HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-12, Page 4M1
"WANT AD" RATES—lst insertion 2. cents a word, subsequent -
insertions 1 cent ;la word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care
of The Sentinel' 10 cents .extra, 'Legal advertising 10 cents per
count line first insertion, • 5 cents per line subsequent insertions.
FOR RENT- ' 2-roort . apartment, BARGAINS in -•Canada' approved'.
Apply. Gar'nnie ,Apartments chicks for this week and next,.
Barred': Rocks„: New', •Hanwsli:, res,
White' Racks,: Light Sussex, Black
Australorps, non -sexed • 9.95,..pul
lets .12;95' cockerels 8.95. Assort
'ed., heavy 'breeds: non-seked8,95,,
pullet ` 11:95; -cockerels 7,95. White
'.Leghorn x Barred Rock, Austra
'Whites. 8.0;. 'pullets 17.95, 'cock-
erels 3:95.. White 'Leghorns :8.95,
pullets 17.95, .cockerels 1.00: As
sorted Light and -Medi-inn breeds
non -sexed '7.95; pullets 16.95. • TWo
Week 'old add 6.00, three week old:
add 11.00: per hundred.- . Shipped..
Thisadvertisement must
accompany your• order to receive
these 'special. `prices. Also pullets.
eight„Weeks' :to laying,'
Guelph, 'Ontario.
WANTED used typewriter in'
good worki°rig condition.. Apply at
• Sentinel 'Office:
LOST -+--6,-20 Jiffy Kodak 'on Kin-.
tail beach: Substantial reward to
'. finder,; Robert•t.Boak, Lucknow.
STARTED CHICKS : PttlIets • two
weeks to 3' Months.' Capons •3 to -4
:.weeks.. • ;G... L. Martin, Pararriourit.
FOR SALE -ice box and an ,,en -
.gine -drive 'washing machine; Ap-'
Ply'' Ganim.. ie Apartmenth,
._. .
FOR .SALE--,2rolls is of^ unused,
' Woven ,fence wire; $25 a roll., Apr
• ly .to Alice Reid, R: 3; Lucknow.
Clark • for the,_ month' of August
Apply •;to Wm. • Murdie••&' Soni
Box 83;• .•
•r . coal oil .stoveii
bornegood:' con
con -
.clition, . ; used 2 months 'Apply to
Stimson, Lueknow.:
s . , .
•k'OTt .SALE -2 iised Cream vats
stitabie .. for • storage tanks' also,
'.about 30. wood barrels; good as
ne : -St'lvervvood , Dairies,. •L'uck-
(.4,aliaclian National
• •Railways•
▪ Canadian National. Railways is
offering.- for sale, its... rame' one'
• and' a halt' . storey; ' five -roomed:'
house and: small barn, together
with lot 'having dimensions of
eighty-three' feet by •one hundred
and. fifty•.•feet; east of its station..
yard at Lucknow,, Ontario.
• Anyone interested rn the pur-.
chase of this property should for
'Ward tender addressed••to• the'un;•
dersigned in a' "sealed . envelope' .
Marked distinctly on. the outside:
"Tender;. for'lot,sand buildings: at
;Lucknow", so as to reach my of
free not. later than Twelve O clock
Noon on. June "23rd,.1947,
All tenders: must be accoit patiL •
led by a ; certified cheque or
money, ;order drawn: in favor, of;
Canadian •National -Railways, for.'
at least ter percent of the tender.
The highest of .any tender will
not necessarily- be .accepted. •
•H A. • PALMER, •
Reg;.. Manager of Real' Estate,
Canadian National Railways,
' 20'York . •S:treet,•
Tor, n'to Ontario
May 19th,. 1947.
:HOLJ�SE FOR SALE 'ceme'nt veri,.'
eered• house and. 15.112., `acres land,
forth' cpf Station, .good. condition;
priced, roasonable.; Apply at Sen=
tinel.. Office
'FARM; WANTED -by spring of
1.948good 200 -acre tractor farm,:
f g ...
omniu ii. etrveii-
in Protestant c n Y� ,�
to Public . and high. , school,
fent p . ,
hydro or ''avalab 'e.. Apply
.,with.. •' by .• � � . .
'by letter to Box R, Lueknow Sen-
Federal Buildings 'Province
of Ontario'
• THURSDAY, JUNE l2th 1947
LucknoW District .(O -OP 1 ,
' 'hone 71, Lucknow
� -or... FEEDS..
free I)eliveryService
percent Hog -Grow*
Pig Starter • •
Sow'-: Ration
Ho� 1� . Worm -x, -per
:Calf Meal
Bone' Meal
Salt •
•Chid" Starter
Grow Mash
Lay, Mash..
• ..Chick Grit
Poul€ryy, Worm -x -13d.'
