HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-03, Page 8*AGE, EIGHT
iart Styles
.• i .T...URSE'AY, .JULY 3rd, 1947
CHANGE ABOUTS are practical. It is, a thrifty idea to nix.
your blouses,. jacket_ suits pry, :skirts rind it is one sure
method of making your .wardx'+ be Seem larger-.:
Sip= SLEHVEMUSLIN BLOUSE eyelet embroidery'
trimming. Sizes 14. to 20 :years."
SHORT SLEEVE RAYON CREPE with Val lace insertion,
pearl buttons:'
DRAW STRING MUSLIN BLOUSE, • eyelet', embroidery on
neck and'sleevea.. Size 11-17. .
WOMEN'S SIZES fiin muslin•,. ,collars trimmed with lace,;
• frilly ;fronts ,• with ticks
FOR PROTECTION..4 COMFORT wear Pedees. You can go
barefooted' in 'comfo't.:Nylon stretchable tops, others with
elastic tops.
(Continued from page 1) ,
we .know. thatit will be 'your jo
-and satisfaction if you: in 'you
.:er'vice as .Moderator,' 'will. be .in
.struznental In' 'forwarding thi
great spiritual, advance, •
TheParauount i W. 1, held a
very successful picnic . at. Point
Clark on . Friday with. 150 in at- ' .
tendance, Ideal weather condi-
tions -coupled;
ondi-tioncoupled with : a, -jolly -. crowd ' ..
and theabest of ; eats, including,
ice cream, will be a, :pleasant
memory when the winter storms
Peter MacNay, our grand old
man, was. there andcaptured the
special .prize " for the oldest per-,
son. Though he has no sight' his `
health is • good and ' Paramount .
owes -him. a great deal for his ;
many bind <•acts in the, past.. Mrs..
Tom.'Irwin,• 'whose life 'hasbeeh,
a great blessing to .the commun-
ity, received the prize 'for the
oldest -lady present: ' ; c , <'_
The Paramount school children,
were there in full force headed
Eby , their •popular and . capable
teacher, Mrs: : A . "Aitken The
sports ' events were ,won, as fol. -
low's: girls,: 5 years, Marlyn Stan-
ley, Nancy. Irwin,. Shirley ;Brooks;-
boys;' 5 'years, .Jack B'utton, Ron-
ald . Conley, 'Dick Richards; girls,
8'ears, ,Irene ' Elphick,,.. Wilda.
Reid, Eunice Button;• boys, 8 yrs:.,.
Bob Irwin; . Donald, Reid,: Beverley
McNay; -girls; 10. years, Betty
Johnston, Jean'. S.tanley,•„. Gladys.
Kilpatrick; boys. • 10: years, Bruce
Raynard, ,Lorne- Hamilton,;• George
Richards; Igirls, 15 years,: •Ruth
Raynard,:.Lillian' Raynard; boys
12 years,: Donald •M:acNay 'Doug=
lasayn:aicl, .:A-1.en Mate ar
ladies free -for, afil,`Ru`hhtRa i • ,
'Lillian `Raynard, Mrs Eugene.
.Conley;.' men's 'free-for.all,' Don-
aid. Haniiltori O1iveeir '-•McCharles,
Jack ;• Elphick;a married .Bladies;'-1
Mrs. 'Walter .Dexter,, Mrs...Orland ..
Richards, Mrs: Eugene., Conley;
married then,, .- Iiarvey ; Brooks;;
ob Campbell;'
Asa remembrance •of'.this oc-.
c"asion we ask .you to. accept this
• Watch -and purse as an expression
of ",.our . appreciation • of this: honor •
that .:has been '13estowed.' on you
and on our congregations.
And to ' you ' Mrs. ; NiabDonald,
we 'present this desk . •set. With
the'se-gifts go our prayers . and
best wishes for your health and,
jay, in thq:'years that lie' ahead.
Signed :. c�xr 1 , ,
gregations, .
Lucknow., Presbyterian .Church,
Jas.,; H., Pickering, Clerk . of Ses
Erskine Presbyterian Church,
James Wilson, Clerk 'of ,Sessiori.'
:oo1.As A:Cucumber'
sis Summer. With Your
is a
rave's Apple .Juice .'
Refreshing :and ' HQalthful;
•,.Made from' full .flavoured`
apples'! in ' the world famous
Annapolis' Valley.:.•
Tangerine Juice
A new taste. sensation; :.t
champagne of.juices.
On behalf of: the • Presbytery,
ed .Mr : MacDonald with,_ an en
graved cane. Rev. MacLean re-,
ferred to •:all the ' processes • of an
cestry, 'a Christian home,. farth.
life,, college, by :which God .had
sought to fit, him for' this 'great
calling. Rev. MacLean cautioned
.that 'the: tasks would be a: atren
Vita -Nip Orange Juice
A natural ,source.. of Vita-
• min: Ci -delicious as an iced
beverage, or in fruit punch..
Texsun..Blended .Juice—
A delicious blend of tangy
w grapefruit and orange juice
from the '' famed, Texsun
tree -ripened : fruit.
