HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-26, Page 4.>MAGE FOUR efr .. 4 • THE L'tfCKNQW, SNTxIML,,-L C 'OW, ONTARIO*. "WANT Air -RATER -1st Minimum, 2 cents •word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a ;word, M1 • L c cents. Replies care of ' The .Sentinel 10 cents extra. ,, e a ' advertising 10 cents 'pen count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. FOR • SALE- — 934 `.,Hudson -8 SUFI'ERINC• -from_ . Ba hes,.. sedan ;in good condition,. Priced .to self Apply R' H: Thompson. FOR; SALE =- 8 tube 1+Jveready radio. .Good •conditi.on Agp`ly at, ra •Sentinel•Office, ...FOR SALE -;-set of sl:aop .sleighs and •.a .cutter. Apply, to •Jack Mc.; Donagh, R. 3 Lucknow FOR:. -SALE,—steel: • -welded.:.syrup 'pan 8 ft x 3.,ft.. x 8. inches deep;. George Kennedy, R. 1, Lucknow. :FOR SALE --1935 Terraplane se- ' • dan: in, good ,shape, new tires all: round • Gordon Ross, R. 3- ' Luck , Phone 12-30 Ripley; _ • Rheumatic Ilpain, ;Sciatica, Lum- bago is • notenecessary. Use 'Ruma- cap's at ,once for quick relief. Mc Kim's Drug` Store, Dawn's:: Drug Store..; , BOUNDARY 'EAST` Miss, •Yvomie ,MacMillan was lfiome'from. London for a few days a week "ago. • 1VIr. Ed McQuillin .started back• THE RUSH IS ON... for Februar March chicks, But no ;;latter • when you "wish deliv- ery or4== r. yourYKitclt"energ ' Bi -4 .Chicks Now toavoid,, disappointment. Wide choice ' breeds, cros.,es. Canada approved, breeders, ullorurn test- ed. Notedfor livability, growth,' early 'and steady. production:. Wide choice • ;.hreeds: crosses. Agent here is.. EDWARD V. BAKER,' Lucknow WANTED --a drug or tank AO • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • to work on thoad: last Monday • • qlfterbeing home for ':the'• past three months due to. ii1' health. 'The Federation of `Agriculture of Huron County held:a free pie-. tore . Pow in Whitechurch on Mandy -y. Pyening.The W.° L sport pored ..a _dance afterwards with Music by' Farrier's• orchestra. • Mr•. John • 1VIacMillan 'spent the first • of the week . in' Toronto:.. • A meeting of the ladies .of the Presbyterian church of.' .White- church met Vit. the manse on Tmes day afternoon and organized' 'a Ladies' Aid Society.. The „result• of the . nomination of .officers was• as follows:. president, •Mrs: W..:' S1. Sutherland:,, vice .pies., Mrs;.. Me- Illr. aith; , sec:, , Mrs,. • George Fisher; • treas., Mrs. Dawson Craig. It was decided to .h:o1d the meetings the last'. Tuesdayafternoon of 'each month • •and• to serve' sandwiches :arid or 'sweet, few Bine'. at the' meetings. :Anyone • breaking this rule will • be' . charged a'' fine ' of • hold from ,100''. to 200 gallons, foil Notice; is ' hereby-• given - to4--a11- hauling :sap. Apply at Sent persons having any claim against tine' Office.the. estate"• of Alfred Sherwood, a� ar s.rin• and late of: the: Township of'Ashfield; Tfi»ron. Farmer. :summer` Months. .:Goo. wages., • Jack McKenzie, R. 3 L;uckir rw :Phone - 65-1-, Dungannon: RADIO \FOR SALE Marconi : battery 'radio, . table model, .in goodcondition,; Apply td- Wilfred Hackett, Phone Dungannon 67;11.. wo=store —A'oodt .Y FOR SALE • g.. . •. _,. -- -�- - who died on or about :the ei1ght. day-'Zuly i,:15-. ` to sena• same to; the ;undersigned. on :or before the• fifteenth lay of;March A;771947;.as : on • and 'after that date Abe : Adininistratrix'.`of ,:the • CI • NV'ednesday, February 26th, 1947 .l f Lucknow Distrkt' (OOP Inc., '.Phone 71 Lucknow USE YOUR' CO-OP SERVICE A WE SAVE A-•-CPOP. ,SU" TLY OF 0� x .16 `" ,4. and: 6' ply tires ; 5,Q0 .x.'l7 ,4 ply tires "4• a nit �P 6 ly} tires: +�`4.%��'• S.Q.® X"��� 4..50 .