HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-15, Page 7'HU SDAY, MAY -1.011, 3.947 MPERATCRE. SETS RECORD, ABOVE SATURDAY MORN 'our successive nights •af hard st reached a climax early Sat- tay m'or'ning when the mercury icial'lY dipped to 18 above zero, a half an inch thick w•asn't z rnxnota, )dial„ lows for the, three pre - us nights were, Wednesday:. 20' Thursday 22 and Friday ;arl .Sunday ni.orrzrrig•=,it drop . y i to 23 degrees,: but. the day )ke clear and warm,• with a Rimy" breeze :that worked enders in enabling, the.'farmer .get on the land Monday. Rain Tuesday"quickly brought seed- ; Operations to .!F halt; , I: T. VAiNC,OT VER.. AItRI>i,;) A 1i1 • The7rnair i e of^Dorothy. Jean,, �g uriger daughter of Mr. and Mts. "J, Balrber,' .twp Mra...'Richard, iar'les Lupton, was solemnized: the chapel, -Of St. Andrew's esley united Church, Vancou-. �r, •on May3:rd at 800 p,m , The rempny was performed by Rev.' McCa1L The bride, . Cl. niece, of Mrs R. H. on: of ttlwh, , f Qrrnerly .. at iQmps. ...._._k_, nded Margaret :Eaton S-ORIO in fronto, and thea , groom . .served rerseas for •four.years as a.. fly- g .,cfficerwith the .Royal• Can- Tian 'Air Force., ' D TIE LUCKIY`OW. SENTINEL, L'UCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN LUCKNQW IN COMPACT :' INTERMEDIATE GROUPING(' Art,Andrew,. Harold Greer and "Doc" Lavery were at Wingharn last Wednesday evening' -attend- ing the - school for baseball coaches and umpires, and at - which groupings in. the W.O,A A. were arranged,. Lucknow Intermediates a r etl. grouped with Teeswater; Kineai -. dineR Goderich and Auburn, in a five -Wm, group, so jar .as ploy- offs are•concerned,-but which will also include Junior learns • from Goderieh• and Ripley.. These ' Iwo teams. will 'be included in ...the playing schedule; .Tut ,Hoerr game's Will have '. no bearing • on•°': ti e standing, 4.. . t Medical Conventioiz. Dr. W. V. Johns'ton11: is in Tor- ito•,this week until Friday,' at )c'iation Convention. .ethree.�.T ere 'ar teriAedia to hf n z groups m •the;W`,0 A:A. Gr•:ou:p includes' 1VIildrnay;''De« Ayton, Mt, Forest, Harriston and Arthur,. Lu.ck°rt4w, is in Group 2, ' of; which George Sh'ewfelt of Kin eardine is .convener., Group 3 in - c u es n-cludes "• 1Viilverton, Hespler, gus, Listowel; If a suitablegroup lingg can be arranged Hanover and Walkerton ay possibly 'have, in m termediate entries, .A-.-dance-rWas..:he d-'-t-a week -td- raise • funds for, the promotion •of • ball this year' ' There was'a.fair crowd: in. attendance 'with , ',the. Club profiting by 'over. $35.00.. XFE'CT 50Q PIPERS 'AT'''.-.' .AMiLTON. SCOTTISH GAMES.. Eight', -five Canadian'. and 'dn.-. ed - States pipe bandg. have; been''. ivite;l•"to .partici . ate in Harnilton 1 'the most ambitious. '•Scottish ares :o' er:..attempted , on 'this: aptinoi ,'. according . t'o' . Lieut.- : !ol A. E B1isS, officer eornni'and- ig the :Argyll': and • Sutherlaid Cigh.landers::of Canada ;:(Princess rouise's),.'The ':games:, are • sched- led :for two `Harnil`ton parks next my 4, 5 .arid, 6 --At .least' 20 of the.bands, • With ver 500 'pipers 'and. drummers; /ill, play in mass ;formation :diir:,' ng the rnilitary.:tattoo. to be.;held a :c;:injunction` With., the 'gaines t iS beech edl` tobe_th + fn st. tii:nE: n history that ..so man3,, bands vile 'lilav . together. At slrnilat, v nits 1 rn ;Canada, th'e .