HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-12, Page 4rAGBamu. 1.,- n. MiesiZilaillitiMmarniackvivarriww THE 40`QW S �TIN� 'U'CKNOW,. ONTARIO • "WANT AT)" .TE Ist insertion ° 2 cents a word, subsequent iertions. 1 cent. a word. Minimum charge 25 cents Replies care of The Sentinel 10cents .extra. Legal advertisiq 10 centsper, cotgt line first inser•'tkkn, 5 centsper line. subsequent Insertions, WANTED --housekeeper 'for v l.• `age.vhonie,, two Children, Apply to Elmer Mc1 ay Lueknow: FOR. • "SALE 66 -cycle simplicity Washer, used 6 months, good as new,. Apply Walter Anger, in the llorace Aitchison house, T ick 'LOST -- 444 blacksnake whip,' in xhow: ' I.ttrcknow. Finder please leave at rnie ..gaaviifoid's. ' FOS , SALEn -. anrs. black. for i oat; also child'a ,,,skating; outfit, site 12. Robeit 1llfeff"at„ L.ucknow: .,c,ONGOLEIMI,MIGS for sale at ° the l l5ild nay Fufrniture Store:. J,' F.,'Schuett & Ste: -FOR, SALE ' ' to budding lute,, Cough,— and • St.,,, A.PPIY to • Mrs., Wilson . Hamilton, or ;Gar • field 'MacDonald, ,c' lv`ANI .. Re• prepared!! .Have 'yatar seed.' cleaned: '' auaid ' ' treated :. naive. We have Arasan, the.-SW..!:cti Igr. 1 e i .: seed peas also' 'Ce sen 'for :.*eating • Qat'S read barley; Robertson;, LutcQW • 1 located :with .aIl modern •coni-. „FARM EQUIP ST':.: Woods el- ectrical farm equipment :rollers and milking mabliiues; grinders installed , at. X55.-Forster's weld, Shop, Lucknow= : ° 1 EARLY CillICKS0 ORES .-PROFITS FITS •a. 'During.. the past 'six years the Canadian poultry industry haS: rapidly: developed on. an export basis, Britain • asks that a larger -share • of imported eggs arrive there in fall .and. whiter months... As a .means. of ,guaranteeing fut iti n':Departinertt of Agriculture tiro export contracts, ,the Dom- irises. "that moult' - :producers': ad every t . � eggt make' eve.. effort to supply.g when: the biggest ';bt yer.–Britain..! --heeds. them. In order t9 do this it will ' be necessary for ' poultry raisers ' to btiy their chicks der—..than, has .beenri customary;' the past -to bur there:. during: the ,Months •of 'Janue,ar3 , February br ut y Or March, so;as toproduce the nee gummERCOTTAGE quartities of eggs to meet . contract eorniiai�kmerits at Point Clark .or Bruce Beach from July Isis to I5th° For :.par- _ . There ,is , nothing impossible; ticuiars apply' at . The .:Sentinel' says the • Departinent, ' about "office: carrying out this advanced pro- gram. It does, . however, . present: distinct challenge to the poultry industry` and for 'success requires the' co-operation, of everyone en gag mat.• - Producing a higher: ' percentage Of eggs in the fali assures better ` zcT ens being `ed "'frox r early hatched chicks*Early: hatched eliieks develop raOre un ftrrriri x,. have greater . vigour • than later. OACi ACHES GO QUICKLY, Of-- ten. f-ten• after first dose: 'Rtunacaps 2; w:action attacks the cause,, re- heves: the. ,pew; Mct's `Drug Strar.& Down Dug Store. 'Cd�.P-r.e feryably between30 'and - 4a„ to t take• charge , of .a Modern town. Biome -while. at :burs n ess • Central-:: 11 �wzt Reckwo Insulation. apt, eti wed to�'walls and ceilings of your :home -will -save will -save -112eT : ith comfort :d fire. protection.. Work ; donee anywhere. l cltxipment: in the district; now; ter ' free•'estimate anzd.,terrms''Photie 35 Lucke ow. or 'write RQ C :Day, S Thorn - Ion 'torn. _Ave* London ;,APPLICATIONS .1NA�N Appiieatio s ser the pasktion of reasrxre of .the County of`.Birutoe Wrlit be reeewed' by the ,under- ..54,114.ai' up' .;tin ,ihe IStli day of Diad, VAT. . flu es to ecirxma:e ee" nil . lst,1~ 7 Salary $2411Q per, 'G ' a. a e LJ n t position . for the. rnght person. lea _ t szrroudmgxs: T Knd%t. end acre bring, .refe.rences App y Box . 