start ;a
tussle With Ripley last Thursday
evening ' when ..a ° shower forced
a postponement . and . Friday af•-
terrroon's •downpour washed out
a fixture set for that evening
With . Westfield.
Ration Coupon Due `Dates
' Coupons . novo valid are: sugar
preserves- -S26 to S56
Y1O, ' good "for, the ' `purchase ' of
either•'sugar or. molasses, '•t1ie of ly
two foods now rationed. •••
- The girls were booked for'' a. You have, to be a Bruce marl
game •in Ripley. last n1' -ht, and From old Ontario.
The settlers •in• -"The Queen's
Bush,, -
Were hardy men and true,'.
Their sinews 'were like bands of
•Froin' woodAithey had tel. •hew.
The' PBr ke folk ax;e a quiet•folk
Ernest in work arid play,. '
.But many great, old families
Are scattered' and away:.
.The sugar bushes still r 4 ,
Deplete: and much .smaller,'. f
The old homes stand aloof and
.stern ' •
their' li'lacs growing taller
The orchards eastWard .bend their.''
heads ,' .
When storms frgrrt ` fl uroin blow`,
The: villagers' live''happil,y;
Their ood times' come and go.
g _ ,.
But still a spirit broods':the :land:
That brooks no idlg. truce,
'The Very core oI Canada ;
Was forged by .men from Bruce.
• --By Lereine `Ballantyne.
mosari:: yen 'to.; one -American dol='
lar' but the people • hese, who have:
,never 'dealt in foreign currelacy`
and know• ` nothing about.:. such:
.things.:are at a
yen 'is a.;;yen'•.then oil now ands
they don't understand why things
are:s3: expeisive.':Rice is between.
'fifty and. sixty Yen for -a •pourid
:and, a third:' varying. from • day tb ••
day so inos'.t people.,,don'tt eat it:
• •In'fact most people, just:have two
meals a •day. and'poor,people• just'
one'�They. ,inostly, eat ;sweet: pot
at,.e ; arid. a _little i%egetahle._ I.
saw a little girl., eating fpr sup-
per :out on the 'street and all she
had. `in her bowl was., a .piece.• of
•sweet; _potato.. Pork . and , f ash and
such things 'are :perhaps about the
same• as they are in` Caiiada :when'
this xnoriey' into, gold :but •
most • people :just' can't afford
them, Of.:course, there are;people..
wliro': can even:' • in :these days, for
. professional people; . still. 'm',ake
'money and there always was:. a.
great'.dea'l.-.of wealth • here.:How4.,
ever, there is much • more.
that' there' ever. was .before. Im=
4o -rt -e.
fiei pound tin-` of powdered
milk. is twelve •dollars in Amer-
icard' currency, .and a srrrall' bottle'
of "vanilla • is: '$4.60. We can • 'do
now in the public :sc is they
are fear ping Mandarin so
na, is ::a • peal difficulty:'
ever,. we. feel :that'. if • they cgrrl"cl
read cthe ,Bible in their own la•ng•
ua ,•e using a- simple': Romanized
systern' that it' would: :mean* much
more: to -them: Chinese 'characters.
always. did .seem a: very unsat-
isfactory ? M•edium by I. which , to
obtain. -spiritual food. -Several of.
the'Chinese pastors here are keen•
to :begin this work "but it means
leaving congr•egatins vacant here
on this side
You lay i 11', iinagi e --tett 'I=
am• finding plenty ",i f„use .for .011
that was gi'veia to;,mc . before.: I
left : to , help .the -people . here,' `I
am ' trying to p'i`ck' out . really:,.
