HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-12, Page 5OP A lnesday, lrebruary t.tl , 1946. ceum Theatre 'INGHAM Show starts. at 8.00 o'clock • Saturday Night at 7045. ' 'hursday, Friday, • Saturday. Y.13 1: .BRUAR r 1, s ... DOROTHY LAMOUR, ARTU UO IDe 'Ct3RDO V fl :; P asquerade..�exiico in �1II Saturday iIi. dinee • Sa Y at. 2.04 Fr rnday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday iBRUARY1.7, 18, 19 DOUBLE BILL • (WARD G, ROBINSON., ;LORETTA YOUNG).'.. 'ORSON WELLS RANGER R DULY ENTERTAINMENT:: AND: •- A TOOT" • TUX ::oUCKX4OW ,SENTINEL, L' JCENOW, ODUA. ifo • K I� 7 (y+y� �' �N L O U �A H: f Too. ' late. forty last' week . Mr. and Mrs. , Albert Hewitt of Millarton visited Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Art .Graham. PAVE .FINN.. AGRICULTURE FEDERATION OICTS AND REGULATIONS • It has been suggested that we' outline , some of the objects • and regulations of. the Township Unit • The teacher and pupils of our. of th} Federation of Agriculture,. school attended the educational, The..obiect• of furthering „tlie Picture str ow put ;ori in -the •town- interests o f farmers - i n 'a 11 ship hall on Tuesday afternoon branches.• is: sub -divided, as .fo1= by the National Fiirrt Board, ' lows: t . • Deepest sympathy is .extended. .:BY fostering mutual, : under, to: and. Mrs. John Johnston, standing, :• Coln..10► in •the• loss of their* ad., 'encouraging the 1 e study. • of e •est son James who was feta- far•nm and household problem's, so lured at the _CNB.. rocs ,ng.-$oath---aws_ tp.:.increase -the-•eff=iciency and - of Kincardine on Tuesday, night,: comfort ;of the farmer and his-. Relatives and •friends in the family. .community attended the recep By studying, teaching, promot- tion and dance in. the Ripley hall• ing, and :establishing the ;prin.:. on Tuesday in honor jai Mr. ;c•iples of"co-pperatibn; •• and `.Mrs, Lloyd Cornish . ,recent ! --By ' watching t legislation relat- new'lyweds.::Mrs. Cornish was the `ing to the farmer's, irrierosts,. and former Mabel Stewart, .daughter. by . urging from time ' to time,' of: Mr.° arid M:rs,,Tom Stewart.. Mrs. Harold Haldenby • was guest soloist • on the program At Home,.with .the Ladies: on ' CKNX on•Wednesday morning. • ,Miss Veronica Murray; student nurse in training at St. Joseph's hospital, London,. spent the week end', with her parents,. • Mr:. and Mrs: 17,- A, Murray. . Mr John Johnston, is not as :well. as" *is` htaffy. 'friends "wish` to See him.:. • 105 LISTED AT N.E.O. Lary •Cllangeable ie wea.ther summary 'for the th of.: •January'' ;shows it .;to been '"a very : changeable' At toe end. •.ot" . January, . 105 irides and 2fi :females were reg istered at the National Employ. merit' Office, Wallkertoni.,for em- .ployment These persons , for, the m'.ost part. are residing in• l<incar- 'dine, LucknoiCe Mildmay; 'Valk- , Durham and • Mt ores e..arger•percentage of these: -persons axeunskilled' work- ers especially. :in, the Male 'class: The unemployment at the prey eat 'time..on their`part is due;_.to' seasonal conditions.. five: clear 'days In the 3.1 Year's day ` produced the. .st- temperature •at 8.. below e .the high was 45t. degrees. 'e were, .53,.'iri'ches *of rainfall • 40 inches of snow• strss--141e13e--yo ly truthful, Norah. ?w Maid: I aril . on• my. ',own unt,: mom:: I -only tell :lies for family, ' The female list includes,: saes clerks, ' office' :• workers' and 'fact: ry-- eerk=er , eyCrs in-t'cr ested in "'securing additional ,help, may find their solution" in ;con tacting the.'local EMploytnent• ..Of •fisc,..Walkerton:. through' duly appointed delegates or otherwise,> the •passing of leg- islation required to promote the bestinterests of 'agriculture: By: co-operating. •' with similar groups. in:,:Huron .County in . dis- .cussing; and . debatin, g sooial, economic; and farmer's 'problems,:. with'`• a