HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-29, Page 152.00 A Year ---In Advance; 50c Extra for U. S. A.• L LTCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29th,1947 EIGHT PAGES SHOULD BRING CRDS.JTQ CLI.N.IC•. 'MpTe then 2000appoe tment; cards are now in the mails for, losis :.detebtiof ' y 'x-ra. the tubercu , survey, to be held, In' Lucknow 'Town. Hall • next 'Monday and Tuesday. • t emphasis is .laced on the fact thatta a appoin;trnent cad 'isnot' essential •for' anyone to at- tend.' f you have not; been:''cen•; . ten.' I .Y 'tacted. or your. appointment, card fails: to arl'ive,, you, are urged. to. attend the Clinic at your conven- ience, . arid, a card will be made: out for you by the clerical staff of local ladies ' who' will be con - 'gently o.n• duty::. Fill Out, Bring:. Card All those receiving appointment cards are requested. .to fill in. the information required. `on .the re verse ,side of the 'card, and to be sure to bring' it, to the clinical - This *will speed up .the work, : as •the'. individual :proceeds directly to; the x-ray'• machine where his. or her card is turned in, Cards ed or ` if.. t e. ar c h ot-.f�.11 ea. t�?� •r'- 3x forgotten: w`iii "entair.a 'lay wnTie' •the''clerical staff fills thews `out. •' 'The clinic , w:i11: ,'commence at 9.30. on. Monday:morning with the' 3,e -raying of'. the High School, h.. pupils. "To accomodate the pros .pective attendance in •the two-day Ste " here lila 'e ei t ill b operated each' evening Until 'ten ten :o'clock.. • , It is. natural that: all,'appoint= meets could• not. be, ;,,assigned , as noted on `.the' .canvas .cards but. the schedule has .been adhered to as closer as ossible. If. anyones Y � p . fi ieepos •ible-••-to' steep the- ,a ointment• which.; 'has been' set pF for there they mayattend ' their, >. y atr, own convenience. • 'Morning and, eveningsessions. are. the�'mo t •,full �,en .a ed` • • .s,..., y... g g., and itis;:, Suggested ikiat. nriyorie Chang,. .n, , g pp e t, 4. -acorning; without _aroma ::ointinen Should - :attend •. t, :attend the' clinic in the.afternoon. if at all" ossible. Trans• rtation .Neede- ? There 'are.''a : fe .. w instances where some may not e' able to attend duet • 0 Ick`' a of`'f' a.n ' r sports-. tion.,• Possibl your ,neighbour can � x g, .arrange e ''to bring • g you, but .if rro- such arrangements .can be .made, an effort.. will be. ,made .'by_ Then Cl'ansnien to furnisln�..trarisporta� WAS. 8;0 ON SATURDAY' Mrs. David •Huston, of town ob- ser'vecl her 80th birthday on. Sat- urday, May 24th. She continue to enjoy: goad health; and is quite active. Mr and''Mi Robt, Fisher of Haznrlton • ind IVtr. . 'and. ,Mrs. Wille. H;uston., of Detroit spent the week -end- here; with 'Met, 'Hutton end. other relatives. Graduates .In:.Medicipe hard' 13 releave TOOK'OVER . NEW -GIRLS 'TOOK THIRTY -MILE • ,BIKE TRIP SATURDAY BUSI NESS' 'MONDAY Mr. Mr.. and • '.Mrs. ' William Lloyd of town left the latter part ,of the week •fo-e incardine-•tom hake' their home,' Mr; Lloyd having re- cently • bought the South . End ,eneral: store business in that town. Stock•, taking, was held on Saturday and an, Monday the Lloyds,were open far .business;' in. their new stand n of Harxi B'll d i carbc u e is