HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-10, Page 5THURSDAY, . JULY 10th, 1947•
Lyceum TheAtre
uesda -Y. , Wednesday
Alot►day,. �
3 :16:
E• BIG . _
Wednesday evening- ' a large
Congregation gathered at St. An
Brew's UnitedChurch. for the in-
n-duction:af . the new 'minister, Rev.
Gibson, �..�-
.l_ G Stanley xi-,-
came 'from
J: a Hutton,'Pine. River; the
chairman of: the Pres ytery, .a. Duncan McGregor. `.,
f the` service.' ' <
charge o ' M�r,. and' Russel: Moore and
the serer' :t eeve�..Ho' axn ly7an-d–Mr. ant is- Starrl;ey
.,--A.fte .-Cee- .
McGuire f' the .Olivet circuit M -ore and farnily of Preston .vis
and 1VZcG o
Mrs. Mac Ross. and Mrs;'•
Moore visited recently with rela-
tives in Toronto.
Mr, .and. Mrs. FredThompson'
of 'Toronto spent:a few days .last
week with her, sister, Mrs. 'Joe
,Sr. and M Tiffin. and•
other relative"`';.
Mr, ..and. Mrs, iVIalcolm .Ross, J"r,.
and children of Toronto are visit-
ing with his parents, ' Mr, & Mrs.
Mac Ross and other relatives,
• BORN—In Wingbar Hospital
on July 7• to Mr:' -and M -.7R-.7 -eddy..
Inglis, a son. Congrattilatioris..'
Mr, ,and Mrs.'hack . Hayes' of
`Detroit ,spent . a� few. • days, last`
Week with' Mr', and' .Mrs: Victor
;Emerson and. other •relatives.... P.
The: • . United ••Church h' a. d _ a
strawberry supper iii the .base=
ment of the • 'church von • Monday
evening of Allis :week.. • L'ater 'a
play was held in" the hall when.
nine young, people..of Harriston
Anglican .church presented their
play "Betty, Girl 0' My Heart",
to a well, filled hall., which was
enjoyed .by, all. . The evening, was
a' decided success.
Miss Annie Kennedy.•of . Wing-
ham: 'hospital staff spent. Monday
at her home: • , ,.•
i .Rev.• and Mrs.' W. J. Watt and
family' 'Of. Grimsby moved last
week into 'the .late Mr. William
Barbour's house. Mr, Watt is a
retired .•; minister. We welcome
them to• our village, :
•,Clark McGregor. Of •Tor
of Hanover visited one, day last
ek with the}r ,mother Mrs.
A pretty -summer w:eciding was
solemnized at Erskine Presbyter- `
ian Church, Dungannon, at high
noon Saturday, when the younger '
daughter. -of, M -r -,and U1V1rs, B ;Her
best Stothers,, -Helen Norene, was.
united in.-, :marriage..- to Sheldon
Baxter, Goderich,, 'son of Mr,' and
Mrs; Wm. M. Baxter, London.
• Rev:. C. H. MacDonald, moder-
ator of the: General Assembly, of-
fici•ated` at the: cer-erncony -
The ceremony "was ' performed
, before : an, altar:, banked /with tall
baskets of roses, peonies; paims.
and terns, The. guest pews were
Marked • by , white ribbons . ' and:
roses.–Tradituona.1 wedding :musics"
Was .played by Miss "1ilarion Mac-
Donald, ,Luck •now. • : The soloist,
Mrs, Gordon Iaiting, Goderich,
sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "I
Walked Beside You".
Given in marriage - 13y her lath-
er -the bride Was attractive• in a.
floor: :length ivory satin. gown
With . •sweetheart neckline.: and
sleeves ending, in lily .points over.'
the hands. The full bouffant'skirt
' heirloom 'venetian lace., She ; car-
ried 'a shower: bouquet of cream'
roses and .stephanotis. Mrs. Henry
Bradley,.Goderieh, sister f, the.
bride,, was matron;hof honor. She
was gowned in' turquoise faconne
July 2nd,. 1947.:
A :meeting • of West Wawanosh
Township School Area Board was
held ' in Township Hall at 9 p.rr}.
