HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-26, Page 1$2.00 A Year -In Advance; 50c Extra to U S. A , •LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY,, JUNE 26th, .1947' PAGES Boosts^LHca . lisiessment.� T�r,.W°:�1, EARLY. COPY NEXT WEEK • AT. WINNIPEG CONVENTION r. $131,335; KinlossDown $158,380 ,, ; Under the; Bruce: County .ass -1 PRIZE. WINNERS. AT essment ;;.equalizaticn,.. Luoknow.s.,• CLANSMEN CARNIVAL, assessment 'has been, boosted by '$131,335. The old assessment was There was ,4 good crowd at the 245 and the new assessment 'lansrrlen's frolic on Fr' a e. x$383,. , 4 ••d y v }$, $514,580., which for taxation , ening•,.. althqugh scimew•a.t less purposes does•.,.. not apply until thin t.he,,�isual attendance:at their' re ;talar •.hate„summer cat naval c alt e. utilization pro; -"'1?]ae .c#ntez•tainmcnt' h1cY1 et ith next Tuesday, •' July .1st, a public holiday, it is necessary that. we receive all rural corres pondence and advertising„copy- on Monday.. . MAIIE:..P. ESfNTATION. TO MODERATOR 'LAST NIGHT 4 This .-issue is off the press,• too Johnston, is. this week. in 'attendance at • the . Cana'dian. Medical' "Assoclatiori convention'. .being held at Winnipeg During his absence Dr; B: E; Corrin is being assisted' by Jack Mowbray,' a medical student at Toronto .:Uni-.' versity and who will .spend the .summer, with Dr. Johnston.. Jack graduates next year.. eat ly, ,t:o report the presentation::• made last night :(Wednesday) for Underwent Operation Rev. Charles:: H. MacDonald and.: Rev. J.. W. Stewart 'underw• ent' Mrs.;, MacDonald '"in ;honor and a hernia operation •• the first of . p The C n Y q , w ,. ° -. • ask •cum feted ' for t. ` i ; ' . y . commerror tioini of his..ele:etion.' to,` • •tarn •'�ri'I;ch . w` . ; , P . h"Y" .•, . t.lc. Ghia;• :back: $250, featured, a , a K n e eL-. ” : the •rnorlei•ato'rsh' of the 'G`eneial' ` .to •tile' June session, •ted g n shack -vire perfoimer' a mtigician il� increase 1] to Inca• and a Scott•h c,imedlan e ilrban as . sment, . . ,. Assembly, • ang • d.• lower .township •. assessments, I,ucknow : Hi :h School • Earrd paraded` to: the. arena, 'and gave= ,.half -.hour progi am _. before -;.the. show c..utninerlced. F inal, •etur•I:s. for the night are not • yet available. ' Wi nner 5 in. theprize • ..draw .Were.:: Mrs. David: 'Huston, ;Luck - now, Cary coffee set; Mrs. Austin Soloman, Lucknow., Gladstone bag; Harold • Greer, Lutknow, hcnille' bedspread; W; J; Davi - eon, , Lucknow, .pr•essure-, cooker; -Stanley J. Pymm, . ;,;Lucknow, steam fron;.''Chas.• •MacDonald, R. 6 g e L s `L • cknow, :electric tea .kettle;: an Lu' kn t�r"M c :ow' , �YY Mi , � er; 1viis ileeli Hall, Luck for net OVeL • 1 -i creas e- in the a 1 n:. rateable property .of the county_ •of a sutra,exceeding a million dol- , tars -'-to be exact, '$1,009,207. - `rht report of Abe special cold.- mittee •..on equalization' w a s adopted; at the. June session, With. three. ' dissenting • :votes : cast 'by Reeves;'.Chas. :McNaughton. of Walkerton, ' • Gordon,.Stanley' of and: Ripley and A. �H, McTavish . of Ripley Teeswater • , According to; the. statutes, any . p rna' a"peal' against. ''mora c_pa y Y, , its;m assessent, prdvided• the ap� 'Peal is,•entered within 20.'days '.p -after til ; pass ug. o he•`•.by law --yehicirrrr:.this was June• ' , ' tease s.'1 theinc dlri S Heading g. i ' town of Walke.rtori` which asses • pent is. •tipped • by .$583,190. . Kin •'csrdine i close behind •, With an • lac, rease:' of �511, x:89.. Of theVill.