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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-12, Page 1
a year -7 -In Advance; '50c Extra to U, LUCKNOW," 'ONTARIO, Wednesday, February ' 12th, 1946. •EIG HT PAGES fL.I•NG :STORM P LETES TI lays: of intermittent snow blowing, was climaxed on, with a howling: blizzard: ;oro 'letely blocked- -the p • ent Of all, motor,. traff ©c,, le • snowplows = try., concessions roads 'and been -.•almst o' ds which had .... ible all. week drifted' in, so hat_,it . was : questionable if. could break a road. .',. of rn her' eans.of travel at still theold faithful '"iron continued to . give' service disrupted schedules: - The rain Monday, didn't leave ;al depot till about 1.1.30 ver five hqurs. late. Chief > : however , was • in 'the at :'Kincardine which had So full that the-plowhad •y' is way out. Little ,:trouble erienced elsewhere''aloltg perienced erton•=-the on -the -Paisley' e Howev F Y a _plow'• was stranded ,in cut at 'Turners i . between: and Port Elgin: The dis- -� to,. %du lam' �nditions, resulted •in .a :can- �n , of the: afternoon trains. ;ht-train.came up, but ,well MANUFACTURE. OF' TOILET HINGES. KEEPS PLANT . BUSY In the basement of the John stone Block is a busy little in- dustry of 'some half dozen hands, engaged 'in the manufacture.,..of toilet' 'seat in es.., The proprietor is Gilbert-Hobrough and.the firm, name , is. I3obrough Metal. Pro ducts.. a i The. r ous operations h �a: in con- ne tion with the manufa ,t u re ;of, C4 so simple a': rbduct are intri wine ` p P sg.. g� and.: ';roductien has:'been speeded p up by . improved: 'methods ' arid. machines to a Point ; where . about P 400 complete units can be turned oit daily. • The hinge is a. 'feather -Weight aluminum alloy, which is me'lted6 in 'a homemade smelting' furnace. 'The various parts of the hinge. 'are poured two at a timedin one. operation. The Mould, ground out CHINA' FUND:OBJECTIVE • PUBLIC SCHOOL DON TE O. A, s NOT YET. REACHED: TQ CHINESE" AID' FUND Storm conditions have no doubt • The• staff a . rl2upils of L• .uck- ,prevented'' a good number •from making their'donation,to the local Aid to China fund. Total contri- butions'. at the :first of. the week k stood -at $'737.95, ' considerably shprt• ,of • the .'rr fninium, objective closing, date of the localcarir, paign was tentatively set for •Sat : urday of this weeks In 'our next. 'issue, it is' planned to publish the list of 'donations : not previously .acknowledged. .• now .Public'School have contri- buted '.$23.65 • to- the • local' Can- adian, Aid to"China'•:fund'. ;In• ; ad- dit 9i to the • pu`pils' donations of nickles and dimes;* those- , in" the higher . grades made ...tags. from. the sale of which . they realized W. A. MILLER HEADS FALL FAIR BOARD The 81st annual meeting; of the . Lucknow Agricultural Society was ' held in the Town , Hall on • Saturday. with an attendance of. twenty-five,: in spite of very 'bad'. g roads. • Mr. John Farrish, the• retiring about .$5:60 ,_ These• tags were sold: 'president,:' who has served faith- at. a- recent hockey match,'. but fully; for four Years, presided A unfortunately the. taggers.M were` visitor . at ,the''meeting, Mr. David ' unable t0' be out ' in full force Andrew, . ,s_ecretary-treasurer •sof.`. or the.proceeds . would have been thea Dominion Hereford Breeders , .considerably more... Associati'on,•`spoke. briefly when '•. called ori'• by,the. ;president. • • Mr.. Andrew stressed the im portance of the',. Society; sponsor- , • MEETINGS POSTPONED VI LLAGE CLERK . FOR FORTY YEARS:---- . Continued storm weather in' in .Club work 'h tii ti _Y� „weather g .. Such': activities' February' ` has). `caused. the . post- will have far;reaching ' benefits' Mr. Joseph Agnew of ` town has a record. of municipal service that May be hard -to. equal For •forty. turned to` `of n hea . piece of cast iron Years he has• held the ositiori of It in 'gettingYY P m was P iidnight. ag.the