HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-26, Page 3. THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1947 _.
Local[ and . (eneral
Be .le i Rohertson has left MEN'S & BOYS' Sweaters, J°er-
rid the summerat Pen.Lake seys, . Knit Sport Shirts. THE
in Muskoka; •
to spe
Miss Mina Graham ,of Chilli-
cothe,. Ohio, has. been siting at
the old home •here,
MEN'S &, 'BOYSr •Overalls;,• Work
:C1o.thirig, a'Ad. Shirts.. The Market
Store. : •... •
Mr. Robert .Whitely .of Chicago
visited this: week at - the home of
his uncle; 'Mr, W. J. Little.'
'Airs.' ;.Malcolm. Armstrong ` .of
PQf rt i r•is---vis-iti g -_with . her
parents,. Mr. and Mrs; : Win. Mur-
Little, Doi is ,Bradley. of ' Tiver-
ton visitedlast week with her
'. aunt Mrs. Cordon • tLyons and
• Mr; Lyons: Y •
; <.
Mr, and Mrs. Marvin.' ,Harding,
Lois, Douglas and Robert visited.
with. their aunt. and • uncle, Mr.
. and Mrs.. W. O. Armstreng;
Mr... and Mrs."' Alex. "Reid and
Miss• Margaret Taylor .of Wing-
' ham spent Sunday with 'Mr.' and
Mrs. Ewart Taylor„ :
Mr, ° and., Mrs. Geos Fisher .and
Kenneth of •Owen Sound visited
at Mr, and Mrs. Joseph .Agnew's
on Sunday.. •
Mr. and ' Mrs :Cliff .Congram
aid' two children •Who have beer.
in Saskatchewan for. so -me time,
have returned East, arriving here`
.by motor last week. '
Mr. and Mrs, T. Douglas Clark
and infant daughter 'are residing
at Portage La Prairie 'Mug; who
is with the . R:C M:A ,was:.trans-
ferred th•e''e4 fro'rri Winnipeg: ,
'Visitors..cith" Mi;'; and'-yMi s.
H. ' Burns were theirgraradson,
Tornrriy, of L"os. Arigeles,,Mi and
Mrs.. Stanley': Bur.ns` of •:Toronto
and :Mr and 'Mrs, Stewart •Burns•
of Detroit
Mr. •John • Watson • of . London,
Mrs, Robert Webster of .Clinton,
Miss Powell of :Clinton ' and Mr-,
and. Mrs. Oscar Casemore ' of
.Stratford were :' Sunday visitors
with Mr. arid 'Mrs Peter Watson
Miss Doris 'Eadie, R.N., of Tor
•:onto, spent a few 'days at ' her,
•home here, returning' to'.• the city.
on. Monday.. •.
.Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Congram
of Lucknow were Sundayvisitors
with Harold C:ongrarn, also Mr.
jndlirs. 'f %f ^ OD•g • --gyp are-
re dome from the
Miss. Audrey. McMurchy spent.
:'. the weekend,. at her horne in
Huron .Township .
Mrs. Jaynes " Harris of Kinear-
dine and her • nephew; Murray
Harris from' •. Toronto, .:; visited
'friends : along the `line' • one ::day
list .• week
New :Dungannon, Pastor •
Rev. S. T, .Dunk, of 'Sygnet,
Mich., will succeed Rev. W. J
ogers" as pastor- of Du:nga-nnon.
Crewe an' , ort Albeitrii:e
Churches.. Rev: Rogers. goes .to.
Blyth Rev;. Bunk's.' induction has
lbeen set" for 'Friday,: July 4th..'•
A quiet wedding' was. solemn-.
lied. at Tiverton Baptici- hur'h
manse, Monday, June 6th, with
the trey. t:. iczatlrig,
of :`Viola Charlotte Ensign, only'
daughter of Mr, arid 1Virs, George
Dyiner, Kincardine and William.
Baird Russell, only son of Mr,
Wm. ' Russell and .the r,41ate Mrs.
Russell, Klncatsline township.
The: bride ••was gowned in a
strLet length -dress "of turquoise
sheer and . white: accessories,
wearing a corsage of pink carn-•
ations, sweet peas and -lily of the
valley,. The matron of honor, Mrs.
Wallace Dyrner,:' wore li ne`.green.
and "white accessories arid a 'cor-
'sage of, Talisman roses -and' for-
•get -me -hots•
The groom` was•'.supborted• by
Mrx : Wallace'; "'�Dymer,'''brother .6f
the: bride' •
After the ceremony the happy
couple left on' a 'motor trip for'
points north, the bride. travelling
in. lime green with brown •acres=
sories. On their, return • they will
reside' in • Kincardine township
Condition ..Improved
The. condition of Ronald' Mc
Innis,. who was shot inT the chest"
in the accidental. discharge of a
rifle; on ••Tuesday evening 'of last•
week, '• .is ; reported "to " be greatly
improved and his. ultimate recov-
ery is now looked; for. However,
as a result of the'mi;hap the vic-
tim, Who •was` at first thought to
have received a• fatal, wound, has
lost the use of one lung. and four
se.etzons'. of the lead ballet. are.
l '"' t u" "'iougetl 'iii l xf z'e?1t- pi�rc s- ?rn �h1
will no •doubt..•be •: some
time before he is able to be about
;aain. ;Walkerton• Herald -Times.
