HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-29, Page 3THURSDAY,%AY '29th. 1947
' and Genera
-S .
•Mr'. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew are
Visitirig this. week in Detroit.
Nit. George . Burges s is visiting.
in. Tor onto; , "
or►a'ld,_M'c,Charles •has •been ill
with .pneumonia. •
Mr. John Farri$h returned. last
'week fi'orria few days' visit to.
Chicago and Milwaukee, •
Mr. Ted Dexter is spending a
coupleof weeks in St; Catherines..
with Mr•and 1VIrs,W. J. Ensign.
Mir. D. G. MacKenzie is a Pat -
lent • in '»ingham Hospital , for a
' . r.
couple of weeks. • r
`Mr.r Lloyd I5isby. •' of Lond"bis
spent .the week -end at .the hone
of Misses Henderson;
• Jack
uaand_ Mc-
M�y McQi g
Quaig • of Toronto spent the holi-
day here. •
Miss Dorothy Brown of, Sou.
S P. E. C IA:
” ida In Medco'
ItoF .y
a •
Mr. and , •Mrs. • Andrew Ritchie
and daughter Dianne• spent Sun-
day 'with Mr, and Mrs, Peke Mac-
Donald of Brussels..
Mrs. Haig and Mr. Bill John-
on.of Hamilton spon-t the: +week=-
end with Mr, andMrs. Russ Rob-'
Mr.. and. Mrs.' W, W. -Hill and
Mr. And ,Mrs.. Cameron MacDon-
ald spent the. holiday: in Flint,
.Mich.,, with . Mr.; -4-1111.!s • brother; -
who is.In poor health. `
Nil•: 'A. ; J, Thompson : was .:'in.
Meaford the first of the week 'On
account of the ' illness of his
rpother who, st f fered •a severe•
strgke. o • '
• Mrs, - George . A.: „Webb,' Mrs'. •
,Roberts, Mr. -and Mrs, Sam. Dur-
nin `were in Belgrave on Monday.
attending' the ' funeral of Mr. Jas.
,Jamieson. .
Beiff er accompanied' by Mrs,
Johnson' Conn' male quartette
with Messrs:' John :McGee,'. Alex
Robertson, Mac, McGregor and.
James Wildon; readings by ;Mrs;,
J .Burchill and Miss Elda Ballagh
of Teeswater; and a „ladies. quar-,
tette by -Mesdames J. - Mcllwraiith,
R.. Ross and D...' Craig': and Miss.
Ruby. Conn. At ,the : plose of the
program pies and sandwiches
were served . b i the. . _ ladies in.
'Congratulations to: Mr; &•. Mrs.
Lloyd ;Cline'' on the gift of; a .dau-
• Mr.' and Mrs.; Tom MacDonald
spent the : noJictay with 'his par=
ents; 'Mr.' and. Mrs.. Con Decker.
Mr:.and• Mrs: ' Morell
fTtiVe•b .T9 '.Qrlto Spent the week_
Mr: .and 'Mrs. Perry IIurnin Of,
. At Wingham Hospita14he spirit
of iugh Mclntosh togkM its flight
to the Great Beyond on•May .19,
1447, after • a brief 'illness. He .was
born in 1862 in Zorra 'Towilship,
a son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Intosh, coming With, his parent's
to Ashfield Township in 1863 and'
lived in, the Lucknow vicinity • all
his, life. .
He attended, public school' 'in.
"'Isle of Skye" (now -Lothian) and
tn' youn;manlood _ maxried.. Isa-
bell.a •McLennan; They settled'on''
a farm on, the • 12th Concession. of
°Ashfield ,, near ljeinlock City,
where, he .began'' his ‘life -work
With oxen and .a ;capacityfor harts
Wert, : Here "'their' three Children
were born=Gladys (Mrs. M. Me-.
Keri.iey, who predeceased hirn 20
years' ago;_ John,, on the . home
farm on„the Hxiron-Bruce bound-
ary and Robert, ..who gave up his
life 'in the First Worid War. His.
wife predeceased him "eight years
v ago. To mourn his passing also
are three sisters Mrs. .Angus
aGoodhand • . (Hetta)' of Detroit,
�,1Vlrs. ` Isaac ";Hetherington (Jean),
of Goderich and ,Mrs. Carl Mann
(Cassie) Of Los Angeles, Cal. Two.
t sisters,:, .Bessie :• and Annie and a'
brother, Dr; W. ' R. McIntosh
4' passed on' before him.- There are
two grandsons, whowill miss him
sincerely,_ -.Robert Cr 11�ic en ie .;caf
"Lueknow ;:arid—Robert 1Vlclniosh
with his 'father pi -lithe farm;
:Ile was a' member' of •. the' Pres.:
byter ian church; first in Ashfield'
and after, his retiren'i.ent, in
snow..Luck .
