The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-16, Page 7rEDNEsairAliam ,lsth, 1947' , shield •Presbyferian• W.11M: 'S. The April meeting of the Ash 'reld W. lg.- S.. was held at the aorrie of'Mrs. Rueben Wilson. Miss.. Sadie Johnston was in charge of he program. The .scripture . read- ng 1st Cor: ' 1-10 wasread by. ylss. -Neil G, MacKenzie., . It dealt- wit'ff, Christ's crucifixion and as, tension 'Mrs. Earl : Howes offered irayer, ' Mrs., Rev. Rhoadgave a 'eading on .a short history of the 3ible, Mrs. Dan McDonald of `erect prayer. Mrs. Donald R. Mc- ' enzie read • the. topic ''from the ;iudy book which dealt' with the rfe and 'work of Mary Slessor• and glary Murray in Africa; Mrs. H,. McLean read a paper on', Easter Ind' its ,significance to. all believ all wasns �rs.. The• roll c .a W ^.ered with;:an appropriate •Easter'verse Vlrs.' Elisabeth Rose read the ded- catory prayer. '• Mrs:•, MacKenzie, preaident,•took charge .for the 3usiness.• There were, discussions in the bale, quilts,. Christmas: for ; Formosa new 6study .aids ,. . 300k, ,'means of raising funds to, furnish the:kitchen in. •:the. ch tirch 3asement, . financing the upkeep fa hos i �bed for Mrs: .uinn India. The •meeting closed with ,he atrnnal antheni._A dainty lunch Was, served* die ;hostess .4 • •Fez ' iW'O. .. ;• Jp Patch>l ,erian. Wqr Mfrs. " Guthrie Reid of Tees-= water, Presbyterial president, was; guest speaker for 'the— ` Easter Thankoffering held in. the church on April 2nd with 38 ladies pres- ent, Mrs, Will Douglas was in the' chair and the' secretary,. Mrs. Will, Porteous, read the •°minutes. and' correspondence, -Mrs, C. H., MacDonald led • in the openin prayer. and 'Mrs. Alf Sherwood• read the scripture lesson. The theme fir. the clay "l eaurrection'' Was 'explained by Miss' Pearl Hen- derson and she led in• •the sing song. f ollowing... Mrs; Guthrie Reid chose ant;her .;theme "The .E'aster Message" and touched' ;on • sone phases; of missionary work in Fr- moa,es ee1Ty among the bead.? "hunter 'tribe Mrs, Cameron Mac - "Donald gayer. a Verypleasings. solo sfohpwe'd . by a reading.: by Mrs. Wxn'. 1 Reid. 1Vtri: :Douglas. and Miss Helen Orr -favored with a• duet 'after which Mrs. G, Reid closed with prayer; Lunch Was served lby the ladies in 'charge. The May meeting will _ be in, charge ,.of •: Mrs. Wrn. MacKenzie and Mrs., Chas. Steward at which the .Ashfield 'a �'d Durgannoo "soc- t . ie ti swillb� e e e�tert• i r THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L1fi9KNOW., ONTARIO South • Kinloss W M. g. The . • April meeting of South. Kinloss WM:S•• wa e - 4n the_ .`. wiisei r v 'ti u 'ch on "Tues-': day, April.8th: There. were nine, -present. ' Mrs .p. L '.'McKinnon' •presi'dent occupied.. the .chair . It was'moved•and seconded that the Society• hold their, Easter' 'Thank - offering offet the ' . g a Suxrday-rnorning.: service April .20th with .Rev: J. A.. Stn - ith the sp p : ..:eaker. -T'he .'Bible study "Judas" : w" s; taken xby Mrs.; W..''F. MacDonald The topic from Il 00I. FARMS MIUING .•WOOD,, ON)"• Take no chancgs-have'. a.hag :.of • ii on hand for each ' 300: Chicks ;you brood It contains all the •vital; growth :and. 'health -fac- tors so. • vitally , 'needed' - by growing chicks "Vnalood 'wtil never` let you 'di' your 'chicks do w,0 • °. d p that chicks upto lit,weeks require halt a''square,' loot' brooder epace; . each' and, ill con ftned.,.to tune weeks, they ;will require one; square tbot per bird. ATWOOD. • ONTARIO AMVIE' ASHFIELD ASSESSOR,T �" IS 'TO COLLECT DOG • TAX Ashfield Township: Council has j,: .appointed Wm. Heim of Zion to. the position,of township assessor. "Bill," succeeds .Win. Tigert whb resigned the job after orb ear's 'service. There were two' appli- cations: for°the position.:.' ,One, of .the duties of the new a sensor. will •be the ,collection of the current -year's dog. tax, While making his assessment •calls der the new• asse,&sment act, the 1948 assessment must be cornplet-' ed ' by 'the end •of September_of thit year.p • Mr. John' Macrae returned. to' his home' after spending the ter with. members' of his family at. Collingwood and Toronto. Mrs,. Neil . J; • MacKenzie: ' .is , in' Stratford .this. week :attending a meeting of the'Missionary Society of the. Presbyterian. •Church_._of•, Canada. Ashfield lost a well known and highly` respected reside t in the d. hath of Mr.