HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-19, Page 7sdaY,. February 19th, 1947
• •
It 10 U N'G ttsad"ais Nay es yt�.w:
or'•s' Note• -This isthe first'
kiy stories WF ONT-Clark j
treasurer. "of the ,Ontaria
:n's `Association, willwrite
he visit of Canada's•':cham-
bvvmen to Britain)
ia'•s' 'four champion plow-
tir "team ;manager, ,and ' I,
our> way to''Britain It will
first time any of -Us hay.
e. co Land 'and we .hope
g -back a lot of valuable'
;ural infOrniation.
rip will •take us into 'Eng-
,eotland. and . Ireland,. giv-
a chance to see farms;
ve -been. under cultivation
idreds of years. We want
v how 'Ca'radian pr iducts
ing :receiVed over there;
British farmers managed
` conditions are like now.
ace is .back again;
four champion plowmen
► teams and they will take
• .held; .by Orrtaric far.Mers..fgr: •overs
-47'7-der-Rd-FY -ani` the, ,tnfernaTional
matches have. been sponsoredy
the Association since" 1913..A trip
like this •across 'the Atlantic was
planned for Winners •of :'.horse
plowing •in 19$9 bat was cancelled
because of the outbreak of War.'
and ..the 'men visited the United
States"• instead, 1n.1942 it 'was•.• de
cided to suspend the International'
matches =until- the end of the -war
because o'f°travel restrictions. • The.,
Victory Match at • Port .:Albert
brought the 'competitions" backa
gain and they, were', bigger. and
better- than ever;.
Let metelI you a little more
about the men "who : are' making
the trip; 'We're: all from Ontario
and ''.you. might .say: 'we're Old
'friends because' we've . been meet-
ing 'each -other :at-variqus-plowing-
matches fbr : a goo'd'. many years:
The 'Winners '
-43-lowiirgn7 r., atr '_ '�J ircp Ir nyci Stec;kfieg .. e:
where he. was bora 48 years ago.:
ITis fat er, .a hardware merchant
started A Shorthorn herd•'in •1894
and later became' president of
,both : the ..D'ominion . Shorthorn
Breeders:„ As, sociation and of the
Cattle Breeders Association. Geo,. ' '
Luc now;.. Ontario..
LsUalt -,.
still is carrying •on• the 'her d an:d
is• a diroetor of'the.OntaPio 1'lovw-
men's Association. •, , ..•
�As for tee, we.14. Ism treasurer
of the Pl'o ne7`es 'Association and
I farrn,00 acres in Markhaiin
township near >CTnionville.o Yorke
county; The property was set-'
•tled ,by my grandparents :'in 1841
'and ,• 1 was -born there 54'' years
age,: We had thefirst light trac-
tor in Ydrk •county,.' .acquired in '
1915.. • My fist plowing' competi-
tion, with horses, ,was in.1911 buts
I used the tractor. in 1920 and was
suecessfil -rrr ort e- later, :champ
ionship. matches,
nand . County `Salads gold ined'al. at' Port'•Albert
n',Northern Ireland, Floyd: it was •liis fourth.. International
y and. Austin Nairn' won championship in .;,horse drawn
ada gold -and_ silver med-Plowing. . He was born 44. years
the' Trans -Atlantic . Class 'ago on • ;afarm. in Whitchurch.
se-drawrL jointer; plowing township, York county ' and now
International Plowing. is manager of the •Harvey Schell
airport- las` Ocxober.:F•
s • and Alex "Black', were
in t'h'e Esso Open Tractor'
.t the' Match
:hampions ;_'t h e y w Fe r e
d this trip and all 'their
?s' and those•, of the 'man
re being paid • jointly by
a ;Oil •..Limited .'arid', 4the
Tea.`CO ;of Canada
nine are .being 'paid. by' the
• Plowrnen's- Association.,
He's,, director of the On-.
Plowmen's Assoeiatxpn':
sponsors -the International:
of ' Black,: 'second in.. the Esso.. class;
g along as. ,an- farms at''; t..R.•,�2 'Gi elph
ipresentative,'of the O P.A.
r':;.. ou vi, e.
--Fred-•-T- Mbers-the Esso—T aefi r-
gold ,.medal st, is ane q
International Winner: He: was
_born on 'his `.father's' farm in
Markham township, York county,
in 1907: and now owns . a-'115'acre
farm: %at 'R.R '`'4'. in Whitchurh.
The Trip Starts
Z SIL ori _.1_
Toronto. and our new experiences
began almost at once for the two
teams did some radio brpadcast�
We had: lunch at' the Granite y'
Club as guests of Imper.ial . Oil (+
and . Salada .,Tea.. 'There were a
hey reach.:
t is a„must for every,. farmer and dairyman ..to
and�..,we-,-r•.ece.ived the-:g-opd--wishes=
11er�,fre' uen,t :ofd "A. "Car.'r"bit af�tl e. department"
'of agriculfure'who is ;general c
ret:ary-manager' of the O
Plowmen's Association;': Gordon;,
McGavin, president of the Assoc i=..
atio'n, McIntyre Hood, supervisor
'of:publicity, department of agri
The two ; Silvers meds ists' both'
•are•' bachelors, -and both.far.m,the
properties , oin • winch they, were:
born; in '19.11. Austin Nairn,' who':
it&i in •fie Sa1ada ,:even
lives at IRR.• 1, :Munro, i'fn, Fuller
ton "township,_Perth county. 'Alex
'h°` I'in 'treasu
sked :to writ
11atehes in . On
er; : an I've' .. , .• :The 'Manager
:articles as Our trip .manager;!Geo. Waidie,
lives at R.R.2,' 1Jow' ie township,`
reg matches have 'been 'Stratford on. `'Ath'elstane Farm";
Perth . county, two miles frail
eep in Orme On: mar: et: teen! s '1n ivestoc
a id- `ro-duce ---A-rrd sit is -a -dein -e t--th r ire
get the. news ;earl • : The .difference, in time often
means .a.difference:in�:dollars.
