HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-02-05, Page 3r, rebrUigY 5tht . 1947
LocaI. an
'oynt received' delivery
new DeSoto last week.
mind the annual meet-
e Red. .Cross Society Latest word from Dick Reed
be ;held..Ton Thursday who 'is in the American merchant
the Town Hall,, marine service, is that he has.
Mrs. I ewton•Janes of been in Italy; He 'was uncertain
formerly. Hilda Miller whether 'Itis °ship would `continue
w) are holidaying at to mare 'easterly ports or return,
Florida. •. 'to the States..
aner. a
Mrs, James. T, Lyons who 'is' in
poor health is- .a, patien • n Wing -
ham Hospital. '
• Button's farm; ..Broken propeller
was" the only damage and plane
M n Revie►• Was laterequippedwith skiis for
a take -off..
DECEMBER Red Cross service badges were
T. .Maize suffered fatal presented• to ,Mrs, A. E, Mcl im
er home at Wiingharn. and Mrs., Wm. Hornell.'
Near of Preston drop DEATHS Mrs. WM; Blake,
While, removing mach- .Mrs: ' Peter Murray, Dr: V i'il am
the •Stewart P1anipg McGuire, Mrs: Angus•MeDiarmid,
acKenzie,. wasp elected Mrs G.. G. McHardy;" D: `,M
;inloss. Councillors el;
George Tiffin,..D, I .,
Russell Gaunt' " •and
:olwell, • `
ie Rev. W.. S: Sutker-
kenced .duties as pastor
!hutch, YLangside ''and
'sbyterian: churches..
)rge' L. Douglas: receiv-•
Woodstock church:
;new: installed ,as,, Mas -
Light Lodge.
rid ' rs.' .Wray Pir i1e11
daughter' arrived from
Robertson and • Mary
had..narrow.: escape
i cowl gas as -Ory"`
Thompson, Blake' Gaunt, Mrs.
Fred Hamilton, 'Mrs. Thomas
• Begley., +'
Hall,' 45 -year-old
�liarit was,; :killed in a
n -'one -hundred young-•
Ltte•ndance at Softball;
L merribers'.of Fall Fair
pure - rcford
y.' h'e, :Ontario
is-�sociatrvn st-ated-
ions: to local .carnpaign
len: ' per capita' record
t previous •year's .cam -
L. Campbell..observed
rthday in.:St. Michael's
there She: hacr been 'a
16 . months.
••Ind,u'stries,' held open
Whitby ' elected presi
Bion :Branch
an Lorusso and two
ri ivrd from Holland to'
•horrie •here•,
Ed :Donovan;',Mrs ,J.
was fatally. 7' injured
ek by la car .in'
troyea herrre oi' Robert
ear : Whitechurch.
oynt returned
for' fifth . term as.' reeve
w. Satin Sherwood and
ley succeeded ..Temple
,Harr: ' Nixon "on .coup
;rawford fille . `vacancy
►ke out ani the village
of Harvey. :Webster,.
ne` .o1 •,Godericb.1j de
landing of his private•
plane in:. field • on R J.
r treatment • of'.
wmatic and
h'ritc • Pa ins,
uritis, etc.:-
The antigens being
"fully' released, begin'.
- to•.immedtately incite
the system to produce,
antibodies, which' :in
,turn destroy the toxic.
poisons given
off by' the
germs: and a1,
o render'the
Poison germs
.harmless. .
n s Drug .Store
A Heartbreaker
After' : taking a .20-5 ,lacing , in
Milverton last, week, . Wingharn;
Wear Wells. took on ..the. league-
' -leading Listowel :squad a couple
of nights. later --,at least fQp• •r almost:
three periods. they did'.. 'V itn only
a:eight :minutes:. to'go 'Wi , gh am
led 6 to 2, • but Listowel fired in.
three'.quick .ones •and with thirty
seconds rernaining.. tied it, up,. In -
the. overtime. sto we1 outscored
tli'erri 3 toa I for a 9 to 7 Victory.:
For , ;the Milverton game Wing -
ham , was minus "H•amrner" 'Mc-
Leod in ,the nets, .'.
AN • ENLARGED high school dis=
trict is: a matter' foi action.. this.
year, kiricai•d'ine. Board: of Edu-
cation' has decided..