- :.ages of :the: County,` three show i r o nc eases .of• over • • ne . •hundred, . thousand dollars• -Port Elgin up • '''Mildmay• up :$109,633.. '.Lir--ban equalizers were Reeve. • Van ;Dusen'of Tara, :which village. shows an increase of $18,746;4and 'Reeve S. I' Ballachey of Pa.isley,e, whicll'•village;is up; $6,008. '•• -In• the I ur al' r,ur icipalitie ", .ereases ;as 'high as.; over ;$300, have heen made in Towns • essments with Brant, lea ..this, respectwith •a drop Taking 'part in ,the presentation. were the congregations of •Luck • now and Dungannon churches; find tol;lo ministers"of "the fres- bytc:I y of. Hu , r on Maitland:• r NEWLYWEDS HONORED . Teac'he rs.:and':officers •of the Unitecfi Church' `Sunday School. 'held their regular meeting• at the hs.me of •Mr 'and. Mrs.. GrantMac- �Diarmid••on:Monda.y'night, Guests •' of honor were- Mr. and 1VIrs:: Gor- don . Morrison, .who• -recently. re: turned`.•from•. their :wedding •trip p r•They; • • were .presented w i t h "hood it • •1'a; With the best w h r•• nr ;•-'1Yr-t• bs Sn 1 was ..YSh e W t - �, reiade .by ,lithDna' e P Johnston, .b Mr. L: MacKenzie II . S. �'EACHER RESIGNS •' ATTENDED. AND .LODGE• . I k; the week t Sholdlc'e' Hosruta 1(h—onto. His services. on Si nday will We. conducted in: the morning' b5` Mr. .Alex ' Smith • and in the :;vening by Rev. J.; ;i-Iuttorr • of. • 'i I' River. 1ne v 1 •: OUND COIN IN GARDEN OVER HUNDRED. -YEARS -'-:OLD.. • Mr: Duncan MacLeod• of town found an 183!7.k. one ' penny piece. while picking' stones ,from • his garden. on ..'Saturday. Tie 110: year-old penny had to • be cleaned up and polished; a 'bit before it. was. determined What it•was; - .. The :penny, incidentally, is only 25 year older than, who. will be $5: in December and i in . t he best of health. • L..caI Assessment • `At a ,specialty nleetL'ng-of the Ji a Council •on Tue�da night; the 'Board. voted: unanimousby to appeal -the assessment•.as struck. by the County valuators,' under' :the 'County equalization system. which •is held periodicalW. each decade. • • The equalization : rcommittee,$ h q 'report?. which; Was adopted. at the. June .• session•.. boosted y Lucknow's assessment in the' amount • of ll.ge y $131;335' and' brought'strong•.pro tests• from members:: of the 'Luck-„ now Board on. Monday ev ry in . Most contentious points were the big reductions in many ;rural municipalities and the' e quallyF' `. big inCt.eases• in some urban, ass- • essments, although Paisley • and Tara villa:6es show comparatively minor increases as compared with Lucknow • , Reeve` -Joynt, who • presided at the` June session in the capacity of Warden,.. pointed.ti•ut• than only..: two•,or three 'reeves objected' to the new equalizatiiori,, and that .he l ad;no •alternative but. to. affix hist, .signature to .• tl✓1e-•-- 1Vfrs.. M.Sproul' was in Ramp.; ton last week attending Rebekah Grand. Lodge, as a .del'egate'froln Jewel'. Rebekah' Lod e,-Lu,ckno, " efore . retu.rning;. she :.vjisite. cher Miss; ;Margaret MacKenzie, a me rrlber ' of. ; High. ;the Lucknow .. •S4chool, teaching. staff. C'h'as tender- ed.: her • resignation; 'having ' •ac ep e e .pas1tlo.rr. as• principal of - 9tlEd'rb—:tie Moine"` From Hospital against the assessment was. the .. Mrs... James .R.: Hackett • return ed••' last ;Friday' from Wingham•: Hospital where she: had been' a patient :for twelve 'days with an attack of. shingles;. She •is conval` escing. •at the . home of 'Mr.:. and { privilege of any'nitinicipality.: 'He ' felt that Lueknow's: assess - 'meet • had been low,' :but; that the' valuato 's had gone to ;extremes:. is for :makin-.,, appeal The�•,basg th e ' will 'include ,he fact, that. the valuators. erroneously. ._considered, downtown Office • which was'. burned, • to 'be t} e assessment on: • the main plant. On motion of Councillors Sher 'wood and• Trelegven, .it vias pass- ar ed bele the first of the week They .A mlate md atter ur 1 nom" bthe vu , "that::..this •Co.uzicil :appeal L Mrs. 