HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-26, Page 19
$2.00 A Year—In Advance, 50c Extra to U. S. A.
In:.•failing health% since. sniffer;
ing a stroke several' months • ;ago,.
deatb_c.arne to Mr,. William Robes
• 'ins= on Sunday morning'. Ixe had.
)leenv unconselous since the pre-•
,Thursday, on which day, ' he
• ha#1 'attained his• 00th .birthday.
r: 'and'. Mrs;;; obinson re'tired'.
wA NI r.
t, 1 d. 'oi.
the home o t . ;er, rS.
John Kilpatrick, : and:. in. their
short residence here made many
warm .friends,
: '
i)ritil moving to Lucknow, Mr;
Robinson had" stent his ,entire. life.
min -East.....wawantlsh and it was
. 'given '. to few men to r:'njoy as, he
• -did'the genuine"- respect and aad-
miration or: all«his friends and
• t
o'Ltieknow'twot arid a' half years
ago, to : the : spar meas . 'a �ning
f heir da • ttg
ht M
neighbors '
Mr. Robinson Was; a .son of the
._ a d° binso2 and n
ri• t u Edw .r.� • Ro: .�IAg, es
Masor' and * was 'born .. at- St.:
A 8'ustine on. February 20th,. 1858.
On .March: 31st, 1885 .Mr. and.
Mrs Robinson.• were married'' at
ONTARIO Wednesday
• LUCKNOW, , February 26th, .1947
Donald MacDonald,, • grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. 1VlacDon; id'
and a nephew.of Mrs, and Mrs. W.
Pp rteousrecently arrived' in.
Japan and is stationed, at Tokyo
with the American'. Air • Force,
.Which hejoined : in 4:uly of -last
year. .
Donaldflew ta',Japan; -1 n:rritfte;
the 'PAPP- ` sto
,pped,off for two
clays at Ilawaii; arlc1 for a'. day 'at
Guam': Although 7000 rnrles� f om
home, air•,:mail service is', eom-
paratively" speedy, and his first
letter.: was received . by relatives
here in .11' days:: '
•At the annual .'meeting, of the
Lucknow and Vicinity . Branch of
e Rettibss
r '`P
s e.cia:l: attention
Coming before the Presbytery
lust "Wednesda ,. e .° ` : {':.
b : y. a d lightful of I-Turon-Maitl'andr Scheduled to At the end, of the.week dopa-
surprises , party_ took glace at the meet- in Clinton • yesterday,, ' was tions to the . local fund of ' the
homeyof Mrs
; David „Alton, w
ele.ven• guests ai.i•ived- to.help
South. Ktl
ssandl �x•te
ough �iny- .:-�:ax
ed $123l2 '. Ch
T is in},a� car
.• .
'celebrate Mi :s.- Alton's 77th birth- gregatioris to Rev, . J.; Angus , inereased b $100° on, Monday
el.ty °-'Juring thc> aftc°rnoon Mrs; Slnith; •f ii'xnerly :of N•6•* nark t.. wh .ri authorization was received
from' he' . r
t Canadian:;.Red .C. oss for
l ttt.i Of her ' pian " trip to. Vance t'he call' is naturally essurned'.: nd..''the' local. ' Branch'' to contribute':.
• ,,. a
eau,ver ,.arid,' the rn.turn ti i b � it' is Understood'. '
• sp Y .•. and r.. ood that Rey,: Smitn `that a7rlourit, , '_ •
Y a
• R isle=pared• to accept if and will ' Thus the 'objective of '$1000 has
,Gifts,, were; received. of ,fldwers' verY shortly•be Prepared to. bc- been cgnsiderably exceeded,. and
and • fruit, -as :well• asr greetings :cupy.: the South Kinloss • Mange, --the hookS will remain
.Open. the •,
b.y, cards and:phone which . made to commence -his ministry on this rest of :this week for the : con- ; --
t a'very happy birthday 1w9. -point :char e
. Mrs.:charge, which has:bee.ri venience'of ;those who. may 'yet,
Alton. Refreshrrents'. were served ' vacant sincewish to Contribute. last fall. •: 'y
lueFarlane gav : an .inte'restin.g. That. Presb ter: , will` a rov
Y Y pp e.
