HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-01, Page 3• THURSDAY,• MAY is t, 1947 • : • .; .THF LIJGrf�l�(,?�l1` SENTINEL, . LT7CKNOW„ ONTARIfJ .. -.3 Local_ an QUANTITY OF New Nylon ose_at re:ducedprices---$1.75 for 31.49; $1.50 for $:1.29. The Market r v Store. Kathryn Agnew • of London spent .the. Week -end with her Par- ents., Mr, and Mrs, A. ,C. Agneiv. M. W. E. Henderson who • has been confined to; 'his_ home for 'several weeks";from .a -heart dition is, able to be out again, • Mrs. •Janes ..Snowdon of.rEast._ Wawanosh. returned hoine Satur.. day after spending' a week with her sister; Mrs; Wellington Nixon. J • and �Mr: TxQn of Lucknow Had a note"aast week from .Will Lees ,who, was, Detroit bound, again, after ' Spending the .winter at Tampa; Florida, as is Ips` cus;` enteral Mrs. Louisa Naylor has return- ed to hers borne here after .spend- ing' the winter 'at London ' with :Mr. and Mrs. Harvey . Naylor. Remember 'the' Sentinel;..news deadline. is Tuesday'at six. o'clock. We welcorne your items for this column , or any , other ..contrib tions, to The Sentinel; but ,let us, have thein as, early. •as. possib `, please,. Alan McKim; 'and Gerald Cell- bert,: -second-.year enginee ing slu dents• at the Ajax. Division of Tor- onto ,Univ'ersiti, oronto;University, are holidaying at their homes here. Alan, ; who is taking a civil engineer's course, has; to resuMe`his studies .for .Ale- greater le'- greater'part of May,'BillTrelea- ven of 'oronto, .and,; forane'rly :of Lucknow, is Completing his first 5kear ,at Ajax:, S'°HFJ'E'LD` Avery severe electrical.storm passed over our community Wed- nesday . night of •:last` week. A chimney .o. n . Mr. David . :McMur chies'-house-Was- struek—breaking several bricks, a straw.. stack in his field • was struck ;burned, TWO: hydro poles rear. Mr. .Eldon :Bradley's farm were struck. ;Hy- dro subscriber along. this line were Without power •'and linemen were sy for a day or two get- ting. thirigwor-king---order q LTUR MRS. MILTON HARKER • The death occurred in Toronto'' on -Tuesday-'morning, April 15th, of . Mrs, Milton .Harker, a sister of. Mrs, •J.; C. Campbell of Luck- now. She was :47 year of age �Yand ° had been ill for six months. ' Mrs. Harker spent three weeks here- last' •s n1mer ;and was• well .known to' a number in this corn- munity. • A .ter of Mrs. Albert Tres• main, G 'd the late Mr. Tremain $11-e-7- was. • born Tri—Arthur •Town= ship where. she received her pri %Mary ` education: 'She attended ., Arthur . High School and TorontoCREWE .g 1 "CREW E . °� ;.; ,,Mr. Lorne e Hosty . was. a . dele- .. Normal. She • taught . in' .Carman • . � ate' to -the iMiister"%aI 'and, Winnipeg' at I�um}�erc'rest, Mr; ::and Mrs.. S J ;K'ilpatrick tenial at. • e, ter Thursday .; PAGE. THREE Toronto• and at S. S, .'1Vo.111,' "visited friends 'at• Zion :on . tzes • Arthur, and. was much beloved by 'day r,,. • • .her pupils. • , In '1934 she. • married 'Milton Harker in Montreal. She was ,a kind .mother, :and during her long illness :bore • her suffering . pat- iently and bravely. ••Her .'loving andde o.ted. farnilykept her room fragrant avithflower nti dti-all5- - - - and-ehl'drerc"of' Zurich visited on ..,Mr.: and: Mrs. Allan Cor ett: spent last week -end with' friends' at Grand Valley.l Mrs. Crozier, Colin and Lorena of London spent a. week -end re- cently with "1VIr.