HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-08, Page 1•
$2.00 A Year• --In Advance; 50e 'Extra to U. S. A.
L.H.S...STUDEPITS Daylight saving: time isn't very HOSPI'TAL.: IDEA..
T0. 5
popular around the local depot,
u ,il Parent ?,'night, replacing we would gather, and that'will •' On' Monday 4aftexnoon a local
P py a
the annual: commencement exec be 'the •case everywhere, for trains deputation met .with • the lion:
,School, ere running T..
Kelley,, Ontario' Mini -
cites of Lucknow• 'High
ster 'of Health, to obtain hit ; re-
action to the logicof a small hos-
•pita.l in` Lucknow, if such an un-
dertaking could • be accomplished.
M,r. Kelley:. was in Clinton that
was. held held in' the Town Hall 'on agents ar'e'harried with telephone
calls as to train departure times..
Friday' evening: Wand, was ' ar de- The local time table
d success„ resulting in a most m on the.
Gide standard time basis is as follows!
pleasant evening of entertainment.
ciabilit • . morning train to Palmerston 6.16
d so Y ,
an •ails,; noon mixed. train to Pal- afternoon addressing :hos - ital
'The...program Opened. with: sev-.. . f .:, d . g q p _.
t ons 'b the I41 h:"•Scholl merston 'due .at 1.00 p.xn,•. and boards from'Go' Goderich, eral select y • 8 d. is Winghatn,:
der ' the direction':of' .Mr. leaves • local depot , at ;1.35 •p.m.;" Clinton•. andSe .
Band un .. afQrtfi in•.•regard: to
p W Hoa and a group of num- afternoon. .train, , northbound .to a plan to re-rnctitttte the training
$ � g
ers b the school chorus under Kmcardune, .due : •at 1.23, leaves' of nurses.'in miller ho -s itals At
b Y P
the direction of Mr:. Ireland, • the at ,I •
45 night train north to' Kin- present :Ontario ' is .faced with an
rilusic supervisor; with Wilfred .cal dine., due; at .10.46, .1, acute shortage of . 2,900 nurses.` .
Black presiding ' at' the piano • If You observe D.S,T, add one The Lu eknow delegation, .com-
throughout, hour to the above times
posed; of W. B. Anderson, V . A.
: A boys, and' girls quartette of -Porteous, Dr, W, ' V: Johnston, P,'
t num- DUNGANNON PUPILS; W... fered: some well renderedFINALISTS AT FESTIWAL •• Hoag.. and. A. E. McKim, met
bers:' The. girls foursome'included . . Mr. -Kelley in Clinton at the close
Iean:::`Treleaven,; Bernice :Taylor, of -that meeting
Bernice Shaddick :and Catherine •:Betty Rutledge and Norma The. Ontario Minister' ave the
Gibson' The' boys were' Ivan Sherwood, pupils at Dungannon g
agement. He reiterated 'his inter-
est ,'in. "small hos 'itals and the
'•promoting . of small "centres, arid.
saw little. reason why: a •sma'll'.
d_ - ' 'n, Jack Stuart Public , School,: were finalists at
Lloyd, John Cr�tspi , a k u,
T4,„,„;, ` Morrison: the Huron County festival in
.�_.�.� ..:......._ .r,. eri ..-. Goderich- this,. -,week; with Betty
Awards P es ted
Dr. W. Vii Johnston; was chair winning the medal.This 'class was.
committee considerable' encour-'
man ;and in his: remarks had coni- for girls eleven and under. Miss.:' hospital in Lucknow was not
nation :forthe Youth of today, 'Marion .MacDonald• •of town is 4 Within' the• :realm of ossibilit..,
me d . Y• P Y
and;. then called:; on members of music supervisor at Dungannon... : , Mr Kelley was 'overdue at a
the_Board f. Education apd fors
D� dinner': engagement :a • t 4;*'Pter 1
me o l to.• . .. ,..S --rr tI I) O EI ' LEG . -• ,
mer. pupils to make .the presents- . promised the deputation that he
tion of . roficiency •shields, field' Miss Marion' MacPherson • of would' have a departmental.rep.