amp•. pyment Men,' and well known here, is• t;Silverwoods Dairies Luckno. one of 35• students." to' graduate in . W: last "Wedn sda - and i hisd • e Y, n c , medicine this year from the Uni- parture'•the firm, lost an employee vei•sity of Western ',Ontario.. who has; given 25 years of faith. E;BURNS . PASSES. Lbers of the Anglicareehurch, aid Burns r :,i - of Own • were sadly bereave ci . eXri,plary,citizeis„ Doris end Ivan ,Mr, and .Mrs. Thomas H. wee qui et, unassuming and ex- ' on Sunday morning by the death -:of are students at ,Lucknow :High their youngest 'song Elliott, who School. and will remain here for passed :away : early . that morning. the completion of the term. Both at his home •in Temple .. City in are ' m_ u ` . ly inclined' :arid Ivan .9 th 1 suburban "Los • Angeles. 'Word of is •eading membeirs 'of his 'passing was. received by his the .High, School Band ir>stlrer` ewaai Detroit arid t a 'SODDEN FIELDS MAKE SEEDING IMPOSSIBLE'` ful and efficient service. The Lloyd family have many friends here who regret their de- parture. They were faithful mem- '•he; and Mrs. Burns inmmediately motored to LucknoW'to break.. the word to the parents. • ' Elliott' was 'forty` years of. age, 'being born in Lucknow :On Jan- Soaking i,ains that have' •con-. �•r 2 � 19' on ra uatitinned' With-regularity'for: the' ua Y OtliA.:. 07 . Upon graduating ng f r o m Lucknowt Continuation ;past' teri e.. days, hlave brought all _semen will e. •. . , ii: seedin. efforts to. '' a • com .lete.' standstill.. Many farmers haven't •a seed in the. ground. ' ; . , - ,, In the: '1•akeshore district fields are flooded or'soak'ed,that re= ardless of'. what turn the evea g ,, ther "may take, little or. 'nothing` can be accomplished this week; 'I he: end ol�,May-; is -fine deadline. with ma'' lanting :Oats, -al- dry'=in°r:`"p • . though ;growth generally,' it: pp., ' hind: time , this' season • •and 'dome. •wily take: a' chance on'.sowing oats J! to:: the end.of the' 'firsts week; in June: ,' After—that„, .; :baile . cern; l:. Win' favor wi 1 w n favor 'for a Mary Chin, Margaret Chin, Shirley 'Robinson and Mae Irwin spent the 24th on a bicycle. trip .to Point Clark and back. The three town girls went Via Belfast. to �rieet. Mae Irwin '•and;'• at• Am- berley the' foursome picked up two "passengers" the. Campbell: sisters .Toyce and. Sean. • t was. evening before.the le ,: weary': •'girls got ' home, ,two of them being over an ,hour ahead of . the ;other ' pair, and 'needless to "say they didn't return via 'Bel- fast'as an escort for Mae.•Any- ' vay :it was fu�i',• the 'girls agree, even • ifR it did. take them a few days to • get over the affects• of the.,,seeexiui n outing • HONOR SERVICE MEN AT DANCE Twenty-two of some .sixty ser- vice men were able to..be present at a dance in their honor held•_. it •the. Town Hall On Friday night and : sponsored - by•the Ladies'. Auxiliary It• was 'the -fifth and final' .,en- • tertainent • staged by, the ''Aux-• iliary ,,in,' .recognition` : of "the Yse 'vices of over two hundred vet:.. erans' of World War II from Lucknow • and district. Previous functions included 'a 'dinner: and dance,,.but•with`�only a small per- centage of the remaining. boys' able ' to be present,.; ..the. dinner Was