HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-26, Page 6PAGE Sa
01. TU'AR.Y •
125 Miles to the. alho i; -30 per Hour
Easier to ride than . a (Bicycle.
hone 11..1,•
u •
Wedding bells are ringing.
1V1r. and•,Mrs.- Walter exter
, spent m clay in London.
Mr, Oliver .. MCCharles, . Mr.
• Jack McIntosh};. took •a couple. of
3 carloads to the Institute Anni-
versary at Guelph • last Meek.
N r. .and • 1VIrs. Robt. • Hamilton"
and Mr. Jack McIntosh spent the
week -end in petroit and ;Toledo,
in Rev. r' Donnellan, is visiting
Ottawa. r.
Mr, Bert Martin has gone'. to
Hamilton for a feW days.
Miss Mary Murray spent Sun-
day' at T. J. Lannan's..
The death occurred in. Notoria
Hospital, London, on • Tuesday,
June 17th of Lester. Barclay Mac-
He had undergone a major
operation the previous Thursday,
and while his- conditron was re -
Mr• ..Clare. Lannan; was home gardeel as serious the end' came
from•-Weybur-n; Sa"sk ,,ler. hia,lisn :_.;-.._�"
ter Wilarnina's wedding. 'was a son of Mrs- o
Near Frost Last Week •
On three successive• nights- last.
week. the mercury dropped to a
near freezing point. On Tuesday,
Wednedsay and 'Thursdays morn-
ing the .official low : was recorded
as 34 .degrees. b.
' LesterM John
�4:1VIrs, John' Kennedy spent a MacLeod and the late Mr. Mac
few. day, s with her mother: Mrs. Leod of the Second Concession,
P. Hogan, . � ' l�nlgss.He was ' in his 34th year;
� On Wednesday evening a large having been born, on August 1st,
number of ladies gathered at Mrs. 1n13.
Blaine' Martin's for; a shower- in Since late. childhood Lestel• had'
honor of Miss Vililamina Cannan, riot enjoyed � -good health. , In his
bride -elect, and presented. heresxly,'teens he • was ..confined to
with many useful gifts. The bride
lied for over, three. years before
thanked, all those: present,' of being taken to the •Mayo Clinic
which a lovely lunch, was served.
.1VIrs.; BTern ce
Mrs, 'J:• I:an.nan, ernice,
'at Rochester
Ration Coupon Due.Dates
• ,Coupons now'valid are S26 to.
S53 and Y1 to" Y5.: The balance
of the: canning sugar coupons Y6
to Y10' good; for five . pounds ' of
THURSDA'i,. JUNE 26th, :°1947,
Baptismal •S ervIee• r
A baptismal service was held
in Zion Church Sunday morning.
bj Rev. C. B. 'Woolley when four
children, namely, Nancy Ann, in
fant daughter of • Mr:' and Mrs,
Frank" ' Ritchie; Ronald . Elliott,::
son of. Mr. and„Mrs. Cecil Gard-
ner, •Kenneth.=,-AndreW .son"
and 'Mrs. Gordon" Kirkland 'and
William (Billie)' Francis, young..
est son of Mr. and Mrs.., Sidney,
Gardner were baptized, The
church' ,was :tastefully ` decorated..
:with. seasonable flowers for the
oeeasio, n - ,The S. S choir _contr r _
buted a 'well. , rendered 'number,
• Mr. ELane Gardner •was in . Lon- •
'don last.week. •
' Mr. and:Mrs' Alfred Andrew of
:North Bay; and • Miss=.Winisified,,
sugar,b.ecorne valid' on July 3, ,
Zi erman, Mr. ' and Mrs,. R.
Hill,' ernade"tte, Betty ,Arias and
Genevieve and Mr. Larry Brown,
all of Toronto, attended: the Hill-
Lannan wedding on Saturday, •
orks----lVlusie--• at-- Waterloo, ...On
w ,
'tario,� in beautiful;' Waterloo park.•
Saturday, June 28th. All day and
evening,` Come , with your• whole:
family: Something for ' all ,to .en�
joy, The ..monster `Musical Tattoo
in the: evening. is the greater
show. of its kind; in Canada.•
Ample provisions for picnics on'
*the grounds. Rain or.Shine.'
• .1
is. me on so Ili sip; -$..:aSit o'tr row—.r i.L am Om sol op.r.r —
• 1
- -
NEXT pay-day: your' pay cheque
;will:, be bigger. because, the re
duction in your: income tax :will'.'
be •effective. ;
Think of that increase as 'a raise
in . a - as ;'money n your pocket.