day.' awards. and diplomas:
• The Finlayson: Bros; proficiency'
shield for Grade IX was present=
ed to Mary. Anderson,. by Mr Rob: -
eft Rae: The MacKenzie profit
ieticy shield for Grade X was pre-
sented• to"aArdonna Johnston by
Mr. A: E.' McKim, and the iW, •A. 1 f h f t
Schmid roficienc ' shie1 l f o
p Y or r' •
town suffered ;'a. broken ; leg in: reseritative. visit .'ruck' now `very'
•a •fall at her. home on Tuesday sho'rt]y, • to `thoroughly 'look • into.
afternoon and is:.' a " ,,patient in . the matter.. He pointed out that
?' .
Win 'ham. Ilos' Yt 1: ' - roe i tial a
g ,. . , p a Mits. Mat- .p n grants 'on cap`ital•cos.ts
Pherson had hiade :'a splendid' re- n•ere. now "$1000 .per : bed; with
covery from a• 'hip- fracture, and maintenance grants being consid-
her many friends are grieveer'"to" erably ;stepped up.•
earn.o .of -her latestMisfortune. une•. '
Grade. Xi •.was `presented to AIex , Attended Graduation
this, week in Lofidoi as a. guest .
IVIaclntyre.' by` Mr.' 'J. L. MacMi ':Miss Margaret Rae is s
of the Twarnle' •Siste 'sOn
y S r Tues If '.prow'incial authorities'verif
'The Alumnae shields were' pre-
sented 'to Dorothy ,Gibsori for
day night she :attended gradua Y
.:that. `they• are .Wolves, .:Herby
Drennan' will bei. richer by_ $ 400,
senior girl athletics' by 'Mrs. S. tion exercise's -of St.. Joseph: s Hos
Plewes;` aid for__ seni.or-'.",boy ath= _pi<tal;.: ''hells. at::_BeaL„..:
let cs' : Ale: MacIntie . was- the: Sehool iss, Carolyn_ li
Yf 1 'wolf -and -her litter f -.
iorf his good • -fortune in. g
At the regular meeting on Fri,.
day afternoon of this : week, a
group pho'ograph will be 'taken
of the members of the Lucknow
Women's Institute,' to* commem-
orate the golden jubilee. celeb'ra
tion of the founding of,,t,Korgan=•
A full attendance• of members
'Is requested ::and as ' well," each,
member 'is :requested to bring •an
item of ` clothing '. for. the "Aid` to
•Britain drive, •
• .
The . Lucktigw High School
Corps of, the Royal' 'Canadian.
Army Cadets, will parade for in-
spection at'the local school next
Monday- afternoon, May.12th, at
two, o'clock. •
This date which is.considerably
earlier than was ,previously an
pounced, has. been arranged' by
sthe`e ``scrips`"- a tui `
h p. q g 'offic'er,lVlajoiw'
John Young of London.
The .public is cordially invited.
'to attend this inspection, at which
the High School Band -will take
A meeting:: was °slated' for ;last
night, to complete plans: for Lick-
rtow • and 'Community's' partici .a-
tion in. the British' Food Relief
dam_ai. _ . e,
pa gn. being sponsored •by, the
Ontario Government,
•I'n .Many centres`:. the ' carn'paigi
is ' now underway;',and is. being,
In an, unfortunate accident in
the_Lbasernent:., :of ._ibis :- home;
Hamilton . on Wednesday;, April
. .
30th, ',Pelford (Ferri)'' Aitchison,
. was fatally 'w' unded, in the, ' ac-
. cdental discharge of a� rifle •he
,,g r ,
was cleaning.
Telford;- was the 'son of• Mrs:
George' T. Aitchison and the late
Mr. ' °Aitchison, :former • Lucknow'. •
,residents. ' He :was widely known
as a salesman . in Southern 'On-
tario. For 'thirteen years he had
resided at Ottawa' and had: been.
in Hamilton... since last December
:as a representative of the 'Hama
blip -Metcalfe Candy. Co, of Kit
chener'. • . •
The. tragic accident, occurredyir .
the basement 'of: his home, while
he was • making. ready a hunting
kit re• take to his summer cottage:
Doctors and investigating de,
'tectives found cleaning cloths,•'o l
,and a ra rod �, on-the--basement----
n t ev•: ase
h ent-x�.,
. m
b m
'table:...where 'he• had:apparently'
been . clean'in'g the rifle...