first to stir out into ackless expanse :4f • snow inketed• the village on Mon - 6TH was -Alb m ala orko s.'tas 'and tooGilbert clerk , of *tie Village and for •39. fuur • months to;' �Ys.years has . the dual ofic e water cooled'�ant equipped with and.:traasfkrery.... .. of ., w device for„. ejecting •<the cast' . • was Febru.arY`.5th 1907,: After :the': casting the various that Mr: Agnew , was` 'appointed parts that o:into-.the' make 'of clerk; succeeding g up _ " �1T��"������s�'�"t :�. , ��E' �• Mme: - - � for Polishing. Then -comes the. rient 'w s made:. on :a nhy' Councillors Joynt 'and Earls, and was • u na ni ously•:,suPP cited . .1r: : J.': G.:Anderson was then reeve and the other two members were Councillors .Lawrence and Mitch- ell; l+. At o of -his a.• !ointment_ :r.: Agnew was _conducting a Shoe business' ' here.' The ,following •yeas he was -,a ointed as -:village trea pP . S fir. er, succeeding, Mr, John ; Mur. chison, ; .who had. •gone:•'to the Southern States in connection I w a e.house--M-iteheWs lumber business A few ':years.. later Mr. Agnew was appointed a .'notary' public and 'opened a conveyancing busi ness, 'in:: 'which 'he i -ss. still• actively. engaged••along' with ' his.' Municipal titles.' Tit Patein -y ai rt gn also , assumed'' the duties ',in' icon- nection With the two• publ'ic'util- t : 's h -dro and • . r His :son i e , Y wer. Howard is now., secreta'_ y. -treas user of the hydro system. but Mir. 'Agnew retains •'this. office 'inn; the, 1 h • e ew water system, a t oou .gh •t.*.city is "pretty muchin Howard's charge. Fair.ecretar .:36 . •• Yea $ .y ; Apart from his munitipal. ser; 'vice. Mr.; Agnew:.is now .:complet- ing' his.' 36th' year • as: secretary reasurer - (7 ` •} , :i c`t ittl Society, tp - which .office he was recap -Panted ;last Saturday He was first appointed in. May of.. 1911; succeeding; Mr:. Charles' Locke: • : .• threading of the 'armsand' the boring .of.„, the. nuts::'and -;a final', finishing bath in• a• special, solu- tion before assei'nbling There is a great demand for the 'product, far in -excess of what 9re____ e_. e e deliver the. morning mail local • depot. With . a team him ; the best : •part:.oi • an smash_.; through , huge'' and . the belly -deep . snow' countered the team at, al !ver' ste there was rry, . as long' after eat the t tilled out .of diner It took A. W. Hamel minutes° to make his ` way' the ,:fields from his home depot: ;moment.: At . present 'a,~ girl' is needed for stenographic, work. and .stock checking.... Red Cross Annual Thursday . The annual :meeting of 'the • an. y:: ranch of the Canadian ReK;Cross, Postpon- ed a, g week:'a g: o,, will' e:'held this, 8 0 '1oc. liury sda'' evenin ` 0 oek. � , gt am. ... in -the Town Hall. anted Saturday Night A NT. ins arid' drifting that .'had- •' B RtJ e.• C zed' -throughout': the -.-week on Saturday,. . dY, and.,the vil as alive with teams arid` as farmers Made the.'; .p . tri' n to replenish slim. larders, •get 'the.. week's mail, as in cases rural ,mail delivery been .made all : week.: re Saturday evening : it s ow heayitY, an d hout the' . night'' a • : 30 -mile rr •ae a r. Sunday, visibility was ,cu. ear - ards-, and::h huge e • Y drifts u ,ev' •^ 6 p erywhere; r`, county sideroadths at wa'' ,.. 1 out a; week before there ix feet of 'snow' by actual rement on Monday morn id this drift extended fro m. to fence.''Late 'Monday of n one:•farther;. .Made' towns his ` 'team manlythe :was the , -one ° over • the'.: -Belfast ow' :.tliowies i R' 1:T,11 lled with at leant eight' feet . t wxan'd it had ;taken George g half an hour to -break: thrti 'i a tear!