-including . a . delicious, •birthday In
the e . United Church :.the
'cake,. the ..gift_ Miss Etmifia-Al,: _ :A: ;TIltil X ` StU`B3ECT � .
ceiving of. 'the gpen collection .at •
ton and' W, G. .Webster: treated: church : and Sunday School : was:
the• guests" to' ice cream, Mr �'M, A; Garland of. the Ont- deferred on account of
the stormy
Ii the evening' Mrs: Al'ton's' son, aria Adult; Education Board • Wili'. day, until next Sunda
Jack, and '-Mrs. , Webster, phoned °
y, y,
address `a public, xneetiiig• in Tuck
front. pioneer',: .C,: Just ten min- Contributions• last week . mclud-
now.':ne*ct ,Wednesda ' everiirr ':o •
...e... - .: .w:. a ..x�. l x_ _. x.
utes of ,�' �..... g. _
te�r the, :•.call • �tra�"" . . .�
�... call. -was -Put in ..
' the ::important subject, : of. "Soil • •• -
J,ack was'talking with his moth-. „ • Duncan MtLeod.1.00; Paramount '
ere' • ' Conservation., e. iv is:' visit here' 'ras '.Women's Institute 5.00•...Lorne'
been arrang'ed..by'The Clansmen, .Woods 4: 0,
• 0 Mrs. -7D. Huston .1:0@;..
,a :. 'whb .extend;: heart 'invitatiion - ' 9
for•. same time >j a • rheumati' -''� - Harry Lem 50.00; : W, J. -Davison' •
' o tho 'rnmrn. '
o e• • � • dr," � ti�r� , �
rural. and. urban
r to hear this very
fiire'-slseaker.tand `lits -ver
• II •
• 9.
wasdirected to the' "I'oan•-"cup-'
board which is, Racked with. •al-
Most''evetyt`iiing--•,.one' could think
sick froom' Or in :cases' of emelar
gency. • t '
c p is .••in' the .Towrt:
Hall; and' is packed With, sheets,
blankets;' pil.loty • 'cases m� •b a:b•
• , Y
clothes, ' sweaters, p gowns
JameSLAnderson, ,incetheir
and•_ s
'until. movin "to:L
".marriageg . uck. .
now;• ••farmed on • the 9th 'Conces
sion of East' Wawanosh, They
; celebrated 'their diamond wedgy
ding anniyersary a year ago ,,last:.
Mardi; :Mrs• Robinson is' 85: and
daughter of the late; Tylomas and"
:Eliza Campbell ; .• .:'
Mr. •Robinson° was believed': to
be the *last's trvivor, of those Who
once.attended�,the famous', Donn -
brook Fair, about. which Matthew
Harrison' penned the...welLknown
poem:. Mr. -Robinson. "could' be
'truly classed as :one' of
ayanoslf pioneers, and' as a man
of industry .and' sterlinchar-
.g. •
• atter, earns '.a 'well' deserved`
P d... among those hardy, set-
ers'rw co, e r such' °
a noble hent=,
tag'e,• to futuree
g asci attars
e funeral
s. Jovh
privateiy at the hone ofMr. and
Kilpatrick. oiruesdayafternoon :with' 'interment .
Wipgham .cemetery., A faithful,'
"anddevoted niernbel of DonYn -.
brook .LTriitei: Church, the service
was in "'charge of;'Rev.* Harold
ww Besides ,his • sorrow n , .wi e '
<' 4 fancily of three sons' and two .dau
ghters survive; Edw=rd • f
o is; a r...' . aro d Robinson' of
. • WalkertonDr.:' Wilfred �. W ed Robinson
of Dryden, ;;Ontario; • Mrs. -''Cecil'
Wheeler '(Laura), of, ° r
,13 bssels and''
Mrs..John' :Kilpatrick -)(Annie)
. `.o f
Lucknow, A ° 'son.:'. Ernest ,onthe
homestead,assed `
p away �:; four:;
yar• ago ,last September.,
Takes Po
sition In ' T°oironto
MissBertha' Stir'
ns On 4h
Pleed 'her secretarmial•course
the Canada- Busine
ss College.. and
'has', secured a''pos°ition as , 5ecret-
ary with the
Fhn�ote '•:Corn ari
Canada :.. p y
Bt1 .
Word;was ,.c ei ve:
o d oil' -Tuesday
. morning of f ase week 'o'f the ass-
•'inla' of .L lie Taylo'r:, ,, ' • I5
at Davidson,'
Sok, MrTalon w
b ' �'• as 'seriously
nett in a fire on Sunday even -
.and death occ
' urred : Monday.
TFCC v .aso'
e d was a brother. of :Mrs.'
PC`1'ry Prnninr tori; of the• Second
ConCCssli il_ci `CUirciss,-•anei':of• i1VIr.`
VGenii :` ° .r
< l y lot, of Iinloss� 'owns ,
shij)•` m111% 1•:nnsi . ,
�r Tho •, ., mo•ins are being .!sent to
c ccrrwty ,itto• whore intermer t will
til li,''e, •'' J
1n"the ;local chapel a-
tt•ait,ing h]ll ial in the spring in
.dressing •gowns, hot' water hot
•th^ �: • �r k ..
and ‚dozens of items 'that :would'
prove • .inv-alua •1e iii. tire' sick
room. The contents have -been put:.
•therea.by• the Work CornMit•teeof
the Red Cross
It is'.strongl emphasized ,that
these:cu• board:su • •.lives are avallj
able'. to.,anyone.i.. t.is. ""uite natur a'
:, q' 1,
that few homes would 'be
ped.•.to•. meet' all .the needs' of a
there need be no'
h'es'itatiori ori"they; artof. ala oia'e
p Y ,
in.:applying for' any f .thes
c. yup
. hd: . t'
cad Obtai'ta
Y ed�•fi o,n Mi ;.'..
A. E. McKim 'lVfrs. ..i' : ,
r .W ra. l;ioi r►el}
o i'
i. Mrs. .
W B. Ande son.: The 1
r_ .. sole.;
sti ula • pie,
attar yin Making,us ``fT these,
p e•v cse,
iers',. is that the:iinen••and `cl th
i • be
washed and'' 1 n -
h a'u defied b�'
foie ....being': returned: -turned:
Mrs. Alton has been invalided
o -n: aa. . as :cause " er.
rntuch• distress,but rernau s_.giuu
bright and -Cheery in.Spite of . her
affliction Q -
'.:' She has many friends loin
in ' extending sincere ,birthday
9: ..
OiTip ° To Florida
1?r: nd
.aMrs .•D
nin 1'.h llis
of St ',I-elens left last week with-
,Dr. ' and Mi s 'ptai ker ; of. Wing
ham for •:a 9rnonti tis• holi
in FloridDuring
a. Mrs: PhP
11i `'a...
hsence; her '.duties at Fordyce.
sc oo are ,in charge! of teacher'
froIrl,'Blyth, '
Bought Ne~'w Fordd:
Garfield Ostrander Ioca1'; Ford
dealer, received 'del}very: last,
arch °sedanicy haste he
bought -lay Jnck•,.Hall:;
Houston 5.00;:. D 'G. MacKenzie .• .
(1 0; .Pearl Henderson 10.00;" Eliz-:
:abeth H:e ,arson 50.0; ••Mrs. S F.