` and Mrs. Clifford Crozier: • • ' • Mr. ; and Mrs. Lloyd Finnigan a� aih 'n their power to cheer and .conn- Sunday with their aunt & ncle ., • • Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Fin ig'an. v JIigbSchOILcoflcer:t•�� and ' arentAilou i<n the.. CARNEGIE :: '•I- ALL • LUCKNOW at -11.00 o'clock IJEST SPEAKER, MR..: H. R. BEATTIE Vocational Guidance Director, Dept.- of Education. s I PSE S ENTATI�h OF ASV. ARDS Music, By High .School Students ; mission 25c �f yo> ► have ever :faced ': an emergency.,: you .'. know how, important it.is. , to' get w'aright-of y. ;for' urgent .calls.' Remember the •miaster' . rule `Do as Cott would like' thein' to :do for, you ... and do t< first.''' • .. The $3,500,000 herin : slm:n t this' . alone .will' provide more rural: lines and .i nean fewer,parties each , line FOR IEST"i RESULTS FROM YiOUR tELEPNONE. Keep calls brief..., ,Space your calls.. Avoid, "listening -in:" Give .righf=of'way7to urgent calls. 'SNE. BELL TELEPHONE. COMPANY OF CANADA x; . She ,leaves : to. mourn: her loss bier husband; Milton,: and, four children, Mai ilyn, Ken, •`Muriel t and `Mary; .. ii'er aged, M-Offi i "Mri: Albert Tremain; two brothers, Will, and: Oliver of`,.Arthur arid two 3 sisters, Mrs. J,' C,. Campbell (l,illiral of G?,v ,aidMrs.- Will Aiton.. (Jean)• 'ef .Owen. Sound..' • - • MRS `•EDWARD.= HARRISON :The death of: A•lbez'ta Jenpings,,. widow of EdwardI3arriso.n.. oc- curi-ed . ,at, her home. 'in Saltfor.1d on?. Tuesday. 'afternoon'.: 'of. last week •after 4 long .:ill ess;.S'he-was '- in her: gdth, year, A daughter of the' late Richard and''• Mary.Prouse .Jitnnings,, she' was .'born 'at Bow- xnanville,; but.had resided in Salt - ford. •fore, the . last 45 ' years lei' ,. husband ' passed away 15 , years a,go: She, was ,a •inember, of''Vic-. Ituri'a St. United church, Goder 7i-eh:,SurviVing are ;arson, Law- rence .of: Saltford; tvo• daughters, Mr s. George .Jardine of •Luc now and•:•Miss Lillian of Saltford;'and two •sisters,' Mrs JohnSteep of Colborne:: .township and• , Mrs, Packwood of- =:Washington, ..DX-., The 'funeral .service; was :held on Th.ui s.da,y. afternoon 'at ':the 'resi dence ,in Sanford' and -was •.on dusted••. by.. ,Rev, - Lawrence ,`., H • Turner, of Victoria St, :United' a- church, 'assisted -'by -Rev:' "W. J:t a Maines.`o-f' Glencoe.; The pallbearr ers .were Gordon and Peter: Bis sett, R. ,J, P.•'Walter, P...J:.Mac- Ewan, H.' McCreath and Will Mc- Lean. In:ternient was in 'the Cliri= ton cemet?ery.: , MRS: ,STEPHEN . BURTON Following, a . lengthy .illness 14.3-s re,,0146•Tq- ,• ; '';'ear Wednesday morning at her resi-. • dence;,• .60``Wellington St:, Strat ford., A.:daughter of the late Tbos. H'odgins and Mary A. Ardill Hod= •gins, she was, born in Kincardine: township: ' and, was in cher 84th year. She was .twice- married:. Af ter. her fii st marriage, to :George Lougheed: she' resided in Ivy, Ont. I My:. Loughecd' died many , years' ago.... ,Mr; : .Bur ton . died • ;in 1920:, While in ,Ivy, Mrs. Bur'ton'was 'an ' active- member. of,Christ `church After Coining to 'Stratford and bivford an accident:. in' 1939 in Which. she .f.>• Zc•tured,; a ,hip, she had attended. 5. ;James' .Church. Sinee .1989 she had not.'