� ,4,75 5,00,. x 26 4.ply tires Tubes for "all .sizes `, • Storage Batteries . OP.:.6-volt sod 2 volt 66 -.;volt. Hot Shot :Batteries'. : Bell'Electric I�a>mer•�lVlills. . • .• , . • " •: JOHN JAMIES4N, :Manager. ,_ . for the. ;past week, He • hopes •be able, to start work• one of these ' '•• • • .A n�Zmber • of relatives sand from d h tens vellus -The fatties lt from here attendete hold their first social in the ,form of a "St.• Patrick's' tea and program on March 14 in the church base - e nt. The .program..committee: for the .socia is convener',cuiier=-andMrs-Gard =fin Elliott and Mrs.' D. Craig.Pinch The con- vener ' is Mrs. 'Jaynes McInnes. 'Phe.M • is'. to; be. held` arch. meeting at the.home. of M•rs. `•James Wilson, said estate shall roceed':to make v ith a' lunch' committee: of Mrs: distribution: of • the assets there- Sutherland,; Mrs'.cQuillin, 1llirs 'Bolt= •funeral: of tfie la�e'<N`a�thanfeT°° f 'Blyth which was held 'last Wednesdayy fromCurries' Funeral. Parlors. in 'Wingham o eying, reg.ar... o• . • claims of Which -she -has notice, - frame .building.. in' Lucknow '•: krioWn a the Orange, Hall.. Any- one : interestedcontact the;: trust- ees, John McQuillan. '&. Sam Mor- ,rison or Bert Ward,: OR SALE "or /Will a change for chri iks of Pigs, registered^ :3`er§ey' cow 7 ,years •: old, will• freshen in May, still • milking, right`. every way. Wes .Bayle, Kiriloug1 i, phone 18-24 Ripley. ` Dated at.• Godericb .this .twenty second :day of, February, A.:17.;. 1'947 • R . C. Hays, Goderich Ontario, ;Solicitor for the ' estate. • ARD OF THANKS: Pte.' Harvey', Johnston wishes to sincerely thank the' councillors of Kinloss ;Township • for. .the cheque M 1 6 . .res`A-mwA': x held Qn • Friday in the (United Church with '• a ,. good attendance:. The printed' order of service' Was 'followed Duets were rendered by Mrs: Garnet Farrier and; Mrs: iia .Scholtz also: by. Mrs. Jamie$ 11VIcIllwraith '`.arid' Mrs. Dawson short' address was given .a ten these bye. Rev: W,'.A.;•Sutherland. ladies -are invited. ,to' at_._. ti_ ..._ _y _. _._ -meetings Mr` .: W J;'. Farr1er .'spent" Sat - Mr. Alfred Patterson slEntlast urday , Wingham ;with sip- Sunday in:Winghain with Mr.: an`d: ter rs. IJV `Sherrrff -:-w-ho- was Mrs.. Merrill .Cantelori}� and `: his • Mrs. 'Louise Dumont of De- aurli : Mx:. • troit Mr. ' Nathaniel :;Thoxn,son . IS' a 'patient in Westminster 'Hospital; London, at present.• Mrs, James ' Forster .' received the.sad news on Friday Of• . the ItiSURAti( ; F C� SUALTY` FI.RE and AUTJ MOBILE" ,:�_ o Protect . Your Jack SEED CLEANING—Be prepared! from overseas: MacDoiig'all of Paisley. Tuve your ` seed cleaned • anti treated "now. We . have.', Arasan, II wish to take this; opportunity the: new dust : for treating seed to thank •our many kind friends' peas; also • Cerasan far "treatii g. ;and neighs drs. foie• thebeautiful oats and, barley S. -E. Robertson; flowers;` cards; letters ` aid fruit Lucknowz they sent ` .ring any" illness` in FLEECE -LINE YOt R2' HDIVIE, one and' all we say, a. mill Vin, • • I31Own..Rockwool :Insulation . ap, th k Mrs. W. ,N Bi shell. ,, ..` . letcria Ho pita' in London,. To plied to walls and . ceilings of y home will • save ..fuel • with more comfort ; and fire protection,Work done anywhere. Equipment in the • and terms 'Phone .35, Lucknow or write RowandC 'Day,,, .5 Thorn- ton Ave.,. London: , . •, ... oiir, n aS. APPrh•GATIONS"=-"+WANTED- Applications ,for the isosition• of Assessor . in the Township of West Wawarosh will be received by theundersigned up to and :ineltid ing March :10th, 1947. The salary las been set .at $150. 