►:. official estimate of: the ill ;in the first nine -days of ary is three •feet New Towri'Pllow j� the, while this unusual ,a'pell ether has' been' at its 'worst, illage had.: been •without a low. The previous Satur-. ilex Alley had burned out in his. truck while plowing • Second.Concessori of Kin- ind had to, abandon. the e; y in the. Week he. went to ich where' he made the pun- of a, three.ton arrhy. truck four ' whe l - -d �iiie, . Snow roadsprevented him get- mntiined on Page Eight) l��P TO D At 'the" February session of ; the Village Council' a communication •was, : received. from'. the' Bruce County Clerk requesting the loc`''al Board to have : the ecessary data', of the history of the 'municipality 'forwarded. to the' :,Clerk •by .the June session: This is witha view: to b, ringing the. ;;:history of-. the: County '`.of. ruce up to 'date,.by the :publica-. tion sof a lume to supm pleent. he- historvolume written by the late Norman Robertson which''covered a''period. from the 'earliest settle-• ment.'up to :1,906. Last year County, Council ask-. ed each • inunicipaiity, ..to ' appo'ir• `.ft a 'person or a committee :to com- pile' the history of the respective• municipalities,: up :to. the present time. s • no' steps were taken' in this regard it was••receimtriended at :the January session that` coin.- munications be forwarded to -each municipality requesting'that' this' work }Se.. dpne by. June! • Permission : granted • the Bovvlin' Club"to, cut six' tr.c'es..at. the green,. This requestwas plats. ed before •Council ;'by W. A. Schmidel. and .:Cordon ..Eisher,' the. reason being that the green is too •shaded, to have gras"grow prop- erly Discuss Housing 6 Connell discussed the housing situation :at some length, •and ap;-. pointed 'Councillors Harvey Tree- leaven and Clair•.liealey,:to inter- view Mor 'an Henderson in. re- lard:to building houses undor hr. integrated Housing Plah .Council intimated that tax -fret; cin ces- siort''_night h'+e made fo,r a couple 2f ars' as an.. inducement t "build now.' Sudden 'Change cchangeartist the °A ' a quik e Weatherman is hard to beat. -At midnight on:Monday. night:•of; last: week the`•'thern onieter stood at 3.g .deg ees and b` ten•.•a:in the � y fbllowing moi�ning'athe .'mercury" had•. dop'ped 41.: degrees. to two below: zero. ponement of various meetings in -the community and. from the The annual meeting of the Luck- Society's standpoint• will. ' pay now Consumers Co -O e ive has'future'divid'ends. • ' Pera t•• .been twice postponed, and a' third ,Mr. Andrew pointed out • that, :. attempt to .convene . will not be :certain beef breeders now favor made . Until*. a ':later' date. '', ed exhibiting youri er' cattle in younger: �- --=-Then=-�anntal m i .th e - eet ng• � �f '-•the . e-• show- ring •with the= breeding'--' Lucknow and : Vicinity�Red Cross ' worth of senior .animals :proven - was postponed last through their offspring. `This 'Thursday night, zas. was .the. reg 'while cutting -down the. numbers _'1 ar-m.,i.r9.g:: of Old: Fight-l'yodge of Abair an3tnals, rteti :..- Kinloss" Township Council meet uniformity,` and keen- competition.' - ing - was set,. back a 'week, until Wallace !Miller. •President:' next: Monday. = Various: clurch Sorne confusion developed In Meetings', have been• changed or; adopting, the. recommended., pro=' , cancelled and -:enerall� speaking' cedure in , electing' directors ,and -generally� , Old Man .Winter h asbrought. to° `officers: The new plan,proposed a halt practically' all :activities � � by _the" Fairs Association, as to. social fraternal i'church a nit d elect ..1.2 :'der actors with the 'of - sport. liters 'elected,' :from within: the e : The 'annual. al idire u ., meeting of..;tlie. � ectoxate: ' `. <" • Agricultural', Society- was held'; on:. The= twelve : directors •'-named 'Saturday, and -struck ',the'. only; were' D. -Carruthers,• Robert'.Mof-'-, break in the -prolonged "``spell of • fat, Jacob:, Hunter, Gordon Kirk .weatiier.". This°meeting had been land,. George" Kennedy, -Andrew : -pi v7>:au• st R Marti R-G:=Mat- "J : Yo a W. A' Schmid, John Farrish, Scheel: At . Second , Wired:. J Adam McQueen and .Wallace 'Last' week. Ted Collyer : Corn- :ler. ' • pleted.:wirin � 'the'Second'•School "' At, the directors.' me'etin 'Mal 'blouse* for -hydro. • '.. lace Miller the'second•vce-presi 'V NTS! PANCAKE SUPPER A. pancake] supper .will be held in ..' the,Town Hall, ,Lucknow, on Shrove' Tuesday °;!February', 18, it prepared and served by The mem- bars , of. the Anglican,. Men's Club fraise: 5,30 on. Pancakes and cefg-; fee *25c. . • .ATTENTION,• LABIE'S1 of Lticknow arid ,'„Vicinity.. Ail those, interested in founda fiats garments pl ease" attend dens-= r o tsti'atirn rebr ented • ,by Nu 13r>l e Coriiet Co., held at the 11,011.0 of Mrs; '.