HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-08, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY '8th, 1947...... Local E ani. -fierier: l THE LUCKNQ.W .SENTINEL, " I, UCKNOW,:. ONTARIO' ;atharine MacLennan, Student Mr, .tattles H. Pickering, Miss Stratford Normal,.. was,k Din . Margaret Pickex:.ng—aiici __ Nt er the week -end: Elizabeth G. , Welsh were guests. �r and Mrs, ..Thomas Wilton d Eric of Paisley spent Sunday th Mr. and. Mrs.. Albert Cook« ' Viiss Elizabeth Mui•d'ie has been patient inWingham Hospital th a severe attack of shingles, DRESS Materials, Cottons.. d Wool Goads. 'The Store with Stock. THE MARKET STORE:. Kra, S.. McGregor of It, Lefton, spent.' a :few days With as`-eatherine McGregor. ^ . • Bob :Thompson and Robert and lacy Loa Hewat..of Ef n?ira were :ekrend•• visitors at :the home NIr.W and. Mrs; 1 ..H.' Thompson Rev, Robt, A. MacConnell, min- er . of Blyth &° Auburn charges lied on friends here ' en, Mon - Y Miss: Flora: Webster, who is.,, em Dyed in theoffice of the Good ar Rubber. Co., Kitchener, spent e week end ��at her home here., son,. Havelock Sfofora few days INDIA LAND O • F L I WEALTH POVERTY 1; Pr: shortt of Xincardine was in.' • '-_ The -progress -df =•Ch.'s ti-ar ity---in Central India, through preaching, at the -home of James Murray teaching and . ministering to the last week, . • , sick, was depicted b f Rev. T. B. Mr: 'and Mrs; McLean Johnston Buchanan when he addressed the and daughter spent Sunday' with evening congregation in the Un - Mrs. Johnstori'sarents, 11r., and p nited Church recently. Reverend M 'Buchanan has spent 27, years in Mrs. W. . Todd. quite poorly 'at present, ! od is the • Bhil .mission field of the Un'- 1VIr.«.and Mrs. Stanley Burns of ited Church and is at present 'in' Toronto and Mr, 'and Mrs..Ste- Canada on furlough.' wart Burns of Detroit weie week end visitors: ,`with . Mr...and- Mrs.' India. be said,. is a fascinating. Thomas, Burns • ' : • land' of four hundred million peo- Ole, who speak twenty-five fang;-• Sunday visitors at�the home of r and Mrs r Robes t Rae ° were uag s and many dialects. The Mr. 1V s, Rivers; of Seaforth; an miv country is. half' the;. size of '-the acid Mrs Harold Rivers of G.od United States,:yet°has three times e..rich tlie' population It. is:, a land of :Miss Elsie. Duncan, Port Dover, great contrasts, ' There .are ;the mpton fabulously..rich and -millions who Miss Marion Crawfoid;'Bra ,are *On Miss Doris Taylor, all .of Mc- '•on the verge of starvation, Donald -Hall, Guelph,; spent the getting but one poor meal a. day, week -end with • Mr::and Mrs: The: grain -crop Which 'should now Ewart 'Taylor, be in the harvest stage, • is' a fail- 'Mrs: Sid Weston ,of.•Toronto was : are . in Central . India, and .' the the. guest;. 6f _ the _.Misses..,Render-. ,spectree..at f mine foces....coun.tless The May , meeting of, the Luek- �w Women's Institute willbe• ild ' in the ••Town •Hall,, Friday,; ay 9th' at 2:30 .p.m.• Mrs,"`riE"`"I�`- SHzi'dgnn�:'ret>`rned her ihoine 'here on ; Saturday ter spending the winter in amilton with Mr,. and Mrs Glen Dore, . who -spent the week -end ire, -� :BELFAST' yernon Hunter. rd•children4and'Miss. Gwen '1re °aver :•of Lucknow• visited Von onday evening last with Mr. &, zs Alex' Hackett:, Avery enloy.able social” even ig was:held on Monday- at Hach :ts with. Blake You Peoples t .:4• PERMVIANENTS Machine,- Machineless. '. or Gold. Wave . FINGER; ,NVAVES SHAMPOOS MANICURES BRECK' TREATMENT last week, and hile here, called on other friends: Mrs. Weston, is 'a niece of, Mr. R.J. Moore; . write: x . , Misses. Edna and Elisa Cook,The Hindu race makes. ,up •240. R: f ;'spent:° ofd these' le `:: Re`s:.' parents, Mr. and • Mrs AlbertBuchanan said he, had been asked 'Cook. Eliza.. lust retuned' .from 'why these people ,were not, left spending a week's vacation . in: with :their' own .'religious: beliefs New •York City .She'returned by One •reasonhe„gi.ves- _th t it plane: to Toronto t : • ..: - is a ate'•.syst whereby- if. ve - being, invited over, It ,has: been the shadow, of an untouchable decided to unite these two corn ' was ,to' fallupon '•his• fellowmen, munities. and hold Young,Peoples he ' would have hurry to the: turn ,about teginning next' -week• temple.to ,be cleansed; i°induism'„ at Brakes ` . . is .most, degrading, it, isriot' good:' Miss Helen Nicholson of •.:Bel- •'for any people; : and it is one' of fast spent' Friday evening''' withthe reasons for the great back - her chum Diss.. -Joyce L arcketrt , thousands . in this area ' Eighty- five 'pe'cent of this 'teeming pop- ulation .roan neither ' ,read aor charge of. the service in the Pres.: byterian „eliAtr• h en Mrs. Barnett hof Paisley has re- turned to herhome after two weeks' Spent at, the home .of her. nephew, Mr. David 'Johnston. Dr. • J. Treat of Chicago is •a guest . at; the honie.. of Mr; ..and 'Mrs.