- vweitrhyo_uwtetlhl d-ovarilla-ia.t -Wecan:t,needY
. 'eases :arrd-t1ey,.arext
withoutthe •milk, ways amongpoor.:
.the `very' hoot ' One
Butter, coffee..; and•s.uch things are of our, friends whose h'usba.nci
prohibitive for every day .Use but disappeared the recent
'although our•'fare is plain, sofar fietilty:.is'left'in real distress with
we have had enough to 'eat.' children of all 'ages. I will be cable
On the •whole,' the 'women seem to. give her 'wool 'to make things
for the new, baby, some' clothes;
to look :better.` .dressed than the
men. Fv'eti ;the teachers' • a, n d
preea'chers look'a lit seedy, •es -
The schools ":are being. : carried
on but they: are In need of re
:organization especially the; Boys;
High .School, The rnan .iii ' char•.ge
U.f ..the Ort Is High
bent for.adnirnistration. and.�l•find
hirta very .nice to'work with, The
girls now' have, very little op
portunity foit`'•studying in higher
• , schools or universities as .they
-had before ,so, five want to give
thetta.4n re specialized courses in
the high school. The course is Si)
;rears, divided ' into two parts,
junior and senior. We .would 'like
to • have . stiecial courses in music,
•household e^•
and' al'so:'.sorne•;,moncy and. I am
Sure ',it is tr.' jtiy, to you 4,,o know
y their ties. that you' :have: done this..'your,-
sq 1s es L4 st week, :I'' went to ,vis1•t
a ol'd rnan who used lb. -Work for
us ancrWho.has allutrys bce n vei:�r...:
proud: and 'independent. However;.
their .great need made them Very.
hippy to r.Cccive' what r took'
them, . b� t•.h clothes arid''moni';�
and ,the3k •asited me. to send their •
thanks to you and tell yQU. wh�rt
it meant to them to p eceive -help
in this .way. f;.
•This is, Mother's nay .and all,
the school 'girls rem ?mb r e d that
hey Must , wear 0 flowt�i� to
church: They, came early tcf• ask
lire . what color I wanted. In '.a
'short ,time they were back with.
•., raining, commercial subjects' two, ' one very pretty one wl_ ,h
and lata•, perhaps, a special • eaves' to wear
' on . n-iy cess lir .
course:in I; I h ori;. to put in my .hair, One girl
wanted to'put' it in` herself .so
I sat. down and after' trying sev-
'er.al places decided which; one she
liked •best.' When I walked into
church they. looked around ,to
ng is � ; It would 'be a
• kind of, iiorni>i,al training allowing
for specialisation along these
lines :so they. can . teach or earn
their living 'in some way. upon
gi,a, d
uatrrta• We feel. ' that ' more
June ZO.th John' J:: Veroba
of Lainpman, Sask,: applied 'to the
Bank of Montreal for a loan Of $2,000 .h
to purchase•a threshing colubxne. His . ':
proposition was 'sound.and.the' loan was made
e o'. a' new 'machine `delivered on:June 25th:
JohnV rb •�
Ten days later, with his owls crops still four weeks fro*'
harvesting,' he set out for Sharon Springs} Kansas. With his
new combine he worked w �' for the "farmers -'there and in thet
neighbouring. communities . for one Month, to the day
In the meantime' his own crops.; were ripening Early in
August he turned '+ northward to•. Lampman, and on his
arrival, Au ust 11th, immediately remitted to us the full
$2',000 he had borrowed. His work had given him back the
entire purchase price of us' com
'the total interest` charge was $12.60. So pleased was; this
. customer toP pssess''his .,own :combine free of all debt, and
tci :cors mence:•'his own harvesting with -a happy.•-andeasy
that he' wished to pay, the Bank Of Montreata bonus .'
to mark his appreciation.
The Bank, of. course declined' the bonus; but is gladly,
accepting the expression of . John Verobais , thanks .in thg.
form of his pertniSsion to tell his story:in this advertisement::
This case as typical : of the -assistance which the Bank of '
Montreal is� extending to. go -ah farmers and demonstrates .
how at' makes . true its promise: "When you ask ,for a •loan.
”" 'di the B` Of M,.you• do,•not.ask.a..favour "
need .o a ..:.'see your nearest' BAN
'•,If. you •. ,m n y,�
t.I3: of M manager today.': Ask. for a copy of ria >WntroN caynoiart
our' farm loan. folder- ."Quiz :for a, Gro- ' r
Ahead Farmer:".
ILK 4F NoNTitAi*
working with Canadi:tos n every ivedk of li e since 1517
Lucknow Branch: J'. •THOMPSoN, . Manager
'r +1
• 4