HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-26, Page 5a THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 197 Lyceum T�ieatr ;, �If*lGHAAA Two Shows Each Night at • 7;3.0; and,9.30 ., Thursday Friday, Saturday 26;_2. JUNE , DENNIS .O'KEEFE, • MARGUERITE ,;CHAT MAN r�d'strict.'. A.ttorne. • M, Matinee Saturday at 2. p.m, • THE THEATRE WILL• CLOSED..' Frain 'June 30th to July I2th • INCLUSIVE TU "' LUc I ow SF;NTINEI,, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO . ' y n PARAMOUNT KENNEL CONSISTENT WINNER NORTH` CIJLR(SS • 0 • .. ",Paras nount Lady' , a •Zcotch Collie from. Goldie M'artin's ken- nel has been a :consistent winner -at major Canadian Kennel ' Club slbows. At. yet, Thomas she :won best senior puppy., °female;:, best.. Can- adian._ femaleti --winner's female;- best ..of winners, defeating: the winning Male collie; At London,. -Pararnount Lady; again won, best senior puppy, . fernaie; •.' and Can- adian, bred ILfe.male.: At Galt she won all her • • classes;, • repeating again at ago Stratford, and -has been. undefeated Canadian' bred female: this :year; ,�;: t• Gait Parama•ount Major made his "f rsl ' sh'awing at :six , .months of age..•,This puppy defeated 'ail d xners in• Sdoteh .coll'ies including the •.fainous , Dave.n's . ,Dark•::Mys- tery>, . owned .play J aven:, Ke nell, Michigan. , • BORN BUTTON -1•, In Hamilton Ca is Maria 'Hospital,. on. Sa'turda ,, June' 7th; -to gr, and' Mrs. Harold ,Button of.' ,Dundas, a • daughter, Gladys Marie'. .. McDONAI.D-In ' Winglarn Gen eral'.Hospital on Wednesday, June i.lth, to Mr.. and Mrs, .Peter;'Mc-. Donald, R.: 5, Brussels;.a d'augh ter: Mrs--- thos. Stewart and her daughter; Mrs. Ralph Goezel (El •len)•. have left on a visit 'to Wash- ington, U.S.A. • Mrs; Stewart's peo- ple live in the western State. M. Wm..and Miss- 'Kate . Ruth spent an enjoyable . two ..weeks visit ng_r ,atly. s_. in, and • .around. Cluelpli and ° itchener ti • •Ilene and 'Irene,, twin daughters' of Mr. and Mrs.", Alvin Banner-- man, 'celebrated, their 8th' birth, day on Monday, June 16, Eleven little schoolmates and frierids cel- ebratecr with them; and witnessed the ceremony • of righting and, .blowing :out the sixteen candles, Mr,` David,, Wharton, : 'Sr.,. is ,at present visiting in • Ohip; where some :of his 'relatives. went to live many years:. ago:'_.They..eaMe to Ontario/: an,L • persuaded •'Mra Wharton to .return ,with them for a visit. . Mr: Russell Sewers met with a very. painful accident', When, he. went to' the` pasture' tp, bring his. team • in . for, ' work, One of the horses . resented giving', u•p.. his freedoin,. and kicked "Mr. Sewers; breaking. lois shoulder and several. ribs, 'which.:' necessitates an en forced .rest. • -Miss • Florence: Halc1 nby 'con=. chided. her year's studies Friday,, she' having been: passed 'on• her standing' through' the term; sr ....76.1!' s,c 16, •fig a U PROVISIONS OF LONDON .DOCTOR'S WILL, ANNOUNCED Three . memorial trusts, bene- ,fitting the under -privileged ehil- dren . of the city and the Univer- sity of Western Ontario,AS, rneni oriais. to his parents and his bro- ther, are provided for in the estate'of .Dr. William J. Steven - sort, :-prQmtnettt =London' -n edical: practitioner and philanthropist. • Valued at $237,700 • The estate has' been vauled for purposes of probate • at .$237,700. University of Western Ontario,: in which Dr. Stevenson •• took r an. ac;tiye„ • interest 7n his life, ` is :residual :l eneficiary .. under. the will and is expeeted to receive up to $60,000 • for ;construction of a building,; :to - be '.known • as the "Hugh' and 'Margaret Stevenson Memorial" .:; . `Pond .MillLs PlaygFound Two' hundred„and ,and three . acres of the . Steuenson farm..property located, at Pond Mills . in. West minster Township is ••given to,the London Children's Aid Society. for •'the .establishment' of the "Hugh• A. Stevenson Playground". An :area sof nine acres on pond Mills arid adjacent :to the farm is given to; the Y:1VI:C.A.