HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-26, Page 2.w ! E LtJ CKNOW S ,NTINEL . *■ ow; :. Ontario.-.. •.• • s, , Established 1873 -- Published Each .Wednesdayq Morning :5.0 'tion Rate — $2.00 A .Y ear . in Advance --T0 U. S.A. .$2 . .. Subscription Autborized. as Second Class. Mail,. Post Office Department, Ottawa Member •of The C. W. N. A.\ .• • _.. . .__---_ L. C. Thompson, TI•IURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1947 ` 54' THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, L'U'CKNQY{�, tJN{ BOUNDARY BAST • D•CA��QN Last Week) The June meeting .of the W;o- EDITORIAL • *Misses Jean Yeman and ` Mar- garet • Bettger of ° Goderich were with their men's Institute• was held an thre t t th h' week' WAR Oi1I IMPOSTOR .. • G NADI4NIS1V1" NEEDED �' - " -... A, ' t eshhold of. the 80. h The Ontario Association of th On the hr' " i• of thisgreat Domini n, ' Deaf - has, launched a'' campaign,.to. swrtneed, it h:.... stamp out •`unprincipled individu- •we„�eed, it 'seems; to,. be 'endowed p 'peddling,' activities, More, *enthusiastic spirit ale whose 'With. a ' m of. Cafiadianiism. Or :.if possessed. e • might' well;, give' !More of,it,aw,,.• nti �" tangible, e�Kpressicin to- our see dents. This matter of fact attitude of unconcern, was conspicuous last .ridgy evening *hen the, High School - band -struck; -up `O Can- •ada" as the . show, •,was ° about to :commence, and. not • one of the • ifte en• hundred spectators were: stirred. from their seats by the t]• rideftll strains of our Dominion' P 1 4. anthem • . . : The. first .of July eighty years • .a o was,::to the : Fathers .of Con g federationT the mark' of :a great" '•dream. come true. It was the: birth tett_ •. of a':nation, It consurmmated the 1 'tical: union .of, the northern. :poi. half of a . continent Today,: July lat. is'.:just• another • Wi`d:ay--to mans =g sr,,axi..: it might :,amaze. one; : how. any 'w what fail' o 'knew ,persons would.. t :this : '.anniversary actually . cam -4 menlorates: m -• Eighty :years; •ago the � pro bre ' of °'our_`f`orbearers was to. wrest `from'' the. untamed, wilderness slif • 'ficient .food, 'clothing and shelter, I have exploited the s'ympathy, of: it1t where :they, a. o the • public toy p . , P • have'. graduated' into petty • em b leis (Too late for - 'end visitors w Hsj1a1 ch was. adopted 'by Heir. friend„ Miss Millie Anderson: e da" with the rrew president, arlotite Reid, scln Gor'` Tu s• Y on County ,'Council At the.June Mrs.; Ben. McClenag'han, presd- Mrs, Ch session, • . dhn.,:,and Mrs._ John Finnigan and . , The roll call,.a 'Verse rel°:f The `°ccant7initte,e rport' as: children Keith' and Lynn' visited m mory fron . school days, was'foltows. :.• ., as there attended Kincardine' and whsle well responded 'to. Plans vtrere "We recommend that the Coon attended the Sunday ser- Made for a •.eofnrinit'y picnic at Ben Mclenagahan's on the. 2nd tY Co4ncil at this 'sesscin etn;, Vice at and heard ilbe ted church ower this .committee ' and m Gilbert Gomm, a day, of•July, The committee' P 'Tues architect to use thei discs etion ,s,' former minister. of Dungannon• in charge= is Mrs. 1lussell Gaurnt to the proper time to'call for ten r, and:Mrs., Alfred Habel and M. ' T; URSD.AY;' JUNE 26th,. 