Dairy Ration
• ~,CodLiver Oil
r*+ •
John Jamieson, Manager.:
--- r T
Ne.wtonho visited her datlgltter,
S 'r ;. I`I E LENS Mrs, Charlton of Port Alma.
r •• Mrs," Mel Brown ofWatorloo'� •
The June Tneeting of • the Wo was' the guest of her 'par:ents, IVIr,
Men's Z stitute was Yield at the• and . Mis. R Woods.- for the holi-
•horne of Mrs. George Stuart with., day 'week -end ,,
Lyceum. Theatre a good..'attendarice and with. the: Kr: • and .1N/frt.' Jack Biandt and
f the Lw . , Pher sons' of "Detroit were week -end
Patrons•o esident, Mrs:` Gordon:'1VIc
may secure the new :program for pr • ;
son in the chair. The .x611 call ,on visitors with Mrs and Mrs,-. Gor-
the months • . of.. Stine,'' ,July amid .,�
- A famous name in medicine "t don McPherson:
_,., _.......:vim
Au • usti . at the t� e. .l.o ha
'17 resbovf.lec.t tos.' .It, Was'Miss'Mary• dace. m4, 4• &
these • mailed to: you' periodically,.l;ag r'eecl to doiYate's5 to the Cancer
Mrs dynes of W aiKert n �W i e rc�-
Wye- your. nameat the ;_box of Fund and, $0.0.0, tb the Win'ghatn cent :, visitors With. Mr, and' Mrs..
,J." Thom and :Mr.. and Mrs..-,
W..A. Mer . •
Mrs. Joillhn •For.ari and little' dap;-
ghter Eileen are visitors With het'.
parents ;at ,Sudbury.,,
floe, `'or notify the management.
• ,y phone, or. mail.
SEALED TENDERS• addressed to . .
• ForT:Comfor>l;'s-Sak-e,• Insulate
• Fuel; •;of all. kinds will be higher
this ear: • Fleece -line • your home,
with blown•Rockwool Our equip-
ment• is in `the .. district now. Ter;
free. estimate -,and terms Phone 35,
Lucknow ,or: write • :Rowland C..
Day; ,6 Thornton Ave.; . London.
Teacher •wanted •for'• S.S. ,No. 7
Kinloss (S'dond 'Concession)
' o m ence in September.:
to e xnxYi
Bus, service; past school • morning
• fications= and salary,. expected to.
)Alex MacLeod, Sec._Treas., ^R. 5,
NOTICEof coal ari81. cake for. the De/nil-lion131.1114i/1gs throughout 'the, Prov-
Fprms Df tender. with tpecifica-
will be'
.rece. v-
• The ` .annual' meeting'. of South.
ung A it et, 8---A-d . • .
East,` Toronto Ont
Tenders should be made on ;the
forms. supplied ' by the 'Depart,
Ment arid in accordance : with , de-,
partrnt tai specif at.:.
•ditions, :attached • thereto.: Coal,
General Hospital. Thursday, June
26th' w.as. the date set, for a 'quilt-
ing 'to' finish. up,'.the` • quil'ts..,on.
hand: It wis.decided to.dpply for
the short. course on :Oven ,Meals.
Mrs, E. 'Barbour, Mrs G.: Mc-
i.nlassl' eme ery ; or • Pherson . an • ' rs.
111• be held at South , Kinloss were appointed"to 'arrange '•for,an,
n . edn sda" ' June 18th . At Dome:. An interesting report.
Church o W. Yf.,�.
at 2`:0'0 p1m. of. • the District Annual "meeting
ld MacLean, Secy herd:''in Blyth was given by Miss
ou Was Graham, Treas..•• Mary 'Murray,IMrs. ' O. G. :'Ander;
D. •.g
on of :Belgi:ave ,was guest '.speak-
er: She spoke . on haspitalization•
lvldiKCu •a ��. a�.�=.� Wanted __ anti explained' the., plans .,:for the
NN t TiUron Country. Co -Operative .med-
Mr: 'George '.Wallace: has re-•
'turned. to his 'home here after
spending; the,.:winter months Vin,
Mr. and Mrs.` H J:effei son and
family., were ,Sunday `visitors •wit'n
her parents,:.Mr and "'Mitt.G;ei®
Thor nto•n at • Bliievale. .•
•ti�en--of - rPasurer _ �-•
psi:. "Mr.' Warren'. Bamford :of. Pres-
•Mutual I i�cal 'services. ;At .the. conclusion
of ^the West ' Wawariosh sties
' lunch was served �b the e o ' tori- was' hone' over' the week -end.
Insurance Company, ,Dun-
,�•es; .Mrs:.- J,as Aitchison•Nlrs E .J.
annon, Ontario: Applications re- m and 'Mrs.'W, A: Miller„ ;
g. y Tho p
' to. J `l lst ;b : the'; un- ..
celved• rip. u Y Y,
.� . • Mrs, G..:5,:.McIntyre and;, Donald�
Tder-.signed: •1 Duties . to •comrri "c -'. of: Medford• spent .the --ho, i e ay
A 'inc,Inclin _ .
'license xtumbe"�rs` �ust`b� -August 1st-,=salar�.:.$140 • .; g, week,,end
ea ens
given whentendering.• ::free •house ' and office with corn-; ,and: Mrs':: W: rre• •
men `� ,ev•-
right. to. .demand ficin any '• sue-: