HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-03, Page 3JULY' i ;3rd 194?
Local 'aril General
Grrahati o`l?' --London � uFOR--FEE,T. -that- le -el. like -NV'
Arc :
pent a few days here.•
Tor -
alto fewdaYs with .Ms,
Leonard Irwin of Toronto .spent
:he-wees,-4nd, at his home, Boun .
lary West.'. •
Mrs, A. W. Hamilton spent the
past month. at Portage La Prairie
°ith 1VIr, ., and •Mrs:. Doug Clark,'
Mrs, Neil MacLeod is visiting
zt the, borne 'of her, sisters, Misses
Isla and -Fern Reid..
Mr, W:.W, Jackson of Bramp
ton spent1ast.'week with his sis-
ter,Mrs. J•, H'•' Hall and Mr. Hall:.
and Mrs. •Glen: Moore of-
'lvlr.wee wi.t
HainiitRn,.•spent .Fast• k:. b
her "'mother; .Mrs. E 1V.` Hodgin"s!'
• Njr•..Wm..Denaldson: of 'Ottawa
'• Mrs.' Annie Lannan
Ings hie Kenny of Detroit visited Mr. and
of song, use Lloyd's Corn Salve Mrs, Jas. Garvey on Sunday,
right :along". 5Oc at Down's Drug Fr. Ralph. O'Laughlin called on
Store. ' his friends�d'uring the'week.
Mr:., and •Mrs. Mervin •Carter Miss Teresa Austin of London
and family of Clandeboye"were was: home for the weekrend,.
recent visitors With,' Miss Jane Misses Veronica Austin, Rita &,
.arid..-,Mr_.,_AdamLBow •-:-Frileen-Walkae-e--arid Ma --;Murphy.
.Bar, Albert McQuoid • left' on, of • Toronto spent the '' week -end
Friday ..on an extended visit to . with: their parents.•
Western 1'Canada• . that will take.. • Mrs, •P, f,' Murphy visited her
him to ' the Pacific Coast.. - daughter in Toronto ,for • a few
days •
Mr. .arid . Mrs, "Gordon Webster , • -.
and daughter Eunice of Port Cie- , Mr, and Mrs. G R;, Hill have
.dit spent. the •h:old•ay week -end returned from. their. :honeymoon:
with' Misses Ada aridI: azel Web- and ai"e spending some time with
stet. o .:' , Mr, "and Mr. s. Wm. Lanna'li:
We are glad; L. Have .the Res-.
;Angus' McKinnon '..`and• Miss urreetianists..a .the s mm 'r 'cam
Mary McInnes of Hamilton were
t u. e p
again. '
first - of the.•week Visitors wit° the '
home of his father,.. Mr.Dari T Missed Walt' Disney
McKlPrinpn` . ' Mrs, A, Aitken :who :teaches. at
' t' the. week-en'd: with his ' Mr, Finlay MacDonald who is.'a Paramount,. missed a visit front
spen •
• Mrs 'S. Collyer. ,, ;„teacher of shop. work at Chatham Walt Disney. of '"Mickey M.ouse"
sister, Collegiate, is visiting at his home. fame'when he . recently- visited at
the ..
Miss Doris Taylor:=spent at Lochalsh, before "commencing his father's. birthplace near• Bluer
week -end .in. Brampton asthe a five -weeks!' summer course:.. •vale,: Mrs.. Aitken's: home is not,
guest.of Miss Marion Crawford.
ter. distant, and at one ' time she
-.. ..;, Mrs. Jack MacKendrtek; ..o f. •+
• i' ' • n ook: sorn-e pictures. of the home
',Miss ,Marion •� ,1�1:acDougal�l • of; Windsor� is .spending. '.the. summer • .
in field, is. spending the' next here. She w s ace anted . where Walt's' . -father spent ..his.