-for estab-. lishment of the "Hugh, A. Steven- son Summer Camp for Children" Berwick' Sheriff, London bank er : a'nd cousin, of Dr. Stevenson is, the largest single":. beneficiary tO. the estate. Stooks.: valued at $85,000;'' some. property. at • Pd'nd: .Mills, the •London home :.of• Dr:: Stevenson at 389 and 391 Dundas_ street • with .lands •ad' oining to the; :west, 'besides. allythe household. goods; fiirrili rem, ' chattels, motor .cars,:'farm intplements and equip-. merit, ..all horses; • •harness, cutters and;•vehic1,es and all personal be- longings are included. in this be quest.. Picture That Has Everything. _BECAUSE' OF HIM" tots' of Fun; A Little Sadness. A' Good Wry An -,Excellent • Cast DEANNA FRANDURBIN, ., CHARLES ' LAUGC'HOT ` HTONTONE,. ' wi - Billie- „ Hur ke We're Cialebratinj' O it 2nd. Birthday This Week. • Next WEDNESDAY Wife of Monte Cristo Starring—john'Loder,. • Lenore Aubeirt A "breath=taking adventure .front : the pen of Alexndre Dumas.' , j .NEXT Fri., Sat. and Mon,. "TANGIER" Starring• • Maria'1VIontez,' ROW Paige,' Preston'Foster, Louise Allbritton, "Salm. • '` rt-§-"' r"eaily ~good, neo kiddie f w— Emma McCluskey,. Lucknow,. a.. cousin is ` to receive; $2,000 "as a. , l,remembrance': for .her kindness'`tp• 1•my: sister", 'ut• ith Flies'' This Bummer? We'll iPower .S' ra Your Cow . Stable, Cows, p �, ig P. epi ,.,pr Any Wall ;or: Ceiling Where ' Flies Light's wit• • (Containing, D.D.T.: Plus V-15) One Good Spraying Rids Your Premises Of ° Flies All Year Long and The Cost Is. Ver . ,Reasonable. fi „Read What Others Say E Habermehl, . Bros,' lou, Ont: ---"Last May` `we A, M. Brubacher, , Ba • • w.. sprayed out dairy, • cle`n 'Ont. — ".We : just and • hog stable with • • l'ur.ina . F.1 y spray: didn't have any- flies„' while • t . animals. in our stables ,and :.we Were stilln the stalls didn't have to spray and 'pens -Our. barn has been: free of flies. out cows' once". ever since''.' About, This Service:: G Evans,Elmira; Ont.. "Purina Fly ,Spray certainly:4'4 a'• splen- did plendid job keeping ,down flies, and "• the effect was . long-lasting Earl Litw ller;,.$aden, • Ott. — "our 'cows ,did not. go d'own'.in milk, and stood. contentedly^ at,. niilking time .We sure are going . t o spray again this year, '.It's 'money .well•spent • We Invite' You' To See, The PRA'ING OF • '-EWART .TAY-xOR'S , DAIRY BARN AND, ;DAIRY CATTLE h• RIDAY,': JUNE ..27th,; at. 3.00 M. , • is •�..: See The PURINA WEED , KILLING DEMONSTRATION.• ...At 'Ouro t re• Purina Weed Killer Kills The Weeds-;- Leaves Grass Unharpied, Kills Dandelion, Mustard,: ' Wild Carrot, '. Sow Thistle, Burdock and Underbrush Along Grown-I4Fence Rows. l'11RINA (CHOWS '.:GIBS Phone' Lucl+cnow 59 FARM EQUIPMENT Tormenting .flies ,can cut your cattle' .,weight an ,milk ield''throe h:` restlessness: Shell L ► ---- "�y' 'g � ivesrork =Spray- 'is T._. the sure way to rid yourherd', of insect pests., The 'easy way -the- safe way guaranteed harmless to livestock. • and humans. 4 ^ Clear the air at Milkingl Milkingtime with Shell Livestock. Spray, morning- and.; night—then spray•it directly on:, the cattle before putting them out to pasture • and• before •bedding;,them .down.. Ipsects and flies are re- . 'round the clock—before they 'bits'! Be sure you .p f, y, always have Shell Livestock 'S,prayon hand. Al 1. GI) an Imperial., gallon, • • AND SHELL DDT BARN SPRAY on stalls, corners, inside surfaces and eaves; q., manure piles, forms a ,long-lasting :film of .death': Get the jump on flies this year by spraying their breeding.• places.with long-lasting Shell DDT Barn 'Spray!• Dries hard, ,stays put, ' • ; won't blow away -lasts all season. $2.25 an Imperial gallon. e r} .0 • •