HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-05, Page 7001
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February 5th, .1947
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• R .. L 4444-- _
,e J. W. 429574 t of Lueknow
ectedRWarden of the Coun-
3ruce for 1947 .when Bruce
Council opened Its ,Ian -
Session - at Walkerton on
y evening; '.January -20th.
)their • members of :Council.
,orninateci but a1l\vvithdrew
ReeYe .W�m,. Walsh of Iain
and Reeve • Jpynt; the lat-
rtn . receiving 21 votes : to his
ant's 41 in the voting. which
Warden appointed :a sty. ik
;ammittee composed'o f
Walsh, , Donnelly, Mc-
ton;- Fpater, Ba1laGfr Y, ; Mc-.
Durst,' Falconer and
ind the following standing-
ttees were` struck for'''the
nee -Messrs, 'Walsh; • :Don-
`Mclntosh, Engel, Tomlin
carroty, and Hunter,,....,;,,,," -
•ation'; &• Printing Messrs,.
hey, 'Short, Balls Stanley,
Taylor, Hesch.
ilizatien and Salaries =-
I,. Van. Duscn, Grieve; Mc-
i, MacKenzie Moore Mc-
, �BaUache3r - • .
cultural '4 Messrs, . ster
Struthers;. Engel, McGuire,,
ish, . McNaughton,
siwe Messrs, Grieve,
ison, 'Falconer,, ..Forbes,
µi A
Irestatior} 'Messrs. Sloan,
Forbes, Moore; Joynt, : Fos
urst Donnelly.:.
!arty''.-- .Messrs. McNaugh='.
ong,• Durst, • .p
se of Refu _ -Messrs. ;Fal-
VICIVIullen. and'.Joynt
dren's Shelter'. Messrs:
Ball.achey, Walsh G
lth , J�rit 1Vle rs : Dori-
Sloan, McTavish,.° Foster.
den's Messrs.. Durst,:.Van.
lVMcNat%ghtoh `'
sultative . Committee' r e.
Schuo-1 Districts — Messrs:
Joynt and , Ballachey:
Waw MessraTTorkrlirison
McMullen,.;. Walsh,..
Balls; Taylor, Foster; Fal-;
'percent, This excellent financial
condition vis. due largely to the
"p`ay-as veru ge; plan of ,inane-'
Council : adopted the following
recommendations ' of '. the High-
ways Corhmittee;
That the Province' .assume : the
CoUnty.road from Ferndale to the
northerly ilimits of Lion's Head., °
That the road .from;. No. 9
King',s highway to Formosa. be
prepared for, surf acin_ • as soon as
That t ' este ile 'of
the ,6th: Concession o . alug'een at
Gobles Grove. be 'surfaced.
The the 'road froth: Tiverton` to
the .lake be surfaced,. ...
That. the road:. from King's
Highway No 21 easterly to ,Ar=
„maw be,' 'widened, ,in: 1947 • and
plowed in the Winter thereafterf,
if a *p1oW is available .: for this
purpose. - 11
' That . the highway , running
from .Ripley ,north• to the King's
Highway. be .:hard surfaced in
According 'to, the report. of the
Keeper, Mr R T' i1es, theA num
bei of inmates at present in the'
se of Refuge is 60, of .whom
37 are inen and: 23. are' woven,
and .Reforestation Association;
$50 to the Ontario Agricultural
Council; and Canadian Aid to
China'-`.' Fund,'. $3,',,040;,. •'Chesley
Memorial Hospital, ,$ 15,000; Sau-
geen Memorial Hospital; •$15,0lQ;.
Wiarton Memorial Hospital, .$10,-
6006 Children's - Aid ' Society,
$4,200. I
The report of- the gealtli Unit
disclosedthat the: Public Health
Nurses.e f `.the unit ',have, made
1;153 visits 'to, homes. in the
*Course of their Work' on ,Prenatal
Maternal' health; Child Health,
Tuberculosis and Communicable
'Disease Control' Their .purpose'
is to give advice ',and °instruction
,along these lines. 'and .to •denion
strate where 'necessary the pro
Per health procedure required.
Irl the School • Health program,.
—almost. • all .the sehools of, , the
Ci unty jiaVe been visited bay the
sanitary.. inspectors,,-, • drinking
water sampleshave been tested
in. all •cases, and full' reports and;
recommendations for health.; im-
provements 'submitted:. . 70. pup=
ils have reported 'to the 'School
nurses for advice, -:„first„ paid, and
health • inspections: The School
medical '.officer .(Dr. , Wm, Fow-
ler). has done 374,. physical exam-;
•inatio. ns; of SchoolIt�Fis
g 'o no e a in near y
80 'percent •of th e. examinations
one'•of the, parent attended ,This:
is. an ',indication ;of' public spin-
ion: the'. people are_: defini.tely.„inL
er.ested in the 'health. me
designed' to' improve the . 'health
and happiness 9f -their children.'
�e n: dun. : in
to 40 percent of cases .examined,
nat•:..including ''bad teeth. Defects .
-referred-to, are --related. to;--defe-
tine hearing eyesight, nasal''
b'reathing,' -tonsils and.:pastille,.
'The irrporta'nce • of 'the . early col;
ihrhates 'during the. year'.. The
.gross, expenditure'' for the year
was ;$25;027,15 . but after '.reduc-
ting $25,550.17 for :.produce; sold
and, $10,040.07 ' for other ;reserve,
the amount actually expendedby
the .County was. $121436.91, or an
,person•; per week `
The: County of Bruce will`pay
for spraying: for the elimination
-of t ommon. barberry and the::pur=
:ple-leafed variety of common
barberry, since: •it is'ins trtimental
•in• the spread of rust to grain
g•, ,
crops: i An intensive warble. fly
campaign aim'e i • at the eradica-
tion of the ,.warble .v fl will 'also
be launched;' .e
'The, $5:00 bounty on foxes kill-
ed within the countywill 'be dis-
continued .an 1Vl"arc ,1st, J,94'l;•
• The Ag. gricultural committee re