HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-08, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY '8th, 1947......
Local E ani. -fierier: l
;atharine MacLennan, Student Mr, .tattles H. Pickering, Miss
Stratford Normal,.. was,k Din . Margaret Pickex:.ng—aiici __ Nt
er the week -end: Elizabeth G. , Welsh were guests.
�r and Mrs, ..Thomas Wilton
d Eric of Paisley spent Sunday
th Mr. and. Mrs.. Albert Cook« '
Viiss Elizabeth Mui•d'ie has been
patient inWingham Hospital
th a severe attack of shingles,
DRESS Materials, Cottons..
d Wool Goads. 'The Store with
Kra, S.. McGregor of It,
Lefton, spent.' a :few days With
as`-eatherine McGregor. ^ .
Bob :Thompson and Robert and
lacy Loa Hewat..of Ef n?ira were
:ekrend•• visitors at :the home
NIr.W and. Mrs; 1 ..H.' Thompson
Rev, Robt, A. MacConnell, min-
er . of Blyth &° Auburn charges
lied on friends here ' en, Mon -
Miss: Flora: Webster, who is.,, em
Dyed in theoffice of the Good
ar Rubber. Co., Kitchener, spent
e week end ��at her home here.,
son,. Havelock Sfofora few days
• F L I
WEALTH POVERTY 1; Pr: shortt of Xincardine was in.'
'-_ The -progress -df =•Ch.'s ti-ar ity---in
Central India, through preaching,
at the -home of James Murray
teaching and . ministering to the
last week, . •
, sick, was depicted b f Rev. T. B.
Mr: 'and Mrs; McLean Johnston Buchanan when he addressed the
and daughter spent Sunday' with evening congregation in the Un -
Mrs. Johnstori'sarents, 11r., and
p nited Church recently. Reverend
M 'Buchanan has spent 27, years in
Mrs. W.
quite poorly 'at present, ! od is the • Bhil .mission field of the Un'-
1VIr.«.and Mrs. Stanley Burns of ited Church and is at present 'in'
Toronto and Mr, 'and Mrs..Ste- Canada on furlough.'
wart Burns of Detroit weie week
end visitors: ,`with . Mr...and- Mrs.' India. be said,. is a fascinating.
Thomas, Burns • ' : • land' of four hundred million peo-
Ole, who speak twenty-five fang;-•
Sunday visitors at�the home of r
and Mrs r Robes t Rae ° were
uag s and many dialects. The
1V s, Rivers; of Seaforth; an miv country is. half' the;. size of '-the
acid Mrs Harold Rivers of G.od United States,:yet°has three times
e..rich tlie' population It. is:, a land of
:Miss Elsie. Duncan, Port Dover, great contrasts, ' There .are ;the
mpton fabulously..rich and -millions who
Miss Marion Crawfoid;'Bra
*On Miss Doris Taylor, all .of Mc- '•on the verge of starvation,
Donald -Hall, Guelph,; spent the getting but one poor meal a. day,
week -end with • Mr::and Mrs: The: grain -crop Which 'should now
Ewart 'Taylor, be in the harvest stage, • is' a fail-
'Mrs: Sid Weston ,of.•Toronto was : are . in Central . India, and .' the
the. guest;. 6f _ the _.Misses..,Render-. ,spectree..at f mine foces....coun.tless
The May , meeting of, the Luek-
�w Women's Institute willbe•
ild ' in the ••Town •Hall,, Friday,;
ay 9th' at 2:30 .p.m.•
Mrs,"`riE"`"I�`- SHzi'dgnn�:'ret>`rned
her ihoine 'here on ; Saturday
ter spending the winter in
amilton with Mr,. and Mrs Glen
Dore, . who -spent the week -end
ire, -�
yernon Hunter.
rd•children4and'Miss. Gwen '1re
°aver :•of Lucknow• visited Von
onday evening last with Mr. &,
zs Alex' Hackett:,
Avery enloy.able social” even
ig was:held on Monday- at Hach
:ts with. Blake You Peoples
t .:4•
Machine,- Machineless. '. or
Gold. Wave .
last week, and hile here, called
on other friends: Mrs. Weston, is
'a niece of, Mr. R.J. Moore; . write: x . ,
Misses. Edna and Elisa Cook,The Hindu race makes. ,up •240.
R: f ;'spent:° ofd these' le `:: Re`s:.'
parents, Mr. and • Mrs AlbertBuchanan said he, had been asked
'Cook. Eliza.. lust retuned' .from 'why these people ,were not, left
spending a week's vacation . in: with :their' own .'religious: beliefs
New •York City .She'returned by One •reasonhe„gi.ves- _th t it
plane: to Toronto
t :
..: - is a ate'•.syst whereby- if. ve -
being, invited over, It ,has: been the shadow, of an untouchable
decided to unite these two corn ' was ,to' fallupon '•his• fellowmen,
munities. and hold Young,Peoples he ' would have hurry to the:
turn ,about teginning next' -week• temple.to ,be cleansed; i°induism'„
at Brakes ` . .
is .most, degrading, it, isriot' good:'
Miss Helen Nicholson of •.:Bel- •'for any people; : and it is one' of
fast spent' Friday evening''' withthe reasons for the great back -
her chum Diss.. -Joyce L arcketrt ,
thousands . in this area ' Eighty-
five 'pe'cent of this 'teeming pop-
ulation .roan neither ' ,read aor
charge of. the service in the Pres.:
byterian „eliAtr• h en
Mrs. Barnett hof Paisley has re-
turned to herhome after two
weeks' Spent at, the home .of her.
nephew, Mr. David 'Johnston.