- K .._D=.; MacLennanw and to the `relatives we- offer .our, sympathy. Quite a . number.. from 'hereat-. tended the, funeral of Mr. J. Mac-. -Adams ext ' ,oderich':oii Mond'a-yr the study book `Cross over 'Africa?`. was taken . by. Mrs •H.:Lavis /The ral'1 call 'w:as answered by 'A Wo-' rnaniof'.the Bible'.' Mrs: Wm: Mc-' Donald Mrs:, Fraser McKinnon,, Mrs': J` 'Carter took past `in, the. 'rayei circle:‘ The •mee inn gcl5sed with prayer. by Mrs:: Douglas Gr --a- ham• . PAGE 'SEVEN' t Agnews' INSU DANCE Agen LucknoW., Ontario... , Fire, Casualty, tong bil ;. • .. O,BITUA•R,Y* DR: WM., r: ST.EVgNSON, 'Dr. William J. Stevenson, an internationally known' :surgeon until his retirement soine years ago, died ,at his 'home .in ' London, early Friday at the -age of 74, He; was a son of Hugh Stevenson :II, a prominent London :financier. Dr. Stevenson, one•;of the most distinguished ' graduates of °the.. University • of Western' Ontario, had. been : honored • by several in .academies in Canada and the United States: I 1946 here ceived an honorary LL:D:''degree from fibs alma mater•. Also in .1946 D>i:Stevenson 'do - noted $75,000:to the -university for a library to be known- as the "H A. and W J..Stevenson ,Memorial' Medical Library" • He was .a member of •the;West ern "U" .Senate at,: the time, of his death, and ` had ' been• , active in municipal affairs spending eleven Years'..... in various municipal of fi`ces His last office 'was that of_ a public • .,.,commissioner he relinquished- two ,years • whic ALTHOUGH'' a number of . cipal'.councils are 'adoptrng'rday',• :`light~ saving, time,, the „Clinton;, Board: iplit 4-4 ' on the issue:• :$25,000 BARLEY CONTEST .The $25,000 'National : Barley.• Contest inau uratedin 19- inaugurated' 46 .:wih : • be repeated again' this year, Pur- pose 9t, the; contest is:to improve the ' qu lity and encourage the in- creased acreage of malting bar - ler.' The ar-ley:.'The 'contest is •open. to. all farmers interested mn the •produc7: "tion • of ute� gain g t. .The•' Natibnal Barley -Contest is sponsored ,across Canada br . the brewing ; and ' malting. industries•:. and conducted by''provinciai•' departments• • of . agriculture and 'Canadian • gricultural colleges. Barley to beeentered m the contest will be limited;to Montcalm,`OAc 21, ' Mensury and ' 011i varieties Field'.judgirxg will be conducted. during the•.sumrner complete.. -details about the con test and oficial entry forms,are: available. troth district. agricultur • ''i:' ',��..\'•:\.\\:`:.�pp�•.<•: •::il+:r•::•: • • t well anti 'be . �yeN 'will• cal �. �„alfa” • served e ` rTational 'diners 4 ' ',teal vs.. Yon will be well •looked • after by .Canadian Nationahr ' •.let us help p/an your NO Drop irt, at any Canadian National ticket Office and talkil over. We will be pleased to herp.yon. .4 • nice to trave nadian National .Railways Rail travel is .comfortable. Air-conditioned equipment 4.restful x�e dining seats to which to*feslax and ,watch. Your 'Canada 'speed ' by smple. ropm to stretch your legs j'. all these, snake your tip a pleasure:.''' ..Whethiir you•.go by coach or chair :car,'sleep in berth or enclosed space, you receive. Canadian: National `courtesy and service: 'On you next tip,Whether Jong or short o' CanadianaNational •and: enjoy -the advantages of: train* travel. , A11TADIAli THE 7(AILWAYt TO EVERYV'HER,E IYv CANApA