All 'rnembers .'present "We also
had Mr. J H. Kinkead with us:
Minutes of last meeting read and
adopted on motion of Finnigan
and Forrester •• • �
•,N owed by Forrester and Dur
min that the chairman• and _,sec,
be 'a committee to try and get :a
teacher for No. 17,, n otigri, carried.
Trustee ' Forrester reported"to
board that Archie ' McQuillin was.
hurt • while playing. `at school,.
Ari- 'applicatonY tore music' sup-
ervisor was read. Moved. by
nigan , and Miller that .we • pay
Mr." Banter : $80 per class" room'
tor four• schools arid sat No. 4 we
pay $60 a class;,room. This is for
30 lessons. Three dollars a -•lesson
deducted for all under , 30 : taught
and $3:00 -'a 'lesson' snore for ' all.
over 30..Only one lesson . to , be
taught in each'class 'room a. week,,
,. Dr,. Weir's report on condition
fell: from: a:'coronet of pearls and.-ef. .water was tabled.
Moved,'by Finnigan and. Durnin
that MiIler and. Forrester be re-
sponsible :tor the pumping: out of
the ;well on .No. 12.. before Sep-
tember'u 3rd. Motion carried.
llthe amount of. 383.12
.Bills t0, $
hat• to: match 'She ;had _ a; cascade. motion Fby ,Miller and Forrester:
o had we ,
'and Mrs. Donald' Blue,. Ripley, ited with, their parents, Mr. and
introduce. , Mr. an
d ,
d' Nir�s. Gibson Mrs, Art 'Moore..
This week's show has. lots•.of
action as Charles, Starrett or-
ganizes..a cowboy caravan : and"
runs °`mite ,'�hiigh ' adventure in.
Cowboy in the Clouds
;COW-•OY� .
with 'Cannonball Dull Taylor,
Julie Duncan, Jimmy •Wake-
ley and his''saddle pals plus
the Jesters. Its just jammed
with` rollicking rythms of th,e
range. °
plays •Friday. & Saturday
O-N=L-Y ,
.A . •pretty summer ' wedding was
solemnize ' at :.the home of' Mr_•
now, on. Saturday; . July' 5th '.atl
when their eldest •.dau--
ghter, ; Isabel Christina, was
ited : iii marriage. to • William
Jafnes::Hunter,', .younger" son of
M. r: and Mrs:' Willi'. O. Hunter,.
A field. -
of;. Talisman roses , and fern.. The
bridesmaidswere Miss 'Hazel
Bentley, • Goderich,• attired .in
.heavenly 'blue :nylon• marquisette.
with `little, hat and'•`ostrich plume
to • match • and:. Miss Ethel ' Turtoii,
•J, the em ers o' o congre-•..
xn.d : � v ': • ed ink:,, Theycarried colon'ial bQu
.: � - Gordon Wellwood lea•. a ori W , , p .
gations;--after=which-all:' adjourn _ • '-
nesday o-spen�d•,a. week or.:, two at quets of. pink;. `roses and .carna
ed.to the Sunday, School•roorn for rri 1 erwash. with the cadets: '.''
Canip pp ., tions: .The bride's niece, Sandra'
a social hour, when refreshments
Bradley,..was. flower girl,
r 1 • smocked, frock :-arid 'b
coo s
'Moved by .Finnigan and- For:
..rester that . the secretary call. on
all: --verso- "1•o --have Contracts
for transporting pupils. and ar•
range, for . transportation for an-
.other .year,. Carried..
o• b r- mer -n5'
,gan that' Muller :and, Forrester
present blueprints for:the' Wiring,
of No 4•,school to'different .con,
er, the, . bride entered . the room. '
to ;the :strains;,:of Lohengrin's''
bridal chorus ;played ' by • Mrs.'
in a tractors ' for ;' prices .•' .Motion c'ar John L. MacKinnon of .Tiverton,
were: served to..about;200• tario St United.Church,'Gli d onnet• ried • sister ''of' the.' groom Bev• C:.'H..
old• r 'sided' ••an Rev. G.. M,, Ne, to., -
" • ' � :. .p .. � ,. .,. - Match. -carried g .y Moved- b'�.•Forreste ..and Miher p: .