dispensed with on this oc .casiox On• Friday night: the ,boys were guests at the well attended dance,: LIST DONATIONS TO L.H.S. SHIELDS • • The Lu' ckn w High School Stu dents' " • Council would • like . to tharik, the following 'ex -students• .for. their . generous donations', to- A generous '� • ward: the thiel c Alumnae. and d. dj.e. rant of the required amount, so. if :any. ex -student wv uld.:like to contri- bute ".it.. ,will be gratefully:, receiv- ed. . ..'Mervin Solom,ori ..Maude. Fish- er;'Mary Struthers;. Kathleen NIc- Intosh, Mel 'S:tewart; Mildred Rif - e at the, Bank of Montre l•: or at •The Sentinel 'office. Kim's'•Drug Store` for •about . a year ''before . going to Detroit. ,From: theme he' went. to Arizona to engage in . the undertakiryg` business for :a : 'short time. , and nineteen .years ago. he 'm:oved, ,to Los'Angeles toenter the empt Y of the• Goodrich 'Tire Company •. A year ago he. severed ills 'con, nection :with;' that firm; • and '• had establish• ed . a prosperout. real •estate business.` '. ' • •E 'ilrott's u�tiideath' struck n.nely . w hocking •' i apidity and was ith'' s due :to a'ttmo-r of=he-let- lung- ove the' ;'heart -It• ,was. not until six• . weeks ago-. that.'' his ;parents: ents: were aware 'of: his Condition, after Elliott had': consulted ;More thorn a d. ozen of the ,best- _doctors: in Cal ifornia, Who offered. little encour- agement.. Three weekss Tater 'it became • known that all' hope of 'his>rec.overy was.! in vain; and 'El -7 liott was given .not more .thsnr three weeks:end Carrie ;within two Weeks:: f Soon, after, going o os nge es. Elliott' married.Isabel`,Baill'ie "Who! survittes, With one :'sen Tommy, age..1.7: who as,> `lad _ egularly spent -his: summer vacation 'with his grandparents_ in Lucknow The ,bereavement'. it the 'more sorrowfulbecause of a farnily gather rng which was, to have' been held' on July 5th, -to celebrate Mr. and. Mrs.': ' Burnt' .:750th • Wedding anniversary. The,'anniveisar.y ..9f theirmarria �g e will be in' early Junes but' the observan'ce of; it 'Was :'•set. for'. the holiday season. , 'when the eldest and the youngest -of the. family, Harold and , Elliott, Would ' have• met .for the' first time` in .20 -years. Although Elliott )l,ad • been' back but once since', going to:. Los Angeles, • he ' has many friends here, who -remember hire as a' genial young' man and a general. favorite with young and old., To his wife 'end son, his grieving parents and three brothers, Har- old of Fort Wi.11iam,,.Stanley of *Toronto and 'Stewart •of Detroit, the sympathy of this' community -goes . out,. Tho -funeral service' was' held atLOS 1, Lo An �eles on Wednesday where interment was nude. Har- old and Stanley• went by plane to attend' t'i'le £uncral. His brother Ste.Wart flew to Los Angeles two weeks before I lliott's death. 1vylti.�f..•MT�I.:.4i 4 6' T. . • 4 4 • d f 'received 'free` `Feats",•at the lunch counter • and were presented with. two', "flat '50's" 'Of 'cigarettes, '.in, place., of the,, :custornary ..single pack. Cigarettese-will'.be forward '• '. ed;`II,.to the boys who,were•not pres-' ent. Mr. H.. ":R... Azlin` ,:acted• as t•cls firman and • lie isen: tion • a t to s µ� b were • rriade by. tire.. T. A: ,`Niac, ° . Donald;..