HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-16, Page 4• qit ►" LUCXN'OW SNTIN'E : ;L JCNNQ ,, ONTARIO • 0 WANT AD" _"RTES: i st Trine `tion r 2 cents a word, subsequent Re l insertions; 1 cent a word, Minimum charge 25 cents. Repl The Sentinel 10 cents •extra. s Legal linesinsubsequent1ins count line first insertion, 5 _n P ce ies care nts 'per ertions . �. hundred less.. FARM FOR SALE --Lot 1, Con. breeds 50c. upl r add red. Spec:. 4, Kinloss'; 10g acres, 70 acres ne Large Egg Q y seeding 15 acres wheat; also fie Tally Selected.; add 00 per ,hun-' ° t freshened for; sale ,or dyed, to above prices, Also day'. old cows dust f reshe .. ullet bar • dins,. will•exchange'. for .young, cattle •non sexed. and pullet res Joh') stop` IcLeod, R. a IdolyyroOd. Barred `Rocks,' New Ham •• rep, New .Hampshire x .Barrie sok,. Ligh :Sussex x Barred Rocks,. ew . ampshiie ,x Light Sussex., no-sexed'".1295; • pullets 21,95. Started pullet bargains four.. week `old New;, Hampshire x •Barred Rock, .New Hampshire. x Light' Sussex,: White Rocks, Rhode `"Is land ' Redsa ..6 Black• Australorps :Barr.ed, .Rocks, Light, Sussex x Barred --Rocks, : Light ' Sussex—x New • Hampshires '26:45; ,' Assorted breeds 25.45: Five • to 6 :week old 27195, assorted 'breeds .26.95.. This adver.'tisement. plus 10 percent ;de- .pgsit µmust accompany your order.` ,TOP NOTCH CHICKERIE' ; . Guelph; Ontario • FOR: SALE, -man's bicycle.. in 41 :shapq. • Apply' to Chester Finni „gan; Phone 78-5 Dungannon, ,,FOR SALE couch with ,drop back, •good condition.. 'Phone,:84, • or apply at SentinersO•ffice. .. WANTED—hemlock logs or trees, • Apply to' • 1VIcMillan Brothers; q• Lucknow.• COLLIE ;PUPS FOR 'SALE—Cat- tle dogs. Bert Alton, Phone 67.9,. Dungannon. FOR SALE -Red Clover,' double "- cleaned:- James j3eaton; R� 6.Ltick= now; Ripley 0-14. • 1 • FO SLE—Seed • oats, govern Lloyd McDougall, R 6 Lucknow, shed and henhouse, tw • BARGAINS - ' For Week and Next Cockerels. Barred Rocks, New• Hampshires, New Hampshire. x Barred. Rocks, . . Light ,+Sussex k. Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hampshires, Barred Rock x New Harnpshires,., :New Hamp- shire x Light . Sussex, ,4.95; two. week old 1 :., ; three•;:we,ek- old 12.95, *four ;week old 14,95. Five to six we k old • 17.95. Assorted ^. WEDNES.PAY, API4.16th, 1947 'Phone 71,, Lucknow TIRES - --� CI;,IAtuNgAUCTION SALE ° Of' farm ° stgck and., implements 'at E.H. of WH.. o -Lot 11, Con; 10, 1mile west of Belfast •on. Thurs-. day, April 17th.' For information see bills. • George Henry, . Prop.; Well. 'Henderson, .Auc. • 00 acres, Tw 21/4 Ri 1 all use ;and od drive- n 'spring phone `26=3n Ripley:" wells ,Aply ..Dan . J - Finlayson, FARM FOR SALE --. Lot 9, Cion; 5, Huron, . p miles southeast of level land, rich clay seeded down; 'brick , ho ment .grade NO. 1, Ajax, $1.00 bus., 'bank 36x5& ft., go SALE.--Sevenroom Lucknow, for further Particulars. HOUSE FOR frame hottse_in_Lucknq_vi wit.,., all BIG -4 CHICKS, 'pullets..cockerels modern: c mten,tences, ' ; acre of some started, immediate. ship - land App. -1y �—f,co_.-�' .t�. $ecial,Aprrg.•prices.. Get a quick turnover • with, cockerels Get: fate summer, early fail, eggs 'RRIVATE SALE --Bridge & table rJarrips, lawn•',]nower' and_-sew.ing machine. 'Apply at . residence ;: of Clair .Agnew~ . • .PRIVATE SALE' of' living room;' • suite. and table; iron bed and ..buf ' fet.; Call at Miss` a. Dug .s, FOR SALE' -- niimber ;cora of cedar, $3.25 cord; also soine eedar "lence posts. Charles 'Robinson Thema, 30', LuaknoW. .:ually. fitted. The only oven wire frotn April. pullets: Canada 'ap •'roved breeders pullorum• tested. Lose no.time o - er n '•CARD 'OF THANKS' .7Mi, f ft• McNab. end- f� nj .e: deeply grateful ' to the • Many ;friend's and neighbors• :who were P so'..kind and sympathetic during, rd' i g for im their 'recent bereavement and "mediate or '.later .delivery. Re- wish to especially thank all' those: merriber-y•ou can ,hardly do°bet (°who; ,ere so good to Mrs. •Nlc leb Re - ter -anywhere' than Big4Chicks During her lengthy illness "Sive' tlme ;contact local agent .