• Service .At ,Westfie L "• z e d J to ruratch.. •:She carried a: nose a :� •• y� 1VIacDonald.'; erformed the sere
' d Helens ' .addressed the,' in r
Reu..A. ,G:•, Hewitt was .indu t : of : St, '
�i ,,.. . . ,. of s•weetpeas', and .roses.. � .Billy : a specs t- ' mon,. `before an' �• arc•h of ever,
that,'Cha call •• al me'e.
ea info 'the. ' astorate' of Aubu'ro, inter, The: minister ' was introduc.- Bradley; ne'� hew• .of the ::'bri.de
Westfield .:and': Donnybrook • Un- .ed ::to the :congregation by: -Frank waspage boy, in: a brown:'velvet,
ited .Chfirr.eh. at a* service : held. in Cainpbell:,of Westfield; Go: Beane
e. ,. -suit;.;Lord: Fauntleroy style.: Mr.
Sam. Thom son
Westfield 'LTnited '''Ghurch.., ., • ` .: Auburn; . � :and am ., p . , Charles . 'Watson, Toxonto,'• 4vas.
. '_..Donn brook
Rev, -.W.. J. Woolfrey of On Donnybrook:. best imam' and :the Ushers were
Arnold Stothers, '.brother of . the
bride, ,and Henry ra ey; , bro
then -in law of 4the bride
At the, home of the bride's par=
entsi Mrs-' Stothers'•received in :a
' green andblack printe silk suit, minister?...on behalf . of .the .session
with bustle.•effect and c;cessories and congregation, presented. the
Co lain are � re � e th � received.: bythe: Medical O
slip is a equ f n y
ficer Of Health with:reference" to.•the;' use ;of unsanitary and
•;unhealthful methods hi emptying. septic 'tanks and�.cesspools:
Schedule B, Section ' 124 of the''Public:` Dearth • Act reads:
"Within the: a,hnits--of-any. mu-n-ic-ipality n
contents of any :cess ool septic tank, or reservoir ,shall be
removed unless removal of same :is by some odourless pro-
cess". Penalty' •of: 20,00 fine is. Provided by .thg Act,
This 'is to inform all municipalities that sanitary• egiiip-'•
mens f Or• carrying:on the .above type of work . is' now available
in the Courty,
" and information where needed• will be .sup,,
plied by applying • for same 44 :
'At as 'soon as tenders are. in for
•wirin ' ''ob `Ca'rried.
g7 .....
`:Moved .by 'I urriin and .Finnigan.
that we adjourn,- The next' meet,
ng. to e called by ' chairman.
W. A Ste :wart, ` sec.-treas.' .
greens ,;banked with orange mnd . bloc=
so s.:a -red arid white ':'roses.. .
The bride looked lovely _ in r: a floo.
len 'th w
g on': of white' ernbroid=
ered2 nylon over ...taffeta with
sweetheart neckline. fitted bodices.:
bouffant, skirt; and', long sleeves:.
tapering, to a,point over the'hand&;
was' best man: Her . fingertip veil• was held: in... .'
:the • cere.rtiony, the ' place with a sea of ,'pearl head-
dress Sher .wore asingle strand
of pearls 'the . gift " of ,the • groom
and Carried bouquet of , red
roses. •
Dr: William , PD. . H.;
• Difector and M. O. IL, , •,:
"Walkerton, . Ontario.
11 • Your 'Needs
No Strings Attached In Our Policies.
'Claims : i . y rusted.
Quickly and EffYcYently A �•
•"'ttv Licensed Adjustor 'Living the District. •.
S. Stewart Insurance .Agency
-to. match. • Mrs. Baxte woreA a bride and • groom with a; Bible,
dress of ' rose •and ;grey: figured 'they being the first to be.`married
n this ch rc'li.
sheer : with ;white hat and acces i s hu
soi"ies... Each wore' a corsage •of Later a reception ,was held at °
• , ,sister's . bridesmaid :' wore ' a ; floor' a ,
th` home: of the brides arents
ere. aril roses a,-. j . , p;, . length gown. of. iiile.'green nylon.. :
Sheldon 'Ba.xter` Mrs..Robi'nson:received in: a black
Mr. •and • Mrs. S. C over taffeta with a •;headdress . or •
Miss Margaret Nicholson as her
left.on•,ja: wedding trip' ;to Mus-
kola, „Niagara Falls and: other,
points south. A,;The bride travelled
wearing .a .black''. suit, bustle of-'
feet . and furs: Her accessories
were. black and she had 'a- corsage
of cream roses. They will reside
in �Goderich .