,Being ;of a • •• sociable and.
friendly :disposition, he 'enjoyed'.
:Western ..University ' having, coin-
pleted his course in business ad-
min• isti ation. •
Miss Catherine Johnston of.
;Toronto" spent,the•weekend with
her 'parents; Dr.:: and Mrs.
London '.s::ent'the h'ol'd'. .` liiG
home ' :here,
Grartarr :was..
tor with hs'
e� •
B tty,
-1Yeek :ei d ;visitors with'Mr. 'and
,Mrs..Robert Ritchie and Graydon'
were•Mr, and Mrs; Chester.'.Hun-'
ter`: and daughters:�Irene _and • Ina
'of Oakville. ' .:
Gordon ` Leslie of,
also a .holiday visi
:grandparents and
Week -end visitors; at the: home•'
Of Mr a'ndMr�s Charles' Steward
Were• Mr: ,‘and., M.rs,.:Mervin Mac-
Donald :and-da•u�g ter-- Mary Elrz--
a.beth of• Chatham; "Mr. arid M•rs.:
Gordon . Steward arid' son Robert
Bruce,' London;: Mr &•Mrs:,:Chas,
Henderson. and;: son 3lair. of Tot-
Take part `.` ,h ''..Communi ,
p rt �n,t +e ,
Campaign to ,... -rotect yourself
and family;
It isimportant... •
to� yon.
Christina; se ik paid !for this survey.
Bey More next Christma3.
� .11�.'!HE .INTEREST OF
By The Clansmen, Club
Survey In'The
greatly a ';game of checkers• or
• • r s,ev.ning wi
neighbors: or fr�,iends.. •
•The : funeral; was . 'conducted
from the` home of his., grandson;
ocia e
R. C.` McKeniie, by the, Rev ;C.. H.
MacDonald, :,assisted by, .Rev,::
W. Stewart of the United: Church.'
The beautiful :flowers offered': to
:lis' -merit ry'- were'""eazpressive• o.f
the;._ love and. ' respect- of• Many-
fr iends. The pallbearers . carrying
the body of •a brave•:life and help=-
ful: friend • to .its last resting place'
in, Greenhill Cemetery :were Ben
Naylor; John` ,McDonald, Donald
•M.c-L--earn, Mrch of Hogan,: Harry
Mc,Quillin ands ,John 1GLclia .trice ' and., a brother Alfred.:•
Friends. from ou;t.'of town at- ',Firerids attending the: funeral
tending the funeral •were•Dr...and from a'.distvipe 'were::'Mr:" and
`Mrs .'George Alton,' Mr.:. H,en'ry•Al-
. ton, 'Sault Ste. Maxie, Mrs. ,Lionel
Watson; Echo Bay; ::Mrs. Alec:
Shook, Miss 'Mable Alton, . Tor-
onto, Mr anal Mrs:. Norman: Wil
•• •..you and •'•your 1i tI.
'son, Hamilton; Mr; and. Mrs Wil doing
son Armstrong, Mr and ;Mrs. friend dhome wok
Cecil: Armstropg, ,.,.Humberstone .togethor, by tele l o>i e.'
rs._Andrvr_,�-_' Buc
man ' Io al friends' from the' `sur ��--�r:F'rarc ' � �• -'-
y y Buck,• Mrs Jack" Mathews, Miss
rounding district grid , the •horne Beatrice Armstrong,. Mr. Leonard•
.o -
who , knew' her' Jest• knew what
she 'suffered, . She :Wag tenderly
cared for by her loving'. husband
and ,faithftr7: `attendant, Miss 'Dor-
othy ' Berry.
The. • remains rested at her late
residende, 570 English. St. London
until Friday and ' then 'brought
the home of her sister, Mrs.
Wrn. H. Irvin,, Ashfield, where
the. funeral service Was:Conducted
by Rev. J. W. Stewart of Luck
-no -mc:_ inited--Cburch,_assi teii by.
,Rev C.. 11 Woolley of Ashfield,.
in' the' absence of her own 'mini
stet, Rev. B..'C Echardt. The text
and hymns, were the ones used at'
the funeral serVice for her moth-
er.50 years ago. Interment was in
Greenhill ' Cemetery, . Lucknow.