Schurtei• • 2."ti0 Mi s"' G dys 1Vta'
Donald 2:00 William Houston 1.;
Richard Elliott 5.00;' John•'Camp
hell' 2,00; D. A.: MacDonald, 5.00; ,
art 2 —
0 ' • a r•'fh-a'
� f2: Clifxo '.. .
Wilson .Wall • 2,00; • Dungannon
• Public •Schoi l 13 60;• B. -Ward 2.00;
.Mrs. D. S. C�a.Yiipbeh. 5.00; Ada &. <'
Hazel .Webster' 5:00; John Jami
son 10.00; R J. Moore' 2.00; `Wal=
Preside-nt W-al-laee- ille-r re lace. 'Miller 3::00; S S. No. 3:'tea
Sided at •'a directors': meed rq wan'osh 3.00;;.:, Jarnes''Wilson '•3.00 �.
n r ,of
the 'Agricultural .Society vola Sat- �• '1 i 'Sotorrion 3:00:;, 'Meiss B • elle:
nidi aff rnocr: when a ltabert`s.on..5.0-0'; W.'' J:• Brown 2.00-' :
y ....o inter'estin6�,
D 9,
10 B•ELoVv FRIDAY : •• 1-c -• oz°ts 'were ...given ;b ` 1VIcKe"' 'e 'Lucknow Reci Cross• Society: 100=' :
y nzie T
Webb, zrid:;Wm: ;1VIacInt 're ''iota' `5 S• Ito. 10 Ashfield. 500 •: Jirnmie:
Y l
a •1� i • St ,•' Hack .tt_ '1
1 pis_ Fridav' iilorni'n_ the E at�c•'t-, th :Eairc e 00 Elmer;'Al '•ii 11
'In(1'cury::sank to • an' official 10 . q` •venticn': tri:`Toronto Can Dec•ei :2:(I0; Flenry ;Gardrie :
,i t' ,1:ec'S }bel' \ ,cr2o'::avhuli: rnai•k-":' T' .a •':Spoil:,:2.00;, .'Bert`' McLean :. 5.00
.he nlce,tim•do•cided.. to . 9 _ , F 'O''''.;'
I'odii''& Son: 5•, 0,''Ma ' ..
' 'f,1 ;the:0alde,t day .of.• th, •winter. 'or ' a' 'field tiro? coni "eti,•tion'' in 9 , , . • tp rY,.. Louise.•.
't•,0 dat.e. The iii°;ec�ious m:orni ''Seaver'.o 'oi:C ons.' ; :0'C, Welliii ton
rig its•an;d�+appo�inted Robert' �, g ., 'V�eb=
;the' thc�rinometci stood at two'--•Moat and t S':,E. lobertson as s�te 1.00,.Mr..:.and. MI's.: Colin:::M -
heIoiye� week.' was generally •directors'
in -charge
' : r;2.00,;
`:blir 'a d :sunny.. u1tti Saturday'•`��Fall 'Falr. dates' �vee set for
'when •
another ' blizzard . bloke' ,Tuesday•an•i V, cdnesday,, Septem ' •
r 23--a-rrd•-2-4 . . Train Stuck Overhight
• Fharvey Houston and. Alex Mac.- •:. The week.'- end storm ' which
Kenzie of\Kinloss • were. appointed•• again filled in motor roads, ,gave:
associate directors .•.„; the C.N.R. another' headache ,also.
TheSaturday night train vl: as
d • tom,.e r
anstown; :and ' it : was :. buut nine
stili, Sunday :rnornin w ie
;The h ...to15 contizibu i g. n rt ar.:
p � on: to the
Ioea_l Aid to:1Chiria fund t #r' rived at•'the • local.depot; :where
,'oy •l-larr Lem' of ucknow . u•h: • a1.1.' all-night .v„igil lid •been kept
�r eces'nted' ; la a\yai:t: ng .it;s• arrival.
i :t.he : local'. committee
with a. .•check for $500,.