19,' Walkerton "Have •Enjayer;i Real Pioiits" says" F,..Edna Higgins of KITCHEIN'ER: BIG4 OHICKS oug r as. y-ar. s , year... as Tnotrgkt from you With like sat-, sfactiox , "Isn't•,,That' Sufficient' 1 - Wednesda , February Jab,. 1546. • 0 . Lucknow iStVkt District:CO.5OP Inc 'Phone 71, 1.n4,110w • USE 'YOUR CQ -OP. SERVICE SUPPLY OF WE , HAVE A GOOD4 ` CO. _ 16 4' and:. 6 �pI3 :tires .5.00•x214'plythe • 4.75:. 5:00' x.19 4: and 6.• ply tires 4.50 4: 00 •x 20 4; plyY.tires T5 �^ 5. Tu les for all�aizes• 6 -volt ,and 2 -volt, Storage Batteries; :6 -volt Hot: Shot Batteries Bell Electric Hammer Mills JOHN :JAMIESON, Manage Q� C'ouid' : you. • tell me if res taur�ants have been. allowed, to increase the price'nf •a ham :sand- -. wich?� i A=If the'll is hot the' price in ,' aced . five cents:: mss.. cooked,a. cold h:arn,, tie. pr?'Fe; may 'not be increased under the recent allowance for meals. • Q -:-Are, used cars and trucks still: under price 'ceiling ; regula- ttLc n .•A -Yes. Prices nay be Checked" hatched chicks, and rearing• is easier , with s : rk a tality and fewer etxlSs. Ta raise .good early' chicks, gond • rear agezi ent and good brooder 0 ��;,G st, : Cheslelt Oxnt Trema :n, Was en'a> Oornur ittee:. to: prone quality?: Canada. Approved,. Breeders • ,•Pallot nn,,Tested "ate choice • • breeds, ° crosses. -'son top -avoid 4 poxiutrnen,.t Agent.: here: is 1301 ARL '`ii: BAKER,-,. Lueituksr• T COlflw ENlli FARMERS .COST RECORDs • • r:Corneri _• Caurries Forum,1:(1,e:i tat . t _ , hoi e • 'of • Mr. and Mrs' Ac... 71iS' t 00 '•4' WX'hat: ma .es; .,Ioh �• xAxt, ,o rices:?' • ] iee.si on farm. products. wo : c7. lie: . ;arse o cosi: . c: ,. ved' if d :Much izQ: . o p toetioxzc rather • than. letting them. f x xi their _: GTwa]. level tIaxu; and demand "Borne meit42.: begs. .recon iendeed. that the. • er^ kee ::a c ts>' o ' di{vze�'t�Ti. faerm. c, nun s . p that he *Amid, :be in a porion lir vttao'' decided ::tln:•at fl 0 weaS ex s''tleir trailing. bath 'se prices., equipment :are' necessary.; • Prodtacers are` urged .not to buy., more chicks than' their brooder. :ious_e' .can, brood _pro 1erly, °ver. crowding results, in poor "chicks and' heat/ culling\• A• brooder house' 10'±12' should not be ex4: pectec to carry more, than 300 chicks for ` good results • Well Managed -early pro- 'dtiee• mote eggs in tile. fall when prices are 'higher_ . ' The :burying: of early chicks . to produce ;'early ,..fall' andwinter eggs wile help; • to strengthen and lances off: •con'. retain Canada's f iture • expo and braying, markets: w . •''Thee:. ,previous `week 'Mr.. .Mrs,-'; Nelson <' .;en ;entertained . F'orua at 'a,.social : evening in their borne:: Pirogressi.ve euchre Was err. joyed with . higix scores taken. by i s and, tie arrxsh .`>rIr c I� I coxisolat oats,;oxiag to, Rita.Morar and Fred JohrGton Ration Coupon;Due • Dates coupons' now goad ..are- butter meat M64 'to M74 and; Court of honcitir waS heldwhen' *: ° p.>;e. '�ervesa.... program ...fox the fo lowing : Yom• �- . Next, :eon : na • ' become_ ig: valla . are, ' month* -vas planned,. ,P1.ansitygre: sugar -preserves} S41 to S4 butt "rx a e' for :a sleigh ricking -party :oh' ter l and meat N.73 on..; Feb;- February 21st,...also :a number of ruay,� •lath: first:° class•. test•s are, to *be. tried March. Guides; '-,opened. with roll Call. axed horse shoe: forrn.atibn. Leg' ends, on the lives', of St Andrew,. • .d -Name Omitted ° : an o. is, We . had. an: error .and,_. m•. Sion in the ':list :of pallbearers who: officiated at Vel: .T:.: Johnstone's ',futier:al • :We omitted : tine 'r sane of .Clifford. Johnston and refer red 'to Cj Kex.rieth 1V.['cE'arlan •:as�'`I'ie�t'h, -Through:: -fkzrtners? orgo.