•.Bissett F. Mi ;and Mrs .Wilson.Irwin vis ,A:waidness Yn India today ited Sunday :with Mrs John Irwin : In- India : the other .greatest're- ,of e: ., ;ligious elief is 1•VlohamrPedanism,-' Of, Ii1nlOSS.. with: a million followers,. Many. of Mr° andM.rs. EWai t McPherson . ` ' ,of .Ingham'..were Sunday visitors• whom were ;converts ;at the :point• with ;.Mr. and : Mrs.. Ralph. Cam of ' 'the • sword, It is .a fanatical eron. :• .. ` religion that •• i egards. all•, others 7M1:7-and:',Goldie Wheeler. as., infideTs ., and na MoTiammedari and George of, .Londoc ' were week ';can :find ng surer way` to heaven .1 end-;ivisitoi�s with •Ma's: Lane and `than:to:kill an, infidel: Clifford, Hinduism and. l'Iohammedaniarn i r, a.nd. 1Viis.:.Spence.Irr�rin and ar•e diametrically'opposed'and •are: PAGE ►rtlkt • P Mrs. • Norgrade of Chicago iSr spending a few days:'with Mr. tinct Mrs, Robt.. MacDonald. Mrs. Eldon Bradley was in Lon, don ,las.t-..wed: Stith; -her_ mothase Mrs. Walter Brown, who is a pates lent in a. hospital there •BETTY. BLUE. of Ripley under-► went an appendectomy in Kincar , dine Hospital on Friday, April 25 boys visited.. Sunday; with Mrs: the cause"of much of .India's un STEV ART'S -Ro i --A•u r n . , i est -and strife Re: Buchanan, paid great tri 2. ° -of the medical.. •'. SPECIALS. in Guy tarns. and','C e the work 'BEAUTY' SALON•:bate :to Phone'. Y14, .I;ueknow • : tones.;•..• THE MARKET , STORE• missionaries, and outlined. some • ' : ' 'The .Store ;.with the Stock : ' of the. v,7ork 'bei•ng..clone in, t• heir FOUNDATION GARMENTS • Corsets, ,Combinettes,' Giidles, Individually' Designed' he, Only Woven; Nyire Stay In' the `World' l seVen hospitals':: Scho.ols..and co.l_, 1•ebes are :also serving a' . great • :purpose in sending out Christian .educated teachers and preachers to become leadei s. iri their •munities• The pr-iriiary education- Of ducationof some of .these :Children.'is first gai,red in the open under a shade tree, 'where the draw with their lingerS •*=t -s The'; teachers sole • equipment of=. ten•: includes 'a .blackboard lean 'ed. against the :tree; .and . a piece of chalk • MISS K. McINTOSH . NuBorie' Represe itativc 'PHONE 844 LIJC.KNOW` ►U� ARE. CO^RDI h .Y: ,INVITED To ;Attend The iversary Services LU KNOW ::PRESBYTER IAN . CHURCH: at 11' ` l.tn and' 7.00:' p.n., on • ay, ►EV.: W : A: HENDERSON of , Hillsdale, will be guests :: speaker' at both services: , SPECIAL MUSIC BY. 'THE CHOIR Assisted by Mrs.': W. A. Henderson and. • Mr. 'Cameron" Geddes. Couthray, .Chairman: ° • • • .ie starte 4 0.4 Fg..roN II -L., L -j I�•TJ MAN .A G E,R'of the. furniture factor in Eddie's..town landed:•a bin order 'fit meant he had to lin) a lot of extra Jum;xer, increase his payroll,: lie lost no 'tithe. in putting • •Rev. Buchanan said that in .his 27 'years '.in India, their work. had spread until the' number of. Pres byteries Iliad grown from' One to, three, In his own sphere,baptisms, ; ‘ad 'numbered. 22;00. iri, ten'years; with. : 99 ..percent of them at One •`•time being' illiterate: 'T'heL'e lire • now.' nur .er ous` self- supporting y churches. • in Central India; and some congregations are:-"` also giving financial': aid'•to''the home mission• •work,, `The "church of 'Christ is in. India to stay", h'e stated,, whether'. or' not the mis-' •. siionaries.: remain, or riot. Rev Buchanan` was• hopeful, however; that under the . new "regime that will aeon on be •dstablished in: :India the tilissioriaries .would have as Mitch liberty in the future 'as in the. past; 'under British rule. Indiais on the threahhold of ,the :greatest '.democratic, experi- ment inthistory, xperi-anent'in`history,' and .he 'aisked for the prayers .and support, of•, the people at home at this time. He also stressed the. need for young. men and women who would ded- icate their lives to the missionary cause,'' hot• only` in India , but • :to • : the fa.rdflun•g corners of the,earth. i. e whole :t Ing up to Me rnanaoet•of his: local lark; Tggetherthey worked out hogs .i tuck move �e would need to t re ,of wages and other costs until hYe.::delivered,,the-goods. Then, .with the backing othis bank, •he gdt '• to work onthe' .oirder.', ° • And that's :'Where Eddie, die: was put on the payroll-gir en his first chance, to'aeai n. a trade Eight 'now,•he'•s on his way •home to lel : Mont,a•nd Dad :. how' ,inucl he likes his new Job •w 70, '.i Y"0'.u. • .1.4 N K r