HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-17, Page 3THURSDAY,JULY 17th, '1947
oc anc
Mrs, Philip Stewart and Lloyd
spent the week -end at Niagara
' Rev. and. Mrs. James Dorrin of
Alliston visited . last week . with
Mr, sand.':Mrs. J. H. 1aI1. •
• Miss Isabel Russell of `Va aeou-.
ver iS vacationing at the' home
her' parents.
Mr. _ andm Mrs. Wm. Huston of.•
Detroit ,are spending a week's
vacation with Mrs, David' Huston'."
Miss Emily Pearson of Toronto
•is spending her vacation with. her
c0usth,. Miss Hazel Webster. .
Mr.: , and ' Mrs Arthur Anderson.'
Of Detroit visited -last. week ' with..
Mr. -and Mrs. J,. C. Nlcl\Tab .
Lloyd Stewart of; Kitchener is
spending two :.weeks' .vacation at.
his home here. '
"FORGET ;:your. feet -- walk ori
air, give them Lloyd's Corn Salve
care».. •50c at Down's Drug Store:
•. Nancy 'Webster, daughter of
Mr. arid Mrs.. Harvey . Webster,
had her tonsils removed on Fri-
. day,,
Week -end visitors at the home
of4Mr and MO:W. .G. Armstrong
• Vere. Mr. and Mrs, Percy .Welch
and Brian of. London,;. Mr: and
Mrs. Marvin' _Harding' and • Mr.;
'and' Mit. 'Wils:on of. Parkhi 1, Mr.,
arid Mrs.. lrolt.of NeW;.York. City,
ene 'a
Mrs. Robert Douglas of Ot-
tawa is visiting with hpr. sister,
Mrs. Thomas. .Burns and Mr,
Mrs. Roy Sheppard and How- J
and 'of 'Hamilton spent the past
vw,el+, with • Mr: and Mrs.' Oscar.
Hodgins, and. ey Hodgins of
.Mr. and ,Mrs. John Sherman
and slaughter Kathleen from Kil-
lain, Alta,, are :.visiting with Mrs.
T. H. Alton and the Mallough
family. _Mrs, Sherman is a , xiieee,
Mr. and �rs. Donald ,'J. Lowe'
and son,,,I� n_of'•Union, New -ler-
sey,,', • hav(e been holiday visitor's
with:„Mr. .,:zhd, Mrs, Allister
Hughes and, other friends in the'
Conirnunity r F •
?, .
Mr; 'ah:d Mrs.. Richard Gardner
of. Dungannon' and Miss Ada,
Webster of Lucknow left by train
on Tuesday .'for Limerick, .S.ask
Where' they „ Wil'1 < visit until the
latter .part of .August.
1. , and .Mars.. •Go:rd'on Johnston'
and. daughter Patsy . and •Miss,
June ;Wood of Kingston .have -re-
turned, •horn.e after spending fa.
Week's holidays,. with•Mr arid,
Mrs. •,R:Uss.•Rc bertson:
, •Mr.. and • Mrs. Malcolm Mac-
Lejnai and Jean of,, Barrie and
Mrs. D: J,..MacLennan of •Tor'on'to
are 'spending. the • summer 'at the•
latter's., home here. Malcolrn• has
ah _ ;.ate,
rl :-Jv etTMl —.A • tin
rrrat —sc 4 r :p-rirre-i'pa-la ^t Tore
.so#ne district 'motorist.- has
found his car jack missing, and
suspects it to have been ,stolen,
he'll be wrong..It's a case of a
mix-up in cars, and his sack'
awaits 'him,;, at The Sentinel Of-
fice. -
'he jack, was „being -:borrowed•
and was taken in error from the
wrong car. It was taken from an,
old model car, which'did, not have
the back seat in it at the time.
The car was parked in the'vicin-
ity of Thompson's store when the
"borrowing" took. place:
Completes Training
• ti1Vlrss . Eileen. Henderson has
completed her. training:,:at • Strat
ford General 'Hospital.', •is'
spending this ..week with her par—
ents, IVi'r, and 'Mrs,,,Johan •Mender-
son, before .going to, London the
first Of the -week to write:. .her
Nurses.. Registration of Ontario
Miss Dorothy Wagner of Kit-
chener. spent ' last -+?"week -at- the
home of -Mrand Mrs Philip Ste-.
wart •
",:Mr; and. Mrs. Jerry Frye of
Dallas,. Texas; visited last week
at :the home •of. .their aunt, Mrs.'
Sarah Collyer„1 Jerry, who . sery
edd'with the 'Army' Air 'Corps, was.
stationed. at ,P yarl` Harbor when
the Japs staged t•h'eir suz;prise•. at
task:. He served in thePacific
theatre throughout the war, tak-
ran:•-- . ,
`Lueknow Barbers will observe the following.
schedule ` of holidays; with ..each ' shop to be
closed for One week:
CUMING'S: SI -IOP: Week of,July 2l1t.:
.% :.*eek.. `of. Jul 28th.