view• of developing co- operative thought and action amongst, the farm: people and' to' foster and :.maintain a s progres,- siwe citizenship in ural''corninun; Ales; The' men'ibership • shall be open to all owners or operators: of; or w • ricers_ mi ants la: ds: the township, 'They •farm .women of the Town-: Shap are especially :invited. to take an important part iii. the.. activities of the_, Association' .and. May be included .in the 'member= ship. TO 'INFORM COUNTY EOL OF HOSPITALIZATION PLAN The • County directors of the Ht.Uren:' County Federation. of Agric uftu're hewld an smMportan t meeting recently..in the Agricul aural Board Room, Clinton,, with thirty directors being present,. The County ;Warble Fly cam- paign and the Co-operative Med- ieel Services Hospitalization plan were main. topics .of discussion; Hugh Hill, chairman of the WarbiVly Committee, outlined the 4p4i"posed plan, and H.. _ J, Hawkey, ..o f . Crang • Spray , Corpora= anion,;, TQrQntp,. spoke on..conelu cions it from, experience , gained last year and equipment available to do;• the lob: this season. It is, hoped that w each township 'will. ,launch its - awn 'campaign. :Theannual meeting Mof the .County Hog Producerswas held, 'in;the same 'office Wednesday afternoon, along with the annual. meeting- of the YorkshireBreed-• ers: George Gear, Agricultual representative . of Bruce •'ounty,. was the 'Special .'speaker for• the. occasion. Mr. .Gear outlined the plan adapted in •:Bruce County, to increase the quality of our hogs Tt was;"decided send` �a full Ciel egat'on to :;the annual :Provincial meeting? to be Ireld in • theo Royal. :York Hotel, Toronto, on -March 7th. Plans. were laid to ste • ';un the quality of:hogs in Huron Co. The: Health 'Comrnittee held a meeting: on , Satiirday. 'afternoon, deciding to mail . a . copy. :,of the proposed Hospitalization '.Plan; t� every ,.farm' family in 'the Cpunty and to distribute the same:to; all.'. fist ''. halt ,of. February:, This. is. ' a matter' which will .require the careful consideration of eve'_ rY. 'f aniily in: the `County. the Association: shall be discuss ed: and decided'up on. 'at meetings held: from time to: time. ' The ;township unit shall put, the nec-' essary pressure on ,the':•township council, to pass;'a by-law levying; up to :. mill . on.the assessment of•all °farmers . in the township; as ` an annual .rnembership-'fee in the"Federatiop of Agriculture:" The officers' . of, the 'Association •shall consist'.of'a president; :a vice. president, !:a •: secre.tary-treasurer; 'eeswateramps' 0. • ,.. - � Reafly {ast•year,,we introduced R:O,P. breedingg Cockerels in•toour lens tor -the first time,:•.gnd you would hardly believe, such heromenal' results could; be po sible. yin- 'one �generat.ion...: 'ormerly, this breed trailed'our White Leghorns and Barred Locks inro •- p action NOW THEY ARE THE LEADERS ire, and one director,fram each school section' in the township and. two. • auditors. .• The 4•executive of •the . Associa tion shall consist _ The—officers : of Of the' Association•.• .. . ' e1 ction -of;. the•_. president,, the Oresident rid,bOard'::Of -directors shall :be held•. a I\ an, an- tush ` :meeting They ; ,shall ; hold off ice for; one e` year arid be elected,. • annually at' the• annual meetings` of the . Association, Open • noinina- offices and. election by. ballgt, pro- .ceeded:• with'if nQ- cessary. t^ ►rid :have`'' been rigght, through the. winter. :Not only ,'that;. hey • ai•e holding' their body 'weight and looking 'theirr best, vhrle:producing •steadily over. 70 percent `1'ew' Hampshire:`Chicks are'•our' best. hitchers:' The: -y, are , asiest to raise. They. make'exce'llent:.'•broilers or, roasters.` of met ,and ,eggsyou cannot beat • • TEESWATI+,`RVIEW 'NE.W. Hb'IP. t ;you . likey a. Hybrid,* these.: pe�pyM� 1`�etw •Ha.iYip Co.cke� c ls, • to;�tic.