—Auxiliary president and. .:• 'Mr. George' Whitby,: Legion.press dent;- assisted by ;Mrs: W' C. Fie- laysOie arid, Mr:' R. W. Andrew, secretaries of:. ; the respective:. branches: ' .Those in. attendance Were 'T. e, :'George; E; Taylor, on Finlayson,' Jack McCall;: y ack ;England, Donald • E'igland,, Donald : McIntyre, .: Glen .Tasker; '. David „Anderson, ' . Jack ' Cook,.. Keith., Johnston,. /Robert Andrew; 114- .W.;• T '.,.,.'.::O-. msori' Graharri•Y Moffat : Elmer . Ma c : •B• Ka 'iii Mrs. Jean' 'Whitby, , G•eo Wraith,,; Chas. McQuillini :R ;7E. "Cr' .ford War ren Wylds•azul J. 'R "Camp 7 bell Those • .urnable •. to. ' be ' ,present were e ;:Lomax ;.Bush:ellr, , ,Egbert _ • Bush`el.1, Morley Bushell, Harold o inson, • Geo.e or,• D"IDon-. g ,ald McGregor,• Stewart Cameron, •J. C. 'Armsti ong, Kenneth • Mac Kenzie, Athol... 'urdonLar" ., � � Larry ';Downs, Meleirr Orr, Jim Hamil ten; ,Cliff McNall, Bob, MeeKen, ; zie,' Douglas• Aitchison: Jack Fish-,' er, Gordon McGregor,• Duncan' Mokay, Ross, McDonald, Ken -Jar- dine +• 10 .d 'Henderson' Eldo'• ;Bradle• 'Rev. W. S. ., Y� Sutherland, llevv J. A: • Smith, Robert - Burti *.` Bt ishell . ur Hector F ' • e den, • ;'Jack ; Wrl'son, Dave Jewitt,• .Frank; Lor usso,W :Jack: McDonald. '_Bert: Cur_ . •.. ran; •Carmen: McQuillin, Bial Reid;, George. McInnes, Carmen,.Hamil•- ton, Malcolm-, Ross,:. .John' 'Car-` ruthers, Gerald Culbert,.. Arnold 'MacDonald, Doreen. Miller, Wilda; .Irwiii• Alma. Solomon, Ber le 'Sol= Onion, ' Mrs.:' Bill • Lloyd, Willard Thompson, ` Lillian Carruthers,. Mrs. R.:• Foster Clarence 'Greer,. •1arold ' Greer, 'Stuart '' Coll'.er J -e -an •, :acMillan,.Mrs -'Wes .Hes ton Grace . Weatherhead Mrs: • W:, S; ::aeid.`ne Coll' er, • Dr W. Ju . V. Johnston, Mrs. Douglas Graham, Marion:; Graham, Bill Johnstone Reid e im Ca?n .MacDonald, Ca Thompson,C Albert Chin ..Mrs Noble Johnston Ge Move To Miln w . e Re • sidence • Mr: 'and .Mrs. 'Sidney. Whitby' have ;,moved .to the.. e residence of Dave Milne, .Jr:Mr., and Mrs,: Glen Tasker are .moving to the residence vacated' . by »:Mr. ' and Mrs. Whitby and :awned .b.. •,. , .Y Mrs:. •,David Hackett',' . HAL'L'S •RESTAURANT Buyour.: y . Sunday' . ice � -cream brick: or have: ,ours_ elf ' �y a coke in Bali's.: Open every Sunday from 1st June: ;uhtil 31st August. Cold meals tea, coffee, sandwiches,, etc. will be served from .12.30• until Pm: ENGAGEMENTS Mr.` and Mrs. • Ernest Blake ' an- nounce the engagement of their daughter,' 'Phyllis' Kathleen, ,'to Mr. Gordon Samuel Mq rrison,.son of Mr. and Mrs. Sa' mu Morrison the marriage to' take place early in. June,. Mr, and Mrs: SamueL.. Desch Wish to announce the a en"en�ierit of their gg t youngest . daughter., May Marie., to Clarence . Ray MclVall • 4f Milverton , son of.Mr.'and' Mrs. Root. McNeil of Luc know', ,,the. marriage vte take place• early in Juno, fee'dixig 'orop. _`There. are still•• large acreages of flax to be sown, but, early'June is regarded ,as not too: ..late:"for seeding this .crop to obtain a .good +harvest. During the;,past ten days, a few hours of 'sunshine. >haive. been sandwiched :between the showers, but :never. enough to evenequaL.- �� amount of moisture' that ize- the a h' s' fallen with the result; that Stanley, G&atd_.atir►�1,:.