RIT. CLIE'S SHOP: ;Week`of August 4th.:
'A •
The .Lucknow . Waterworks. System:' Finds „;
eeessary`:^`o:: 'es ric e ase . e N ''awn
Taps TO .21/2 .Fours Each •Evening • From:
What's scarce now? Lumber, nails, plumbing. or wiring equipment`.... the est.'s
• endless. No sooner, is one problem solved than another ,comes along. " The
scarcity of materials :has delayed the completion of many, new Hydro projects,
This, combined with: a greatly increcised demand; has limited• the power supply.
,.Never has,,Ontario used so much electricity as now .• . not.evenduring the
record-breaking. war years.' Another,.half million horsepower could be utilized •
almost ;immediately,• if available:.. Hydro "plants to generate that, much and more
have been planned and are under construction. • ` Sonie .additional power will
be'delivered jhisyear ... more in '1948.. But it will be 1950 before the big new,
Hydro plant on the QttaWa river can start to 'pour its' 360,000 horsepower••-•---••
' into the Hydro systetriP.
Why'so long? It's because of theshortage of building supplies' .. '. '.a: tre..•
me d'ous ' . "uantit of ceinstruction materials and,.electrical equipment'. must lie
sought and bought to build such a plant. The Ottawa lrri►er development alone
requires a concrete dam nearly haif'a•mile long, in addition to the pryer house
and the thousands of items' of 'electrical equipment, small and large. •Building
, a new power plant• often creates an entirely neiii community. It takes a long
• time ...: especiallywhen materials are as scarce as they aro now..
Few places In the world have as much electricity available per perion as
Ontario has. However,• it must be conserved so that new, homes and industries
will all receive their share ... so that the wheels of our factories will be kept
turning and maximum employment and ;produstien maintained , . use Hydro
e wisely and there will be enough' or all. -
... nh.er.:•
his Restriction. Will Continue "In Force.
Throughout JULY Y :aid AUGUST., -
rPeration of . ` ate1. Usei s:._is Requested.
• f
Dungannon ''Centre
• Madelaine. Anderson-, , Eldon
Austin,• . Allan ;Barbour; Donanne
Caesar,, Ita ' Campbell, Margaret..
Pauline' 7Ct eke,' Alma. • Culbert,
Donald Dew, Eldon Emerson,
Freda Johnston, Helen Little, El
"mer MacKenzie, 'Wrp. ,'Kenneth : es
:McAllister•; ' Donald: Reid Murray,.
Betty Nivins;. Billie park,- Earl
;Rivett," Elniia` Robb, Danny Rose,
Isabel ' Scott,..Louise. Sproul,
Certificate granted: under :Reg,
ulation.10-5—Donald,: Caesar:
Teesvater Centre.
Ballagh, Velrna (H); -Be.ckingi
Hugh; Bruder ,.. Shirleen Gerson,
Gordan; 'Currie; Donna; David-
son:: Doris; Donaldson,' ,Mary;
'Green,: :.Donald, : : Grubb, Lloyd;
Haldenby, Donald (H); 'Haldenby,,
;Joyce Hodgins, Jim;'' Hyslop,
Macwell; Kelly, . Howard;' 'Kuen-
zig;. Catherine;:, Lorentz, ' Joyce;
McCallum; Janet;. ` 1VLeKinnon,•
Betty; .McKinnon; Jack McKin-:
lion. Twyla; McTavish, Allam
Meyer, Bob; Moffat, Evelyn (H)
Oberle, Patsy; Petteplace Clay-:
tori; Piekell, • Leona; Ross, . Eve-
lyn; `Schaefer„3, John Sheldon,
Norma;'. Simpson; Connie; Walt-
ers, • Helen; Woods, Frances;
Wraith, Gertie ,(I).'.
Two- ()Wen nd .juvenile
teams . put on a good exhibition
of lacrosse .in .the ;Luckn:oty Arena..
last `Vednesday, evening.. 'An 'at-
'tendance 'of. less than four hun-
dred persons tivas a stnaller4crowd
than way,, anticipated. The event.
,came in the midst of hayingand
crith MYM:art 'Kenney playing at
Kincardine ',which : were. factors
lin cutting down the crowd.
The ,teatiaS' were brought here
by The Clansmen, and were .en-.
tcrtained at Johnston's :. Restaut
ante after the game., . i
E rY
Goodyear tires last longer ::.
cost Jess per mile of Nair -
service. , Come in dud choose'
yoursize today. .. • •
.1 0EALIft
Ford - Sales .and Service
'Phone 40, ..Lucknow