4-- • . .,- BrtW1?T' Auburn, Ont.,. R.R. No, 2. • The, famil of • the'. safe Mrs.: 'T Y Ezekiel : Hodgkinson with heart-• felt appreciation :wis'h to, than a who helped out,; .or, 'offered.:their service`s-in any way duringtheir• sorrow and '; to especially • thank' Rey... W.,:. S. ' Sutherland, Jewel, ,Rebekah Lodge, Henderson• .'Sis- ters, Sisters Mr and Mrs:. J. d. Campbell and Mr. James Lyons and family •They also have,Ithe. kindness and sympathy .of friends• and neigh bors 'arid deeply - thank Mr.' John Willoeks•"et-•Ripley: • for his letter of,sorrow: Mrs. ;:Archie Aitchison, tinder-• wet:.,an operation • in, Wingham . ; �Iospital on Saturday We . hope she gets alotig well and will,soon be home again. ' , ' • Nanthaniel Bolt Passes . The: ':death,• occurred 'suddenly . n Bly.th''on Su 'day,. February '11. of Nathaniel Bolt. in.ihis 77th :year. Besides his wife` he 'leaves to inotirn: hili;," six daug ters, Mrs.' burg;'•.Mrs .John Purdon (Amite), of. Whitechurch, Mrs, 'Fox • (Jean) • of:ordon; :Mts. • Gordon Moore (Li).y) • and Mrs: ' Mitchell (Mary) I of Acton;. '; Mrs.• ..Harold Cobk' (Zara) 'of Blyth, with whom they'' have • resided four •the past two, y4ars, • ,One. son,;' Willi'am, Ore.' di: him over fifteen year's ago., He had fourteen grandchildren and . seven. great grandchildren. The funeral.was _heli} on'Wednes day., Insure'Wi ae . McDO �NA •:�•A ' 3. •Lucknow;; Ont.. Phone .615 "Dungannon l' Sieg Chicles' ' hays; :%lane well for • others—w4y :not fol you? 100% live delivery quiaranteed. Tugt'let • me 'knovi►'; what you , want. R YSOON � B LA N, ow Ontario.• . celebrating her ; 93rd- birth•day:, We wish .her, many happy re- turns. I itns►re,'In Sure; Insurance `Co ederation .:Lie WIND, CAR, Preferred Rates •for. prezerred risks. YOU • SHOULD ORDER Baby' Chiefs, ' Pea Moss, .Feeders, Waterers, Brooder's,; Etc., ;While They Last! STARTED. CHICKS available . at:. all times at •Xa FtST�RE RD S FEED . 'Use,the best New Life and Lif eterla Feeds Save Money - - Rely in Ton Lots Half..Tons and Tons delivered free • ,uiar��1�I�K. i• RRISTER & SOLICITOR • BA Walkerton, ohtarle LUCKN Each Wredilesday r• OFFICE IN : .HENDIERSON BLOCK WHIyTECIlURC. H The, synzpathy''of the ity is • .•extended to Mrs. • Albert, :Coulter in the death of her;moth er, _'Mrs, Thos. Kerry of .Paisley: 'The funeral was held •last, Thurs _day. Mr. , and 'Mrs. .John ,,Gaunt ,attended ..the,. funeral • of - Mrs." Berri at Paislcy,.• - • Mr. Wendal . Taylor •, received. the sad ' news of the tragic death of his brother, Mr, • Leslie Taylor ii ri the West; He was :burned'• to death ,but. !ao particulars of the sad affair are, known `as yet. Mrs, James Wilson' is: visiting in Wingham with her sister=in-law, Mrs l~', W-flson • Mr., Victor ''Casem'ore has. been in Toronto the past week getting' some repairs for • the chopping mill, which hasn't been working. Consult •.. . 1 •' RS•H •�A R • • JOHN F Phone 82-13 Dungannon • ACCOUNTANCY•: Service -if -of ••_ the : Small;*ter- . rofessional -Man and chant � • the . Farit ier n. I Lucknow Tues., 'Thurs. and 'Friday. • Office in ;Kilpatrick: ARMSTR -bingo ETRIST IN LUCICNQV FIRST FRIDAY • OF' EACH MONTH' ,from,. - l0 " a.M.. to . 6' p.m. WM. SGHIVIID'S STORE • ANDREW DREW N Barrister :and Solibitor L'UCKNOW, 'ONTARIO Office in the Joynt 'Block •e Telephone: . Office `135 . Residence. 314 n � 'flilfl.]IYIrIYI '' ililtVitt i •i'i s *it% S..1.-PYMM 'I4,: Lucknow; Ont.. 'Phone 23 I . 5. Hetherington, I .C. :Barrister, Etc'.. Whigham and Lucknow k 5 IN LUCKNOW `Each Monday. :& Wednesday Located on the ground` . floor in the, front' of John Kilpatrick's Building I Phone Winghant, Office .48; • 'Residence 97. Courteous and Efficient Attention Is The Motto Of B.• Cu CURRAN 'FUNERAL ;SERVICE Dungannon, Ontario L-icdnse -E"Itibalfor`iand' -: Funeral Director . • Telephone' r .D'iritgann,an'