19,4' HAVE rQ' ' TO CALL • FQR COURT HOUSE TENDERS With eight dissenting votes, the. report of • the property committee in respect o e; newcourt Muse Conimun ity Memorial ° at Goderi Mrs Ernest Casemore. Bas- and Jimmy; have returned to their h R o district ders for the 'new court, house 'i d"„ ket lune ep home in Port ' Colborne after . 1 which was e an its of -the .., Count building:. -The .said:'ten, Y a s• held 'in R1pleY ders, wkien`, returned, to. be: pre, annual .,: 'lin May were read, bey' Mrs: ,G; Gil nted to '. this Council. tQi• m i 'e .`'anal Mrs.., McCle'naghan.,:1 A : se e r lespi Sehaltz, consideratiorn Mrs. solo -was 'sung,by he •.infor'ination •c,f •: a b Mrs. G. Farrier. �' ..For t tie accompanied. Y. ui -I Cyouhty• Council we • beg :to ,ad�aSh s.'., ance:, f�►rai.n read the c . .. , Mn .that th:e • arch1 ect:s fees; which.* �rvere• spending' two weeks with,.Mrs'. 'Hebei's, *parents,. Mr, and • Mrs. Jarnes FinniganY wo during. that ed .their:, golden wed-. 'time. - obsery , .n g; who sold,•he!' ezz � _ 7Nlrs. Honor Moss; w The AAssoeiation defines the village . property . to Mrs: Will "deaf peddler" as either a really Shields, held a succesful auction deaf person of no 'principles or 'a,. sale Of 'household' effects oh Sat-: person who- has •obs rved urday. . Mrs. Shields'moved to ••her. bhcaring P ,tt . 'r ...a,a deaf -` Monday, the lucrative . , take. of new „home -Ton ' ' 'Peddler' 'and' has embarked on a. Mr, and Mrs. A<'°Straughari of Ped �, reer as. a deaf impostor ' using ,Benmiller have purchased ..• a .d " the peddler's tactics of, ;going from ,door to,deur�arid into Stores and' offices • eddling cheap goods,, i' like shoe laces, pencils, pins, but- tons, : needles and'; •thread, etc., with a card stating that the bear, -..".n0 Urnited 'congregatiorn on' Sun- • r Is "deaf and dunb''•'and ca- day morning to a large .' attend e •em °lo meat,• etc; Others ante._ Rev. ,'Rogers has';been, pas no'fYnd P Y home . from Mr. Rich Gar ..ner which he:, recently .purchased from ' Mr. George 1i wkn.• Rev: W. 'J.: Rogers preached •his farewell 'service .to ,the Dungan events, 'and .readings • I, , •, rent. Y r established under the,,:1 r dlaee given by Mrs. E. C'asem . ave i tec'ts Act, have been paigd as R. :aunt, Lunch was served , , Mrs.bythis Act. That is .tu I tile ladies in 'charge and. a Ivided by • • ercent of • $even c. t c n n octal half.' enjoyed the ,estineiated cost cif:c:::lit Miss: Yvonne ac -i`l• fan,vlrer' ing, which .amounted,•1ca . 51.} visited with her parents the last„ of which $:4,500. v$�•is pair.l two weeks, retw ned to her train- year, ;and' the k al.aiicc, Its • i - - in ,London "on': Sunday. -this „• nig duties,year,.,,. have 'specially printed : alphabet.l tors at Dungannon for the past s with •. li h 'and. French Which they I Rev.: C. H. MacDonald of Er s I card wi'a hard luck story in `two years ,, ' - Enged ; s Nits •e*i. :Meddle .for a dirri�, i� .� •.'�. : individuals • who • y-711:—'1 take 4he hard 'hick bait. At first glance this may', sound harmless ' but • the racket is' much more extensive . than; the ,public realizes;' 'Ninety five . percent. of -those engaged, in' .this racket are able-bodied in.drvidiials', -able to do: `:;-an ":honest day's work, ':but 1,ine Presbyterian--chur h. has e 1" r%e F•.6.ralgar; e'rP:1- attended the'':Presbyterian:,•'Gen and eras .•Assembly ;of; •Canada a was ' appointed , Moderator, ' '111. e highest, 'office of the, Presbyte` ion church. 'in Canada.,' •,I•ie has been: warmly welcomed back and congratulated.-' To further 'honor Rev.