HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-12, Page 6• Pot`s 5IX
At a- well attended Guide meet.
Mrs, • olive* . • MacCharles and' ing last Friday night; Mrs. G. W.
non John ;Angus spent ;a..week• in Joynt • wad, presented with her
London • "With -her sister; Mrs. Captain's warrant and pin, by the
Hartley MacTavi$h. • • District Commissioner, Mrs, A, E.
Mr.' John, Windf ield of• Kincar-
dine visited with Cameron 'Cook.
Mr:° Wm Kempton: visited. with
his sister who :has been ill in
Detroit, • '
, .Visitors' with Mr. and Mrs: John
Elphick on Sunday were, Mr..'and
Mrs,. ` Wallie Campbell, Mr., arid,
Mrs.- C. Elphick •and family, Of
McKim:, . z
Plans wire made for •a , Camp
to be held at Kintail,-A ugust- 5th
tp 14th and as this., wasthe last
meeting .of the season,'. refreshµ;
meats were served. _
A special, ecial meeting, will" be held.
in July tai ,make final plans. • for
camp, so .Guides.•watch this space
Pinkerton r Mr, , and. Mrs, Peter :for• time and ,date.
>, a
esin and daughter aof Ripley. l
Mr.. ' and Mrs.' Jack Henderson PLAN FROLIC • TO BOOST
" "
'and. Ivan* attended Eileen's ",,g ...d RECREATIONAL,' CENTRE
raI :... : � <:.: • �_
uation •at Stratford on Wednes- : ',
Mr.. and •Mrs. Art 'Cook ..a
Cameron visited with Mrs:. Cook's.
sister, Mrs; A. 1Viacoonald;A who
.has: been hi poor•• health. •
Mrs.' W.' R. "Martin returned
home after spending the:`winter-
with her daughter at• Eg'anville:;
The Township .of Ahfield has
received delivery of a new power
grader, which is, already in Opera-
tion on.T h owns. ip r.oads with Op-
The. UnitedChurch, Goshen,
was'.adorned with narcissus and -
gardenias fora 'pretty wedding
on. Saturday, June 7th • at 2 poi.'
when May Marie Oesch. of Varna
TI URSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1947
ne 3rd, 1047....
-A- regular...meeting of the _West..�,.
Wawanosh Township School Area
Board was, held in''ToWnship Bali
at 0.30 p.m. All members present.
Minutes, of .last • meeting 'read a
ra or Jim Hunter :at.h
'te ;controls, became the bride. of Clarenee Ray '
e t I The bride is ,and accepted on• the motion of •
The new ,machine , weighs 12 t ••,;,, ll' of Mi1vertoi�i,
.. .elivered with • a : oun est daughter-pf Mr. and Miller • and . Durnin,• .
tons, and was d the y g Correspondence read and dis-
oww owin . owing. livere ,.. Mrs Samuel Qesch of Var„na and
14�footn p d
m ' n plow will- be delivered he room is t
-ed The. w t g Finnig
at •a later date., The . above . weight.
is; exclusive• of, the plow and wing.
The • grader is ,0 Goderich `built .
and:` replaces, • the.. old'
machine-,.. .
grader which has been in opera
tion.. for.• seven, years --since May
cot ''of the` new, machine .is.
1 ' the trade -;in. of.: the
eek roixi--
da , June , 20th—The ' Clansmden•
he ' ” war bond nest -e g'. is
are sponsoring a frgl>c in t deal more than 'sufficient a onl oro- b Finnigan . and For=
arena in aid of the Recreational' a • goodin cascade'. style and her Y Moved Y g
event includes to cover the:cost of the grader, nt was a double strand o f I rester;that no bills for school sup.. nee Fund, The rni
• arrival urea, of .which. they will be reimbursed,] •a?ne ;_the, i i
a .one-hour show,. c � . I pearls,, g P
'ws and iitne' dancing:.. by fifty •
P ince y
prize ora ] Y
The show presente . y� cent of Ben..... Motion c
pus , I "r
w f tin rrow Fri old grader
Y, Ashfield s � .
i the son of Mr,. an
Mrs.. R.obt, McNall • of T�ticknow.