Sir Intal Summer h a oinp , by youth, -and sent thein to 'Holy-
few weeks <at, K Mr MacKendrick' .who • d
•w o remame wood.' She • received `” ' letter' of
Camp. • over• the week -end.:.... • •
• appreciation• ,in reply,• and when.
s`• Bertha Stimson of' •Tor:- Wee ' -end'' visitors o ith Mr., Mr, Disney Wa4.. iii this district
Mis k �
onto spent the.- week -end ath'e: George Burgess the arid Mr, and Mrs: .paid a ,call to, Mrs. Aitken's home,
home•of,. her parents, ,' Mr.. and . Jim `Mathe:rs '*pr.e,' Mr.:.and. ..Mrs,'
Mrs. Wm: ,Stimson.: - W.'Russell"Bill, Bob. and Ronald,
Nellie.Russell.. and • Jack
ck .Welsh
• Mrs. Mae" BurtonWof :Toronto.alof Toronto : ,
and • ,, Euniee:B.urrell of Port
4reLl t -ti l L v+'Fth--t+.h&ii-_a�� e'c er-;• rizab,
Marshall :Grebe I soy'. and •
is son ;Ivan.. of : Preston • ily;.. left; Lucknow.
but unfortunately she ' was .not
•th,ere at the time, '
renewed acquaintances, there the
first of. the. •week It•isa7about';25
'I' E A
A, quiet. wedding .••was' ,solemn,
ized • ori 'Saturday', June• •:-28th at
the Grace. .United ;church manse,
London when Rev."Stanley Moote
united. in . marriage Blanche El-
eano.r'.Stacey, daughter of 'Mrs,
Edith Stacey and Mr. Earl• Stac-,,
ey, both of London, to. Rayniond
Keith. Hamilton, son' of, .Mr.' and:
Mrs. Wm. Hainilton,. Luokr%ow.•:
The bride wore a suitof egg-
shell blue with white -accessories
-and. 'a corsage', of :red ; and white
roses; Miss Vera Stacey; London,;
as her • sister's'. only -attendant,
wore a' suit of sea ca green with
white accessories , and a • corsage.
of, pink' eases.. ' ,1VIr. Lewis Stacey,
London 'brother of the bride, was
best man: •
Fo1h .w ng . the ,wedding..a
which, the happy. couple left 'for
• It matters; tittle what you want to buy these days . . soup, a shirt;
a' new car..' .,. even electricity (which you don't have to line up ford'.,
continues to.'be :.scar'ce. in' Southern •.Ontario.
Hove you tried to.. build a home lately? '...:tried to buy building:
materials .of any kind What a headache! How would you 'hke'to
he shoPP in for what's needed for o. new electric power plant?,
• 9
Unimaginable amounts of ;concrete, •steel and other materials,: as,;well'
as tremendous quantities of :electricalequipment, wouldhave• to be
sought out and purchased.
It takes several Months now to get such equipment as transformers
and costs are. up by' more; than 1 alf. The,;higger they, are;the harder.
'they are to get.
about the huge generating generatin ' stations required to supply Ontario
needed half -million horsepower Well,
: ''. , �
they ar`an additional badly e being built. They `. were started years, ago. ..But they� cannot
all be ready in '19.47: Some won't be ready next year.
Inthe. meantime, :demand for 'electricity is growing fastelr than
new power plants .Few ' people: anywhere use as, much electricity •'
per person .cis in Ctnt
"a>rro. Few - have as:°much .to use. ,, Enjoy your
low=cost electric power but use it. wisely.' Your' Hydro Commissiotl
to increase the supply, abut it will still be
is do�ng••everything, possible
necessary to, conserve electricity this fall and 'winter.
a. motor trip to Niagara ;Falls and.
vartious • points. On their ' return
they • will reside on the :,groom's
fain near '•
Lucknow:. ;
• MORGAN -••
Summer 'flowers: ferns, palms
and Mrs' Jack:Aekert•sperit
Thursday , withMr:- and Mrs: W.:'° ' '
Sterling; rli •Clinton: . "
'" C i 1. n.
" Mrs. Richard Elliott visited fqr
the .past week. with relatives at.
Cookstown; .
Mr. and Mrs.. Raynard` Ackert; •
June ,and Ernest•- holidayed -at ..
Bruce Beach recently.
Mrs. '• Rhoda, Smith, .Kincardine,
Spent the, week -end. at the homt .
of her son,, Mr. and, Mrs.' - James.
H. Smith.•• •
Miss : Audrey MacMurchy? has -:
been °engaged to, teach , at., Arva
for the 'coming term.'