�.d with our•: R,O.P.• sired '`Barred . Rook. females, :give: " oi.'5tvaterview New • Ham.x Barred`.111; c 5, Right n'iit t. 1,06its as if this-- Hy'brid is to be our best seller• in i.l4 c.> YOU have not t pldeed. your slider, do so ati, once,. We; also Lave .;pure R:,(�:P: sired 'Barred•`Rocks' and'•White; Leghorhs nd the' popular : Barred Rock" x White Leghorn Hybrid.' VRITE OR. PHONE • O eeswaterV■rew Farm and Hahr:': • 'PHONE 84-w 'PHONE 84-r-21.: o 'TE'ES'WATER, •O.NTARIO. • •D:,UN-GA.N•N0N. . ev.' W J: Rogers presided..fer ,tile .annual: ineetin ' ' of the ;Un ited. • Church.. when ,e?eceller t ie= ports •• were • 'received • from the •vat sous' : depattments The treas- urer's,. ,report showed a gratifying ' .:':stir . las; 'Mrs. '`E� Finnigan; and ' Mi•s E•....Ei rington acted as serut- iilc‘ers' for the. election of. bfficers • \tido arc •i f i1ows elders, Heber • 1 Eet!l� , Will. Petrie;•,•board of ste- 1. aids; ;Everett .Finnigari, Wilbur l r >wni .'X. K. .Da:wson Barye'. c y ` e'.,C. •�,ntica . on, missaloi'ia•y and iYiain.- -: .te Lance treasurer, ;Mf s. M ; Reed; ' .Sunday School 'superintendent;; nh Shackleton ; assistant, Mrs. Ain Orse;. cretor u Miss ' Pearlr 1♦ insenig.an; annivereasrsarrery •cohtinittee,• i< K. Dawson, Hebei. Eery, Mr b. Fowler;.. auditors, . Wilbur '.Brown; Roy Rutledge choir leader;:, Mrs. D. Fowler; Ob - •server : r. represerntative,' Miss June Rutledge, 'congregational secret-. al'y, Mrs, Otto Popp...A °cote. of Kapltreeiation:':was extended to ` Ir. Rogers.. for 'his ':Work dtring the 'Stoat. A .pot-ltick • supper.,was ser- ved at,the Closeof: the meeting, REX THEATRE " .:LUC Nt)W MATINEE.;,E- _ Every Sat,, at, 2.30 NO,SHOW TONIGHT WEDNESDAY We have eancellled the mil, week shdW for this. ' Weel R e, SAT. MON. W 've a scute rog • e, p; gram,'foF your enjoyment , - • Men In Mer : Qiary Peggy Ryan,. g . Louise Allbritton. Jon Hall. With this 'cast you can be sure its splendid entertainment. NEXT •WEDNESDAY " DOUBLE BILL. • "THE ,GENTLEMAN FROlfl TEXAS" "ohtlnny Mac Brown Also Showing a ccC CHINATOWN", Charlie Chan COMING SOON SEVENTH. 1 • • • F. T. ARMSTRONG' , was re -ap- pointed chairman of the Goderielt:.' Board. of Health. •at the 'inaugural meeting., • t uy' Farm and Hatcher! THIRTY years ago this''Spring _ we. purchased, our first baby-. .chicks, arid'` since that time we have, been in the poultry busi- :ness con inua y, re now ave a:pou try plant of which we are justly 'proud..' We. have Made. a study of' culli g and sel - • ection for egg production -and* .meat . ;type, and when yott . .purchase. your. chicks . you,: get 'the' ;benefit of.: our 'experience; All the parent stock is blood -tested, annually. its year vve offer.. you the following. ip;Baby'Chicks s' -C Wl lteghorr �s . to B reed Rock c 1. Leghorns Mixed Pullets,: 29c 13c• '.27c, Mar: '&. Apr. May June ` T.... --vg?--e"-ox 2c - ELI1ER 12e. •25c:. _ ` N, $amp. 'B.. Reek • Mar.. & Apr May. June. Ham., x L. Sussex Med Pnlleta '15c. .25c' 1.4c' 24c: 13c '23e. RRISH.ir GORRJE, ONTARIO. :lifter Vice ; THE LUCKNOW . DISTRICT': CO-OPERATIVE INC WILL : • BE MIXIN4 FERTILIZERS THIS. SPRING AS" YJSUAL. • ALTHOUGH WE ARE WARNED of (`-a� 'v,ry serious 'world . wide shortege'•of fertilizer material, We have .a large supply: of material: •o' .hand •and: much more• •• o'rdered, :so as long as'. welcan'secure'material :we•shall •continire,:to'mix the. usual 'grades as ;ordered : by, • the ••fanners. • 1E3 SIDES• THESE •we mix a..2 -i2=6 without aiiller which has become very popular as it can be sown: with any ordinary seed dr•i11.. This is known as Pebble. and 40 lbs, of it contains as ; mueh' plant.'fdod as 125, lbs: • of 2-12=6 with a filler, For Further. Information Phone' 'or' Write to Luckfl�w District(o-Operative- Box' 63, Luckndw : _= 'Phone 7I: " We Deliver :i•i:yRw v' John -Jamieson, :Manager, • 0 • •