'-Mia and Mrs: Charles Con'i;i`a
received a°' copy Of.'the Regina,
Leader Post' from' teir on Clif
ford, - rhlch tells iia .g1 apli 1r.' detail
`.by' word and picture, of the ter:
f iC •storm-t'hat
the ,West. Clifford and hiswife
:reside.. at' Wevbui'n : he e' he is:
engaged in .the. bdi be business.
In Weyburn .H:'o s p'i t a 1 1. 011ie
Forseth.' IS recaver..i'n , ft'om„ frozen •
,feet and hands, 'suffered .durcrig
fotxr'-days-h-e,.-spetat:ici.l 1 tl
.shael ;4•from Which he 'could not
escape. ':,l&ecause • •cif . 'tile• drifting
snow,::that 'cdvored it: coinpl'etely' •
except for. the ioof and ehita'ney:
'‘Forseth's'• shack' :is some ten ,
miles from Weyi�urn, 'where the
old pian' 'lives alone. •When he
discovered : 'his ' in pending' imp
prisonment,. his strength was no”.
'equal. :to the *task. of , shovelling,•
himself out, -So fu1 ions did the' '
storm rage, • and "when his v ood-
bo C .:went err( t\`',•:' he" could .do
me thing but lay down On his hay-
:filled mattress -arid. rescue'
►osc REVI.Ew:
:treasury of. the':.best `;works:
:i•f. Stephen.:Leacock'.'•°
Fc use ' ,
0 9
'they crias nick- up read a complete,
;1 t it1c' -01, story, thus is''a book to
'over: and 'biter ';again .Heise
i; f illlC tctT: inti o1ie 'volurne' 'the
r,, F
be's ' cif ' ..they' late Stephen 'Lea-,
epclti's ihi'171it.11J1C? 11•urnour;•':Ydu•
will syin'i,latliize:. with •'nother':in'
1l.ii� , •;,1 . Leat of teras,' a
(to. girl got' 11ew''hats 'foi� the
,)ecasio,n•bait m'cithel: triirilze'd'liei-"
n1. one). ;yfDT.I will 1°on in�isee 01 el"
"Whin: Men Petite aridycYu .wrl.l
11;�ini'✓.t' W��ith. Mr.. Leacock. as he
is inti oducle d by a very tactless
eh in�incm.: There i:5 ,-sq •niuch of
g'l()p1a� $ta the v: b'1ld• and so many
Writers �t lata .ilio e so" many,
S e
tc • ti l�. t` 'i..refreshing"oto'
111rn` t;1 I,ea':epel and 'chuckle: with
•,Herb Mc _ uillin ret '3
Q u ned .hpnie .• A circul
ating,library. of Chris=
last :week .;after a,. cofaple of flan' 1baoks. i1 .
w l be opened `March
h : mont-hs . spent in •W
its ,ic a t ,� y, •
1. 1VI D
Home From Hospital.'
'-mor death..
1'ci foul' 'days' he lay there,
1:11C.11 't11r•.-stnl.4fl1 .1.11 'fieri Neigh-
1--bo,r1-, iyitie'ed---n-o'- '11'tr'il t •conl-1?t"
*from. t.i.,' C 1fl11ie'ti•" 'Arid •1zli,ir
chi'T'"rt n 'o n.. i11\`r• ti•Y:Ltirht• "1•ctit,',3 •
the ;il.,°u 1; eohisph,tely 1i1:.tier;.• :1n Y.
c111• Y"71111ht11fill 't' Vas:. tiu1171110: 441.
tinnc1 O11ie W111; (TIM; out f :'•'•.:1 'tri: _
VYlt nribine'n't and \?L.11.hht'i1 yi i'f..t''
tin; li',.1s.nit; 1.
Hospital, London, for: a rheumation
tic .'•$
• , o•ok :Shop. • Vie .Hope thai'.
condition.r. suit fig from his`.over- °I .tan • will take
y • advantage; of this.
