HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-26, Page 5ouwawilimoror 'Wednesday, February X26 h, '1947 lheatte c u , W I _' 'GHA`v1; Show starts- at 8.00 ,o'clock : Saturday Night at 7.45 • . Thursday, Friday; Saturday. • Mar, --� SPECIAL • DAN• KAYE, . ,VIRGINIA MAYO HEKIDFRO'M.., BROOKLYN'? BR 2 shows each night, •7.30; 9:80 •Math nee Saturday at 2.00 }gym . Monday,' Tuesday,' Wednesday. q Presbytazlan ul d The 'regular meeting. of Mon- day opened with a hymn and the Lord's prayer repeated.in..umnxi.. Sam 'Chin read the scripture les son and the theme was taken by were 43' Doris Lyons: A ,sato was sung by� Milfpresent. The 'president,a ord Wall was in charge of ,.the ' dovotonal part of', the' _pro gram. ?yield not to teptation" was the opaning h°yin' .and;. all repeated 'the Lord's. player. Bert ,MeLeai read the scripture lesson,' The ,secretary -read .a letter re- garding garding the • ocesan' rCpuncit Conference to: be held, in Kitch ener in May..: The hymn "What 'a fm�iend, we have. in ' ,3 esus and. prayer- byRc X....' W Owen cion, ed ;the devotional • part Jack Walsh, then. presided for the so i d Mis s•e 1 o al Lavzs ' a dint by se Ne off'` hart of,the program :Mrs. Howard .Qr r • and Marion MacDonald •and Thompson, . convener; • read the a' solo by .Joyce Moffat.Current story.•,• ry of St.. 'Valentmr�,e 'LOIS I.1al': .events by 1Vfiss Dean MacLeod, li,obt, Reid :presided. The• secret- denby • gave 'a recitation; Nancy and a -talk on 'the far • north : by ary's report was give y Mrs. Needham, Marie 8 Bert' Thomp- Mrs..Rev. Joselyn, were.much en-: TIM LUCKNO'VV SENTINEL, LUCIOT01 ,, ONTARIO . KIN-LOUQH • . • PAGE FIVE, !AIRSHEA INSTITUTE'; HELD. MEETING IN LUCK -NOW., roxi he A Y.P.A, met at the church • -on-Monday evening 'Tor ..a•TVValen- The February meeting' of the' tine party. and bob social.. There Kairshea ,.Institute was held ,on Thursday at the' hone of Mr's," Wm. Hornell; :with ,.Mrs, W. L. MacKenzie and Ws. Jessie, Mac- Innes, acting 'as •hostesses. The president, Mrs. A. MaeIntyre, was, in the chair and 'Mrs. F. Gilchrist wase appointed.' as;secretary for the meeting. The _Ode.. and, Lord's prayer -.opened F-thi .-m+ et'ing.. The rogram. consisteid of comrrmunity. kingir g, `piano instrumentals by Mrs. Donald, MacDonald and ' b, Mrs; H. ��I oustap,' ;readings by Mrs:, T. 'MacDonald:and Mrs. H. Mayme Irwin accomnpanied by 'Margaret Graham. Mary Porteous Brayed' a piano. solo ,after which Marion ',MacDonald: conducted'p ,,' sing song. Joy Johnston favored with a solo acconnpanied by her, guitar, Marion Ma'cIDnald close the meeting~ with 'prayer. ' rA geographyt' match was•• then .held. PARA. au 11 u'Th ,paramount'' Women's- „Instx� :tute February 'meeting was held .at .•tlie'home' of Mrs. 0: Richards with' a good attendance. Mrs. • 0.: Richards. It was decided to son sang:a.song, the Merrirnaid"; .give•... a donation to the China a, reading on . "My Grandiiiather's Fund.. The ; program was taken by Valentine -was given by Joyce Mrs..A: 'Irwin. Mrs. Robert .Reid ,Haldenby •A`group'of young .peo-` gay.e a . reading:,`. And, :Mrs. Lowe 'Ole" front Westford then imitated read • a.poem On. Plaramount 'sixty a . radio. broadcast which proved years. `ago. Mrs. Olivet.. • McChar- very.. entertaining: • Mrs;, Thomp 'les gave a reading aria current ;son conducted a tree contest..Mrs, ing tea,, was. served by the .coin.; events Were taken by Mrs: Herb Milton: Walsh proved” a very cap-, .'mittee. in, charge of the • meeting oyed by those 'present.: Mrs. Alex MacLeod moved the .. vote • of thanks ,to 'the.: hostess. and 'those. taking 'part andthe'meeting:Clos- ed with the—National Anthern. A delicious lunch, with Mrs. Archie ,MacIhtyre and Mrs,. Joselyn. pour ROBERT YOUNG, • Ensign. r ,:.-• �- • ntune=teller- and -all -were" and a.soela�I�-time spermt anxious to ._learn , their: fate..: `Jack.. • Hostess.for for _ th'e March meeting SILVIA` • SYDNEY- ry • 1Vtiss Mabelle Staiiiey, .daughter � .. Of Mr' a� d"Mrs. Wm. Stanley,"had .waist'. 