.T . o f FURNI T LIRE'
at= the
Furniture tore:.
F'. c .._vett and M l ma and: Mt. Forest. .
3' f
Monday, June 30tl
A'•$15:,OOo StockTo Choose . From
rom, . . oto F`l " 'ereent' n—' .vY'er `"",r" xY a s*=
• Made During The Sale
fewellery and : Gifts n `
\,k.. •
`Funeral;services:for Mrs. Card:-
aro:line Ritchie, .: a• :former= -resident'
of this locality and • an. attendant:
bf Zion church in: her young
'wcbrnanhood,who• passed away on
,,Friday`: in.., hospital at -Windsor af-
ter •'a., brief ;'illness, was held iii
Zion church' on Monday ,.after_
noon .conducted by ,Bev C. •B:
•Woolley ,; : •
Ritchie was'. born 79 •'year? s,
ago, in Blanchard Twp Perth
Count;; where : her father the late.
Chas: Baynes had purchased part
of an original 'creno n';land; grunt.
Here,.. she spent 'herearly • years
until• the removal of her father's
family • to: - Ashfield 'Twp. where
they' located ;on Lot .1; Coria. 13,
where •she. lived until •her .Mar-
riage :to the late' Alfred . Ritchie:.
IKIUT 1.82o st mower was invented With'
a circular cutting 'blade which revolved,
'against the grain, apparently .imitating .the
,:action of'the old scythe blade. ,
A few years later a itnow—eir'ivas invented
in the United States which had a • sharp
knife with teeth moving aideways, in a 'row
of iron fingers or guards.'The first mo:wer"
of.this type et) be made in Canada mos pro- •
duced in; 1852 at the. Massey Worki, the,
Massey -Harris industry of tollay*. , And all
Oirough.iis 1.00* -year history, this company
has beep a leader in developing labor-saving
. The, use of modern; Masiey-Harris farm
machines has brought many benefits. to
Rake Ind Tedder..turns the hay into light, ,
, fluffy .windrows,, so the air can cure it.
. quickly.' The Massey -Harris %Hai Loader
This .type of :mower-
h,,.a\ was
. built • at . the. Massey,
works . as. 'early as %x852.
minutes The •Massey Harris '!orag• a 4a
vester'enables a farmer to cut; hay at .the
right time --providing nutritious forage for
livestoclt.. .
• Massey Harr s :machines Mean speedy,
large-scale •.production. Theyhave reduced
production costs per acre and have .increased :'•
;the farmer's'yearly :profit..
' mounted. Tractor Mower •
vyOrks eclually well with any type
of tractor. Povver take..off driven,
.„ fast operation with safeti. Built
for fast tractor operation.,
1, t •
Move ,To' Town ., .
Mr, sand Mrs: Alex : Pardon of
Whitechurch moved to their resi
dente here last; Thursday; :which:'
they, bought . some :time ago froze.`. .
Mrs: Elizabet . •Congram
Had Heart: Attack
Sam Congrarr , : Con 2,
Huron, is able,td be about' again
after' suffering • a •• heart ;.attack •
about a month ago: •
; Following their -:rxiarriage• .they
farmedifor •,a jfeW, years in .,the
,vicinity‘ ;Of Lanes,'", afterWards
moving 'to.. Walkerville • where'
failing,. health forced his 'refir6=7
meht from town .life• and 'they
returned to the bld Ritchie* home-
stead ,where Mr.. Ritchie died in
vine. With. her family; in. Which
'Vicinity they'. have continued. to,
Surviving are her tWo
Roland and Williarn of Windsor
arid tWo daughters,: Mrs. H. Suter
(Mabel); Birmingham, Nfich.,,and
Mrs.' Jack ChristOpher (Esther)
of Berldey; Also two sisters
Mrs. Saunders' (Esther) and •Miss
brother, pavid Baynes of Lorig
Intei-Ment Was 'made Green-
hill Ceinetery, the pallbearers
Les Ritchie, Gordon Ritchie, sWes'
Ritchie, John; Ritchie, and Edgar
Ritchie, ,A. Ritchie., .G. Saunders,
NA,T RosS, A. Ritchie, Graydon Rit-
chie,' G. Kirkland, .J., Hunter, Al-
lan Ritehie, C. Gardner; E. Rit-
titorP it
Q, It's a wise- motorist
who insists- on , long -wearing, .
'" money saving " Goodyear
• 'Tires. They give many more
&ilea of dependable service .
Ford Sales and Service -
one 40, Lucknow