Aylmer. • Grape Juic e=r-
The• pure; . sweetenedAuice
sof finest' quality Canadian
Grapes, an excellent mix-
er _ with - gingerale, or other
Values to- ' 3.95`
the slipper,..lades,MlS-
Walter Dexter,” 1VIrs. Bob : Camp-
bell,. . Mrs Oliver. * MacClarles;
couple race, Jim Ketchabaw• and
Mrs. Walter Dexter, Donald Mc
Nay and :Lillian Raynard, Clark •
Stanley and Ruth ;.Raynard
uous: one- and: advised the Mod=
erator to rest ` without, having to. ZION: NATIVE-
ATIVEreplying, Rev. MacDonald, i
Christian home, and felt . that .the
rri ortance` of ": a ENDS MINISTRY
Stressed the._ importance
path•many young people. were Concluding 47 years of service
travelling today w_a.s -. a reflection in the United Church ministry,
of 'their u.pbrin':g'ing• He ;creditedRev J. A Agnew, pastor. of, Ern -
his home and ::the, Merv, of God i press Ave United. Church, Lon-,
who -had preached to l nn for' his
decision 'to "ffcllow the ministry.
They,... taught him.: to - love', the.
church and, to love to •hear: .the
Makes22 gallons. A delicious
econoMical drink 16r pie-
: nice and. large gatherings.
dan,, preached his 'final sermons
tO • that congregation' on Sunday.
He• now.' is retiring as,. an .active
•nTinister but will continue to
word of. God' preached.. To his , serVe the church' aS assistant‘min-
Oarents- and gr,andparents, a .high ' ister at Calvary United Church,
the Church meant more a former charge.. • , • •
than the highest., place in the' Rev: Agnew' is a' ,native et Zion
national life. .communitY' and ;Well, known •te
Mactoonald'5 •One ieque,St of. many this community.
congregation.s was that they 0- • 30..Years in Middlesex
remember* him at the Thione of .Rev::". Agnew's . service to the
' and he 'repeated, that he, 'United Church. Was given entire. -
tally qualified' for' the office be.
held. '' He added that there had
what he is. He 'didret want •peo-
ple to be' , talking of him,' and
quOted the, late Dr. Petrie,. who
admonished ' people 'not, 'to 'talk.
about him 'but to "talk abouf'Dr.
Other speakeis were Rev, rt,, H.
The Store of Friendly Service
82‘. WE DELL
II Housecoats
Conyincect- Of . Solidarity
9f WOrk as minister, iteNi., Agnew.
to •clay, and tfie. United 'Church in,
partidUlar, is Solidly eatablighed.
iSt and...a modernist at the same
time"-, declared' the .veteran' pas-
tdr. belieVe in the fundamen-
tals" 'upon which: the, 'church is
,at the sanie :time try
light and new."truths. The chureh,
imist never close: its. eyes to new
of new truths".,11
Touching on ...his' career, Rev.
AgneW"cleclared he.was hot glad
that' his aCtiVe ministerial wOrk
years spent within ,1V4ddlesex over. • •
County. 'His 'first charges were at "Lhave io:ied the rninistrY:•and
:Clinton, ICingsville and;St. Marys WOuld t start •all over.
and after. that' he" 'Wag Mini -Stet :argalri",;, he stated-- -
at the Westminster' West charge •
United Church, London, and. fin,:
ally Einpress Ave. United,chtirch.
During the, last ten , years -at
Williams a ,Seaforth,. Rev. p. ,P.,1Empress• Ave. Church, Rev Ag-
Cramm, of,. Teeswiter, Rev. R.' new added 210 'fainilies, ,embrac-
Douglai :Macporkald, son. of the ing 618 'individuals, to the church,
MOderatOr, and,"Dr., Shortt; a for- conducted 218 funerals; 208 bap -
eller Moderator. limns and 251 weddings. The.fin-
Mrs. I. D. McIvor, of Ethel fav- .ancial strength of the church ,ha's
ored With a piano solo and. re- grown proportionately through
trestments were ierved,, to. ;con- the years,' The congregation is
elude an' event. rare ,,an , the. IllEr lannirrra-farewell-gathering-fo-
of any •such congregations. the MiniSter on 'July 10.- '
, The June meeting of, the'Even,
ing Auxiliary was_ a pot luck sup-
per at .point Clarice on June .ip:
•Xen Murdie,,,Was hostess 'to.
ladies at their cottage: After I meeting ':closed .with, the bene-
List izoUr•
5257550118 .:17:60: '14.10
525,550117 .'1015 1'5:50
,vVe tin vulcanizing'. ,
00T.0ii OILS!
*ONEIDA $5.5
SPITFIRE '5 -gal: sealed .14.55
Mrs. H. 1Nebster and Miss Jean'
MacMillan. 'After a hearty ,vofe
of thanks to Airs. Mursiie
a ball' game; aontesti and lunch,
supper was served. 'After the
follOWed. with, Mrs: L. Th914-
the' scripture.. Mra: A. Andrew
gave -ha reading,- A-114-•joinecl4n
kng. A duet was given by that;town.
At Port Elgin Sunday .
1?ort'Vgin on §undartakir!g part
in' the Decoration.'Day parad6 in