Rev. ,Reba E. Hern.otficiated; •
in marriage.by her fath�',
er, /the bride was:, lovely in a
" length gown with, bodice, of
flo.br. g
white slipper satin and skirt ,of
ta.. Her fingertip
nylon •.river taffeta., -
veil was caught with Orange bids
sours and' lily. .of. the Y
corsage was of Peerless red roses
cussed and filed ,on motion ' of
an...and urniin,
',Applications for the position of
teacher for School S. No.17 for
1947 and 1540 were read 'and' con-
on-sidered, and . the •secretary' was
'netifield 'tQ :get in toi eh `with. Mr,
Walter Giimarten, on' tyre motion
'ol' Forrester: and ,;Mt11er. Bills to
the amount`: ofp $451.5,15 were; pre
paid on
5ented .and. �
motion of Forrester. and Finnigan,
. Tie Township., Hall, Ripley, was
the scene of . the second annual
festival • on Friday night` tinder
the , supervision' of Miss Marion,
MacDonald. and Mr. R. C: 'Ire-
land. numbers on the
"ft of the groom, Her lies be,paid unless said. goods
t pence
Y ..
nt by the Province.
bridesmaid was .Miss' Sylvia in y y•
----�. �Grand .. ' • ., loon'
1 f `� have been' ordered secretor
d b the Bill 'd Her arried.,,
• fereStewart Attractions is new, :dif- Huron .O Y len th gown w 1 The g
eatures f th
Huroln g
al.features •".
Old Boys Picnic
Theannual picnic o the u
Old Soya Association of : Toronto;
will be held 'at High Park, area in °and with mate mg hea�
number one; at B_loor Street, on,' k . '
ommencing. at i dress.: and gloves Her,, corsage wasd
Friday,. June 13th,, c ink Briarcliff a ::°' roses • an ,
baseball be -hof• .pd
4, p,m: There will � be;lil • of the'•._ valley: She swore gold
e ms ' of .North and South , y . , .. rls , the gift
ur n tea . earrings with pea ,
Duron games :for all , ages. and of • the gr set wi Tile groomsman.
prizes for the older ped-•. ch larother•. of the'
speci:al. r, was'Russell Oes ,
1 'ra were; -de -e14 Mc
r 1
i7 ahem-
r S`
1 h
I de
horseshoe contest.tor the r��a'�. 11' brother• of the • g ion carni '
4.• ia- Nei; .school grounds. Mot ed,.
itches of 'shoes a the Assoc Earl laxbard brother-iri-law of
s d.'ourrie on
P � :.basket picnic •in - of . thel : The meeting... wa a . ]
tions It.will.` d a p the bride, .At; the sign g
r eeri :a motion liy 1Ville'r .arid Fnngalt
with coffee and ice cream b g re later the soloist,:. Miss Dor n 'July 2nd'at 8.30
s g . _ ,,, to; meet again On Y
served to;everyone-. All' Huronite 1Vfctlinahy Of ;Varna; sabg' : O nsh Hall bot if 'the
welcome. " r corsa a was p�iln: in Tow p
wih.be;lnade .,Perfect' Love , .He g. ,. and' chairman.'.deeme��''
'red'. tulips' and lily :of the valle3. secretary ,
of, ..leen-. H ° � •as. it necessary hey could call .a
: ess o Zurich w
lace e�
blue. � School's o
of -the h N .
as ' of wiring
fashioned in.' fitted bodice with 4 ',and No, `2. were disFussed. but
Pink rosettes't'o finish'off.the full.
rwith the shortage of material gh-d •
labor ' it .was considered wise .to
do notling'at present. Motion car-.•
reed. '
of Darin' and
• On the ,: motion .
