HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-09, Page 5VEDNESDA.X, APRIL. 9th, 1947' •
ce_ eat
• `Commencing April 14th
Two Shows' Each Night at
° • 7.30 and 9.30
Thursda 'Friday, Saturday
'0 1,1.2.
s• y
Matinee, aturday at 2 p.m..,
Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday
APRIL '14,1.15, 1'b
•• ALEXANDER •)[rf 11TOX.
`Nurse i Sister Kenney
1 .
AGENT . of
silty deeps
For details and
demat nstratioii see
'Phone : 3 Lucknow
.Phone:: 76.3: ,Dungannon.
Holiday ii aitors •At ° their:
rri s
e r.
h M
o • Kettta. :Hackett.
Montan Miss Ellen.. . ;Andrew • of
Toronto, 'Mr. Harold Gardner of
Hamilton,. Miss , Elsie Ritchie :of and Mrs, Frank Jones, who would Wm: Sillib.
Mafeking.. . ` 1 have soon been 21 years of .Age, Mrs.. Wilfred .Pentland and' lit-
With friends—Mr, and Mrs, •An- andwho had :been°sailing for` the tle infant song wh15: was born in
guy• McAuleY and John, Mr. Lloyd, past four "Years. His'' body was Goderieh 'hos ital on March 22nd
p e,.
McAuley .and Mrs. Mary McAi}1 found in • Kingston harbor- on 'have„returned home.
ey, all of Toron
to, with er; and Monday afternoon, March 31 and Miss Bernice Blake,- n.A, •of
Mrs;Frank Ritchie; „Mr: and Mrs, an autopsy• by a coroner at King- Lambeth is an Easter holiday vis
Robert Panter . of Toronto withtun revealed the fact that
the itor •• with her parents, .Mr: and
Mrs. Jack .Gardner,•Miss body had- been; in the waterp'�'for Mrs. John Blake. ; •
Jean... Johnston: of .• ,London --.with several months, He had'-fnnshe --Mr:- -'A i'
r and
• d ;. and � 1VIrg: A•lfr�d Hefford
Mr..' and:, Mrs. Sid .Gardner. • work for the season at Kingston and children ' ..uglas and Lois. of
Patrolmen' Will Ritchie & Jake. and his parents. not. hearing from Toronto were ek en. ci v'
Hunter"had gangs of • inen-a:t• work Mtn • for •the Emcyt while' supposed° with Mrs.•Heffprd'a parents, .1VIia
he had ;gone: to • the .East `coast. to and Mrs. W. H, McClure.. . ,
c •on
la , ar • ocean' boat. as' he had
finishing just about the time Old 'done before, As time: went .on,
Dame Nature decided to lend a they became' more' anxious and
,..Helping hand i_ n .removiig ' the feared of• some • ill fate. His death
snow: ! has been .a mystery .and.. caused
• ' PAc E. FI'ttE
,Dungannon.' citizens have been, McWhinney and.Marjory intend.'.
very much shocked • upon haring to- _move:.to their pew -home in
the sad.news of.the drowning • of Goderrch this month, having :sold
'Roy H. • Jones, only ,son, of Mr.' their' Dungannon residence to Mr.
Thursday. and Friday ,opening up.
the roads :again for motor^•ti affie,,Misses, Bertha . Pau ne..Jones
returned to'• their positions' in
London after.attending . the fun-,
eral of 'their brother the late' Roy.
Henry Jones, last'Wednesd'ay.
Mr. Toni Pollock was taken to
Goderich hospital a week ago' for.
Miss Flora Durnin; Horne'
Ecanornics 'coach 'for' Junior Club
work,, spent' the week -end With
her parents, Mr:' and ` Vlrs , R. J.
rte that mother. 'Mrs, Stothers; 'formerly. Dur.,zain.and aunt Miss Ellen Dur-
r a read' sympathy'to.. his.
Mrs • C. 'B Woolley Will.be theq
hostess for the .April meeting of sorrowing parents and three sin=
the; W.M,S on Thursda ters. His father- is a:. well known
y after- . ,
harness maker ill this village and
noon. Ladies are kindly requested his mother was formerly
to..bring their Easter thankoffer Lulu
Stothers, a ' daughter of 'the late
,, .Win. R. Stothers. and his grind,.
• If is currently reported h
Mr, Henry. Gardner has purchas_, Rebecca Davidson;: along . 'with.
ed the farm. formerly owned• .and other relatives . and friends • i1. ` . r . h _
,,,��. friend_,�1, �M saChas _Fowler has been oris.