''A pretty Wedding took.. place in
Donnybrook United Church' on
Saturday, June 21st•. •at: • 3 .p.m.
when 'Rev. Harold Snell united roses. 'On their :'return: th'e will red roses, She was assisted by the ..:
in rtrarriage;; Irene Catherine;
roorri's 'moths r weariri a, : rey
reside in Lo:ndon..„ g
y ounger daughter of�Mr acid Mrs.
b and yellow jersey dress , with a
J. •: C: Robinsgn of Donnybrook
and Dgttglas'JaiYies :Williams, son HENDEIISON-ORR corsage of red roses.
' The• marriage :of Helen Mara- m
-:Aong the guests .Was the
of Mrs. B.1 E. Williams, Chester g I bride's grandother,' 1'Its• Chris
St.; London.: The wedding rnusie garet Orlr, daughter,, of Mr: ;and
tins` Nicholson of Bervie, ' .w'hq
was a bride eighty 'years ago
''`•For: the wedding•strip to South-
ern .Ontario the . bride, donned a
•rose dressmaker suit with white:'
accessories. On . their return Mr.
arid Mrs; -Hunter will reside in
Ashfield. n .
Prier to her'' marriage Isabel`
was ,guest' of honor at a, kitcheti.
shower or l Friday, June .27th at
the home. :of. Mrs.. Les Skelton„ '
Kincardine, With about twenty
friends present, and on Monday;,'
June 30th, a miscellaneous Show •
er was held at her er home when,
some 75'friends and neighbors-
gathered and showered her with
many lovely and .useful gifts.
f i 'g' ;ured :'silk 'tiro. piece.' dress and
a'. corsage of pink 'ro'ses and. ferny.
assisted–by iii s: -Willies is;inotla-
er of; the groom.: wearing a two.•
piece 'grey crepe dress with black•
picture hat and white accessories
Her corsage ;was of :;red roses and,
The young-cobp1e left on a trip
to Niagara Falls and Buffalo; For
travelling the'rbride chose a two
piece white jersey dress with,
white .accessories ' and blue top
coati. .Her' corsage :. was • of • fired
pink.and g re ri rosettes. She car
ried . a bo ` uq �ut .of ' ink roses.
Mr, Lloyd Hunter, .brother ' oF' .
the groom,' was groomsman
e -. .
During the signing
ng of.. 'the g
ister Miss Jean' Maeltinnon, niece
of the, groom,"Sang! "When Seing•
is Sweet r--"'
Following. the ceremony a wed:'
ding :supper was served, to • some •
forty: guests. The bride's mother
received in 'a , navy and : copes;
jersey dress :with a carnage of
as•.played by"the .church ist, Miss Elaine :Bamford,'
Given in' marriage by her fath:
Mrs.. Melvin Orr`' of Chesley, . to
'David Henderson . of,• Pine River,:
son of the. late, Mr. and• Mrs. F.
et; the bride' Wore :a floor, length Henderson, took„. place at the
dress of white taffeta with sweet- Presbyterian :Manse 'in Chesley at
3.20 p.m. on :,July' 1st..R:ev,' F. J.
Barr performed the ceremony.
The bride 'wore a street:,length
dress° of • white ' silk jersey” witl7i'
white •accessoi ies .aiid a corsage of
red roses. ,She. was attended by
Miss Ngrma Eruegeman of .Han-
over who: yore' a lime' green
'dress. Bud Orr, brotherof the
bride, was best man. A reception'
was flet It Pleasure. Valley Farm
afters which the .young couple left
for, a trip th Muskoka. They will
headdress.. Mr, Jack A.kmclritosh reside at Pine River,: •
'heart '.neckline and the .grooms,
gift, a matching gold locket and
`I expansion ; ' bracelet., Her ' fltior
length veil :was trimmed' with
White velvet. ribbon . arid 'gathe't'-:
ed :into a white velvet braided
headdress. She carried a bouquet
•of -'American Beauty roses. and''
Mrs. Jack A. McIntosh of Lon-
don° attended the bride and wore
a• floor length gown Of rose cord
ed. silk' with pale• 'blue feather