`v.8:,!;'..of. ,cotiand officers. paint ,out; sel- Lom 1110re than nine 'or ten bands. lave. leers ;'massed:., . "W©'have .invited -such a .large iFt. in order to. 'ensure.' that' the ,ream cif bands on:; the continent vi11: be here' , COL Bliss stated. `The ':pi ineinal• '; band, of course, vi1.1, be :our :own '.Argyles , which iiped the Allied 'armies into Ber in on'.,July;.7, 1945" The H,ami.lto i garnes-�.are ex e ame er'•- het tattoo in England where only even` pipe 'bands have .played ,Ogo1her. • •• , BORN. ,. VIcKIB13ON-=In. Winghain. Gorier-, rl Hospital: on' Thursday; May !est, o Dr. ,and Mrs.. W. A;.,McKibbori, Win.ghanl,:.a on. .• ?resided At'Meeting The. semi-annual :meeting of the Ontario. Medical "Association District No, 3, comprising the counties'of 'Bruce, Grey anduf-` ferin• was held recently at Han- over, with the president, Dr., ,W. V. Johnston presiding. ALLAN • NE,S N, Bruce County treasurer dbservved his 80th birth clay on, 'May 4th. He is retiring this, year •and his successor Will bo named at the June session. ZL'ON • .' Miss .Ada 'Webster, and .her pup- 'els attended the Huron County music festictal, in Goderich".la;st anal while they did not ob= iGirrl• first honU;'s. in 'any of .their. classes; ..thea, rriade aver .•credirt-, able shoving 'indeed, considering the, large number, ' of contestants. Mr..Thos. ;Wall and gr•anddair= thter of • Lucknow • visited .at the. home. of Mr. •Joseph Wall last week.; Mother's -'order' • f service Day d _ Q Was observed .in Zion•. Church on Sunday morning, where. Rev. C. B. Woolley, delivered; a :fine. ad '-dress, stressing—.the.. •fu,idai ienta'T • part played by the home` life in the 'moulding' of the ideals of ser= •vice ' in 7the church and •Coinrrrun- itv life news) I'URAN�Igenq Luckno..'w, ; Ontario. ire; .asuua_.ty, Mr: aricf Mis..'Herb Stothers and Arnold .;of Dungann:ori•. were visi-. 'ton's' at-theHtinter homes Sunday: •While -t ging up a'cattie:.beast in: it,s-stall on .Sunday°, .Mr. Frank Ritchie' received. a bad rap. on his. .head from its horns,' 'requiring • medical atteiation. . • Mr. and. Mrs • Jack xardrier,• Carol and Mrs. Susan Andrew the spent . Sunday afternoon n .at home of ' Mr. and Mrs...Lo'rne, Woods. of St He' ens. ' , • • Seedingis again held • up by the % heavy- rani: of"last" nlg`ht '("M'or: day) after, a nurrrbe: '-were 'get- ting nicely started following .tlie good 'drying conditions of., the pre,. vious`three orfour: days ..,-..• :: 'v i'eiri` d;r;r:dlVlrs.- W. G. Webster Siad: Itr> s, Alex "Allen 'of Luck- • n'ov called on Zion friends' Sun.- day'." un, day:< ' v Miss Marion Quaid of Saltford .is.assisting her sister, Mrs. Cecil . Gardner,, who returned from 'the the hospital, with her 'son, Ron- ald.. Elliott on Friday, • '.Mis's Ruby, Sher woad -of Crew:e-. -e with. Mrand spent the. Week -end . , .