•.A member of Westdale United"
Church, he was prominent also in:
'Masonic circles, holding '.member-
:hap -riY_ , Marton ,.. tige' of Perfee
tion. and Hantilto> Chapter: of the,
Rose Croix:
Surviving • . are: his: Wife, + • two.
daughters„ Heather 'and. Ruth, at
home; his ' mother, '.Mrs. George
T. Aitchison,' Torionto;: one .sister+,
:.M''s J.::G; Michie (Freda); Tor
•The funeral service -.mass. eld
at' toe•"•Blackford and Wray "funs
eral chapel -in Hamilton ori Friday '
greeted with : a. hearty' response •-
as it most' .certainly. will be • here
'The list of contributions'has been
broadened to include clothing,
'food and cash donations:•Poo'd`
_d nations willuneeds-..-be-confined
n:being to packaged :and canned articles'
a em wo an er
w can s i -
ecu h ed .with r
ea ''
innera rriember 'the..:graduating. .class. PP
xth the.:presentation of .
P pnine' pups .. securit fro' lain:.
made by Mrd W. B. Anderson'. . .: � '.
(A despatch : '
Y•• .. m age::
p ' frorti Goderich' on Clothin includes _•most' •ever
i n
serviceable, n
was 'made'.b Dr.• Lucknow • Board'` of • Education e z or used:
;ny: a - e a-Reevec%ex-t'i�tacT n
as follows.' -i._• - at " its . ' a mein `�._on'. Tuesday.:... a lt-aa
ntermedrate . certif- y e t ge
C$25 .for the old .wolf and $5„
icates.:(completing ,Grade; X) night..received..the. resignation of
for 'each of •,the pups.).. _
Jean` Treleaven; Bernice: •.Shad- "Miss Helen Orr, teacher .in Room
Herby, who is a' son • of 'Mr. and:
dick,. Jean' Taylor, -Eunice, :Reed I of the,Publ,ic'School for., the oast ' • ,:
Mf G D'' f Asih,fild.,
The presentation of certificates Prunary Teacher Res g s every.:
V. JohnstonJo nt
Tuesday stated that the County thing
oud=1 t tki _tat
nounced that aseparate 'organiza-
tionwill not be set up' , in' Kinloss
and calls . ;en: residents of . that
Township, to•'work in• conjunction
with- the Lucknow ' , 'Committee
when final plans `of •' this organ-
ization ` are announced.;,
Ard'onna: Johnston. • Bettye Mar- year. Mrs: George . rennin . o e. ,
exhibited the ' kil'l on :Monday of
shall, Wilfred: Black, Lawrence:
th ith :Week, to 'Clerk .C.E... McDon
Salkeld, William:: Johnston, . Cath=: -Posted To Centralia agh Of Ashfield.:, Herbywas : in -
a �?
eri'ne Gibson Cpl Sidney :Smith- thea -"i ' .
'•. ' P •stz•.ucteci: to make :his •little. gold
Secondary school: certificates week -ends' :with 'Zion ':friends. He• +r ' •
o mine : to.<the County�•Treasli ers
(completing Grade XII) -Yvonne:: has -been.. posted to '.• the R.C.A.F.:.office in Goderich arid' from :there.
McMillan, Mary Porteous, Mary station at'.Centralia',::•.havin re-
• g the brood' will be Toronto .;bound;•
Johnston, ' Catherine .`Mc •Fenn "•'
L.. an, maiu•ed •: in the:.service H. a has -for tt`e:'sayrso' on whether. or riot.