(Continued from Page:Two)
placing :them. in foster: homes,.
a' d thin! them' to: a.• training'
school'Our experience has. prey
'en, ' .beyond; a doubt, that this is
the better plan '
.The boy .who:, gets into :trouble
because he is ,high-spirited I and:
astray, .oi bec•ause•:,he •,knows: no.
bette ,: is worth. -reclaiming.. He
should have 'a second chance of '
whatev'ef inaniber of ' chances'' he
may need, and society should; s'e'e.
that he gets;:them''-and if • not, is
guilty 'e.t.a misdeine'anor too '.re-:
prehensible• foi
Foster Homes.:•
•The day has come 'when we'
are •no longer :on.. the look -out for
adoption':probation homes There
w'Q--W'ill you .phase .tell me
When the price of o shoes . will . be
increased? ° •
AThe +Boardauthorized an
increase i the price of mens,
wornens and ehildrens, leatiier
footwear . to. be effective at • the :
manufacturing' level. ori' January
20th. 'The p ice4 to: the ...consu ner,
Will not be . increased until prey=
ent inventory stocks are depleted
and . your dealer must .pay more
for his stock,: `
Q—My landlord • has reduced
amount of heat 'in our apartment.
•Could he "be required to give' us
a more satisfactory. service? -' ' - •
AWe ,regret that regulations
of the Board do not govern' the
amount": o f heat to be 'supplied: in.
an apartment This is usually
covered by the terms of •the lease.'
,In ,the absence 'of act°'•. te• the
contrary 'between landlord and
tenant no person shall lessen or.
discontinue the: heating !to be
supplied by the landlord unless
he secures. from the .rental ap-
praiser a written . permit so to do.
If you believe the amount ofheat
has been ,, decreased you should'
consult • your solicitor :who'will
advise you if any. municipal or
•proymaal .laws govern .:tinst.3
ter and may make an application'
for reduction ,of rent' to. the' near
est local' office of'the-Board,
Q --4I have a •'two and 'a ;h_alf
z.�x d"•''�w-her � : r equi-z.es
evaporated milk in his ,diet..When
I obtained his, first :ration I had
a "doctor's • certificate: Recently Y.
had :to have the, allowance re-
newed• and1•was tOtct Ghat I„must
have •a .doctor's ' certificate • every..
time, require 'rno” '; 'coupons:
Why this?
A -;The ruling. Which ,•,requres:
a .'certificate: every' time";a ..ration
renewed was' :made • because' of
small;suppl'ies of the evaporated
PAGE. pint
Lucknow, ..Ontario.;
Milk which: is rationed 'inareas
where fluid milk is, available. As
children 'grow ;older .other foods
.are' .1 rod; eed - -into Beni
If` hisration we're.'renewed auto-
matically: it. could .be 'use'd .tor
unnecessary purposes in the
household. .Available supplies..:.
must be conserved for -necessary
'purposes. •
F i1e "
nurse's, hand 'cooled my fever' in-
stantly. '
L. Second Miner: Yeah, We heard
the :Slap all over the 'wardl
applications for babies under: one
year old: This'. should not hinder
anyone . from placing an applicat'
tion,: if he wants; 4, child, as his
home may 'be the ''very •one we
*,t• .4$ .stated •'previously, • we"
have fifty children, at present 'on•
adoption: probation', ..waiting for
the t'wo Year .probation' period oto •�+
elapse.' before ' :they can ' receive
legal : adoption papers ' ; -
It• is 'not always .easy; to • find
fester .'honnes,, especially .in eases
where children -ha'e problems.
Anyone who takes a child
this and makes.a success of it has
,dome rnorc.:for' humtlanity than he
would do by adopting sei•eral'
children, •
. I
Appreciation ,
appl•eciate . the excellent, co
operation received; from the staff,
"the $oard and ,Scicicty'mernhers,
'the County and Provincial offic-
ials, .the press„ the'variqus clubs'
and organizations throughout the
County; mentioning in . particular
the officers . of the Women's ' In-
stitutes ' who : were instrumental;
in helping t organize 'meetings
for- the " clothi`rig' campaign.
Let'sus continue to work toy
-`gather for the common good. •
Respectfully. submitted,
" Donald W, Cameron',
A` four 'week's ' short- course or.
young men and women of ' North.=
Huron, Opened on Tuesday of this
week at •Beigrave. 'This .Course - of
nelementary';ag'riculture andhome •
e:conornies will continuefor, a:. ,
period, of four • weeks.
' The course is . conducted by the
=ranoo he On
tario •Department of .-Ag'riculture..
Instructresses; tor- . ' the: home.
economics classes. are *Miss ,Florae.
Durnin and ' Miss Nora Creyke.
Donations, s
to `this' Fund will be spent in -Canada to buy needed - supplies •
for China's starting'and disease=hidden people -and, will: be distributed
in China by a Canadian Committee:
° e
Montreal, Finlayson.',Bros., Rae and : Porteous,—',_ :
McKi 's ' ornell's.' or 'The Sentinel Office, and ' for the
addedconvenience of rural donors at Millers, St: Helens;•.
]Brown's,r. i. angside ' Percy's,' Ho1yrood';
fough;`.Frank M'acLennan's,' ;Lochalsh.:
�r.. Lucknow an
T. W. S1VIITI , .Chairman;
J. A. THOMr SON; Treasurer;'REV. J. Tv sq'1^EWART,. Secretary