Finnigan the 's , cretary was , ord
�ered to get 'an estimate -from Mr,
avidson';, and when work' could ,
a.,A :Lriltni 'well' on
The.-G'eat . Covell ;arid Co., mas-
ters Of magic- and"' illusions; El
C fe, king of the slack: wire;
TOm Cable and'Betty Carr, jug
comedy ..and.: music, , '.Ray:
Calder, piano aocordeon soloist.
There will be' a variety - of carn-
ival games, including bingo, • ' a
land Among
._ r • e .. i t_ us. b Prize draw at midnight . for eight
l�rog6a ova re. a>t slaor Y P at*ieng�
i�ti e .
t lies ,T � 5r°
, is ara,:''�..•,..,..., ..... _. _ ;.
thus Will. b
Ronnie McQ`uiflin ' and. Donald There
'Mole of ''S.S. No: ,5, Kinloss 'and 'booth:.
. Ruth Ra n'axd, filie show will get underway at
a Dutch,.dance by.Ruth Y
a refresriinen
Katherine Ketch:-, 8.30 with the High. School Band
• •
David � El hick
avi : p
' Arles Bessie parading to the arena: `'Admission.
.haw;' ,Allan ' McC,h �1
public school
Reavie.: and Kenneth Elphick, of is, 35c and .15e for: p ,
No:.14 • Huron, .children.•
organist •;Her'corsage was, o . re
tulips, The' bride's • mother wore
for heir datighter's wedding a greyI
figured. miracle , crepe 'dress. With
navy accessories; .,.and • corsage of I'
carnations. The gro'om's ` mother.1
wore a navy triple '.crepe • dress
With beige • accessories `and,. Cor
100 *EARS AGO, two good men
. • with .a cradle' and rake could cut
nd`buid-three.;,acres of grain ,I•n� a
day Then there still remained, the ;G
laborious task of threshing' the
, grain with a flail on the b• arn flobr..'
Today on man with a,Massey-
Harris self-propelled combine can
cut and. thresh up .to 50 acres' in
a<• day.
Just think . of the tedious, back -
'breaking' labor in cultivating;
,seeding;•, harvesting and threshing
which the farmer'of today escapes e'
through the" use of -inoderti 'f r
The developifleflt of labor ,
saving _ farm machinery' in which
Massey -Harris has played :a lead-
ing..part :since 1847 has had an
important `baring op:' .our daily
lives. Before,1830the farmer 'pro • ,.
duced :mostly forhtitnself and his. .
family, today, he raises crops chiefly• ..
to sell, The huge increase in':farm
production brought about by farm '..
machinery during, the 'last century, "•.
has been an important factor be-
hind' the.. rapid climb in " the
standard •ofliving both -.on, the
• farm .andin the city.
'Today. at the: beginning of the'
second, century of its history, this
company; looks forward to: a con- •
tinuance of its service m helping
Y the, farmer to. produce more and '
'better: crops, easier,, quicker add.
at lower cost
• .<,,
•Usti%a ot�t i85o, Oben/sor'te-drYr�„ f
machines began to be - used, . grain
wat eat by band .w!ib a "cradle"
sage ';of white''carnations.
The :reception wase held at.'. 4
pan... at "The :Little: Inn" in Bay,
field• where
rr- `•.►t a `o • 1.
.:W' A. Stewart,:'. Sec-Treas.
Members -of ' Old Light Lodge
A F & ` A.M. held their annual
•church parade to• St. Peter's Ang-
Bean ,Church onSunday inorn. •
ing, when they • were . addressed`
by Rev. R. A. Joselyn,the rector,
.the table was cen�
who ,based his' timely discourse
'• on ' The...:Philosophy of Symbol
tred with a three :tier .wedding
cake. Guests ,Were present froth
The symbols off.: Ma omy Are
London,' Blyth, Luckrlow and Mt. nothing., lout a• mockery, . he `�seid,
Clements, Michigan. After their if they. don't ' remind us of th
•honeymoon to `Buffalo and. -Nin- obligations . of the: Oi dei ,
gara•. Falls, the': young couple. willprinciples of, which ;were ;akin to
reside in Milverton. ' • that :of the church., .