�+ri7aitiQ re Ori4nlwrii tis a:. could ''then . be. :made tit tire: government foe a�uaa 'selling prices Of' ° those 'present, sone were of: tete opinions that the buiying' of supplies;. arid,. egiiii•memt through alio• Co-Oper- atm ea:be e'.Co might, v Company ;fit, especiail if these goods we're: •produced. iry t c4•mpany. Lack Of, • agreement among': 'farmers` at the nearest. office`of,te`War= time Prices arid Trade Board. Q: `liar there -been : any, recent p eimtssien granted :bakers , to m- crease the price of brown bread'? A -Noy ' Bread of , all kinds rir da - approved bread, brown bread,. . Whole' wheat • bread, cracked Rhe BRI4 Y (HICK Does the Trick! Bray. Chicles are real money- makers' ' I can prove, it. Place oar order here 100% live de- hyeti a€ -;FiNLASON,`BROS-, Lucknow,.Ontario: wheat bread -:and rye bread are still at their •basic period 'levels: Are canned °`babysr foods a: trOtal Ail' except canne`�l• ap excA ricots, cherries, peaches,.• pears. & pl trps. HAT'S WHAT ITIS: TIE G;VIDES;.� NSURAIKE IRE CAS'r;IALTY and AIJTOM.OBILE' o;' Protect Tour Jack With Jack Today • iI eDO AAI -'•'R.R. ' 3• I;uckiftow; .Ont, Phone, 61-5 Dun annon g a • bort. acKenzie ARRISTER; .& SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario.. TO 'EVERY mite :of -the, 305I yn.rteg' . Of main line ' sidingaid yand track . tn the C aiadiaa .Nat ire sial. 'Railways . in :Canada, there tio , a .t.: are ` ��,85�' ties,. ,,. r,otal,d;pf: 87,269,561,. From; R.s E. iCRAWFORD ATION to.: COME IizN 444D.,SEE'01R:'+i*''VW'..ARRIVALS :I O SA BT. ',vac These are now being,,` brooded. for the purpose' of retail, The 'early birtiil gets Larger profanes.•• FREE, DELIVERY--Av*;.yourself • of our free delrery service in .half—ton arid' ton lots of New Life and Li feteria Feeds - They have pro4'en $elves: PEAT O$S1-The Chicken Litter.,, :Ava lo.bie now' -- Later 'FRC r Five • FEED SPORE St. 'George <and' St PatricI were, i; read: ,Tenderfoot Guides: tried' .a:' test, games were payad and ebbe'' meeting , closed with '; "'paps'° • • Guide meeting as usual Friday' • night, OTHER S AREASI ING ..Q-4,With the recent increase al- Iowect varigtas oils and ,shorten— ings'; what is• 't ie 'present ;ceiling pace' 61'a potznd'of shox teeing?' A --The ceiling price may vary• accordingto the 'braid and the, increase: price. cannot be.,charg- eri the . consumer ' until . the ,re- taller has. paid• .for this product: stocks • ort, hand. iii retail ' ' to. . 9 e l s red when. the price increase was an- nounced must be sold' at, or below tb.e former ceiling. If you •wil°1 wild us 'the, name, of the bra a err .:the cisme _of the ' dealer :sell:, int.you the Shortening we shall begiad to•oheck and'give you the' iiiformatiori You. desire.' ' ,:.•.1 •w• DERSON BLOCK r 4iRMSTRON'0 OPTOMETRIST ;' • ,• L •01.44. FIRST' .ERIIIIAY. OF EA,CS M01N' H • ,•from ' • 10 a.m. to..•'6- p'm ' WM. SC'HMID'S STORE i N D R EVA/`: i Barrister' and Solicitor I;N w ONTARIO: .Office in:the .Joynt Bloat' Telephone Office 135' Residence 31= ,11.13,14*,,..In .Sure Insurance: ' ConfederationLife i. FIRL-PreferredRates:: for. • • OFefeirred risks. ' . ACCIDENT tz..SICKNESS. JOHN FARRISH Phone : 82-13 Dungannon ' • ACCOUNTANCY mal' e Service for- -the S 1 &I �- Tonal. and chant, � Profess Man, . the' Farmer.. • In Lucknow Tines.,: Thurs. and. Friday. ' Office in Kilpatrick Block.:. Y MM P.O. Boa : 74, Luck now , Ont. 'Phone• ?13 • • • • • • • 4 •• R. S. P Hetheri on' K:C -Barrister; 'Etc,• Win hair' and uck ow g IN LUCKNOW • '•Each ' �. , . Monday. &' Wedn esday Located on : the ground' floor in the .front of Joh t Kilpatrick's Buildin 'Phone ,..Winighaim Office 48 Residence "11 . Courteous and Efficient •Attention • Is The,1Vlotto Of; FUNERAL ..SERVICE Dungannon .Ontario, ` . r • Licensed 'Embalmer and t • ` 'Funeral Director' ., Telephone' 32, Duniang • • / • • i, • 1 • .s • •