•.MacDonald, a social is being Mrs, G Fisher, Vivian and Bil- Suffered Broken'Leg n.": Evans,-- on 'Bobbie Henderson, son i•,f '.\I' " lie :visited :at Mr, Wi •, ,I: -Sunda? • ' ' and' ;M rs. Rqbert ' Hcndcrsun ''; . • Mr:: and •11iIrs;a' Fned:Newnan {nntoss fell while c•limbilt'' in the 'i n spent Thursday ev- I shed at • the. barn and brake. ,his end; Mai ly p ' left leg' above the.•knetA He was. ening. at' George Fisher's, • n to • Win ham c . c. r ,i l ,Il,, take g Mr; 'hand. Mrs: Griffin of etas. v i -. P- .e k S ` a t•we ent the s i P s Detroit •p farxz<=' • M c M wan • ... the leen-,. , .-,rd`s: •.e, _ Cutlet -46r Attending .the big Institute cel; .1 The Tow,nshi:ix":of Wast' Wait.= g ,: nbsh "is currently: advertising for •' on 'n G u elh �last'Wedries. • . •a t i ,Guelph , Y,V 'tax call • of to ectot"• .. .. 'itio • , to . .) the os n =f day. from :this comn?un1tY • were•t : 1?, : John succePd:Mr: Robert Rutledge 'who.. Mesd'aines, ; ri,ussell 'Gaunt, ..: .. ..:. Harry' leaves.. the Township to n esidt in Fisher, Y acMillasn George MacMillan, Laois Wm..'.McIntyre, J S. Mac- • Goderich. ze ' . Ted : Collyer ; and Toni: ,Ken , • it' Iworth- Salkeld.. Ah'..report , a sem, normally, t til that a much • eas adherents o� fin uses:;att ey e..pu • 1 rhes he has orinall '• is t d. _ of :the.chur ., d markets abroad for the arrd seri imen . hdme,•ean' • taking � char&m. of are •°.presentYng him rid :living can, be made by t k g la Mods and foods 'our'- fields :arid: with , a : loves.• '•' old •watch • :With if advantage of public sentiment- I wit y g ._•. factories. can,prgd'uce:- . few in- special engraving�;as' a' -keepsake: • Canada- stands. ' etween . the,. arty -so much so that a p as wile have Cana b uals' with' ,organiz,ing, ability Mr.. 'R,oy , and 'the.''small •,powers, 'too dived great nniz 'd an 's " (of male• charge :of the seevice at: the. `Dun- h .: 'orga e .ga• ngs '• gave_, limited'.population to triti BOii,N `* w •1 e. rip ... . , - OO e: -= n ' �'1'ncai`'. r,ne. e,nu�,ra, ands , of:..wornen inte _ ested in., the' 11:19°4713! os itch ?Mn ' Wedricsday, June 11, .welfare of their Community; .and P n, and 1V1 rat , Har'vl , 1947; ,• to. country; , The grounds. •' at the Q', s, 4 K ncard•ine, a,' soli, so •s• acinus Wood., R. ., , A. C; .in Guelph are P 1 Robert: EIg'in, brothc:h; fele l.,et.1 and: so Well arranged that it was Jean•. • . e ealiz' You were 'among.;.:' . hard:to r e Y f rm • a .. deaf 'peddlers from gannem, 'United church and 'vvi 1 so man CK NX:* he and.. female ': p ., . �• 1 Y e fo an ..nation'' evert ifh in the. , of, the menac Y , from •° . it preac ..aced NX' had :loud`'speak 1 •' go f c s .l conveniently ar.aund, ,.: ut. young people. who. ' ,. � roti er P • b ede _ n e. F -er-a if-- ' : belligerently. -minded, - T d- ie ro Were t r . a e-lrli�. t13 r'e Mees --a ..��. ,n. . ou�rrds•-so e � . n- Canadian:•Natioria•I .R Filv�: av to city .and town "to ;tout? 7xi. the gl �•e d-istr.;ib.0-tu7t; ali1111 sec' f highly develo ed as an in •e Dun annon Branch. ,of the.. . an. . •, :too P1h g� 'hearrn .the• m y : rist•.ma . 01 'C:aarc��ca.. ..r an �cove>;..the place for a 'day; Y. ' •..... ficulty • In �'. . �. .• new: tau. • p dturnPower nation. d. ,Women's will .meet , on " 'n o„ Institute, ' ustrial and trading, P •. b .. "take".. to: �• omen s .I'nstit ...- .. , .. _ 'iusne . an the •'.'.. ,Q , , ,Y h •'ci�l'�>r�l'ilt,; � _the . take , in , aWo and . , .. all Owers.' • •speake.rs and the• n . ie.