Mary McQuaig;• Gladys Campbell, been stationed .. at Arn rior since
p Herb
Patricia Miller,' Veronica M•ur-‘many... Sid:hat. bought a home., • at
% er4 Cris
pin '• (Dominion Proviricja : sc l
ars ' 7� 1( cho
hip), . 'Ivan •Lloyd • : Everett
�l collects the big
rMarionGraham,' Betty •Iamilton, returning last June • from.Ger- - Te County pays,$25a head
,bounty,'•and is reimbursed by•the
re • i on, near • . • • r.o,vince in • t 'e turn,- •o ' '.1.0 •a
will-' be joined. 'soon., by, his, wife head. The Township o
. •• f• Ashfield
and. • . two-year-old:` : son George` ;�a s art . additional wolf bount
:. Honor diplomas';completing
� P g
Grade XIII ,Mary Marshall, Wil-.
liam • Chin, Sam Chin, Graham
,:. g .-..o field .day. •winners=were
presented to senior boys and ir•s
by 'Mr ' T. W. X girls
Smith., and .Mrs:
Morgan •lien.derson.,. Champions-
and.runniers up respectivelywere:
Dorothy, Gibsonand: Eilee
n Pur -
•ves; ' Alex 'MacIrityre • and Jack
Stuart. Junior awards were made.
by Mr. Ernie -Crawford- and Mi'
(Continued: on page' 8).
•o •
R► �N F�.R
Work i
s underway ." this week
ofinstallin .. '
g a Hammond., electric
organ iii :the Lucknow Presbyter:
ian-0 Church, and.' which , will be
in readiness • for . use at the ant*
versary servi
ccs on Sunday.. '
Organ chimes' will later be in-`
stalled in; the church tower, when
, Guest speaker' at both services
n Sunday will be.. Rev. W. A.
•lIenderson of • Hillsdale,: son of
pMr. and. Mrs. J
W. Henderson of
Lucknow. Special ,music will be
rendered by the choir. . •on this
meliorable nccaSr'r it 'assisted by
Mrs. W. A: Henderson , and
Cameron 'Geddes. Mr.
C ddes, Mrs..' Hamilton
Palmerston will preside at the
Ralph• ,of. '$15.00, apiece, putting. a- .price
of $40; on:. the ,head of each wolf
view ` PontiacDelivered.
'bagged. ed' within that' Municipality.
Mr. Wellington 'Henderson has gg
Herby shot the f emate and then
dug , out the den.„ of pups which.
are. probably' a•.:month'- o•Id 'and
disposed; of . them one .by one; 'un-
til the entire litter of nine
before the :astonished lad. Herby
says the male rnernber of the.pack
is ..,still prowling around and he's
gunning -for and:',..
received. delivery -of :a new: Pont-
lac "last w.eek---through the local
dealer,' Chas,, E:;' Mason
TO RE O�TAI�t�i S.r
The matter: of', improved..• street
•lighting”- was further:'discussed--by_
the Village Council at: the May
meeting, and the decision arrived
at `to. contact", two electrical Com-
parties . for an en sneer's of
'' `ld achieve
that. ii !
a�s t
In • • thee. Town, Hall, Lucknow;
Frilay, May 16th, 9;. to 1.00. S.O.S..
auspices., Frankie; Bank's - band
Proceeds in part for'new Com-
munity Centre Admission. 75c:,'
BOX SOCIAL.:14 .DANCE In Whitechurch '. Community:
Memorial•' Hall, Friday, May 9th
at 9 p.m. to the music of Garnet
Farrier's ot;chestra; Admission 50c
Farrier's orchestra. Admission 50c.
hadies with xes free;
em ; a wo •
desired effect here.. •
The garbage collection system
isto be resumed this Week with
the North side . 'collection` on
Thursday and the south side on
Friday, The Board stipulated that
.garbage must be *rapped and tin
cans washed and kept in a sep-
container. The practise .of
emptying dishwater in the gar-
bage can must. be 'stopped; and
it was emphasized that garbage
does • not mean an ;accumulation
of old' • `stove . pipes, ° .refuse and
such like.