Play Cast Hetd. Gathering
On June 24th an,enjoyable. ev-
�nin Was ''s •e`'nt` t .Hol roods
e g vy P a y.
township hall when the cast ot,
the play, -'O Promise ',Me" and at:
number of friends sat down to
-braynti-fial thicken dinner :Miss;
MacMurchy spoke a lew words.,
of thanks, to .Mrs. Wm; Eadie and
Mrs. J: '.Smith for their help in •
getting , up . the play, Mrs Jack
Ackert :then presented ,Mrs Eadie,"
with; a' teapot, sugar..' and cream
and .Mrs: Smith with ;a :Cake plate,
cup and' saucer
and; ear dlebra• formed a'very lov [ Teacher • Presented'•
e y . se in.g in •. .. . e : ap-
tist Church,•• London, on Saturday
for the double` ring, ceremony' of
-.Millie •.Beryle, daughter.` :of. Mr.,
;and Mrs. Fred' 'Johnston to Dori- •
ald Eugene Morgan,- only': 'Son ::Of.
and. Mrs. 'John Morgan. Rev,
J. `'H Shman.' performed the.:c,ere=•
mony, Organ: music was • played
by Mrs, Strang.leman. Miss.
Daphne 'Wilkes sang ,"Because".
Qowned• in .org:anza• the .bridle:
was~ •given ;in.•. marriage. ' by .'her
father. --,.Her' floor , length gown
was •fashion d • with sweetheart
neckline, •• outlined with::embroid '
ei=ed double floor' length veil with
pleated • headdress caught with
lily of the valley Her only orna-
ment . was a' string'' of pearls, a
gilt of. the groom;- and she car--:
tied Better Time: rosessheaf
effect.. ' . •1,,..
of S S.. No. 4 • ga:thered.':at the
-school.'to:.` spend, the :afternoon
with -.the pupils. ,After ,.a ball g'arne
lunch was served. and .:the pupils
presented. Miss .: Audrey...Mac
Murchy, who .;has spent.. three
years teaching here, with a love
ly' , electric : lamp. k• The ..Holyrood -
:Women's • Institute ':also:'.gave.,:hezr, .•_.
some •'• china. • Miss . MacM.urehy
thanked thein , with a; few .welly •,
chosen ;words and :a pleasant of
ternoon was :• brought to a close
by, singing Fors She's a'j olly good
• Fellow; .:
'Attending,: the - bride as rriiatron:
d,f honor was the' bride''s . sister,
Mrs:,'. Helen ,Sizmore, :gowned.. in
,length 'Pink sheer. She, 'car-
ried- :powder:_ blue 'darnations in
cascade .effect. The three 'brides=
Maids were Mrs Helen.:Sivyer,
si-ste•r l` the Mrs.: Helen.
urquo se :=
'Mrs. Frank. Caisen in pale blue
net and Miss Thelma' Johnston,
sister of -the bride, in pale yellow
organza: • All . were . floor length
withatching • headdress:. and
glovesm•-a.nd 'each ;carried ..Colonial
bouquets ;:•
Dick 'Sivyer,•brother-in law;i'of,
the groom, was best• manand the.
ushers ..were Wm. °Kellestine;.
Frank Lassen and Chris Claire:
A reception. was hel„•at Woiigs'
Where: , Mrs. Johnston -'received.
.many guests.' Sbie; :chose pale blue
,crepe with matching accessories.
and ,a •corsage of rapture; 'roses.
,The ' groom's••mother : also chose
pale blue with a corsage of ra'p
ture 'roses. The ,bride 'and groom
left.' by motor. for.' Montreal. and
the . Thousand Islands. ' On (their
return they will reside .in London•
Out of town guests ,.were. Mrs.:
George. ',Johnston • of 'Lucknewt
grandmother of the bridei • -
Induction Not Friday'
We were in error last. 'week in
announcing' the ,date 'set for the
induction' of ,Rev. S. T. Dipnlek of:
Sygnet. Mich., . who• will succeed
Rev. Rogers at 'Dungannon. •.Rev"4:
Dunk. is 'not expected to arrive
Until about mid-July,
W"I.ART'ON TA:X t A')r'E• has been
e: Figured but `'in miles -per-.
dollar, Goodyear is the meat•. .
economical tire ,on • the • road
today.: •It'a the best tire' buy
by' miles! We have Good-.•
,yars in your size:'' Come in
tOd,ay, ' . s'•'
Ford Sales and Service
.'Phone•4 „). l now
a ••
b,nasted. 19
mills, this year' •from`
4G to•. U mills