• n Mrs, Henry. Gardner.. •Recent' visitor's with Mrs. Will. ,Gardrjier Were Mrs. Albert.'Alton -Misses• Bernadine;.' -Betty -and MaX jorie Alton of Belfast.' Miss 'Lois hunter of .Luckriow spent the' week -end at her home Taken To Hospital Mr, F. I);' MacLennan wastaken. a Wingharn Hospital last week after" beings ` :discovered over-=. =ome bri the floor of hi§ home. by :his ,.neaft-door . neighbor, Mr. Duncan MacLeod.; „It' is. believed Ile may have lain there for some lime,: Mr'. MacLennan has rallied well frorn the " weak spell and ' is , , considerably improved in health: Moved' To St. Tltunnas. Having obtained an apartment in; St, Thomas,. Mr. and Mrs. • 'Jos; eph Writt and daughter Joan moved there yesterday. Joe is em- played;. in 'the St. Thomas plant of Silverwood' Dairies.. Mr. and Mrs.' Floyd Wilson of London; will move into' the 'Carrickresidence vacated by- ' the . Writt farriil Floydsucceeds : Joe as ace unto t at S:ilverwOods L ickno;w. planta • Sunday School. Ten:• .Sunday Schobl`•in both the Un- reed Church and Presbyterian Church *Hi be held at ten o'clock c h nencit f this Sunday.; • • , r 18 ter ^.t:R1.11Cp1YA'1.:: a .•4c, • iF 4 • ... . -..._ .�. '•.: aUsy::e'� ._„coil a:,. • . �..9F • - .. ,S uture cos �° rit de •ends directly an a sufficient vol' O.�VTA�X4 � . , P P , .. y needs' 'of- rodiirtion.to satisfy 'domestic needs'' and assure:.for Canada a pre .ume. P . eminent .place ' in the' markets of the world. Every individual product of �'Onta -"rib's manufacturing plants requires the' services ,of printing at same or man ,stages of its • evelo ment order' forms , ..- production forms invoires .•..i'� sh►PPis bills .. advertising _ publishing. ;he whole printing>nduatiyis faced Hxtr unprecedented .emands :, .:and to, meet those demands skilled hands are needed. ,For them great oppor-. • .`;tunities lie' ahead. Zfglcr. wages, job .security, better working conditions'' are within easier reach of those• who have mastered a skilled occupation. Today'. throrthe. an Sponsored' by the Department ,of. Veterans' Affairs and ler ageneie ,• thousands of young workers are being trained ' i and her industrial. needs. of thin` Province: Grad-' to meet t e• printing of these rehabilitation -courses are•now ready to.'take: their places'; mites :i lin Ontario's industry..- Available to ..yoti..are . veterans, +ell, started . pn the,: road tb skilled, printing trades such as hand composition, linot) pe and nionotype operation .bookbinding, lithography .and presswork. Seek' ,theta Out «ith,coitfid ,nee They are vonr future craftsrnen.: Published by VIE. BREWING INDUS' TRY (ONTARIO) a R •I N I” ••• .s•..'•..•..•.••. 1.1•41••••••••••••i�N.�......:i •i'ii� • PJIINTING . R• The Graphic •' Acis courses give .stuaents 'a . thorough ;grouxidyng in many aspects of the, • • printing trade.' ',Practical' instruction • of an •• y individual. nature as.': offered i>r� the 'course, available :'at Toronto only, ' together. with .'. education; in 'related . wort. Previous e=,•,.' perienee is naturallyan asset. • a Vocational ,training Coarses in the arts,' professions and trades; are offered at training centre located in, the jolhneing cities'. cind towns in Ootnrio:: -Toronto, Hamilton,Kitehener, Windsor Ft. William, l rockvaille, North Bay, .Otta a. ' • • • • • .. • .. - ear V '.►seta"f14"..i .. f�77��'! i'..�: ''r:i 1 .��^.i••i ..., ,a,. .,� 4 ,i •