:seas serice: Be was given' little' '.
olspor tiiiiity . to • strengthen one's
faith and: refresh one's'spirit
_ . � .in,.
thes•6 droublesorne times. 1? ollow
in is a.paxtial list of ooks for ':
�' , i7 r�
• circulation; 'bobble". Defender,fors
of ,
, .�Malti; How T'know C4od answers.
hone: that' an3thing Could •- be done
to reli6ve the condition'wh'ich' af-
feces. his. back a d legs .,and causes
, , .nl . g t �
'hini.,.considerabl'e distress.
Gets' Captain's"1tank ' �-
n� :: .. • prayer; .The Malik,.' who 'lived."
• H, . D.• Thor_ i .. on has. boei-i _;jr.o-. g.a n i "'
., In. 1,ti,e St � s; .of St. Paul
'»listed' to .esiptaln 111-the•Winghrani. 3`v,'i,'S ' . ,.
9 �`�. I3t4rtil Risian, ,God. Rung'
user .•e
13 ittory: •nav 'B•tisiness; ,'•A' If Pre
'17' i ov • .,%.,t -1 -n'q foibles, and' fbl� s Present
. _, II? 117----Do•labao;'Goforth of Chiria �..
ii,,.:-.Rrvicwoci b\ Maiguot Mc- Attended. At e, �tect S1,,tPi s Funeral . , Bctr•det7 of Vale; Th-i`otigh .Blood
Ise nz: i'. : , 1Vtr. Garfield Cs tra7dci; v..1,; in and. , fire , in.. Latin . Ai erica ,
Toronto last Thuradatc tiltendilie Clinnbxng:, Missi011cary , 'Warrior;
-CO"- ,, ._.., the 'f1 nC til •is :I fel
- EVENTS:. , Ts,An1' : f his ,' 'iGii' St t`iia ct~ens.,o'f ' '('ai �:
a rvFlticttil
1t iIt '.
l"r % ' AR"I). 1wlA,NCh ,1`: y1,11','. Cori tit .
._ •d_ .i _ _ :_ _.. -sat atC
11117 la �';
. �a
•, .. t ew
I" . 1't•1•11t11' 1'ril�l1, `fhuli`sati. ", Feb. '1, inial•: (..Ot ' or7. ) eti �," . t. ' ,
t, >t ti. F17 s,•`:;:.,..1%1'.;•'10°0 .c.f • a t�. c ti,r•:,
C` ..! 1.1. '�,. P1'..ti. t' ,.% ••• a -.Ji .,. .. .'� RC1•. li•' It`. •‘•. 1\ C . 17 . 'C tl.• -.,.+ `, ti.
. �".�ila d t4'.1•i' P1 O`7it1 ,ii. . '(tri\lti°$' Y r,2 y• C 1'1l\V , , '
. •• � to y�l�.,.•la:ilttc t R3,� �c t: no'. t7' Zen;
;i1,...., -.)a .; . By, lyly. S�l;rit_
i T...o%-• 'al•t 1, F'1 1 `;. 9t ', •• F13 arid �•1tiati; 4li4' o' 117.1 Goforth: Mystery of IVtir' Saba;
.,:,,!,:‘,:•,..:i. l,,t't.it ,1 ,:C..ait'1i11t i....4d-' :11 it su n- e. 'iVe, coo 1. 1„7 Saint: L, }It' i”
t •
•rr ,i11: I'i.t•':�'' tat t,t,' , ri- ,.'r 1'3,'x' ,-.�• yv�• ti. .r''' C' c,
� :.--,,•,_ 4,. 7o.:1t Z 7S' ‘win be.: •.ilt t it.tit1 I c.c,t1i:titH-f iraY.c;c ;•, l syr -i
.�a t t • ' • 1 �. "corm, v'cilid.. A � 1,d I•./� iii t tlt7C'"alb. c7CiltClf' S!
, IiC�Y1tt., .tZ,,
1• •