Symbolism , is indispensible',tot
our faith in' the Great Ai chttedt •
of the 'lJ,niverse,'.'.'Rev. Joselyn:.
The United' Church.' parsonage., said, and urged that Masonry and
to' Shoulder•tothe final .victory.
• The choir •.was heard in'. an an.'
them: with .Norman Taylor pre-
siding .. at, the organ,
Dungannon, Was.' the scene of a the Church go forward shoulder:;
• pretty weclding�•on Saturday, June
l 7th,' : when .Rev; W. J. Rogers un-
i ited in marriage Marjorie Helen,
-1-only4a-•ttgliter :of Mr. ` and 'Mrs. %I,
Sillib, ' 2n.d• '• Concession, . Ashfield,
' and Clarence. Ronald • Treleaven,
oily sin of ' Mt.' and Mrs. R. H.
ANC 46_
C -
y 9
pp "i AAS O, P11001155 .N ,ARM iM VII M(NIS
. ,, I ..,,.r id
` ilfatt MAt=1 ® t'atat30 • \A"~1/1111iir—p---ir ,....,
%re s, I,. y
.ice.®' _ ,'G,
r �y
Massey -Harris tie. 21 •
Self -Propelled
Reaper -Thresher
Cfyou ith ttus Mach ,
tan hatyesttargcacreages
caster, faster,• cheapcy.
te• -.One man Can operate it.
Hat' only one motor to
iuritish Lith gas Slid ' o,T.. Choi'te' of 4 forward speeds
with constant cyltrlder speed 'rneanl ideat"opergtion in
• 'Ahy crop •conditioh. • '
Trelelaven,, 6th. Can.; Ashfield.
The bride. wore a street' length
white' *silk jersey dress .with a•i
Shoulder. length veil caught with I,
oraxige ,: blossoms `and earned':)a
bouquet of.. ,American • Beauty
roses. ,13er' only..or.narrrent. was :her
mother's pearl, necklace; She was'
attended by -Mrs.'ernon Hunter; I
I sister of, the .groom, :wearing an
I ice • blue silk'' jersey dress with.
shrzulde.r length veil and carried'
a boufluet . of pink . ros:es: Mr. E1-'
Win Sillib, brother of the bride,.
xv:as, gr.o'omsman
A wedding supper was' served
by Mrs. .Clifford Kilpatrick arid;
Miss 'Helen •Stothers, ,friends• of
the bride, tfr irrunediate :relatives..
The'. br'ide's ...mother received
wearing ,figiired turquoise•'icrepe,
assisted by the groom's mother,
Idressed in black crepe .with lime'
Mr, .land Mrs. Treleaven .left
later by motor. for Windsor, Sim
,coe, Niagara Falls and • Torontd,
The bride donned a blue figured
. .
• .si1k jersey :dress with a powder.
blue Braemore chesterfieldCoati
and black accessories', . Ozl..,their
return they .will .reside on the
'groom's farm on 'the ;6th Conces-
sion of Ashfieldd.
s in ail',
kinds of Weather, '0u0:4 at •''
henp ost. You Count .on :her •;.
• and shc's'prOud of.it:
"With switchboards ltttaiI
than ever .because of the
many more telephoiirs her:A
is still'"The Spirit of `'Pr.'
.vice". More .,itiritelil;uhs'rrli
are. bring added and iai.nro�.
operators:• trained ;,l that
ynu'mDy continue ,tr, base',.
'the best• telet otic ;rrvirs
at the lowest dist•.•
THE 1E1.,L. 'YElEptt ADE