�....rse srd�.. of t c, c • ,. to .rank. with • the sin R i 'Thursday evening. at the 'lionise of • program Words `cannot ,.• is ; de tllc` ".tiliimli n�.:' •. . • Weight, i's; light, -the, gang:•le'ader whop doles',.out a..; , . or. : ahe. June: Our . manpower. we1g ,. .... e . e : of. Mrs.. wilt. -'•f, „' :•l rful. beauty'a of the expresS= Canadian. .. ::aa, . Mated to is .weight. not percezitage,: tq: each • member the coo sketches of the C ] but our' :econorn i . meeting, d Pageant'' the' I ah..« bite iii an ai range P g inc•es with black i•.. s g g ..t d q d t these •nu sauces 1rr xis costum P mor ill -tie amens bi � n at her ur a do f o cia use o 1 Asso ca but be r b Women's aft u th t h mass, of: ones , - - ing . deaf, the Assocration i ing •for ;support. from mu: and provincial authorities, but it remains within' the power of the general 'public :to; run these im-. . ... ': ', and atu a re= ant rr w rC oVer ;• nee :because of our n 4 rs: George. I3odge••enter acne 1 art ao M g oke To .'ora .ica e: - , .. � e . to co it • ices. fleet' on, the e •�� • whose activities rebi o'ught 't e �celebration o � . e air . th tl .-op'. greata night h ity •�to''pro, cess .,them. , f Y.,home `ori Friday g h the sin in e • • Yh t hard work tang close with g g ...entitles • us to: a• seat '`near the 'top in. ;world planning. for 'the of • .the s cab=' :June.meeting. Mrs.' Dodge, first Lord's prayer and :the National vice res'; was: asked .to ii11 the } ice c P n. air Alt P . .1 i. a res, arid •• Mrs: • John gun an F. Pe:ntla'nd' as est .y c, ,p1 ' dau 'beer:. 'both taken: to ' . '`10ladehn;e. Mary, on Y 1 • ” .s.': : die , •1Vloore were. b,I.. w i t flee n. Mrs. 1 .Wilbur. Brown, 2nd ;: vice, • am-hosital•'last e�ek.�� At'' of 1VIr ' and.::. Mrs:. . John ,Jabba>;�•,. a res. The. roll call Was answered :`�Vingh P • `h' • was married ,...ourselves: Canadians have. s off .the•.road by simply inheritance; :and as: cit pastor ,. , P B 1 • It the time of writing 'both: are im- R 1; Wolsingham,. • Teat 'liber these' g e,•. refuing. to -be vic�iinized by t s h milestone t 1 • Essential in ' our .rise,.' to world prominence, is increasing Can ' ' adian conscious ess Vacancy of . president ' and ` Mrs rs Ed - G }, •d 112 WEDDh�1G:�`BE.LLS. ; JABBA1 •MIDDLETON_ .: t bY'answering to ib e` quiz: roving nicely. •in • a beautiful'' ceremony ':ill 5t P �s c ial after' ave a was decided to h q t 'Ito ll' n'i ed. Ch ur ch t n Russell ss e reach this eightiet ml es one i . • for ' us. to. reflect the ' induction of , the 'newly ap Mr. alnd Mrs. George Fisher. & . Paul, s U would be •good George �1VMiddleton,.elder son of d "t th • borne The tactics: of book. cover sales- men to e ' every: in marriage. r€; rile Mari t� 1 ..ride,; .tom racketeers n' his 'to payhonor to our fore- pointed ,minister. o t ... Mrs: Everett family. spent 'Sunday a e 1 .1e rddleton;•, was a Mr. and 'Mrs..R , and. to set our ath.:tae Finnigan v. Davidson, B A,__. fathers, a p m,en a b getting them Luckcnaow: Re L•_ .PP M Rye • d ' preserve,: this :inheritance for:.our Into trouble Recently they were the minister,' officiated: r nain; ed `to he nom= inating Committee, Mrs. an, ah • Hod a •were appointed 'to in - e g . e con : regaaf of Mrs:,:john Carruthers - : line I ti's' returned: to •• Mss Pau ng children and. our: children's child the Pr ni, LpoiZce. MC t r ;,, �u •��;i ro :T.oronto:.on 'Sunday with her bra - re Hier Alex who :s n.themselves as. terview'by.:. er..father,.,Was lovely ink: representing . i . ; • . her upon _Albert, arid. Crew1 e.. Mrs D�fstow e -orid t his home:, I, agents for the Georgetown Her. lozng white 'gown; made, with • n of Nile extended an. •. invitation • ' fir.. John .'MacMillan spent the t neckline' a rhinestone`.. I a'ld, :while canvassing.: the 'tow sweethear , • for•the ladies to attend a'bazaar the week in, Toronto°and sleeves; full :first : of trimmed ,yoke, long on . day,. June :26th at the Pats - lVIaclViiltan spent Monday; in endingIn a: traip, ;worth a Nile. Short',readings were given .. sR w'sth 'the High ;School .pupils:_ at filled � inS4`i't, in tike •;. . -. • Mrs TTaeve_• Anderson and i V-shaped the 0 A.C. in Guelph: fro 't:' Her long veil, fell from 5' n Mr..and' Mrs.. •Henry Kruger...of m' tchin headdress 'and.she'car- a g Detroit spent the past week w th ried.'.a ••shower bouquet ,'of «'bite Jack •'Gillies and :visited ' other s' acid Cala' lnllics. MVliss Julia i ase . . relatives...O•n'Friday, Mr. and Mrs; 'Prez: was:maid of hono1'`rind M'ul'e Kruger; aV r, Jack, Gillies, Mr.'aria ette' crepe gown. Sae pink georg p M RE TAXES fact .that BJruce'� • .Despite, , the f County has, ,had!: no debenture . debt • since ':,1935 the .county •tax:. :'xate continues' to increase. An ex tra mill and a, half are' bein add- ed the ed to the 1947 : rate. When. reeves; are at home • every..' local' expenditure is :carefully scrutin-• ized and they : axe very tax -cont scious, but When they, .get' to . gether inthe congenial atmos- here :,Qf a June:session there is. , Il _ not, the same ',caution. The._result_, that taxes in all municipalities • areincreased and further add to tor ` advertising .space `: 'on • the :cover., for which they were ob- taining a itery fancy : prize. Sorne months ago :this boojl£ over racket was :worked are, but 'we .never ` heard of. The ;Sentinel's'` name being connected with the no' scheme.: In 'any event we had � , connection with 'it whatsoever,' ' The perfectionists ''who ' -,advo-. tate that farm . production. can be regulated and 'controlled ' by the. , Bennett led in thedevotio'n-• ent in 'the and Mrs oII their social c'venirig `in the' slab' government .national,., al service,. reading , the 'scripture, i, international interest, have . 'had.at Whitechurch on Friday;. June . • I lesson the meditation prayer and l . . ' s 2'lth, Eves ybady welcome. ; Mrs:' Ryan. Mrs, -Everett Finnigan read ,an • article.. The''.hostess ser- ved, ,tunch .. The. Presbyterian W M.S:; ;held' Y the June meeting at, the home .of Mrs. 'John Bennett., with Mr's• Rich.. Mc'Wjhinhey, the • president, conducting:: the meeting,: .who • of- fered prayer after the' first 'hymn.. Mrs.:. George ;Fisher and Mary carried pink carnations. Fier three. Margaret visited, h 1Vlilverton ,• aids• all w01 '` ;long blue • �. bridesmaids.. Tobi s ritzi ' , cS1 l 'with•Vlr:.and Mrs a Ja ,gowns •and.. cai`ied pink , ..The• Ladies. Aid are holding,.' v _ 'c°ili tt1d'f.lo�r�r tions •The fe c Y git'1 was dressed it1 s bite .or i •"' • 1'''e huc•1a, of Tai. gancly, 1VI• onto ovine ... in Wilk flcn�t d • g the' high t f living Port El •'' `heir theories rudely haken this t lk f x 1 ti The ig cos o - r } Times - • , spring by. :the • weatherman gave 'Oaf • a a .o• exp ani on, . • 1oa1'e of .quilts and Mash •have been`•.complirrientsi'' address and I:ois I georgette, 'carried t'},i1' r:rn Iain, Tim ,cwt � ....