The 'pallbearers were Harvey\A1M
-ton-, ElmerAltorr,. J. . Cx,_Arsrr-
strong, ,-Armstrong . Wilson, :Elrrier,
Phillips, Jerry Cranston, William
Wareing.' and. Percy. Blundell.; The
many k : for.al;' contributions and
large concourse of`frignds'showed'
the high' respect in which Mrs
Armstrong • was held. The floral:
•tributes were carriedby six
,nephews; `.Leonar.'d Alton,' Elgin
Alton, Francis Buck, • Leonard
Barrett,Jack,. Wilson and. 'Robert
Besides. her' sorrowing'husband,
she, is survived by two sons, ,Har-
old and Gordon and daughter -in=;
law, •:Aileen,: all ..of -London;
two sisters;'::'_`Mrs. •Wm: ` Irvin
Ashfield; Mrs.. Lioi eF Watsorr-'of--
Echo Bay and ;five brothers, Geo.
and Henry of Sault •Ste: Marie;.
William • .of Port Arthur; Wesley:
of • London;•.:.Earl .-of ..Echt� ;Ray
Some :years . ago she. *as piece
ceased by•her:.oniy daughter, Bea-•
, Mann from Los Angeles; J
D. Murray of 'Detroit, Mrs•. `'Good -
hand' and:'members ,of her- family
from. Detroit •:Mrs,' W.. R. Mein=
tosh . and datighter of London,,
Miss C: , McKenzie and nieces".of
Embro, Mr: George"" Cameron of
Detroit, the` Hetherington, families
of 'Goderich-and .Win ham.- and
Machine, Machineless or
• Cold Wave •
'Phone 114; . Lucknow
ding on- Saturday at Arnberley;
Mr.. Bill ' Hunter has been stay-
ing the past week with. 'Mr. and -
Yrs. Alex Hackett''
• '
toWn, wlio join 'in• sorrow that 'a
:good._�itizen. =and _faithful --.father,
brotherand' neighbor' has passed'
from our• midst—till' we meet' be-
yond • the Valley.. at the Shadow
of, Death:
:.•Lucknow. and district was. quite
shocked on Tuesday, May' 20th,
when word . 'was received • of ,the Harold :;has won the Western .On-
unexpected death of• Mrs.- Alfred tario trophy He is `a brothei-in-.
J Armstrong• in Victoria Hospital
law of; .Mrs, Morgan Henderson
London; •She t• had: not :. enjoyed; of town.
Dance On Friday,
There will 'be door: and ' spot
prizes at ;the Legion: 'sponsored
'dance in•the .Town• Hall on.Friciay'
'evening of this' week. to .music by,
Farrier's orchestra....
• Barrett,. Mr.Thorpe of •Londo,ns'
Won•Bowl ri ..Cham• iotishi ...�.��
g p p
In the' ;Western Ontario Blind
Bawling League, Harold: 'Mitchell
.)f Hamilton, captured top honors
by rolling an average of, 144;pRTY.
throughout' the 'campaign, This is
•the second year. in succession that L.
party . line '•. - perhaps
- when someone needs: it
badly . So'please . don't'..
make :'. it a habit .... ,.
good•.health for the'. past :20 years
and 'following an , operation • on
Satur&ay, passed .away on ,Tues-
day .eveningnin. her ,55th 'year. .
.Mrs. Armstrong, 'whose maiden
name .was ,Florence Evelyn Alton,
• Was the . eldest daughter :' of the
late Daniel. Alton and.. Elizabeth
White and was' born in Wawa ': BELFAST'
nosh. When, net'quite five years
oki,her "mother passed. away and,
'she was raised to womanhood by
her • aunt Miss Mary Alcon, now
of `'Ashfield, 'Thirty-five yews-a'gir
she married Alfred J, Armstrong
of Lueknow, They made their;
home in Goderieb and eight years Wendell of Wingham were week
later moved °. ,to London. Mrs, end visitors with his brothers and
Armstrong was of a ,cheerful 'and family. „.bi
kindly disposition 'and was Toyed 'Mi, and Mrs, ' Wilfred Hackett
aft whd ken' w her. Only 'those
were guests at her brother's•wed-
Mr: and •Mrs;',Totrr Hackett. and
'family, visited •on Sunday With,
Mr,and Mrs. Stewart McGillvary
and family:.
Mr. Elgin . Alton is visiting• this
week, 'With and Mrs. Albert
Alton and Blake.:
Mr. and ,Mrs, Will Alton and
CATCH 1111G.:.
Putting it into practice
on. ;every .call : you make . .
is your : best guarantee,
that others will: 'do' the
sane fol. your.
1. Keep .calls brief.
2. Space your calls.
3. Give right-of-way
to, urgent coils,