'Wilfred Hackett;' 1 T ,'ipley •Continuation•School.0 •aunt,:..lVl1s,.'W1n, •:f:;ebley, at Po1•t . • • Daughter .I.n Training I I ►KE.' PLANS` FOR FAL•. }. $336,350. 'Kinloss. Township «�drops. $158;380 :f1 om •the old assessment of $1;592,860 to the new of $1,434,480 Culross was : dropped. : and Huron, 54177 5 u on Township'' an even $200,000:. County atU � e P • The old„ assessment applies for ax 1947 4 . t atlon : purposes,. ;: but:'with the County .rate.boosted :one mill at the June session; 'Lucknow• wills raise '$614.95. more for. • county• rates •this year than last.' The 1946. levy;wr s $2451,05. The '1947 levy will .bei$ 3065.92. put the real touch ,will come an •1948, when,., based on the present 8 mill rate,'and'on. the new` cotin.. °qty assessment; . the .Village will pay ' an 'additional :$.1050 td: the :'County cofferes;;:bver ,andabove the increase thisyear; resulting from -raising the County :-rate--•;one- mill, l In ••other words Lucknow's County ' ,,, Y levy in:1948 on the'new. assessment•. and . on; the basis 'of an "8 mill.rate will 'be $4,1.16 an . increase `'of ap roximatel 2'' mills • p Y over this year's ,levy of $3065, and which is up over a mill :on the.village rate frorn' last year's levy' of .$2,452.05, • ,. (Continued on' page 8) HARRY iE1V[SELLS OUT ', • TO RETURN TO. CHINA. Harr-. 'Lem Y, , has disposed of his restaurant •here, arid': accompanied hY his two: sons,. E:dd and Bobby, plans to• leave shard for his homelandChina, �' . in, China, . ,� His successori -. a= - .is Jim Lem of • Preston Who is now in charge. He is. ,a, Married than with th: three• Young children. •Mr.: • aiid` Mrs. •. Alfred Andrew 'TRACK IDEA • of North Bay pail a' brief visit ,. ,..W. '• t e' e' ualized..assessrne t �':wcz•e •enroute home..acco.mpa�nled••'talk- as again lielt3g -Beard of ' a: againsth ct assessment A meeting' of the aii:ector''s of he 1.:ucknoW : Agi'icultui al icty 'Was held 'last '',week, ;with " W::: A.. ;ilex . ,1n 'the President M Chair,. : at.. which` plans'' 'were- laid' .for. 'the' 194'7= show . on "September • 23rd "The foll.o:w•ingpcommittees were ap.poin:ted1 evr$eprize 11st':� • liorses,;•cattle, Sheep; ep, swine, poul= tables •ti•y, grain, :roots* and vegetables,. ,. John McQuilliGaunt, R. G. n, A a Martin,; Gorge, Kennedy,: W. S... McGuire; dairy arid table; sup- plies, Mrs R. •G; • Martin,, Mrs. ' Jacob -Hunter,! Mrs. J. `Webster;' ladies department, '"`Miss Jean Lyons, •Mrs. 'W. E. Gordon,. Mrs. F. G: 'Todd; fine : arts and flowers, Mrs :W E: Gordon, S. C. Rath - well '''school childrens sports and attracti John Fairish; Wallace • Miller.,. L.. :C. Thompson; J. Ag new.. . Directors in .charge, of the :vari--' ous -classes •-are:, har•ses, 1,:.2, 3 Jacob :• Hunter, D. Carruthers, Fred. Martin; 4, 5, 6, S E: Robert son, ' -Fred McQuillin;' . cattle, - A. Gaunt, A.B:•. M.dkay, Kenzie Webb, : George.; Lockhart, .Harvey Houston; sheep and 'swine, John McQuillin, : R. • G. • Martin, ' W. S. McGuire; poultry; Wilfred Hack- ett, • Gordon ''Kirkland; grain;. roots,- vegetables, Wm.::Mclntyre; 'Wilfred Hackett, D. H, Carruth- els; . : dairy and table 'supplies, Jacob` Hunter,:M'r5 R.' G.IVIartin,• Mrs: Jacob' `Hunte;, Mrs., George '?y their•daughte.t Winnifred,'who 1 cominenelT ; .h i vacation;' ;and t•• �: w=ho 'is,' a student ..riurse at.Hamil-; s Alfis ales 'ton�GeneraT.Hospital.' s } Manager ' of,'the Northland .Equip, ii'.ient::and:4Supply Co: '4' • • HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS': VISITED O.M..MONDAY • A .fleet of {some nineteen cars, took the c� students"of`the Lu� High 'S � knQw School to the Onpnday. The Agri- cultural Coble' e' on Mon Ijar{sg Y pent the •.day touring the College's burns', buildings and fields, returning, home early.that evening, • ,Flax ,_Crop, In - '. n ' • f r tha ao Aided o n, 'A1 b mweek Y e drydr 'weather and a fleet of tract::: :Weather , • the firm ' of. ' Anderson Flax, •n; 1 : Anderson '`s finally; in • r. ducts' ha s P� ' it cru so wn. Th ' work getting in the ett g p e. g. ,of =seeding some eight hundred acres: was ;•com:pleted' the, first of r rd tin' .a 'new co 1 this : week, getting ..e for late planting' .Kennedy; f9'uit• Alex Andrew,;'I , G. Martin ladies . 'department, Jean Lyons,. 1Vtrs. W, A Miller; Mrs. S. Alton, Mrs. Ewart Taylor, Mrs. F. G. ,Tbddy, S.'E.,Robe •tson, "Con Decker; ,fine 'arts and flow-,. rs, Mrs.. W. E. ' Gordon, 'S: C. �a thwel l D. Carruthers. ' 'The following; judge -s' were ap ointed: horses, T. W. Findlay; eafoi d;' J. . MoC rack en,. Liis to- e1cattle, Cameron MeTagert v Aurora; 'sheep' and °wine, Win., Rody, Elhnw•ood;•: poultry. Duncan' Kennedy. .Winghani; grain,Pots, vegetables, Norman S oh m i d , Carts true; :dairy and 'table. s p- plies, Mrs, D. A; Fowler,- Dun- gannon;. fruit,, R. 'H. "`McQuillin ladies dept., Mrs. Wellington Henderson; fine arts and flowers. Mr.. •Lewis, Winghant. ' CtX race. track in Lucknow:'.The cites= ;made by t e Colin y". a ua ors and ?such'' appeal is to be' heard ion '.was expected' to 'crop u ..at p. .. before �1-li onour gBirnie�'- a :Meeting .of th'e: Fair B'oard..dirJudge.�.. • g . e �,,-. ,.• .of'the.. Count ,of Bruce''. • ` :ctors • last , weeh, ..:but as;: other judge. y The • a••ppea1• �. which, . , .must *.be ousiness. occupied � Heir attention � filed -within• d s' hal alrea:d• a •late •hour ahe• matter was � aY, • Y until Q ,•.:,,: rot ;broached been `forwarded to '•County, Clerk: • e�- Agricultural Socie :: East: :orrester, -a thfrug _ J g . fall made the purchase of the site has until 'January lst''to hear the where..the • old:.rink 'formerly ...appeal.. : 'Letter of :Congratulation. od"which wa,5. boo ht and g sto and g. ,. San;, ibson. It is Council recorded, a motion arid' ` dismantled : by.. laid • • land to the west:. forwarded'a;aetter cif congratule=. understood'that of •' the. park can' be ' bought ° fror ri- :tions to' Rev ' ;C. H. ''MacDona'ld', in winning•,. the Moderatorshi Alex McNay;. Viand thus. a sufficient .. , ; , p• Accept Lighting Plan Council accepted the General.' '.: Electric 'street lighting.,'plan and',' , will :. meet with the Company,'s. representative;• at the ,:'regular Meetingon Wednesday, July • 2nd, area' is assured for:a;, half •mile val: V• A. few .years ago he. ques io COMING EVENTS •ANNIVERSARY ''SERVICES •.St.. 1?etei's Anglican--= hunch - Sunday, Jrune .29th. 11 a.m.-'--The Rector:, 7 ::p.m. -Ven. Archdeacon iaitley of .:Kincardine. ' DANCE AT ST. HELENS ` . In St.. Helen's• Community: Hall,; trade'; . W,I` .auspic•es;:Friday, June 27, at 9.30; :Good music, admission• 40c, • l•a:die bring/lunch,: , r, AUXILIARY • MEETING The. regular meeting, of the Ladies 'Auxiliary'to the Canadian Legion :will be held in the Legion Hall: tip :Wednesday, 'July 2nd at 8 o'clock.: ' Note, change .°of. date,,. • SOFTBALL Lucknow Legionnaires ' a ri d Dungannon •-• will play an: ex 'hibition°softball gal a in the. Cal- edonian Pork, Lctcknow,;•on Fri- day, June. 27th •at 7 :o'clock..•' • • GIRLS' SOFTBALL • •. Tonight: Tlnursday, in the Cal-' cdopian Park at, 6,30; Kincardine and : Lucknow • girls will play; a scheduled W. O..A. A. ,softball for game, Be' on'hand, (his one', ,Silver ,collection. IVId ss 'Marion Williamson of Vbringharn.home on furlough from the. mission' field in India; 'illive . an •il'lustrated lecture g ,. Of her Work, in : the basement ;of ;the Presbyterian`, church,•'Thugs- day; 'clock. y; June •26th at 8.00 o d .. • 'Fvcryone •is" invited ° MISSIONARY SPEAKER reached the point 'where an..ex= ;pert was called in, and•gave as- surance that „the terrain;, would provide `an excellent. . track::; The. to deal :with the; .rnatt4er, • ti ated cost gat that `time was regarded as, very reasonable,' and• even: at today's cost,. should not he proli bitive r if ...Sufficient era Provincial Road Aid Under the Highways Impro,M.e- Ment' ,.Act, • the '' Province • :has authorized 'an ex .ernditure . up to .. .o . vila a roads and thuslasm and support rs back of .$245,1.04.n ... l g __ oad _ _ _:• `the. project. •bridges;; provided such. undertak-� Li and •:ins have the' :a '' roval . of •:the ' A •race track in Luck ow, g • , a . pp the general improvement of the District Municipal Engineer of ' Caledonian Park, seems' definite- the:' Department of Highways at .;' of future' civic ;Owen •Sound.''.• On •all Approved ly''ori the 'agenda Undertakings, 4. • i' • TAUGHT AT HOL'itROOD OVER 40 YEARS, AGO Donald MacPherson` 'secretar , Y of 'the . f olyraod . School Eoard, recently,received . a . Tetter: T oix% Mr: IVfuLdoch 'Matheson:of Sask- atcoi , whd ;taught at Holylood early, in the century... Mr. ` Matheson .'taught there frorri January 1st,' 1903 to Sep-. tember. 30, 1904, 'when be'resign- ed td 'enter 'Queen's University as:'a student. He •continued. in -the teaching, profession': until. retiring a year ago, • , lvlr. Matheson conclu ed his d letter like;•.this:Myth best wishes still go'with the-.Eolyrood school andto aIl. •who' are Connected with .salary at that time was $400." Work. the Driartinerit of High- ways will • paa 'subsidy of :not less • than 50 percent on rnainteri-, once ~ work, and , 'considerably;; more, up to 60 •percent, on some types of construction work -taking MusicCourse Everett Lane of .Kinlough wi'fl leave :shortly.. for Toronto to take; a• six-week•s'. music..course.' it.',1 remember well ,the Ackerts, the Purves, the Matkenzies, the tiliotts, the Henrys, and, other families ,who used'to` be there and .were -all gond friends. It was my fi.rst`.sch;ool, and 1 somehow have a special. regard for it. ,The • Response Appreciated A•,li:ttle six -line obscure notice, tucked away in last week's iss•ueo. brought us several copies of May 24th ,Sentinel,. and filjed. the .need.,, The response is much. appreciated by the Publisher, ',and by those. who• were desirous of ,.obtaining some • extra, copies., for the . obitu-' aries they contained; ' . Papers • •were received . from Sari Murchis'oii, Mrs.'J,'J.. Smith, Mr°s. Thornas Henry; • Adam Mc- Queen, Geotrge Swan, E. W. Rice; Mrs, Harvey Webster, Adam Bow- man, Annie M. -McNabb of Tore onto 'and Wellington 'Nixon.