• Chas, Mason; Campbell' St., 'W e'dnesds'ys .rohivary l;lth a:t 'The World T»ainatt" Wire Stay, qC , ti r, • . Ot , • .iM z � ,. :Ott) ' TREET:. C .;seal.-.: HT! S . tdC. 'dent,', ,was' elected ; president. ' He .4-1..ank-etit Abe honor and'assured themhe would do his'l best to fill the position,, al • though: he:, doubted if • he could The • bimonthly • meeting• of; the do it as ably ..as • Mr.;Farrish hada -- Lucknow Business-Mena::Associa ' Mr.'.Farrish: and M_r.:McQueen tin, Was held': o `. ondaynight were named honorar :.. residents`: ' with' anattendance_":of ten, mem-' Mr,• McQueen had been; •irst vice bees and President. W. C. Finla resident •• but ".had intimated:.. -.1• �. ,.Y . P : he.. son: in the chair could not assume` the presidency:.. cY:.. . • .R W. Andrew reported regard- Josephs Agnew ;was re -appointed,.. '; `•;., irig the proposed:, formation of a secretary:treasurer • - -1 l • Cha. ber:' -of Comm'- r 'local C m ,e ce. ..'The. ,associate directors and as Some of the : advantages,. of:,such: `sociate lady'dii'•ectors "wer ' ll g e, are= a f !ria rri were -euti4n a�rl—, elteed, the sir e- rn. meeting authorized the commit -, the elimination of Gordon',Kirk- -tee- to • try . to' obtain speaker'and'-s--aefrom-the - associate=. •m from' the headquartersoffice, to list; he having been ,appointed a• address local businessmen, prior" director to succeed the' late James .. g :. to, if..possibler the. nett • regular R.:'Hackett,; for .many . years an rneeting;:.' I :•-• enthusiastic and faithful 'member: "` A':donation' of. $10 . ' ,was �rrt�lade to of the Society. - the Canadian' Aid to China Fund.` W:.A..Porteous._ nd Win}. Mur• - Acknowledgements' /were re- die. were re -appointed auditors. ceivet from 1V,Ir,;`John.Hanna ,and McKenzie Webb and •:'alert the Department ' of Highways,in Moffat were 'appointed ' delegates Connection with a 'resoultion to. the 'Fairs, Associatiop.• convent �' assed "at the l'ast...Meetin . seek- :tion `but as Mr: Moffat' , p g.. ,.was un- ing to have :Highway 86 paved' this year,• with ',operations+•con:1- mencing' °at 'the' westerly end 'of the the highway:. The Meeting' ap proved having the 1 matter 'fur- therimpressed' upon. the :proper` officials. A' resolution was passed . to be submitted to 'the Village Council• asking fdi improved ;street light - ins 'on Main, Street �• The matter of ,hours,:`the; half holiday and, 'daylight saving time which• will come up for -' decision. at the srfe: t rneeting, were'briefly , diiscused at ,;this rneoting, With, it evident that there tY as: ' n'ot, l,'riitniinity°' of opinion holy those •contentious subjects. The meeting` noted the 'forty r v z yeitk'a of service rendered ' the niuiiicipaTity: by Village. Clerk ,T;,r;eph 'Agnew. 0 able to go, he.named' .Vilma Mac:.•- Iiityr�e to' take his place. Gordon Kirkland ` ,•arid. Tom Todd were named collectors• for 'the current 't year... . In the report of .the secretary= , treasurer,' Mr. .Joseph Agnew, it' was revealed that "by paying the c,,'• prize money in full, the Society r• •(Continued •on• Page Eight) Dance Friday Farrier's ' orchestra 'will provide musicfor' a St. Vale tine's' N'igh1: cage . in the Town ....'1. •t~ , o�w'n �al , • Luck now on_ F •i9day,And rauspic'es' of St. Pet:si•'s' 'Men's Club ;There's a double attraction in. town that night with ,• Wingham and fucker now hooking up in a scheduled, intermediate `heat, e'y game that • evening. • 1