Dr. • J. Treat of Chicago is •a
guest . at; the honie.. of Mr; ..and
'Mrs.•.Bissett F.
Mi ;and Mrs .Wilson.Irwin vis ,A:waidness Yn India today
ited Sunday :with Mrs John Irwin : In- India : the other .greatest're-
., ;ligious elief is 1•VlohamrPedanism,-'
Of, Ii1nlOSS..
with: a million followers,. Many. of
Mr° andM.rs. EWai t McPherson . ` '
,of .Ingham'..were Sunday visitors•
whom were ;converts ;at the :point•
with ;.Mr. and : Mrs.. Ralph. Cam of ' 'the • sword, It is .a fanatical
eron. :• .. ` religion that •• i egards. all•, others
7M1:7-and:',Goldie Wheeler. as., infideTs ., and na MoTiammedari
and George of, .Londoc ' were week ';can :find ng surer way` to heaven .1
end-;ivisitoi�s with •Ma's: Lane and `than:to:kill an, infidel:
Clifford, Hinduism and. l'Iohammedaniarn
i r, a.nd. 1Viis.:.Spence.Irr�rin and ar•e diametrically'opposed'and •are:
PAGE ►rtlkt
• P
Mrs. • Norgrade of Chicago iSr
spending a few days:'with Mr. tinct
Mrs, Robt.. MacDonald.
Mrs. Eldon Bradley was in Lon,
don ,las.t-..wed: Stith; -her_ mothase
Mrs. Walter Brown, who is a pates
lent in a. hospital there
•BETTY. BLUE. of Ripley under-►
went an appendectomy in Kincar ,
dine Hospital on Friday, April 25
boys visited.. Sunday; with Mrs: the cause"of much of .India's un
STEV ART'S -Ro i --A•u r n . , i est -and strife
Re: Buchanan, paid great tri
2. ° -of the medical..
in Guy tarns. and','C e the work
'BEAUTY' SALON•:bate :to
Phone'. Y14, .I;ueknow
• : tones.;•..• THE MARKET , STORE• missionaries, and outlined. some
• ' : ' 'The .Store ;.with the Stock : ' of the. v,7ork 'bei•ng..clone in, t• heir
Corsets, ,Combinettes,' Giidles, Individually' Designed'
he, Only Woven; Nyire Stay In' the `World'
seVen hospitals':: Scho.ols..and co.l_,
1•ebes are :also serving a' . great
• :purpose in sending out Christian
.educated teachers and preachers
to become leadei s. iri their
•munities• The pr-iriiary education-
ducationof some of .these :Children.'is first
gai,red in the open under a shade
tree, 'where the draw with their
•*=t -s
The'; teachers sole • equipment of=.
ten•: includes 'a .blackboard lean
'ed. against the :tree; .and . a piece
of chalk •
MISS K. McINTOSH . NuBorie' Represe itativc
To ;Attend The
iversary Services
at 11' ` l.tn and' 7.00:' p.n., on
►EV.: W : A: HENDERSON of , Hillsdale, will
be guests :: speaker' at both services:
Assisted by Mrs.': W. A. Henderson and.
Mr. 'Cameron" Geddes.
Couthray, .Chairman:
.ie starte
Fg..roN II -L., L
-j I�•TJ MAN .A G E,R'of the.
furniture factor in Eddie's..town
landed:•a bin order 'fit meant he
had to lin) a lot of extra
Jum;xer, increase his payroll,:
lie lost no 'tithe. in putting
•Rev. Buchanan said that in .his
27 'years '.in India, their work. had
spread until the' number of. Pres
byteries Iliad grown from' One to,
three, In his own sphere,baptisms, ;
‘ad 'numbered. 22;00. iri, ten'years;
with. : 99 ..percent of them at One
•`•time being' illiterate:
'T'heL'e lire • now.' nur .er ous` self-
supporting y churches. • in Central
India; and some congregations are:-"`
also giving financial': aid'•to''the
home mission• •work,, `The "church
of 'Christ is in. India to stay", h'e
stated,, whether'. or' not the mis-' •.
siionaries.: remain, or riot. Rev
Buchanan` was• hopeful, however;
that under the . new "regime that
will aeon on be •dstablished in:
the tilissioriaries .would have as
Mitch liberty in the future 'as in
the. past; 'under British rule.
Indiais on the threahhold of
,the :greatest '.democratic, experi-
ment inthistory,
xperi-anent'in`history,' and .he 'aisked for
the prayers .and support, of•, the
people at home at this time. He
also stressed the. need for young.
men and women who would ded-
icate their lives to the missionary
cause,'' hot• only` in India , but • :to • :
the fa.rdflun•g corners of the,earth.
e whole :t Ing up to
Me rnanaoet•of his: local
lark; Tggetherthey
worked out hogs .i tuck
move �e would need to
t re ,of wages and other
costs until hYe.::delivered,,the-goods.
Then, .with the backing othis bank, •he gdt
'• to work onthe' .oirder.',
And that's :'Where Eddie, die:
was put on the payroll-gir en his first chance,
to'aeai n. a trade Eight 'now,•he'•s on his
way •home to lel : Mont,a•nd Dad :.
how' ,inucl he likes his new Job
.1.4 N K