• EDWARD V. . BAKER, Lucknow' Y', , We. wish to' sincerely' thank our FLEECE LINE YOUR ;HOME ' neighbors . and ,friends for • the Blown RockwoOl Insulation i'p many; acts of kindness ; shown to plied.. to walls and ;ceilings'of' your alis in our recent, bereavement and home • will:. save : fuel : with • more. ; .also • to those who have • been so comfort and, fire•. protection.' Work ':very kind toi our mother, done any' trhere. 'Equiprrent'n . the ° Edna,: and 'lViay :Boyle. • and terms.'Phone 35, Lucknow or. RoWant,:l C. Day, .Thern- ,CLEARING.' AUCTION SALE -Of 2, Kiiildss. GoOd- 'fences,. grass, —Agusta and Roseleaf *.lyweds, spent -Easter with the 'Cow; yeats, :bull, calf at foot; tforiS and. wish. the*: MitCh,. hap:- FOR LONG MILEAGE. , ••. p �' 600 x 16 4 and 6 l . 4."15 5.00 x 19,,.:_ 4 and 6 pIY., • .. ' ' :.. 5.25 - 5.50 x, i7_ 4 'ply ' . 4.50 - 4:75,- 5.00 x 20 4 ply . . 5.25 -5.50 x 18 4 4,40 - 4.50 x 21 • 4 ply. FOUR ALL - SIZES• :. W,2 & 6:VOLT: STORAGE`:BAT'1'ERIES ELL' ELECTRIC IAMME ' MILLS CO-OP, ELECTRIC .. FENCERS CEMENT 541X.E.Rs JOHN JAMIESON, Manager. • itstoul. and, tiler Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estiniates Telephone 251, 210 --,..'vkaNwirAtvi, ONT: •rence. and ‘John of Goderich, spent • • Pr AUCTION • SALE 'of. farna, farm at LOt 8; Con. 12;:.Ashfielcl, See bills for -list and-termi.- Ritehie;. Prop.; Well. Henderson, ....One of the large.st..and.best barns js .4rooth .house well ibuilt needs. de-. settled' in 1855. .ApplY Alex, AtitPl cow years heifer' calf at •fciot, ,.1\ar...an Mrs. Lorne Durnin and 3 Yeafs, bull Calf at fdot; Sons viSited 'at George. Kennedy's Mr': and Mrs. George Fiiher• and.' famitY..SPerit Sunday with ..Mrs. • Mr. Lavergne and MisSNvonne l',&isited at, their, home age cow up un , larn-speii rising 2 ' years, bred;,.73 heifers, with Patsy .:Mclgillan during the holiday with 'Mrs. Hudson & and Mrs..,James Forster: ; Mrs.', Ronald FOrater, Nancy and Ross spent Stinday .spent the week -end •:With her Jarnes,,,Melllwraith,•• '• 'Eileen' has sdocessfulry..pasSed - her e business college and S: noir .erriPloYed in the o ice Of tan.-..hiSfirance company in Tor' - 10 Months; bull, 3 Years Old—all: oow;':3 years, freshened 3 Months.; - Mrs. Alex Inglis. of 'Toronto vis - ' forget, the: euchre arid' Memorial Hall this, Thuriclay',ev'. school it No 9 Oil: 'Monday. ,A DONATI,ON of $5,000 will be tural Society to , their arena. fUnd,, TROUBLE. has been experienced at . Tara. in obtaining an, adequate ,have been going On since last fall and noW at ::a depth Of it is believ.ed an ample fldw has been! obtaine&. twit MacKenzie heifers , rising 1, year; 4 calves '3 • mOnths -old•-:-all Well bred ,ria ifi . good 'flesh;,•15 pigs 'Weaned three , weeks; 1 O&M roller,' nearly pew; abiolutely" no reserve. Terms 6 ishing bank approved joint nOtes bearing intere'St ,at,.5 percent per annum.. EARL DURNIN, Prop.; Matt. Gaynor; Ati.c. ,FORD S or STORE COAL; OIL and ELECTRIC BROODERS BABY CHICKS Feed them OAC Formula kLifeter4 Starter' and Growing Maih. Try' Our Laying Mash, Dairy Ration, Steer Fittener, Etc. Phone ,77-w for 'Prompt Service Free 'Delivery. Half Top and TOn 'Lots -0041..• Biay Chicks, have done 'well for oihers—why not- for you? 100% - live delivery 5uaraideedl Just:let FINLAYSON 'BROS. INSURANCE • FIRE, ..eAsuALTy AVTOMOBILE Insure With. Jack Today A. McbtiNAGH Phone 61-5' Dungannon Each ,WednesdaY .OFFICE IN BENDERSON BLOCK laUcKNoNV FIRST -FRIDAY; ifrom SCIIMID'S' STORE, on,.federitilo'n—L,11 ..FIRE:-.Treterced Rates for. Service. for the,: ' Met - 'chant; Professional 'Mau and 'In Lucknow Tues., Tkirs, and 'Phone 23 NDREW Barrister and Solicitot office in the ioynt Block, Telephone . Office 05' Re:siderice 3..1;4 Hitheiingion, • Barrister, Etc. IN .LUC,KNOW , Monday 'it Wednesday Are the front of , ;On Klipatrick'S Building. 'Phone: Wingbam Office 48 . • Residence 97