•enjoyed good. health, arid had , been seri- ously' ill since suffering a .stroke early this month. Surviving are oneson, M.iltoi C, Lough�eed,, Tor Onto.,' one daughter, Mabel C. Lorgheed;. .60 .Wellington' St.; a ' =step -son, 'Webster :.,Burton, Cal- , gary, Alta.; two' brother's,. George_ Hodgins," Barnwell,' ,Alta.; James Hodgins, 138. King St., Stratford; two : sisters,' Mr's, Susan Hodgiiis, ` 138 King St.,. Stratford, formerly,* ' of Kinlough .and Mrs •Eaizabeth . Licktan, .242 Huron St.,,.. Strati fnrd and now a . patient in the' Stratford. Hospital with • a Tract-' fired 'hip. The body. •rested at the Heinbuck Funeral Home' and on • iFriday morning itwas take,n.. to Me ,7o�hhe.t Funeral Horne; for .interment, in. Barrie Union': "Ceineteryl. .. Miss Ruby Sherwood is .spend ing ' a few ' days 'with;. her cousin, Mrs. Clifford Crozier '""Nlrs,`ayin'orici'`�'Fringari"was a delegate to the' W.M;S. Presby - tenial at:James "St Church ' -at . Exeter.on' Thursday Mr and ;Mrs. Jim Hesson ''of Stratford called on' Mr. .' and Mrs. S. J ,Kilpatrick on .Sunday..., lu[r. • andM .: rs.1 Tom. Anderson spent an. evening ;with, Mr. `,and Mrs ;Jack'.,Curran and. family,.:.'. Bi frr/Cast Again ` Lyons returned homey from London, the ' first of the week.. after 'spending twelve ,days gat. Victoria' Hospital. receiving;' treat' anent on. his fractured arras, which.. -. was. badly; shattered many weeks. ago.. when , kicked:' by a horse, .For • a month Bill • *ras' :free' of a oast•.,' but.on : his return to the hospital as plate in the ` forearm near. the elbow was removed, and the; arm , is.again In a cast, which,he wig' carry around till the • end' of Ilia at least, Moved Tab Southampton Mr.. and' Mrs:. Walter • Anger and children movecrAo 'Southampton.. last Week. Walter_ had, been .em-, ployed at LucknoW" Industries•. They resided in•the Horace Aitch- ison :.residence,' which we. under- , .. stand is to .,• be occupied ,by arid .Mrs..Donalst Maclntyr°e. • When YQu Need _ Aids To Baby's Comfort And Health call Qn Your I.D.A. ';Drug Store For Top' Quality At Money . Saving ., Prices: Heinz Baby: Foods �` I' -- -- .'3 '.. or 23c Lactogen, '-1 and 2% ib. 79c; :. $1.79. stent Bailey, Barley,' Robinson's ..1.- 34c Baby::Cough. Syrup, . ;I:D.A:' , ''. 25c Sinna :Leaves, �'-D.A.,.1 and 4 oz.. _ 9c, 1'8c Baby's `Own :Tablets °°:, 23c Pyrex 'Nursers • • • 41, 4. ,Phillipa agnesia139c & 69c •. Scdtt's Emulsidi .W59'e, 98c".�' Neocheniical Fooi1 •95, 2.45; , 4.45 8..OZ , 25c; . "6 for 1.45 rzers 22c, 2. for. 43c Ayerst Cod Liver .Oil 55c;'''' 1..29 . D.A. Baby Cream, reg.5O ar ° 39c Nipples, Rigo, Davol, etc.` Boraeic Acid, I.D.A., 8 oz. reg. 15c < --` - .11 c'' Vaseli e, white, : jars . c, 2.5c'.: Milk of Magnesia, .1.D.A., 1.6 ozs. 33c c, 3 for. 25c ' Meads :Products for - Baby' Pallium r: =a..f. 45e Cod Liver 'Oil' .. 50c; 1.00 10-D' Cod Liver Oil 55c, ..1.70 Oleum'• Percotnor plum 75c, 3:00 ' Children's Own Tablets Cutictira baby 0,11 Squibb 1O -D Cod .Liver 67c, 1,69 VITARAY '& • 25c 60c Oil Mennen, Antiseptic.. • Oil 'Three, sizes• 59c,. 1"..19, 2,39'' ohnstori's • Baby Products Powder 28e; Cream 55c. Oil 60c,' 1:10-4 Baby's •Own Bath .:Sets . 6Oc & up Fuller's Earth, 4 oz... reg.."15c ..,,, lie Mulveney's 1'Mother's , Friend .... ..... 50c, 1.00. DITSARRY• COSMETICS over 's Drug ,Store "ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET" ,Larry Downs, Phm.B". 'Phone 13,_•Lucknow • M, 4''