The Globe°'end'Mail isahe.i n1 Toronto•. news:
a er .that ;reaches ou with: latest notations ;
pP Yq
and farm re orts on. the .deo. .of �tiblacation.
p rf�
Sd timet ' so . accurate ' so corn � lete are Globe ,•'
� �. fir. 1\. ..t ar `"�,�•""..
'the have become n ac.ce: ted• basis for tradin,
Y P• ,..g
cuiturie, R: 'K. Bythell of the Sal=.
ada • Tea - Co and A.', G. DeMont.
and C A. Robertson. of. Inzperrial
one' in New•'York . where ,'we are:
to board • the . ;Queen Elizabeth..
We're all'' looking for ward 'to. •our.
crossing :and: to visiting London,
the Kin g's:•farm at Windsor .•the
,, , n
Yorkshire, urg, Lancashire'
and ,Belfast By the time you: read
this,we'll be over.there 'seeing as;;
much as ' it'- is possible for u's to
see in six weeks °
For a full account of
farm marketprices—
fo a com leteaccount
of world.happet�ngs
read The -Globe and Mail every day.
aki`.advantage: of this splendid -
::coverage of
rural,: national ;;and world events.: • Have THE
GLOBE AND MAIL sent by mail to your home -
►t your: Post .Office''or in:°, your
:Rural Mali Box
!OO...per _.:y_ear $3.75 for 6 .months;.
$2.00 for `3months;
ed 'Funbcrs Alex. Black
011-1T U•A
passed'', awaY one; of,
Township's pioneer, resi-
n .the person of 'Richard
ion; • ort..Friday, January:
)47 at the age of 87 years,
hs and days,'
deceased was • born. at
peare3 in Perth County.,
with hi& parents, the late
i ltobertson• and Christina
ran to th,c 9th Concession arid distress. to lend a helping
In. To ,nship, at the age.' of hand'i andR gave- willingly of, his
'arse where he resided un- '
time of his passing. ;tim.e' and irnpwledgq• . ; .
The , ftttiet al Ser vice Was. con -
'03 he married Annie, Mc" 'ducted
laughter' of the ",bate 1VIr. cted •<it his. trite.• 7"c*siclenCc 011's. Robert McCaul of.1VIon%iay, January 27th' by Dr, W.
he'd: •'Wah ie
`Floyd Site ey
ected many. of -'the present build
ings 'throughout, the 'district He
took 'anactive, part ';in township
"and.'district affairs+, having held.
the office of..:reeve for 7 'years.'
He was •'a valued mether `•of the'
°Agricui]t - many
year's. '
The"'late.1V11'• Robet'tsnin, was a,
kindfather and a • highly respect.-,
ed neig'hbzsr= and Was 'held p in high'
esteem by all who, knew'him..He.
'was .evei" ready in ,tinie Of, 'need
�wngh.ip, mien . O. Rhoad of Xrlojc l resbythrian
. pLedeneased• •' .
�'lit.ii c�i'(iffi`cr;ttit��;;-'x"br� pal�;b��trr�_
!c: �,rC,als ,tiger, ', . �'"
t a yore • . • ers were. All 1VleXvein J.ihi'11.1c�
g. pian, he follow- : Laity, Andrew 'Patterson, Stcew-
threalingbusiness along alt Ne.edharn, Dontrld Mrtct ii;y' S:'
is brothers: lie was' also John Mctver• : •'
"tont (`-''`lienter,, Navin er- ,, tip leaves tb trmill• i hi, ls.) iii';
6 .•
a . J
Austitl l aien
,two" Sons and three • daughters
William of ;,Vancouver, ,: B;C , E1
len' (Nli�s.' �C. J. Ware) .of 'Hunts
Ville, •Ont:, Robert, • Marys anis
Christina •at horne, and one grand
child, Shirley Aline :•Ware; also
two,•bi others and one' sister, An-:
nie 'and John; • W ,of Ripley , and
Williatri J., of Bluevale'.:' -
Those from a ;'distance w:hoat-
tended the funeral••sei*v'ices Were:
Mrs• C '•J'. Ware , of -:Huntsville;
W. Robertson and` son 'Wildon'.
ofluevale, Miss Kathet+ine'Rob-
ert: n 'cif :Woodstock • •Archie
MV1acA.rthur of Etnbro..and.Mr. and
Mrs: ,Ross .Dowkcs and son Billie
-of' Oi• ey ' Sound,
Ration. Coupon „pile Dates
•Cor'tpons _new'goods a.le `butter .
11 -- tz --B42 -._tit-ni a t-- -M64•: t o:7147—
'.`i 'set \ es S26 to S42, . }
''1'ihw Liiieses for sugar a'tid' plc
;'"l'('w' art, oti •a, monthly basis,
cotiPiois becoming good 'each
'Please.efitej• my subscription to The' ?globe and Mail -for .
1 yeq.i 6 months
Cheque, Money . ..
Che ... I>
q n .,y order, postal not, cash3; enclosed
. gape:. .:...•.•F...i....•iYi.••.i':•••,.q.:{Y... U 6.....
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• • '• 4.• r • .• • i' • •. • 4 '• 4
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