LLoperated-by-the- greatl mourn` his •ss in h s`
• � y pa s, g•' Roy, the ick• list. for,'.�the •past wtwo
wood, from 'Mr: ,Glen Campbell received. phis education...at' Dun- weeks: We 'hope to hear of her
who secured it at the time,, of the annon , ubli '
^,b. p . • c and'�;continuati�`n `progress to recovery soon.
sale, : following•` Mr•..'. Sherwood s• school .and was a bright' scholar
Mrs Gordon Kidd and:children.'
" w#h as dr1v.: caatr3r1 trete.-;ynn Sheila ]sir are.:
Mr,.and..Mrs: Cecil Gardner and his • elder's. `”b
•with respect.' IJe .was.:spendng Easter' week 'With .1VIr.
Kenneth :. visited with Mr. and a member of Erskine. Presbyter and `Mrs.. J: J,, Ryan. Mr.: Kidd is
•Mrs Wilfted Quaid and farruly.'of ian.church.•and many of',his 'ad- expecting. to -;arrive later: 1:•: •
°Saltford on Sunday, .Mrs Gardner m,irable,: deeds will be'.'cherished The : Dungannon? branch of .:`the
remained ; for a.. short visit • with Jrie45iririescRev;; C. IL MacDonald. 4Women's• Institute: , met, at.' t`ie
her :parents
pastor '•of' the church, .conducted home of Mrs. Roy Rutledge 'on
.,Mah.y of ou-r, holiday. visitors a..public funeral service ;at the Thursday:evening,.,which. was one
wwe-r-e... left -at- nd-ed -win-g',to' the::church --o13: Wednesday fternoon -week -1a-tet• ; as. -m-t: ` ded" tor, •-Nt e.•.
'unfavorable ••travelling conditions after the'„ •of• arrival 'the. ,remains r
prevailing ' on; Mpnday ..with re- . and a. "private' service at` his gar
sul'ting cancellatton of •railway •& exits' home During Rev, MacDon
bus. service r aid's address:, he referred to 'death.
as onl 'a•s w w'
Mr. and. Mrs' Joe'Freeinan and Y hadowith brightness
family!' of Colborne, :Mr. .,a d Mrs,.
WWY.111 .Gardner, :Mr 'Harold; Gard
r}er. scent' Sunday with •Mi :and.
Mrs. Will' Hunter.
Mr. Harvey . Johnston who vise•
ited.' last week in this locality, re
turned 'to: 'Tor'ofito .on Thursday.
Mr. • Iiarve .Ritchie and '1Mr-s.:
Yill •Ritchie v'isi'ted
.With..Mr. and
Mi.. ' Ivan. Papernickof Gadel'ich
On Saturday..
Mr. and.•, Mrs. Sid, Gardner and.
farn.il: ••, Miss. Helen Johnston• were:
visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Frank
Johnston -Of •Holyi cod' on. Sunday
Mrs Susan` spent
day'after noon at, the'hoine; cif Mr.
and Mrs".....W. Hunter,.
beyond . the `'grave and with
thoughts of the' resurrection• .gave
a -message :off' comfort, and ;hope
March meeting' Mrs.. Everett Fin-,
nigan opened' with the usual
form , and the .roll ;'call was.ans-
wered. by . telling an Iicish;ti joke.
It was decided to ',lipid a dance'
in' :the •;Parish Hall.. during Easter
Week. :The members were • ret=
minded' td forward ;data for the
..of glory.. Miss Marion MacDonald Tweedsmuir history. Mrs. Melvin
g y en• the. •ears i ., .
noxi effective) • "Wh y T)ckson , gave a paper , on, "Get-'
of Eternity roll" accompanied °%y, ting out from ' under" ''and Miss
Mrs. S. H. Stothers, • organist. The
pallbearers were young associates
''of the deceased and were` W: `Ste.
Betty°•Rutledge sang a solo. Hos-
tenses for lunch: were 'Mrs.' K.
Finnigan, Mrs: d Popp :and 1VLrs:
wait Ji , Arnold' •Stothers ' Wm:
J. J. Ryan, :°•
Caesai,• _Ji., 'Allan Petrie., Ross •
New Postmaster-•-Takes'Oyer - -
Eedy and • Oliver. :Glen: • T he Mr Alvin Sherwood comir�renc-.
beautiful fTloraoml .w
is wJoere ed" duties • of .' postmaster at the
carried b:y ti hn
1).Ungarrn.on-Post :office this past
Pai k In•tei meri"t ryas in :Dungan-, week. Mr: ,Wm•: Stewart, wh'o had.
'non Cemetery,•,
a •
een • relieving at, the office • for;
An executor's sale ,of the •estathe: past year''ha's. remained in the'
of :Sarah ' Eli abeth Begley ' was .office till the new appointee be
held on 'Monday. afternoon•,:' The 'comes' • a'ccustomed • to • the' • work.