'as auctioneer for •the.sale 'will be .Mr's. Archie MacIntyre::` ,Fune'ral 'SersiiCe§ for 'George Hairnet'. goOney, on. Tues0)--,af—last•wOck.L-iin 12" 18th year...and patsed :away. some, ime.,Be was, a.'resident of 'editor of the Ripley Eicpress troth' merl$i Barriet Stanley,' by ,a 'son ter Adeline Mis: Ross H. 'Mar; REX THEATRE Tonighti Wednesday - showing- at' The Rex :Theatre,' lo -night, the famous Radio, dharacter, Christian Remedy; For_ Riches lean HershOlt plays the.r0e of Dr. Christian 'in a nioille -that ".ReniedY for Riches"' to - RI SAT b° Robert Paige, Ann Gwymi.e., Dianna 113arrymore, Lon Chaney In "Frontier Badmen!' ON Plus ChaPt.Or 2 of the new Serial ',The ,Adyentures.. .and 1VIr. and, '11/1.rselWalt.er Dexter OVelerich,at While in Kincardine:. shipped. a'. couPle, of' ;loads ' Nekert :On:Thursday,: March '6th: MiSS Susie.. Gibson' SPerit the Week -end ..in ClintOn With' Mr arid Mrs:•I'GibSeri. The infant. daughter of Mr: and Mrs...Kelso McNay is .SorneWhat irriproved after. being critically ill • This series of 'advertisements has been -run by •Teeswaterview Farm and Hatchery in an effort to'show.that in the Chick Business,. the old proyerb Ask your Agricultural 14presentative. •• DE WILL TELL YOU TO BUY:YOUR-CHICKS FROM: 'THE SIVIALLER BREEDER HATCHERY 'NEAR HOME! in better breeding first, 'better's,hatehing secend. , ed at •supplying .eustorners in this district' with betfer 'you don't have 4o • take otir word for .it—yoU.- can pH, • the'‘zalue of, Yo•Pr MOney 'is all 'in the. pitiees can 'be .kept ‘relation io.: If Y011,1 -five Not Yet Ordered, YOur Chicici;rdr 194.74 There. ‘,. Are Still Feu? 'TeesWaterview Chicks Available.' '71. if tate April And in IT'S NOr TOO EARLY FOR7Y011 64;i: THE SAME!, TEESWATERVIE HATCHERY TEESVVAT SiStant,.. .Mrs. Frank alibrnisson; topiCl'a,ife.lif St patrick; Motto,. elatT, accuracy ig-batiF than Ackert ‘M-rs Sulith Mrs Mark Johnston,' lure vempg'Auxillary ---Thi'Mruaik•ineeting was held., at the home of Mr's. R. Black with" an ''.atteridance .'of FolloWing the :htisinesstarid i,v8rship Period, Button.. Presided' for 'the program. which. comPriied: topic 'on Chriatian Youth in India contest: Lunch was served by -the -hostess ,cominittee. Patricia. Moe_ iStewaTt Granger in "Madonna of the / Moons" You must not fail to see this picture. .WATCH for' more good showA audit 'of Sherwood Forest; Julia Ross; lalondie;, fad Roy .Rogers. We hopte• • • • mlimumiliminminumimmimmemmiwiimmi RES" the Wdrnen's ',Day of, --Prayer service •for this •c§rninunity 'Was .1.11rs. Wesley, Thompson ,as •key- foOk. ,s,orne.part in the program,. :\IVIISs 'Edna 'Boyle presided at the, ,McLeari: gave a very' interest- ing 'aaciress. Geprge Graham 'was ;appointed' • key-wornan for next: ear 'whelk the service Wi Presbyterian Congregation, held their • annt01"meeting 'at the' church on. Friday • afternoon: - A, NEW :PLOW and road Main, 'fabler:has been obtained by Cul- ross TOvkinShip'. The operator is HprOld. Elliott, •• of. the Wernen's .missionary :Sop.. 1 • containing ,.the wOrd love,'. 'Mrs.': . • [Howard Henry as. poniener for th,0 meeting; chose "What a 'friend Story was:iiven by, Mrs. Walter Black, 'Mit. 'Henry ,,r,eaci, a ,letter .01 help_OLliospital.....rooins.„%uP- . Dexter conducted"...1.4ontest barged on The New Testament, After singing the closing hyinnAVirs. A, TgIRTy Years ago. tl4s Spring •We purchased, our, first babY,, :chicks; 'and sinee that* tinie haVe been; in .the pOultry ness continualkY. 'We how have a Poultry. plant of which ,w`e are justly pronclf We have made a study of fulling and sel-.. ection for egg productiod and Meat type,,, arid. Wh you purchase yaw chicks you get the benefit of oure'xper.i is• year we offer ,you the ;following in' Baby Chicks: • • Mixed Pullets I.Ncd Pullets • June 12c 25c 15e 25c,• Heavy- - Seaton RRIS an Bt GORRIE, ..ONTARIO, rtilizer BE MIXING FERTILIZERS THIS 'SPRING AS USUAL. ok 'material on hand and, much 'more Ordered,, so•as'lOng as • . becorne .vety popular as .it can be sown With any Ordinary' seed drill. This is lgimiviel as Pebble and 40 lbs. of it contains For ,Further Information' Phone or Write to • mop 40 tic now- strict---Co-a;Operative Box 63, LticknOW 'Phone 71 John Jathiesony Manager. 4