Whether •your income is $2,000 or• •
$20,000., kit's spinetIng • ex
r-ownndesi =nifori:Ytng_:.._
.xause;in you $ l.
For some people it's' going to: .,
mean more . money to spend` an'
easier time', in ,persdnit financing;
That's.' good for' most of am..
But is that all? Not:•£or the wise •
ones:. Wise folk—won't let all that
• money slip through their' fingers
'Some, will save io% :-some
. and sonie'will save it all:
,Plan your• finances: now.for 1947 •
:. figure „out your tax saving and _
' see; that. a good 'lump: of this moray
: our ` ket is labelled
yin �..
in y the . banack'.'
For roany people that's "going
TO meati' ".money in My Bank ..
million ;
where ((mote thana Cana
dians -sound citizens •who know
avin' inea.ns•--do their•per
what s g
1• - --- r-------- -}--
Lucknow' B anch
'ou will be e ° We, come•. in
'This good cont -any.
s g i' ...::
- -- -
th re ; l�;e rrettii•.ned considerably nurse -,iii training iia Uamilion .
inproved and for. a number df Hospital visited this °week at•.hi;
years' enjoyed a measure' of fair former"ho'me here.
health. Late last surrizner his
health began to. fail. again and Webster Picnic
confined •• hiri to :°lis' , home e a nual Webster •re union''
... 'Th n.
throughout .the winter an spring. 1 icnic was held in Harbor:; Park,
Durin ' his long illness, he was p ich last Satui-da afteint.,o.orx
.. ed y
g ..- • ,r..b,_hs_;ag. .Gorier.....'...... .: _,:.
tenderley cared • fo .y - 1 with an estimated 150 mebers
His nth r passed on in' .
rlother. attending. A vert pleasant ftern
1937, I'noon (with;•the weathermons.
,- "Tile '*funeral service was 'held his good behaviour) added uch `;
ivateiy at 'the family' 11oine On 'to the enjoyment' of this occsion, •.
Friday, afternoon conducted by; the only : drawback beintheR.ed.J A.SmithofSouth Kincrowded •condition7'of the.,pk as .loss Presbyterian `Church. .Inter -there were no less than foufament .was in South Kinloss Cern,`,j«ily,gathengs present th"Mcxr� awetery, the' :pallbearers being L Kay .famil;ofPaisley; theter1rence • .4 MacLeod, Harry ..Laois,IifYland'The Thoson'
Leonard MacInnes, W i 1 b e.r t Liern",,,v74iii;,,,:its:;e7,3k. AtrIs•upper alistof : .
L eoodg'1w is�vi'V1i,.pe i'ial•L w,CT e -O ;ar t ..,. q rye -,�a ii ,• 'ia. ��, _� 'S�+..i7a�,,ou`-"g1-as�► inert , 'Elrii e �stiei,
Harvey Keyes, Walt 'Webster;'•;.
boys 3 . legged, `Gordon Colernan,
and Ivan McClymint; Murray. & •.
Charlie McDonagh; "girls •• 3 leg ,
ged,.Lois Webster and ° Norma Er-
'rington, Nancy rand Mary Web
ster;.. marl ied ' ladies walk (Speed'
idered : --�. Mrs. Hari ld
'Webster, =Mrs. :Jack. McDonagh;
grandmother's :walk (speed not:,.
essential) Mrs—Ben- Keyes Mrs,: -,:
Roy Alton,' .';Mrs Albert. Alton;
kick the slipper (ladies) Berna-'.Y:.
dine" Alton, Mary •Webster.; boys,
under . 6-Jirnniy Blake,': Barry.: `,.
McDonagh.„ girls under 6=j -Betty,
Alton, Marjorie Alton,• boys ,un=
dear 9 'Kenneth .Alton,: Russell.'_
Alto r;Agirls under 9 -Nancy Web
sten; Mary. Alton; boys under •12-
Frank Alton, 'Murray ,McDonagh; •
girls under, ,12 . Ivy .•}eridle, .
Mary_ Webster,• • boys under . 15-
Tom Cole, Granto. Webster; girls
:under 15 -Jea. i McKinley, Mary
McClymont; young •men=Gordon :
Coleman; IvanMcClyrnont; young:
ladies "Berriadine Alton,. Janie
Alton; rn.embers coming the great-: _:1>
est distance—Mit. Chas Alton' •& ••
Mr `-J: -C: • Alton of Tilbury, old=
est .. person in attendance:. .Mrs,
Agnes Stephenson; ';youngest per.,
's'dn;. Billie Blake, infant', son' :of.'