The late Mr. Thomas Stothers
who passed'away in January had
held the position'• •for X35 years.-
His ' Ddeath.:reranoved,one-- of 'the,
oldest -men -in ;the ,district, being
in ;his '40th ,year 'The ,ne`w: 'post
master: is a returned ft.C..A F man.
and ' also . has .t.he contract of con-
veyrng',the hi;ghl school. •pupils in
this'district, 'to' Go.derieh; ,Colleg=
fate Institute.
know n 'as: ,the. "Bo;'Vers" : place wl'•1VLS. Meeting .,
• Mt Geo Bodges of, the Ygi int . ' Mrs Melvin Reed pi esi ed fo•r,
• mill' "
" .of '•Durrgai�n•oii� is 'soon 'the•• •Women's ...Missionary ''Society.
slaking i change with his twb April • meetin`g on Thursdav�•after-
proper ties, on Con'. 4` and 5, West
Wawanosh, with :house, bairn, �tw:o'
wells.. and .a ;flinging 'stream of
water,`'was••auctioned•by Mr. Hai-
old--J•ac•ksonr•••.auction.eei ., of
fortih Mi :',Nielson, Culbei t Was the
.J.puijchasei� of,'the propel ty whole
piioperty is across the road. Mr::,
Jack Chisholtii':'has' purchased the
'farm owned by: Mi;'•Jas:' Boyle. of�'
• the same, locality• and the :farnn'.. is
e Completed_ By
1il 30th 1947
This.; ,date; falls on• a "Wednesday. There:.are•
pys left for you to • make. out -caro returns:.
P.0 Box
Lucknow, Lucknow, Ontario
FI 'BOY,;. -
TIRES;•ANO .rvozS,'
Everybody wants Canada's a No. " I.
All sizes now available at
Central Gara
E. Mason,
•'Phone I4 $; L' ucknuw •'
sons, W ho'vi ill each, step 'into each•• nbon at the, United '.Church school
o'thei,s, .places: Mr. • Hodges �arid roorns� The meeting opened by a;
IVIi s; Hodges ,w'ill 'retia e . from the poem"Ca..lvary--meat lathe~pro
mill to `elle 25 -acre far iia :south of silent,; after•. ' which the Lord's:1
thevillage where hia son. Lloyd prayer ,was: repeated. in 'unison, 1
Hodges: is * living and ',another son j'Vlrs, M. Shackleton and ;Mi's. 0,
Kenneth Hodges, will move' to •tire Popp Were •appointed as delegates
mill and •Lloyd' will rh ve 'to to . attend the Presbyterial at .Ex•-
Ken's . house in. the 'village; .and ,eter, The Easter thankoffering.
continue the trucking business. , service Was discussed,;• but .no-'
`Mr. and Mrs, 'George Hamilton thing was' '..definitely 'planned.
anti family, have'Tmoved in with Mit:: 'Elliott read an 'article'`'
the former's mother Mrs J. Ham- should understand )tndia".- Mrs::
ilton, until :a . house • is available , G. Shackleton read the 5th, chap.:
in' Goderch where, George is em- of .the study . •book :and Mis's E.
ployed Elliott read flashes froth the Liv_:.
Mrs, Sadie Shields,4th' Con: of ing Message Atter..• the closing)
,Ashfield. who .has purchase the hymn, ' the president concluded
house, vacated,by. Hamiltons will with ptayei•.Yand • the benediction:.
soon' occupy.
'Mr; Jas. McWhii)ney. held on The only time' a modern moth-
auction sale of livestock and•sdnie er puts her . foot dowio` is" when
hoilsehold iiffects ant articles• on the'light •turns to 'green. --Pup
• Tiiesclay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tent:
U 1
11147 E Every. Sat
Tonight. •1 TitUrsdaY
Know • Vlhere
n1 �o�ss
• fig..
For the first time an ..authentic
rornance, of the Hig Its
Scottish thio .,and thro start-
Show starts at 7.30.
Two shows each night
Its,. Deanna Again flirt a ids
(oh rnan)' hunt. Yes, its lovely,
Deanna Durbinin
with David Bruce, Ralph Bel-
Matinee "Saturday at 0.30
Patricia Roc.
Wool Bo'u ht. For
Jacksop's;of Seaforth •
Butcher .
':fie 4',i
Wage' of ' Lucknow.
Order' Bray Chicks now, and be
"lucky" . when egg prices climb.'
next Fall: See •hie, or phone me,
!right away.' •Pe'isona1 attention,,
prompt delivery.
Lucknow,; Ontario