� .. • �. • . _ .. e usatin cushr4�n. The' Wh' d ..f I whit'.. i I KS .*TO, ITALY BY AIR : • NciAGEMENTS :. : comp•ietea, Mrs, .Mc coney reg •Mo.le made the presentation •o a • -,, CHC • . from:,' The 'Outlook an foreign level -vase.. •' Weiriefs rolls' and man ,was Meade lVlicicll,eton f ' g .Y. 5 . • , brother.; elf elle:•. glgOltl;. _ Harnilton, bra , m;issrons,' Mrs, Arthur Stewart leoronade were se.rved. •, Stt•i�kland'r' or ,anise 'was: Cr•' .. gave a> i eport'fer .Mrs, Rich .Park A lovely•;dance„:reception w4s 'The g e.,nlu• Thom son, A'T C M.:and the who attended .the :F'resbYterial- at 1st wa Mrs; �Albr'igllt present ., Ethel. IVirs: :Bennett About 150; guests” `vere Area • the hric1e s hii oi:: ata reception at "corning from Tannest:';'. Ham�lt he Pennsylvania arid,` Lucknot4.- �• bride's mother re i ivcd die � in '�a brown. suit w'ith''lilac ae cessorics and a ' ,s. w;tage' of . lied The . room's 1nother «'o,e 'rdses, .g ' ri c ` aCce3• a, mauve dress with b' y. soirees and corsage' cot s• el . wedding trip toot Ill Niagara Falls, °Eufta:lo acid l)c't oNit, lake happy couple will r c ,idc in `or' enter. Word has been.' received, from Mr. and `. Mrs.: Melvin C. Qrr, 'Mr..• A. P. l3issor ette, acting Can-'• of Chesley announce'•the engage-. adi�ari Commercial representative "rent Of their' daughtre,. Helen int, Rome, that shipment of baby : Margaret; . of Lucknow, " to `Mr. , nee. chicks arrived -in Rome • on Ju • 2nd via Trans -World Airlines, en route" to Professor Ghigi,l at the University of Bogona Mr. •A.'• P. ' •Eissonett 'reports •that they art. .• `rived :in excellent condition:' This 'is the second shipment•of. 'chicks been concluded by Mr, Fred Dav- ison by the ' Bray Hatcher- lion bf Wingham, who obtained •;ies , to: Professor G•higi. for re -est- , , .. _ a flavin ' of 200 gallons a '.minute ablishing his poultry work at the ata depth 'of. °277 :feet. ' University.' These shipments in- •• eluded specially selected;.Earred E.ocks, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns', Light'. Sussex 8 White David Maxwell Henderson, son Cu .. : 1 study book ..en' India, .Mrs, Will Treleaven (nee Marjorie: Sillib); of the late. Mr:" and Mrs. •F,. I-1en- , _ invitation , . , . J f Pine River, the. marl• ,5tewart extended an •invitation to who have 'returned from a honey Berson.. o . Auxiliary, o. take place 'in July, 1 the Auxiliary: to"' come to • hoer moon spent in Southern ;Ontario neige t. I home :for the'July meeting.''waspre- ..,cities. A' purse of money ,. O,n .Friday afternoon a social sented to them. a lunch time. WELL DRILLING. at. Ripley. has time was enjoyed :at the:'Dungan `Taylor's, orchestra supplied mus non•'school with a".short concert iefor dancing. Mr, and Mrs. T - re , theJunior pupils of which i leaven are making 'their lionise' en errs, y7; J. Rogers'.h as. been their• • the, 6th Con, of Ashfield, where `capable /teacl er for the past year, they have•, the best -wishes cif,"a : I obliging due to a teacher short- 'host of. <friencl's. ' ' . e, During 't' e afternoon„ _ THERE a th e- persons )4. ag h a ter : Mon, some y The Dtlfigannon Sch .i picnic - in';time was set apart' to present was held on Tuesday of this week rayed at'.a three-day clinic• 1I Wy rindottes, �,l�aisley, , Mrs, Rogers.: Leis Webstdr read a at .Kintail"Bean , }