HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-22, Page 7•Tn,UR,SDAY, MAY 22nd, .194' • • BALLSC DUL 1.AT:E • MA. The Intermediate baseball. sche dee for Group 2 of the.,W.O.A.A. was'' 'drafted at: a meeting in Luckno.w on.Friday night. Luck-: . now ripens the schedule in Ripley. on May 28th' and play their first hone -game on June 6th with Au- ' ,burn t e visiting nine; • • All teams„ °except WaIkertorr,•' were represented at • the schedule - drafting` meetin& at which. the Kincardine delegation announced. the withdrawal of their team', Laclt. of :interest was given.: as, the reason., when rto more than .four players• -turned • up at. t either. •pf• two meetings__ that ' were called: . Walkei•tcn en.t 3'ed-:a teamJo that the group stili` reni.ain•s �at' seven' tea n. ,, two 64. ' Which are junior teams -- Ripley ,arid ' Goderich, Lions,, Th'eGoderich" Intermediate learn- is called , the. Flyers, .'!by which they will" be distinguished, H.' S. `Doc" Lavery, manager of the .local team, has been appoint ed, group convener Ito • succeed George ' Shewfelt 'of 'Kincardine, • whoF r-esignecL_ien hs__Club withdrew; Since theschedule was •• • drawn Walkerton has dropped • out, .arid. so. we do °not publish the scheduler this week, •awaiting, its rev• siorm . LOCAL NINE:: TO PLAY GODERICH'' SATURDAY. u L�how� mediate hardball I_me .rhal team. vOli"nom- • ];iihlen game in .Goderich •on Sat-. 'urday afternoon,.• iii Conneetion with the celebration, being staged in the Huron. C•apitai, "'Doc' 'Lavery, saw his 'squad in, action on Monday evening for the _first ,tirrre andwas impressed. boys turned out ' for this rnitial :practise. • With. Kincardine dropping' out 'of •the pic.ture,. the ,services of El - Heft ,Carruthers will be available. to The Sepoys, : and that to some.• degree solves -thel pitchiizg prob-. lem Elliott, , however,—" will not be 'available for all , games; and ren if lie we>Fe, •could not 'handle .the. hurling duties • 'in" a closely packed schedule;'that• has' the Se- poys °at'';ane' •,pomnt` slated• to play five games in twelve 'days.... THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTArtio Oiiver U�1c� VI Ontario. Liberais • NE! LIBERAL LEADER • Crowning 22 years. . of : public :life, Far=o°I.lhar Oliver, M:P:P. `for, °Grey South, Wnas� been _elected_ leader` of the Liberal Party. in Ontario. ,He 'was. the choice of 1,200 delegates; representing every riding :irr the. province,' at the. three-day. convention° of 'the Ontario. Liberal Association'which closed, in Toronto on Friday. Although only .4'3.:year•° •of age, the ,-new Liberal .leade'r.• has... been a: member of the: Ontario Legis - III/O:SOFTBALLL TEAMS • The revival. of. hardball ,oral•,' • isrl`t .g..-)ing to eclipse •sol.tball, and prospects' are .that there'.'wrll be:. two' softball teams'. in oi•gan,ized competition'; thisseason: • girls team is likely; and ah ready practises have • comrhencect 4 at the High' School diamond *,° The Legion -hag entered 'a men's, , tea' :in •the_ W:O.A.A • PLAN TO PROMOTE p. lature for. more than '22' • years, • and. tie Liberals''loak forward with 'confidence to a vigorous, 're viral in. 'Ontario under' experiene- :ed, yet. outhful,' direction. In ad- dition t6', being . victorious' in sr successive . provincial ' 'elections, Mr. Oliver• ---youngest• mark.. ever to. sit in the Ontario House ---has. been a provincial cabinet' r-nini- ster and las' been Leader of, the Opposition -• since 1945. He' was els t.ed on the U.F.O. ticket: Although equal'.-, familiar with urban • andrural' pr'oblerns, . Mr,, O4v dr• is y'practical= farmer., He Was born the farm., near :Price- villc, iout.h-east''o wen" Sound; when,_, ,be r%ow.' lives . apd (works, ,gr;.,nd.father' was a pioneer of 'the P'r•iceville district. His .par- ents, Mr. and'Mrs. Names. Oliver, live at, Flesherton, in the . 'same: district. During the 'First World ,War",' Mr, •Oliver, • while in . his earls :teens, • farned his lather's : land,. He now has 550 'acres, of which Firs wi; NT—TS the manager -="arid ' a : good dile; 'too", Mr. ;.Oliver de Glares.. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, have both beef -and dairy cattle and their .farm . its: their livelihood, net a - hobby, Mrs, Oliver is •-the. for- mer Mabel Orutchley, of Durham, .whoin he married in.1930 :" • Mr: Oliver; elected_ first• to rep- resent, • Grey• Sc ith 1i'i' 1926,.was • gnews! INSURAH� •Agency: Lucknow, Ontario. . +OV • Caston .Automobiles. .r • • successful i : the sucessive el- ectiohs af�29, '1934,' 1937, 1943 and 1945, in 1941 -i --he was:' appoin-tr- :ed :M:inmate% of -Public Welfare & Public• W. ticks .in the 'cabinet of Premier l.Vitehell F, ;Hepb'grn: A year 1 later, ' he broke • with. ,Mr. Hepburn over the latter's ;dispute with .Prime Minister. King, and resigned:from the. cabinet. The foljlowirag. May, 1943; Mr. Oliver. returned to the governnierit..in the same portfolio under. Premier. Harry Nixon. — ,.... _ .. • When the present Ontario 'Gov ernment took office in 1945,' Mr. Oliver was. ,appointed Liberal House • leafier and. became Leader of;• the Official „Opposition. •His "louse. followers,'' in caucus, at 'the. conclusion :of:'the 1947 session; •.en- 'dorsed his 'candidature. for party _leader, • `Iii ,a'message to Convention egates,,1VIr. ,Oliver 'predicted that y ea' °can ',buitci up.,. the 'Liberal`:. • party in Ofita 'io.•to a iipint_, vhkere, it can°'successfully engage, the present' Government party iri'an election ,•carnpaign. To .that' desir- able end, •1 pledge myself to, work constantly and tirelessly—We be- lieve ,that, through the. Liberal Party, we, can provide 'more fast-' ing and ;benefi.cial legislation that will, more 'adequately , Meet' the i'n�eeds nd--as-ira ions -of the-= seat - y. q !mass 'df, the electors". • Preacher . (looking. over ' his large congregatiell Easter Sunday morning: "I' realize there are" many here who will'not be with us ' again_' ,untih 'next Easter`ti:'me.,' •'- I take this .opportunity to wish them 'a; .ver MerryChristmas". •liite sjtI ail tit,.;, a; illustrated, von b <uP.Ulic of coon a �.113h1e. tS.o many, ydung 'are•• . . showing an inclination' to play -bas`cball; , that -.Haio-ld. re_er� is starting'th:o ball ronin'•' te:'give Tads a ,~fiance; � : these` g • i• Any boy' interested in playing, ball should leave: ,their 'namae Greer ''Radio and •Erlectric, 'The' .•. response .: will determine what tretton wi•11. follow:• • • .Rrother• Hcre Froli i Manitoba Allan ::Hunter of Delortaine Manitoba; is visiting •here' with his brother. Vernon; and– r-r-1-1-111t•e=• rY ,borate in the ,;community. A few mono gVernon's V� . o s ;brother; Bill carne •East,;.and .plans .to re- main here: He will Shortly under- go an • operationon his leg; which was set improperly following a fracture he suffered' in the West; .Convalescing From Operation Mrs• . Frank. King of Toronto (nee .Rachel Ma'c1onald)'"who txn= der,•went a ' serious , operation re cently, leas ,been • able ,t.,tp. ,r.eturn• . to her:home— • 'expects 'Co come to Lucknew Boom to the home of.. hex znother, lgrst James MacDon ald,'Mrs. King's sister; MrS.' Mar- . vin Sanderson•of,Saint John, :has beon attending her. ' Small Sister , (busy at home- 'work: What is harder than'a dia= Mond, RigPrather: .Paying for . F,S•apicture in alot ofWays, this ' b,g n• -beautiful $ uic Ik • •The plcture4of things -to -come in auto= mobile styling;--=long;`follow 'through ' r fenders, Bieck. 1%nes,, broad and, solid look. • '`r,of d ynarx is action;•'th' w. • Th;e ; lctu c � � its bonnet. • am- acked with Fireball ower., a °l, 11.• eilettythita:g •.farom rear' -axle strut rods to. water pump seal all tidily. buttoned to to'give'yOu the -best to be had today P don't 'have to -be told how 'eyes fol'low..' :you :when 'you're' behind thio,: • wheel. ' You. 'can Sample for ourself • p y .. the 'great ease of•this gallant traveller, • the•ctxtnfort,' the room the thrill -of -a,. �liEeti.me`lift that answers every'nudge,. • iu Style, size, ,performance, and value.• • So many people want Buick, and only • • •B -ick that the: d and Continues... r n dei ar • " ahead of our ability to deliv'er•,. But tors- i bra d b g, wny,• beatutydeserves your Ia�'t' ,ounce of patience . `...so while yefir"' ' wait, • depend. 'on ; your GM ' Dealer's expert. service tekeep•yourpresent car on:: theEroad. quail r ready,:•equal Y'vvi rr�g 'ofy Our foot; on the treadle. • ..for creep -speed jaunt .or quick -paced . etnergency'call' . • The *picture of perfect poise, with plenty of 'roadweight.for, 'solidity • ushioned •all 'around on .'soft coil. . springs • for largess ease. ` The picture bf precise and e, actiiig- manufacture, with engine tolerances ;• often closer than in airplane practice bodies' floated on. new ,'Silent Zone mountings for tautness and . •;quiet- • • Yes' Buick is'apicture . a perfect picture'of a car years ahead, of the field A PRODUCT OF. GENERAL. MOTOR. When better automobiles are built BUICJ( will build them Olt 1r14..,e6r * AIRFOIL FENDERS.* FIREBALL' POWER *ACCURITE CYLINDER. BORING * FLITEWEIGHT PISTONS' , • BUICOIL SPRINGING, *,: FULL•LENGTH TORQUE -TUBE DRIyE • * PERMI=FIRM STEERING *mBROADRIM.:WHEELS * STEPON• PARKING BRAKE * DEEPFLEX SEAT,CUSlIONS' *, SILENT ZONE BODY MQLINTINDS • *.CURL -AROUND SIMPERS * NINE SMARt MODELS lrc Luc naw M•S4 A •