• Prepayment of taxes ' will be
reeeived from' May 15th to Aug-
ust • 15th, at 'the interest rate of
IA of one percent per month • ac-
cording to the new proviiza1
statute. 1
FLA. & , D. NCE '
The ntr Y this. season, and rehearsals will.
will, present, a, three -act' comedy,, commence,' shorn for
' "Cahn 'Yourself". in the Parish
commence y, what is
, Dungannon, Friday, . May. anticipated 1 ,,,be a ,very sue -
y, gntici °ted. will
9th at 8.30 D.S.T. Agricultural
cessful season,
ub bf Langside,
---Donations--to=-the Lucknow -and
Vicinityy Branch :• f::the. Red Cross' ••
now : stand at $1.404.44. •Thea Ob-
jective' was $1,800, and._ the com-j.
mittee has decided to 'keep',the .
books .open,' hopeful of r '
p p. eachi�rig .
the $1;5s:•gen--
eraliy' agreed will be',a .very 'cred-
itable showing for this Brandt: •
Three donations ;'n'ot � reviousl .
p. Y;.
acknowleded, are W. J. D i
g , Club
. ay son
5 00;'.' S.O.S.:: lu'._ . .0;
$ C b `10:00,. Albert
Taylor ' 3.00.
Sold' Kinloss Farm
Last '.fall • Mr,: D. A.. F,
sold his farmC
On :'
o oni 2);' Kinloss;
to: Carmen` 'Mc Q uilliri, who has
hadP , ossession =for. some : time.
Last ' Thursday''•Mr. 'MacDonald
hold .effects .in association-, With
a sale of cattle which , was held at
'Harold Stanley's farm across the.
road. M .s. MacDonald has. 'b'
a been,
�ealtl :
a,. for some. time,and
has beers at the house:of her dau-
ghter,' Mrs.• W. 'A. Porteous!
I1 S N FOR•'
An enthusiastic and well ,at4
tended, meeting' of .members and
officers of the .Lucknow :Pipe,
Band was:held °last week at the
home of : the retiring president,
,Neil 1V IacCallurri. Neil,'<who
for long " was a. playing member
of the ' band, :is noW invalided'' by
r'heumatism; but. still thrills to
the sound of the, pibroch and all
things 'pertaining to :,band activi-
ctivi-ties ' and..was delighted go have
this re -organization meeting `held
at his home,
The. election .of officers resulted
as follows: honorary presidents,
Neil ' 1VIaoCallum, Wm. Hornell;
president,' Frank MacKenzie; sec-
retary -treasurer, " A. E. McKim;
pipe major, Roy MacKenzie.
The band wil actively•function
ra .•
"ssoii • 40c A newcomer to the band this
Society auspices. Adm year; and who has the reputation
20c. Dance after, music byi of being • a verycleverPiper, _.. will
Brown's orchestra, lunch counter, g will
:.fdmission 40c, land,
be A',ev, 'W. S. Sather
&tight Henderson ..House
George . A,: Webb ;'of town .has
purchased the village :residence' of
the .late Mrs. Wesley Heliderson.
'George recently .bought` -the Mc-
Coy, house: on Station'Street%and '';:
is. taking a bit' of .kidding 'from.
in: ,in:, a rea
estate business. George ,Was.'toss-
ing. in a bid here and there at
Saturday's sale:, --ands 'the : EY/CT--
irsts"--thing he knew was,the ''owner of ''.
another house.
Buy :Village; Home .
a 1V1r Alf Ritchie has purchased
from.Herb•Graharn the:,house for
by merl3' o
ccu led
Mr. D,
Kenzie on 'Outram Street
A. ; sejries of. real, ,estate
invoI in .
v g several Ashfield ,Town-
ship, farms, • has recently been.
completed.• •
Reeve Cecil :Johnston has -sem,
the'.; two ,..56 -dere jal•l farms •
'Alex Hat kett and Sons, and has
bought . the ,100 -acre :farm from
his brother ' Eimer, ' which lies
across the road from Cecil's home
farina .°Elmer, in turn, has' bought :.'
a ,2220 -acre' dairy farm near ' At
Wood and will obtain possession
in a couple 'of weeks: •
Milton Kilpatrick- has sold his
farm to liowar Blake. s .
d lake. , onoff• '
Mr. • and Mrs. Ernest . Blake. •
Mr. and Mrs. E.• C.• Wilkins and
,famil'y moved recently to the •
Ashfi�ld. Township farm of W. J,• •
Lane,! which they bought last fall. •
For the past five years. the WCI,.
king family. tenanted Robert Mir;
nib's fent) on Con. 4,' Ashfield, . .