:Mr and• Mrs:.Cecii Blake and: in-
fant twin sons' of Mr.; and Mrs.,
Don McIvor,'Ronald and Donald,`,
who attracted more .than: passi lg
L$ ill., .. -
Besides his sorrowing mother,
Lester issurvived• by seven bro-
thers • and •one sister,' . William,
Saskatoon;, John,. Speers, Sask•;
'Gordon,. Richard, . Sask.; 'Henrys,
Windsor;; :Alex, Con. 2,• :Kinloss;
Peter, • •Wingham; Fred,•• Detroit,
. Clara), of
Lucknow. ,
The death of Cecil B. Alain . oc-
c-curred': in •St. Michael's .Hospital,
Toronto, •on Tuesday, 'June .17th.
He had .been ill for .:two weeks
with pneumoniae• and a 'Weaken,-
'Ing heart hastened the . end.
1 hCecil ,was born :in 'Lucknow''
. over fifty-four. years ago,, on Feb-
ruary 1st, 1893 He Was a : son of
i : • the late Wrn.. A:llin .and Margare
McAlpine,' who predeceased hi
in 1;922 --and 1926 respectively:.=
Cecil spent" the ' greater part • of,
his'life in the. village .of: his birth.
For . `a number .of ; years. he- wasi
engaged' in cerninercial'travelling,,,
and:. after'. his ,marriage over 29
years ago, Mr.. and Mrs: Allin
• established their 'home here: Mrs;
Allin , was• forr ierly Margaret
Hockney: of Elmira.• • •
About ten years 'ago••the Allin
:1 family moved': to Goderich' and
for "`the past four years Mr. and.:
;11,Mrs. Agin :'have resided in Tor-
onto, where .Cecil has for a time'
n emp • . , __.. fish
American Oil Company
..The -..fur exal Service was held
in _ the Lucknow United Church
on Thursday ,afternoon conducted"
by Rev. J'.. W. Stewart. Interment
was in 'Greenhill' ,Cemetery with
, •the `. remains borne • to "their 'last.
'resting place' by Messrs J. M
Greer, A: E. McKim,•°A...C. Ag
Inew, Robert, Douglas, Wellington . Ual
1 Henderson and Wellington.. Mc State Farm' . Mut
{;'Coy .••i �' '�I: •
llin . is . sur:vived b' • his A O O
" Mr. .A Y
widow, one •son,' Harold of Van
couver; one daughter, Mrs. Ern- ran (�
:• : of Insu ,
'est Breckenridge .(Marjorie),
Goderich and by three •borthers. •' •
and two sisters, Harold• of Luck-
now, Will • of 'Chatham, Evan of
Deseronto, Bertha, • and.:Mabelle.
of Toronto. , • . n
Don't j tist:leave• yout income tax' saving'
with the rest of,what you have 're-
maining 3�'at''tet pay-day. You're 'alit::to
lose tract of it too easily, - •
If you re wise'you'll o'�en a
p special;
savings' account for it' and do a real'"
dollar -blinding job. Call' it` . your •
"Izicome,Saving Account" and 'make
_"it live up to its name . •
Later, .you'l•f l be glad " you' did l
you'll ibe able and ready to. buy those
things you want most.
I't's' an opportunity to -start saving
really systematically, and a B of say-'
iags ,account will help' you.. Open' -
one at your'. nearest branch.today. .
A. THOMPSON, 1Vlanage�r
-, ., for r V. —:— - i —so MO Oil O i Am -i
^: .•
WORKING W:itli,:CM1AD(At1S'U4 EVERY *All Q LIFE SI PIC'>~ 1817
attention. Visitors -Rev.' an! ' rs.
'Campbell Tavener cf Holmes-
Ville, ;. Mr „: Jane : Bowering of•
Winnipeg, Mr John Reid aid
Mrs. Hannah: Phillips' of 'Gilder
.10 4
, A'
woo. Late ;:for Last Week)
1V!rs. D. McKay: of Detroit' vis-
ited with her sister, Mrs. D. Mac-
Intyre. • ,
Mr, and Mrs. Collie and Doug
• las;. of London 'spent the week -end.
at Mr,.. John MacLeod''s :and :the
Bain home. • • '•
, Mts. P. Robertson-' of Ripley
spent a few days •with
Middleton.. •
Mr. R. Ross from th.e''N'est vis-
More Auto .Insurano •
Service and Satisfaction.
, • See
,A Cameron
Lucknow, Ontairio
Also ..
Hospitalitation and Sick
and Accident Insurance
ited on the Fourth the. first. 'of '�.`..
the week.•__ _..-•
j h,