-H. and Agnew,: •••Gordoin Fisher; J.,' D Ross, :1Vfrs. M. 1. 'Plewes, ,Velma Stanley, Mr. and Mrs:' Harold 'Al- lin, ''Wilf ed Anderson, Art An- drew, •Margaret: Rae;-Bud.Thomp-.. sora, .Alan McKim,` Mary, Marshall, Mrs Archie M acIrityr�Bill Campbell Donald ':Ien'deison," Morgan Henderson., Worse and pr'b spects • for' .. a good' harvest .more discouraging. • • COM INC EVE TS AUXILIARY MELTI1VG ;w ;The Ladies Auxiliary tb.'the: Canadian Legion ' w'11 meet; on TucsdaY,. , June 3rd• : t 8 o'clock,' vvinen Miss'; Dorothy. ii-Ioyle, Zone representative , will pay. her. of- ficial visit. •Initiati'ontand lunch GIRLS SOFTBALL At the .High .School Diamond, Lucknow, Friday, :May '.3Ot11.; .at. 6.30. Ripley Girls Versus Lucknow Gii•ls iii a• Scheduled W. O A:' A game, 'Silver collection. This Will be a •thriller. ATTENTION ' Come .to the Tea' and; Country Fair in'•, the 'Auxiliary Rooms, LueknoW,. on .Saturday afternoon, May 31st, ,,commencing` 'at three 'o'clock; DSP, under. the auspices of the Women's Association of the St.::Helenla United': Church., LEGION CHURCH- PARADE The Lucknow. Branch' of the 'Canadian. Lerrion and the' Ladies Auxiliary will hold. their 'annual rhtlrch • parade. en Sunday,: June• 1,1t at 11 a,rri. .to the United Church •for the., unveiling of the Honour Roll, Moet: at...the. Legion, Room at 10;30: • MEN '8r..ec lYS' S.uminer Under= wear,: shorts;:vests, 'Combinations ansep•ra e;.armens.; e - or with the.Stock. . THE MARKET STORE'. '• COUNTY` ASSESSOR•§§ HERE. Last w,eek, Messrs. Roy Vane Dusen' Reeve of Tara • and •'S.. Ballachey, Reeve of Paisley paid .Thoreson. • • • • i4 E4. o 1 •1,•14. y a visitto the village' in'connection, with: the.` cobalt e u lization •• f :• Y equalization o. assess.meiit,.a''task that it under taken :every:. 'ten ' years:' The. . two gentlemen conferred with' War den ,J, `W: Joynt while; here. The committee' is -Scheduled • to. lake report 'at the June session. • DIED IN • HIS • 88TH YEAR, The; de.ath :ef William G. Arm- strong: occurred ` on Mondayat the home.' of his son, Mr. Mark' Armstrong, of, 8, West' Wawa nosh. He was in his 88th year.: The' funeralservice: was was held in. Donnybrook United Church on. Wednesday. with ,interment in' Donnybrook Cemetery. Suffered : Stroke :Mrs., M. A. Treleaven of town suffered a stroke, , about two weeks ago, affeetiig her left side •but the. seizure :was not real 'sev- ere . and. Mrs. • Treleaven• is show- •ing narked, 'improvement,: though :she swell past•tlae four- score. mark; MR;S.'HiJGH CUMING-: HEALS .LADY' ;BOWLERS At e re -organization, meeting of• • the Ladies' Bowling Club Thurs. day evening the following, officers N ei e elected ' Hon..,pros.,: Mrs: David: Huston; , pres., Mrs: 'Hugh• Curni.ng, vice pres . Miss : Mar gai'et 'Rae. sec tr•.eas:; Mrs. Chas. Cook; ',entertainment ` committee, Miss, 'M'audie • Fisher, Mrs`. T: Clark; 'Mrs. W. ''Huston; social coiiiiifttee, Mrs.; Roy' Black,.. F. Steward .membership,, Mrs. Chas. Steward;. • RED CROSS DONATIONS Four more donations . .to. the., Lucknow and.'Dictrict Branch of the Red Cross .have raised, the total •td''$1457.44. Glen Campbell, R. 1 •Kincardine, $2,00; James Shiells, Amberley ` 10;Q9; . David'. Johnston,' R. 3 Goderich, .5.00; 'A. SGk mi&, •